
  1. D

    Mowgli vs Panda Delgado lethal fuckfight

    Based on: Mowgli and Panda stood naked, facing each other in a secluded part of the jungle. Mowgli's lean, muscular body contrasted sharply with Panda's voluptuous curves. She was a striking woman with dark skin, fierce green eyes, and a mane of...
  2. T

    Looking For a Zako/Snuff/Non-con RP partner

    Hello, I'm looking for partners interested in exploring some more Niche or Extreme kinks with me, Specifically looking for partners interested in being on the receiving end/victim and play a female/females. I have several scenario's and ideas in the backlog, but I'm overall quite flexible and am...
  3. P

    Rihanna - Bitch Better Have My Money (360° fantasy snuff)

    Rihanna likes to show her tongue after she cut yours ! I enjoyed Rihanna bloody legs and ass. Install Youtube app from googleplay and use the Youtube app with your cardboard 3d glasses. The above image is like when you don't use your cardboard 3d glasses. Use the below link and click "Play in...
  4. M

    Anyone know the name of this male snuff video?(it's fake, i promise)
  5. W

    Original Special Agent Jack: Black Widow

    Special Agent Jack: Black Widow I had been given the most difficult task in destroying FREYA and its henchmen. It would take time, but I am not going to fail the mission. My first target is the FREYA's right hand woman, a dangerous woman called the Black Widow, who is also the leader of FREYA's...
  6. S

    Fantasizing about touhou characters being zakos

    Futo was guarding her shrine on a dark night when suddenly she'd felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her throat. She fought back but they easily pulled her to an empty room as she thrashed wildly. "Shhhhh..." The man leaned in with a smile. "Let go!" She shouted out. "Hush now, time for...
  7. T

    Touhou -art request

    Can someone draw this girl getting quietly snuffed out in a sleeperhold with piss staining her skirt? koakuma (touhou) drawn by asa_(coco) | Danbooru koakuma (touhou) drawn by yumi_(careca398) | Danbooru
  8. F

    On the Job Training

    Vidcaps | 10 Images _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The ruthless villain knows as well as any superheroine peril fan, that costumed vigilantes are easier to defeat than little old ladies with umbrellas. Oddly enough, these...
  9. F

    Powerless | Amber McAlester, Coco

    Vidcaps | 29 Images __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A ruthless villain uses a deadly toxin to destroy Sunder. Mylo is so anxious to pursue his lofty plan to assume control of the nation, that he doesn't...
  10. F

    Dark Deception | Danielle Maye

    Vidcaps | 12 Images ______________________________________________________________________________________ Darkwing is determined to infiltrate the 7th Sanctum, a secret society whose elite leaders are bent on world domination, but first she must rescue a damsel in distress. The cunning and...
  11. H

    Upcoming snuff game trailer

    So I remember seeing a trailer for video game sometime within the last year that was basically a snuff simulator. Had nudity, torture, all kinds of crazy shit. I don't remember the name and my Google Fu is not working. Anyone have any ideas? It was s 3d game looked pretty damned good. Pretty...
  12. F

    Sunder's Demise - Amber McAlester

    Vidcaps | 8 Images ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yet another noble crusader proves to be too impotent to stand for virtue. Ironically, if Sunder had not somehow managed to delude herself, no one would be...
  13. F

    Split Personality- Natasha Anastasia, Rebecca Mason

    Vidcaps | 22 Images ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Xander is determined to kill Supernova by any means necessary, even if it costs him his chance take over the world. However, his previous attempt to destroy the costumed...
  14. D

    Interactive Zako Novel: The Requisite Academy for Duplicitous Girls

    This novel is based in a semi-mystical but mainly real world story. The protagonist will find herself sent to an all girls correctional boarding school for student who misbehave. It won’t be too long until she realizes something doesn’t check out and that this school may not be all it seems. She...
  15. LMaiden

    A Broken World With No Values (Story)

    Authors words: Hello everyone! Yep, I am new to Undertow, but I really like to be here. The Zako section of this site gived me a lot of good times. Too bad there is just a few people making content now. My dream is to be a writer in the future, so I thought, what write my own Zako/Guro story...
  16. D

    Interactive Zako Story

    Making an interactive Zako story. I’ll take the requests and suggestions and incorporate them into the story. The story takes place slightly in the future in a dystopian world where the White Knight Corps are trying to rule the land and take scarce resources. - All fights will be female vs...
  17. Bad7

    The Adventures of Princessbane (Zako, snuff, some guro)

    The Adventures of Princessbane Chapter 1. Old Friend Throtax Ironheart, Master of The Hunt, wielder of the famed Demon Eyes Princess Eldma Feyorass Crystal: Wanted Alive by the Torgian Empire. (Brought in willingly, in chains, battered, beaten or naked) 8000 crowns. Her advisor, the...
  18. F

    Guro Video Request

    Anyone have any videos of women getting cut in half transversely (from pussy to head)? Women getting impaled vaginally with the impalement device penetrating through her mouth? Perhaps getting a shotgun shoved up her pussy as the trigger is pulled? Women getting attacked and struggling to fight...
  19. ZakoForce69

    [RP Story: gore, snuff, pissing] Sicarias, Ch. 1, Bungle in the Jungle

    Sicarias, Ch. 1 ----* Bungle in the Jungle *---- The world fell apart in the year 2030. The predictions of the climatologists, long ignored by the multinational corporations and corrupt world governments, came true all at once. The first thing to go was the water. The next, was civil order...
  20. ZakoForce69

    [ STORY: snuff, pissing, blood ] You Only Cry Once : The End of Zako Keibree

    You Only Cry Once : The End of Zako Keibree >> Mission Report 8/23/20 Agent: Steel Kill No: #25/ 80 Target: Keibree (Zako) Status: Eliminated Details: Steel got the drop on her easy. Zako Keibree was too busy trying to adjust her pathetic minidress down over her tiny white...

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