Added Dialogue Actions for Tits Swaying and Masturbation at relevant points in the dialogue. She likes to masturbate - maybe too much. I figured it gives her a reason for being so horny and cumming so often. I've altered hand placements so it shouldn't interfere too much with handjobs and general gameplay, but I've also added triggers to stop masturbating whenever she's pulled up or down. Unfortunately she's sometimes too turned on to notice. If the masturbation is distracting, I've included another version of the file with all dialogue actions removed.
I've also done a lot of general housekeeping. All extraneous and pace-killing ellipses have been deleted, and speech and triggers arranged better to keep the flow of dialogue smooth. Eyes now open at the end of every line, followed by a Б pause to allow time to read each line in full. Several lines that were not up to a consistent writing standard and had no interesting effects have been removed.
I've also done what I can for now to balance her mood changes. Now that she's hornier than ever, more lines across more types of actions will worsen her mood. For now this is most notable during vigorous deepthroating. You'll have to be patient and use her frustration as a way to win her back with some TLC.