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Notes & issues:
- To use, open like a normal SWF mod (in Modding tab).
- This mod works with Vanilla and the Loader.
- This mod needs the Flash player to be put in full screen mode to see its sides.
- Precum flashing extension to 16/9 is due to sby's modding skills.
- The bottom part will be shown ingame when zoomed out and the top part when zoomed in.
- Change position with the left/right arrow keys.
- Zooming in too much will cut the sides of the girl and the guy if full screen is used in Vanilla.
- If the Loader is used with shortcuts involving arrows (eg. right arrow to clear strands), there will be a small conflict. The shortcuts keyCodes can be changed in the corresponding TXT files (list of keyCodes).

Akiyama Mio HD animated background (with a static HD background of the same scene).