dialogdisplayeditV5 by sby
added hard coded colors you can swap out what speak,him,and thought colors are. uses a dialog action with the formatting:
harcoded colors:
intro:"testing speak red[dialogdisplayedit_speak_red]"{"style":"Speak"}
intro:"testing him red[dialogdisplayedit_him_red]"{"style":"Him"}
intro:"testing thought red[dialogdisplayedit_thought_red]"{"style":"Thought"}
you can go back to the initial custom colors defined by the settings file by specifying the color 'initialsettings':
intro:"Testing speak back to initialsettings [dialogdisplayedit_speak_initialsettings]"{"style":"Speak"}
intro:"Testing him back to initialsettings [dialogdisplayedit_him_initialsettings]"{"style":"Him"}
intro:"Testing thought back to initialsettings [dialogdisplayedit_thought_initialsettings]"{"style":"Thought"}
you can go back to the default colors that sdt uses by specifying the color 'default':
intro:"Testing speak default[dialogdisplayedit_speak_default]"{"style":"Speak"}
intro:"Testing him default[dialogdisplayedit_him_default]"{"style":"Him"}
intro:"Testing thought default[dialogdisplayedit_thought_default]"{"style":"Thought"}
added additonal styles that you can assign using a dialog action:
the formatting for setting the colors goes like so:
where the first ###### is the background color represented in hex rgb values, and the second ###### is the text color represented in hex rgb values
intro:"Testing her custom style, red backgroundg with green text ..... [dialogdisplayedit_setspeakcustomstyle_ff5050_50ff50]"{"style":"SpeakCustom"}
intro:"Testing him custom style, blue background with purple text .....[dialogdisplayedit_sethimcustomstyle_0000ff_ff00ff]"{"style":"HimCustom"}
intro:"Testing thought custom style, gray background with white text .....[dialogdisplayedit_setthoughtcustomstyle_333333_ffffff]"{"style":"ThoughtCustom"}
There are also the alt styles defined in the settings file from the previous update:
see included 'example_dialog.txt' for more examples