This game is a rather unique game, I must say!
Here, you're an alien parasite that came from the deep reaches of space and landed here on Earth.
For some reason, you took interest on "sleeping women", especially their dreams so you decided to mess with their dreams so you can eventually...
Vidcaps | 12 Images
A special cocktail disables Angel's mind-control power. In any case, the comely freedom fighter would have been better off as a mind reader. Angel doesn't need special...
Vidcaps | 22 Images
Xander is determined to kill Supernova by any means necessary, even if it costs him his chance take over the world. However, his previous attempt to destroy the costumed...
Vidcaps | 13 Images
Even if you die, you can still live to fight again. All it takes is one mouse click...
Ultrawoman has a top secret mission of the utmost priority, namely, to walk straight into a criminal lair and get taken. While it's a simple matter to overpower, completely subdue, and carry off their submissive pet, the power mad schemers of the seventh sanctum would rather have a vicious...
That story was cooperatively written by me and person which nickname was Eslaf and I knew nothing more about him (he is from América Latina). It is still not finished, Eslaf faded or may be just dropped it, and English is not native language for nor of us. So in this forum I will post every part...
That story was cooperatively written by me and person which nickname was Eslaf and I knew nothing more about him (he is from América Latina). It is still not finished, Eslaf faded or may be just dropped it, and English is not native language for nor of us. SO in this thread I will most every...
The invincible goddess may have super powers, but when she unexpectedly becomes host to a human soul, she turns out to be far too impotent to even save herself. Her personal demon violates her with complete impunity, and stubborn resistance only increases her torment. Yet, the hapless heroine...
This episode illustrates the mind control concept. Apparently, the villains have figured out how to turn people into remote-controlled puppets by implanting special microchips inside their heads. As a result, all parties (superheroines, villains, and of course the audience) don't know for sure...
How many times does Supernova have to narrowly escape defeat before it slowly dawns on her that maybe, just perhaps she's not really invincible? No matter how many times they walk right into a trap, fall for some despicable trick, or get hit with some high tech weapon, they always seem to be...
Kali "This world will be mine!"
Kara "Over my dead body."
Kali "Those terms are acceptable."
Kara's mission is strictly to observe human kind. However, in violation of planet Nova's prime directive, Kara has chosen to become Supernova, a costumed vigilante with superhuman powers...
To be or not to be a superheroine. That is the question. Do you use your power to help others or do you reserve it only for yourself? Is stealing a crime, if you do it to save a life? Shouldn't Moonstar and Talon be on the same team? And what's so heroic about shots below the belt?
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