breast expansion plus V3.3
added setting pressureexpansionactive=1 that enables the pressure expansion feature. just forgot to add it to the settings file before.
added setting pukeenabledonlywhenawake=1 so you can not have her puke when passed out
added settings
breastsizepercentcumfrombreast=1.1 //0.0 to 1.0+, ratio of how often breasts will cum on change in accordance to breast size. 0.1 makes breast size not really matter (but will need to offset it with a higher breastsizebasepercentcumfrombreast like 0.2), 0.9 makes breast size near max almost required (and should offset it with a lower breastsizebasepercentcumfrombreast like -0.2 so it doesn't happen so often).
breastsizebasepercentcumfrombreast=-0.3 //-1.0 to 1.0+, base percentage of how often cum from breasts occur. 0.1 is not very often on change. use negative to balance higher values of breastsizepercentcumfrombreast
these are to help with having less breast cum near lower end of the expansion range
bugfix, removed rounding applied to bodysize tracking, was causing some glitchyness.