Requested by tickles
This mod adds the following:
This mod adds the following:
- Settings for customizing sweat drops: size, speed, maximum allowed, creation locations, etc.
- Note: Only affects sweat created by this mod and in vanilla (won't affect sweat created by other mods)
- Customizable vanilla sweat rate
- New toggle button with 3 settings:
- White - sweating off
- Blue - sweating on
- Green - sweating on + periodic sweat generation
- Slider to set sweat rate, with reset button:
- 0.0 = all the way left = no sweat
- 0.5 = middle = normal sweat rate
- 1.0 = all the way right = double sweat rate
- Note: Won't affect sweat created by other mods
- Charcode functionality for UI elements:
- Adds 'sweat:sweatMode,sliderValue' to character codes
- Ex: 'sweat:1,0.8' = sweating on, increased sweat rate
- Adds 'sweat:sweatMode,sliderValue' to character codes
- Dynamic sweating - adds ability to generate sweat based on the following:
- Pass out factor
- Vigor
- Handjob movement
- Hand tapping
- Clenching teeth
- Wincing
- Coughing
- On wake
- Mood-based periodic sweat generation (vanilla + moremoods)
- Note: This is in addition to sweat generated by moremoods
- Dialogue actions to toggle mode and adjust slider:
- [SWEAT_MODE_*0-2*]
- Ex: [SWEAT_MODE_0] = turn sweating off
- [SWEAT_RATE_*0-100*]
- Ex: [SWEAT_RATE_80] = set slider to 0.8
- [SWEAT_MODE_*0-2*]
- Too much sweating (increased maximum sweat drops) will have an impact on performance.
- The code that determines when to generate sweat in vanilla SDT is contained inside the her.move() method, and I ended up replacing that entire method to get to it. I don't know of any other mods that proxy her.move(), but this is a potential source of conflict.
- I don't have any experience with dialogue actions so hopefully there aren't any issues there.