The full RGB version of this hair binds itself to the Headwear RGB slots. A total of 3 versions are available for users:
Example of Hair Colors:
RGB Demonstration, showing the hair binding to Headwear channels (as depicted by the base Cat Ears headwear):
RGB Demonstration of the "Static Hair with Headwear RGB-1" version:
RGB Demonstration of the "Static Hair with Headwear RGB-2" version:
Since this is just a hair mod, no custom folder is supplied.
- In the Full RGB version, the hair color itself occupies Headwear RGB slider 1, and the scrunchie on the ponytail occupies Headwear RGB slider 2.
- In the Static Hair with Headwear RGB-1 version, the hair is a set color (as based on the original request, with the scrunchie taking its color from Headwear RGB slider 1.
- In the Static Hair with Headwear RGB-2 version, the hair is a set color (same set color from version 2), with the scrunchie taking its color from Headwear RGB slider 2 instead.
Example of Hair Colors:

RGB Demonstration, showing the hair binding to Headwear channels (as depicted by the base Cat Ears headwear):

RGB Demonstration of the "Static Hair with Headwear RGB-1" version:

RGB Demonstration of the "Static Hair with Headwear RGB-2" version:

Since this is just a hair mod, no custom folder is supplied.