
  1. BlueZephyr

    Requesting Permissions on Upcoming Character Pack

    I'm looking for a moderator to ask about what's allowed on an upcoming character pack I'm working on but don't know how or who to contact. I remember someone talking about the rules of this specific content type before but I don't know if those rules still apply after the site changing hands a...
  2. Lokolol

    Upcoming ryona focused games

    Hey guys, I'm currently working on an Angel Corps based game, and started a FANBOX to raise some funds to improve development over it, were I'm developing even more games with different characters and themes the supporters can decide. Here some gameplay: If anyone got interested, my FANBOX...
  3. H

    Upcoming snuff game trailer

    So I remember seeing a trailer for video game sometime within the last year that was basically a snuff simulator. Had nudity, torture, all kinds of crazy shit. I don't remember the name and my Google Fu is not working. Anyone have any ideas? It was s 3d game looked pretty damned good. Pretty...
  4. Sausage&Eggs

    Upcoming Games

    Made a post in the old GVZ that had a small bit of discussion about up coming games to look forward to. That thread is gone but I thought I'd start it again here and hopefully we get more participants as well. New releases, re-releases or upcoming games. Pics, trailers, info are encouraged. A...

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