----- v1.32a -----

- Changed the .exe launcher back to @sby's .bat because of too much antivirus false positive complaints (which I totally understand)
UPDATE: ----- v1.32 -----

- Sweet Treats -> Fin de Soirée v1.03: Corrected the invisible beast bug, corrected the unsuckable beast bug, upgraded the dialogue to take full advantage of the latest upgrades of MoreTriggers. (Like smooth penis increases instead of jumps).

Ghostbusters v1.03: Minor changes, bug corrections.

- Bonus -> Clara Loft and the jade statue v1.22: Upgraded the dialogue to take full advantage of the latest upgrades of MoreTriggers. (Like smooth penis increases instead of jumps)

- WTF -> Farmer's Daughter v1.02: Updated the Horse Cock to @lemurian-seed 's new v1.01.

- Write-Utils -> Triggers Tester v1.12: Updated to reflect the new triggers of MoreTriggers 2.2 and DialogueActions 4.07.
----- v1.31 -----

+ADD+ Write Utils -> I've added 2 char folders with the testgirl to launch quickly and easily my Line Types and Triggers Tester "dialogues".
I'll continue to maintain them so that they can be found and launched independently of any package, but I found logical to put them here, in a write utils folder resource !

Star Wars Sandbox v0.96 -> Minor correction to intro text + corrected Aayla's eyes color + corrected the Sith Tattoos mod so that it is now implemented to Darth Talon (Many thanks to Modguy for this !!)

Farmer's Daughter v1.01 -> Corrected a bug which prevented the dialogue to launch normally.

Wonderfilled v0.91 -> Something that I can't define seems to have introduced de-synchronization with dial/audio. This has been adjusted for me but this is still largely dependant on your PC so I hope you'll now be able to play it as intended for much fun :)
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+ADD+ WTF -> Wonderfilled v0.9: It's just an exorcism because I had this fucking Oreo Ad music looping in my head. If you need to exorcise as well, enjoy :grin:

+ADD+ Bonus -> Loving Wife (full) v2, by @VincentL : Your wife has been waiting for you to coma back home all day. She's very horny and it won't take long before she deepthroats your cock and beg of you to fuck her wet pussy.

+ADD+ Write Utils folder where you'll find useful mods when writing dialogues or building charfolders.
Monitor Dialogue v2: Shows an overlay where all lines built and read by the dialogue system are reported in real-time with their priorities. Very good addition to the dialogue logs so that you can see in real-time what is happening in your dialogue.
Show Mod Info: Shows which parts of the body are loaded when you load a Mod. Very useful when you want to set-up your sby's moreclothing folder !
Char Helper v0.2: A template folder designed to help you create some dialogues. Complete How-To inside !

Star Wars Sandbox v0.95 -> Minor corrections for more reliable characters loading + Added the Bikini to Leia Slave (Finally found it :)) + Added the Outfit for Ahsoka (Also found it deep down in the forum !!) and totally reorganized the folder so that it is not a fucking mess anymore :tongue:
Oh... And I also added Shaak Ti :)

WTF -> Smurfette 1.2: Modified to use the Char Helper Folder Template and be a working example for you. Modified very small things here and there to the dialogue itself.

General: Reorganized all my own dialogues under the "Sweet Treats" sub menu for better organization and visibility of the rest.
Harmonisation of the displayed size of thumb pictures (Yep, that was very important :D)
Dialogues will start a little bit quicker.
Don't know why all the thumb files got lower case again. Re-changed all to Thumb.png with the good case for case-sensitive systems.
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+ADD+ Bonus -> CGma's Dynamic Girlfriend. This time I modified almost nothing in the dialogue. Just packaged it in a charfolder with a girlfriend that I hope you'll like, and added an intro to justify the background. Of course, this is still just to let you discover this dialogue if you didn't know it.

+ADD+ WTF -> Farmer's Daughter. So that you can see what can be done in SDT with just a clever Background and Animtools positions. (FPS is a little low though, you can undress the girl to get higher FPS). Credits to @MoonMoon for the original idea: Horse background/position/penis and @lemurian-seed for the better Horse Cock: Real Horse Cock

- All -> Modified the Loading Dialogue of each Charfolder for those 2 improvements:
- Major: You should experience a lot less character oddities when switching from one dialogue to another, thus reducing the needs for resetting and relaunching SDT.
- Minor: The loading fading is now immediate: you won't have a spoiler of the coming scene/girl before the loading is complete and dialogue is launched.

- Bonus -> Clara Loft v1.21: Added a Tree Covering Overlay (using the artwork extracted from sclover13's mod to get over the arm and hair layer bug it suffers).

- Fin de soirée v1.02 -> Totally removed the é in the file & folder names to get rid of the encoding problems which may prevent the dialogue to load !

- WTF -> Smurfette v1.1 -> Added some management buttons (Grab, Stroke, Undress...) for you to test and if this is good I will create a dialogue template with all these feature pre-added so that it facilitates the advanced dialogue writing for everybody.

- Ghostbusters v1.02 -> Minor bug corrected.

- Star Wars Sandbox v0.91 -> Modified some little things to correct visual aspect of the girls when I could. Please be aware that SwitchSet is not always predictable in what it loads, so for the same mods (Aayla & Mission Vao outfit for example, you may have different results ! And also if you switch too quickly between the girls, it will reload the entire charfolder, and thus, replay the intro. I can do nothing about this myself).
Just corrected a bug which could prevent the Ghostbusters dialogue to be launched for some people after the intro is played.
Added Ghostbusters dialogue and Star Wars sandbox. Minor updates or bug corrections to other dialogues and the smurfette will now have some kind of reaction when you fuck her.

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