When the forum was not connected these days, I used PicLumen to make some pictures with FPS game UI screens. The following are some pictures that I am more satisfied with.
The first level is the city level, and the opponent is a gang called "Pink Girl"
The second level is the desert level...
I'm looking for specifically female on female rp. I'm happy to be the zako(s) or the heroine. All I ask for is at least three sentences in length for each post. The rest we can discuss in DMs. My discord is thecertifiedmofu
Hey all,
I love writing, watching, and imagining new scenarios centered around the fun and light comics and shows about heroes/heroines fighting zako baddies. Been reading on the forums for a while and wanted to write down my own fictional universe. Anyone who's interest gets peaked or has a...
This is a thread dedicated to purely female-vs-female fight scenes. Feel free to share images, gifs, video links, stories, questions, polls, kinks, info and anything related to female-vs-female fight scenes. For those who are huge fans of F/F fight scenes, like myself, let's celebrate this genre...
My bf just recently told me about this zako fetish. It has been years and he has kept this much of a secret of his, he told me when he was drunk. He didn't want to tell me much about it. He felt ashamed. And I wanted to know how can I explore this with him. Is there even a place for me in this...
Looking for anyone who is interested in an RP with Zako's. Looking specifically for a partner who wants to be Zako. DMs are open and I'm available to RP here and on discord.
Bill20#5269 is my discord so DM me their if you prefer discord!
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