This story follows Nicoles Wyne, a spy from an organization called MEGA, known for their technological development and devices in public, but in secret they track down any and all criminal syndicates, this one in particular is against ZANDIK corps, a very large criminal organization lead by...
Hey all,
I love writing, watching, and imagining new scenarios centered around the fun and light comics and shows about heroes/heroines fighting zako baddies. Been reading on the forums for a while and wanted to write down my own fictional universe. Anyone who's interest gets peaked or has a...
Arecent anime with villainess that rides nude on mobile suit and she attaches her self with tentacles, when she fought the protagonist he managed to open her cockpit and she tied to attack with her tentacles but he decapitated her, does that Ring any bells🤔
Viper falls: Viper_Falls
Selene Drake stars as the super heroine Viper. Viper is on a routine assignment to bring in a villain, but he has a serum which makes him very strong. He captures Viper with the intent of breaking her.
Includes: Low blows, Bearhugs, M/F fighting, Belly punching, AOH...
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