Vidcaps | 22 Images
Xander is determined to kill Supernova by any means necessary, even if it costs him his chance take over the world. However, his previous attempt to destroy the costumed...
Vidcaps | 13 Images
Even if you die, you can still live to fight again. All it takes is one mouse click...
The mighty defender of justice can talk, but she does not have the willpower to fight the compelling depravation that completely subdues her and strips her of all virtue. Disillusioned, another bogus icon of freedom finally realizes that she's little more than a hopeless prisoner of her own...
Superego Girl is little more than Libido Man's mindless puppet. Now, he's re-programming her to perform the very immoral tasks she had been trying to prevent. For Libido man's plan to work, however, his new lapdog must learn to torture and kill of her own volition.
Mp4 (720p, 4 Mbps) 26:08...
"Every time it gets out that my body absorbs punishment, little scanks like you come crawling through the woodwork. You want a piece of the big dog? Ruff! You think you can hurt me?"
Her larger, stronger adversary seems completely immune to physical abuse, butt Alexa isn't. And, the Bulge is...
Sunder is normally impervious to pain, but this time the champion of justice is in for quite a shock. Her arch enemy, Agony, is armed with kryptonite charged weapons. And, knowing where Sunder is most vulnerable, the evil seductress aims to pummel and galvanize an icon of virtue into groveling...
“Chained” – Upcoming Series from Kristina Hess – Heroine Movies
From the creators that made A Live-Action Comic Book Site Based on Sexy Superheroines! comes a new series.
Some clarification on what content to expect from Kristina in the comments section at heroinemovies,
'Our series is...
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