RGB Nipple Pasties

RGB Nipple Pasties 1.0

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Top - Nipple Pasties.jpg

  • To use, open with the SWF mod button in the Modding tab.
  • This mod works with Vanilla and the Loader.
  • Change the colour of the patch using the Bra slider and the colour of the pendant using the Nipple Piercing one.
  • A version with no pendants is also available in the downloads.
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. No pendant version.

    Added a version with no pendant.

Latest reviews

I like this mod, is there any way to get rid of the pendant that is hanging and only have the pastie? I want to be able to change the color of the nipple by changing the pastie color and lowering the opacity and this is the only mod that I could find that provided that ability.
I uploaded a "no pendant version".
If you want to change the colour of the nipple, you can request a specific bodymod that will change only the nipple tint and there will be no semi-transparent outline of the pastie (but I won't do it personnally).
Almost weird in hindsight that nobody did this before. Execution is perfect too. Great job!
There are not many mods involving piercings in fact. This one isn't really a piercing strictly speaking, but it uses the nipple piercing slot, that by chance has been made dynamic by konashion in Vanilla.

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