Assassin's Creed Series (1 Viewer)

Which is your favorite ryona in the AC Series?

  • AC: Brotherhood

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • AC: Revelations

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • AC III

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AC IV: Black Flag

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • AC Syndicate

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • AC Origins

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • AC Odyssey

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • AC Valhalla

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Sheesh, this website is a ghost town nowadays, huh? That is unfortunate...

Anyway, I used to enjoy the AC Multiplayer modes. Some of the female character designs were nice looking and some of the executions were pretty sweet. I also used to love the amount of ryona sounds that you could extract from the game's files. Each language would come with it's own specific ryona sounds and some of them were pretty damn good. I always like collecting various damage and death sounds for modding other games.

Regarding singleplayer ryona, I really liked the look of Evie, but the goddamn death screen was terrible. You could have Lucy Thorne start some beatdown animations on Evie, but the damn game would immediately go into that stupid "Desynchronized" death screen.

More recently, with Odyssey, we have a much less intrusive death screen. Like you said, they actually keep the camera focused on your character while they are dying. However, I do have two issues with Odyssey's ryona, one minor and one major.

Minor issue: I simply would like more kill animations. I kind of wish the enemies could use the same kill animations as the player. We get tons of different ones to use for every weapon type, but enemies only have one specific kill for each weapon.

Major issue: Audio! Where the fuck is the audio for the main character when they are dying? Audio is integral for my enjoyment of ryona and Kassandra is completely silent during all the death animations. It freaking blows. They better fix this shit in Valhalla. Between this and the For Honor executions, Ubisoft has completely dropped the ball on the audio aspect of their kill animations.

Speaking of Valhalla, there are supposedly a lot more enemy types now. We will see how true that is. Lets hope they keep the less intrusive death screen and add some actual audio for when the main character dies.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I remember beating the hell out of poor female civilians around Monteriggioni in Assassin's Creed 2. I played 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 4, Rogue and Syndicate. Rogue and Syndicate are definitely my favourite. Both have female enemies and great kill animations, I've killed so many female enemies in Syndicate with both Evie and are a couple videos from my channel with those poor, poor ladies taking the beating of their life!

Edit: why you guys are only talking about our character's Ryona? We have lots of civilians and female enemies to beat up and kill in these games!


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Well, you should know me by now, lol. I am not really a fan of weaklings getting destroyed. I like to see badass girls who are "supposed" to win get humiliated and defeated by the female baddies.

Now, that is not to say that I can't find any enjoyment out of random baddies getting beaten. As long as their sounds and animations fit my tastes then I can enjoy it. But it won't ever be as good for me as seeing a main character on the losing end.

Just a random example, but I don't want to watch Buffy killing random female vamps. I would rather see a random female vamp kill Buffy. It's just infinitely more intriguing to me. But I can only speak for myself. Everyone else has their own quirks and things that they look for.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I definitely know your tastes Rag, I was mainly talking to OP!
But both are classified as Ryona, and these games luckily have both female protagonists in trouble AND civilians/female bos that you can beat up for good! Hope Valhalla will have good Ryona content.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Actually, that is another good change with Odyssey. Killing random civilians no longer causes you to become desynchronized, lol. Problem is that you can't actually perform your assassination or finishing move animations on civilians in Odyssey so it's worthless.

Hoping for some decent hand to hand brawling animations from Valhalla. Actually, just hoping for some decent animations in general. I feel like Origins and Odyssey have taken large steps backwards in the quality of their animations. I think it was an effort to make the combat more "responsive", but that doesn't mean that the actual finishing move animations need to look like shit, lol.

AC Unity's kill animations look way more fluid than Origins and Odyssey and the ragdolls actually seem to have weight to them. For Honor proves that Ubisoft can still make some quality looking mo-capped kill animations, but for whatever reason the AC games have gone backwards in this regard.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Definitely, just check Rogue and Syndicate kills animations and compare to Odyssey executions. Those are so bad, and it's a shame cause some enemies are quite hot and the graphics are good.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Agree. Starting from Origins, there no audio for main character when they died lol. Hopefully Valhalla fix it and still retain the attractive character design. I like Kassandra but I wish she is not that buff like a man xD Elise is still by far the most beautiful female character in Assassins Creed franchise but too bad she is not playable. Ubisoft already put playable female character in Unity during the development phase but was remove halfway. What a shame.
Yeah, the sad part is that I love that whole "musketeer" aesthetic that Unity had and would have loved to see all the different customization options that Elise would have had if she were a playable character. Definitely a missed opportunity there.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I liked the Ryona in Liberation only because of the Bearhug from Behind on Aveline , I made a video for it many years ago and was posted in this Website's Youtube channel

Also , I want to Thank you @Beyond Infinite for all your efforts recently , like R Rag40 said this place most of time became now a Ghost Town regarding Ryona so it is always a pleasure to see people like you with great efforts and I hope u keep up the great work
Last edited:


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Yeah, too bad it was tame but it was a start of AC having great ryona elements.
AC 2 had Ryona elements, beating up civilians IS Ryona, not the type of Ryona you guys enjoy, but it's Ryona nonetheless. Dunno why you guys won't recognize it.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Actually, it was interesting that you could perform assassination maneuvers on civilians in the old AC games. But then the stupid screen would glitch out with the animus effect and you could only take out 3 civilians until it completely desynced you. Still, it was something.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Not if you beat them up, without killing them. You can beat them up all you want. But I think they changed the animations in the remastered for PS4/Xbox one sadly.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
AC 2 had Ryona elements, beating up civilians IS Ryona, not the type of Ryona you guys enjoy, but it's Ryona nonetheless. Dunno why you guys won't recognize it.
Actually, it was interesting that you could perform assassination maneuvers on civilians in the old AC games. But then the stupid screen would glitch out with the animus effect and you could only take out 3 civilians until it completely desynced you. Still, it was something.

My favorite part of this is at Black Flag , Where I can Stealth knockout Female Civillians from behind and handgagging them and them making a gag sounds , then Carry them Over the shoulder


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, that is another thing that I enjoyed with the older AC games, the sounds the female characters made were way better than Origins/Odyssey.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
You actually can perform finishers on civilians in Odyssey, it's just that you won't know which ones until you start a fight near them. If you're lucky they'll grab a weapon and then all you have to do is save them for last. Also if you get used to the story maker you can create a scenario where they replace normal soldiers and then you can assassinate them as well.

Older AC ryona... I remember one very specific part in AC1 that I loved which involved a party that devolves into chaos and in the group were a few belly dancers running around in a circle, giving you a rare easy chance to perform the vs. running assassinations on them. Aside from this part the only fun to be had in that game was carefully leading the women in the base to the outside, where the game no longer protects them from whatever you can do to them.

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