added changegravityforhairstrands position setting. now can specify if want strands and hair gravity changed independently. positions made before animtools 15 will assume this is equal to changegravityforstrands
added animtoolss settings:
maxhairrangetochange=25 ;0 to 360 degrees, animtools will ignore changing gravity for hair strands whose gravity direction are above this
minhairrangetochange=-25 ;0 to -360 degrees, animtools will ignore changing gravity for hair strands whose gravity direction are below this
hairgravityapplyoffset=1 ;1=active, hair strands that have a gravity offset will maintain that offset with scene rotation
the range was added in case a dynamic hair has some crazy gravity vectors to hold hair upright. so default settings are to change those within a 25 degree offset from normal 0 'pointing down' gravity.
should help for hairs like this:
Roxie/Homika from Pokémon | Undertow