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Kiri: Wide Panty Crotch Death
Kiri gives up an absolutely helpless defeat to her conqueror in combat, having been dropped by stabbing blades. She falls with thighs widely spread, still conscious enough to hold her legs apart, exposing the extremely wide crotch of her white plastic diaper pants, inviting a finishing blow...
I'm figuring with that smooth and taut plastic crotch between her legs, that would force a hard ejaculation in a very short time. In her story I wrote about her rape by a pack of worgs, I mentioned the pack alpha's very heavy and turgid cock that was dripping with precum, and was gliding over the crotch of her plastic briefs, with Kiri spreadeagled beneath it much like this. That got the worg ever harder, until Kiri's stretched the leg hole elastic aside, leading the tip to her cunt, and she was immediately speared on the massive cock.
Thats really hot. I really like the idea of Kiri exciting creatures with the sensation of those pants. I would love to see her in desperation as some sort of aliens dry hump of thrust against them making her really horny and frustrated
Thats really hot. I really like the idea of Kiri exciting creatures with the sensation of those pants. I would love to see her in desperation as some sort of aliens dry hump of thrust against them making her really horny and frustrated
An idea of her in an abduction scenario would be interesting. Instead of some creatures, I'm thinking of a tribe or race of space vixens, but maybe who are artificially grown in vats by high technology, and actually have no sense of sexuality.

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Exploited Kiri and companions...foes
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Exploited Kiri
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