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(I'm Back with another RP log story, say thanks to Char for being the better half of this. He's playing Cammy, I'm playing the ERATUS Guards)

Part one: Locker Room Brawl


Cammy White hummed to herself as she horridly rummaged through several lockers, the blonde commando having been sent to investigate the WAR association or rather the group that had been backing it. The association was shady by itself but the parent group even more so, its not every group that has an elite cadre of leotard clad guards patrolling around. The type of attire should have made things easier for Cammy, except of course for the style of leotard she had differed quite noticeably from the regular ones. Hence her ducking into a locker room as soon as she could and looking around for a leotard she could put on, even having gone so far as to take off her boots and gauntlets for a hasty change. Though to her annoyance she had yet to find one that would properly fit her and she was getting desperate. "How can they have so many grunts and yet they are either all too big or too small to fit me!?!" She growled in annoyance as she chucked another ill fitting leotard aside and was beginning to wonder if maybe this was a bad idea.

With her infiltration going smoothly, no-one was aware that Delta Red had even broken in to the ERATUS group's little base attached to the WAR arena, leaving Jodie and Layla to casually talk as they walked down the halls to the changing room, looking to relax a little off the clock as their final patrol of the evening ended.

The two guards discussed as they walked up on the doors, barely paying attention to the British Blonde inside looking for a new grey leotard to match theirs. Layla going so far as to sit down on the changing bench with her back to the Street Fighter while she took off her own accessories. Only Jodie noticed that something was up "Hey wait..." the brunette began, eyeing Cammy suspiciously "When did the Green uniforms come in?" She asked.


(Jodie)                                                 (Layla)

Cammy was so focused that she didn't notice the pair of women until they actually entered the locker room and comically froze in place for a few moments as she watched. Amazingly for the longest time they didn't even seem to notice anything was out of place as the blonde stood there waiting to see what the other two women in their grey leotards. She had almost breathed a sigh of relief only for the girl with the longer dark hair to call her out. For a moment she considered lying and trying to play it off, but it was clear the other girl was now on edge. After a moment of deliberation she gave a sigh. "Well....... looks like you caught me." She said before turning and stepping onto the bench to launch herself toward the standing girl and try to deliver a dropkick to her chest and smash her into the row of lockers. If she managed that without the one sitting down attacking her right away she would crouch down from her drop kick and launch herself at the other trying to tackle her.

"Caught you?" Jodie repeated, 2 and 2 not adding up yet until she was being drilled in the chest by a spiral arrow "AAHH!" she yelped as the brunette was sent hurtling back over the bench and clanging into the lockers across the room leaving her a stunned and groaning mess.

"Wha?" Layla let out as she saw her friend get launched across the changing room while she was struggling with her own boots, forcing the muscular woman to spring into action, backflipping off the bench and raising her arms into a stance... about 5 seconds too late as Cammy shot at her next, tackling the guard to the ground. At least the blonde guard was quick enough to try and wrap her legs around the British intruder in an attempt to defend herself as she hit the floor.

"AUGH!!!" Cammy groaned out as the burly blonde's legs wrapped around her with crushing force enough to put Elena or even Chun-Li to shame with her power! Cammy's back arched as she put one hand on the woman's shoulder bracing herself and another on her muscular thigh gasping and pushing against it trying to loosen the hold. "Auhhnn~ Little early to be getting so personal isnt it?" She gasped and half moaned  as she struggled the two blonde's leotard bodies rubbing and pressing into one another before  Cammy balled her fist and went to pound it into Layla's side attempting to bypass the clearly hard abs of the other woman who had her trapped.

"Its... guh... a legitimite strategy!" Layla grunted as the two leotard wearing blondes struggled against each other, her teeth gritted together as she put the squeeze on the intruder with her thick thighs locking together in a painful bodyscissor. If they weren't elite for their brains their strength was showing why they got the fancier uniforms. Fortunately for Cammy her punch did the job in getting the pressure off as Layla's grip slackened around the Brit's waist "Guh..." the blonde groaned.

"GAHH!!!" Cammy gasped out as the pressure around her waist dissipated and she flopped forward her breasts pressing against Layla's face and smothering her for a second. It was bad enough that she got aroused during fights, but against two rather lovely woman it was harder for her to focus. gritting her teeth though she resolved herself to try as she pushed herself up onto her knees and grabbed Layla's leotard by the underboob window to heft her into a sitting position before trying to send a hard chop to her neck.

If that worked and Cammy stunned the other blonde she would yank her forward and bend her over to pull her into a sitting side-headlock and start squeezing her hard attempting to wear her down.

Suddenly finding her face covered by Cammy's leotard wasn't the worst sensation in the world but for Layla being short of air in a fight wasn't what she needed right now, not while the struggle for control as the two grappled on the ground for control at least. A fight that Layla was currently losing "Ack!" The muscular blonde let out as the edge of Cammy's hand slammed into the side of her neck, stunning the guard while the Brit took the opportunity to put the squeeze on her instead! "Nghh...ghhh!" She grunted as her face turned red, struggling with the headlock.

Cammy grunted and squeezed with everything she could, wearing the brawnier blonde down as much as she could and slowly starting to stand up bringing Layla along with her as she did. She would continue to squeeze on the blonde for a few more moemnts before trying to swing her body to the side and attempting to smash Layla's body hard into the row of lockers. Of course while all this was happening Cammy was focusing on the one guard she was grappling with and had neglected the one that she had opened the fight by dropkicking, having honestly forgotten that she was even there!

"Whuh!" was Layla's last attempt at a word before her body was slammed back first into the lockers. Her ass creating an indent in the flimsy door before crumpling down on the floor, seemingly defeated as she struggled to get back up to her knees before crumpling to the ground again.

"YA!" Jodie yelled as she lunged forward at the British invasion, jumping into the air as her thigh high boot raised to kick Cammy in the chest, a little bit off revenge for the earlier dropkick that ruined the opposite set of lockers and smacked her in the boobs.

The blonde panted and huffed having slammed Layla into the lockers and was feeling triumphant before she turned and took a kick to her own tits from seemingly out of nowhere! "AAUHGG!!!" Cammy cried out her body slamming into the lockers and then sliding down onto the floor sitting next to the downed Layla and glaring up at Jodie who was standing over her. Cammy's breasts ached and her nipples were more pronounced through the tight material as she glared upwards. "Ahh I forgot about you." She gasped out and started trying to slowly get back onto her feet while keeping her eyes on the darker haired guard.

The full leotard wearing Guard wasn't happy about anything that was going on. She'd been attacked and thrown at a locker, her friend had also been attacked and thrown into a different locker and now apparently she was so insignificant to this intruder that Cammy had forgotten about her. She was elite for a reason dammit! They didn't hand those promotions out to anyone "Oh that is it!" Jodie declared as she pushed forward with a roundhouse kick aimed at taking the rising blonde out quickly with a blow to the head.

It was lucky for Cammy that she was slowly getting up as the other woman soon went to perform a roundhouse kick to her head! To that Cammy simply slumpped back down to let the kick sail over her head before launching up and trying to grip the other girl in a full nelson hold from behind. Hoping the momentum of the missed kick would cause Jodie to spin around almost all the way around to allow Cammy to perform the move. If that worked she would grunt and heft the other guard up onto her tip toes while cranking down on the powerful hold the whole time her breasts pressing into the darker haired woman's back. "Uhnng sorry didn't mean to offend~" Cammy gasped into Jodie's ear, her hot breath tingling the other girl suggestively as she gripped her tightly.

Jodie's kick whiffed high as she spun around on the spot, leaving Cammy in perfect position to scoop up her arms for a full nelson, once again pressing her leotard clad form into the shapely guards' body, Jodie's cute butt rubbing against her hips as the brunette suffered in the Full Nelson "I'll... you..!" She struggled as she tried her best to fight against the blonde's tight grip, pushing back to trap Cammy between herself and the lockers for as much good as it did her.

"Nnngghh~" Cammy grunted out into Jodie's ear again feeling the guard pressing back into her and then trapping her against the lockers, the blonde doing her best to put pressure on her arms and neck to wear her down like she did Layla. Though Jodie was certainly feistier of a fighter than the other, or at least thats the way it seemed. Grunting Cammy would push off of the lockers and turn around before trying to slam Jodie into them body first now with her pressed up against them tightly!

"Ahh..." Jodie moaned as she was squished into the metal instead of Cammy, her forehead smacking against the door while her breasts flattened out as the blonde brit put on the pressure on the fading guard. Panting against the locker as she started to slump down, only held up by Cammy's hold.

The Street Fighter's victory wouldn't last forever as the door to the guard's changing room opened again with another leotard wearing woman walked in, larger than either of the other two especially in regards to her immense chest that the deep cut leotard was struggling to contain "You were having fun without me?" The heavier newcomer asked, putting her hands on her hips as she looked at the defeated Jodie and Layla "Either those two need to get their act together or there's someone worth my attention for once." She said disturbingly calmly for a guard discovering an intruder-mid fight.


Cammy was huffing thinking she had things under control after dispatching the two guards only for a third larger and more intimidating one to show up. She slowly let go of Jodie and laied her body out onto the floor next to Laylay before turning to face the larger and more imposing woman. "Well they seemed bored and it would have been a shame not to get a bit of a warm up." Cammy said smirking as she raised her fists, "Though I guess the warming up period is over huh?" She asked rhetorically, there was no way out of this but through this other woman and she doubted it would be as easy as fighting the other two as she had the element of surprise on her side.

After a moment of eying the larger woman Cammy would spring at her, and much like Jodie attack with a high kick aiming to try and slam the side of the larger bespectacled woman's head hoping to at the very least stun her and put her off of her guard to get a head start advantage over her.

"Well then, let's get the main workout started," The guard stepped forward with sinister intent as the intruder stepped up to fight the bigger woman. The blonde struck first and struck hard with her kick slamming into the guard's head, sending her glasses and hat flying across the room "Kuh... Alright." The big woman hissed as she straightened back up "Hiyaa!" She yelled out, throwing a punch towards the intruder, looking to dig her knuckles deep into the leotard covered belly of Cammy White in retaliation.

Cammy was not expecting the larger woman to barely react to her kick, the blow seeming to barely phase her before she quickly retaliated with a harsh punch that caught Cammy in her belly! "GUUAHGG!!!" She groaned out as the fist sank into her gut making her double over and fold over the fist, spittle and drool flying out of her mouth as her tongue hung out as well while she gasped desperately for air. The force of the blow pushing Cammy onto her tip toes and forcing her ass to jut out, she gasped and coughed desperately for air as she flopped forward clinging onto the woman's thicc hips for support.

Almost moaning in sync with Cammy's groans the big woman reached down to clutch a fist full of blonde hair, pulling the suffering intruder up straight again, stepping to her side as she pulled back on her hair "Hmph, a bit of a disappointment. Jodie and Layla must have taken more out of you than it looks. I won't have to punish them too hard for their failure then." The large guard whispered into Cammy's ear before swinging her fist again into her abs, the tight fabric curling around her fist as she beat the intruder's belly with a sadistic smirk "My name is Sadie by the way... we're going to get to know each other so well..."

"Uhhhnnn~" The blonde groaned out as her hair was forced to yank her up straight and looked into Sadie's eyes with a mix of terror and arousal before another fist slammed into her belly! "GUUAAHHG!!!" She gagged out, eyes rolling back as more spittle flew out of her mouth and she drooled looking pathetic. Cammy's legs trembled trying to keep herself up right and her thighs started to rub together as she felt the familiar feeling of arousal between her legs from the beating. She gasped and sputtered out coughs, "Uhagg ahh Cam-Cammy....." she managed to get out before swinging a punch to hit the underside of Sadie's tit, though it was little more than a tap that shifted up the woman's large boob than anything painful.

"Oh we are going to have fun tonight Cammy~" Sadie purred as she towered over the punished blonde "Ever since I moved into the guards from the fighters I've had no-one to really enjoy myself with." the big woman taunted before a punch sent her breasts jiggling, forcing a moan from the heavyweight fighter.

"Still defiant, huh?" She hissed with a smile before yanking down the low cut neckline, pulling her leotard down and expose her chest, letting her massive breasts be free in the locker room before grabbing hold of Cammy by the head and swinging her own body, looking to smack the blonde intruder in the face with her heavy boobs in a humiliating attack, the guard even moaning from the impact of her own attack.

"GUAHH!!!" Cammy gasped out as she was slapped in the face by Sadie's tit attack, snapping her head to the side and sending more drool out of her mouth. "Ahh auhhg always defiant!" She gasped out, it was one of her defining features and what made particularly sadistic bitches 'fall in love' with her. Desperately she reached out with both hands grasping Sadie's large tits and trying to claw into them with whatever strength she had while at the same time attempting to throw a knee into the larger woman's guts in retaliation for her earlier belly blow. However most of Cammy's explosive power had been sapped showing how much of a glass canon she was and thus was little power behind her blows.

Chuckling with satisfaction as Cammy gasped out from her boob-based beatdown, Sadie was looking to take her time with the beautiful blonde before the Brit struck back, clawing at the exposed breasts of the guard earning a little more of a pained moan from the bigger guard before the knee blow still had the strength to force a gasp out of the heavier fighter.

With a gutterall roar, the heavyweight fighter pushed forward against the pain, looking to tackle Cammy down on top of the bench, squishing the smaller blonde underneath as she once again found herself grinding leotard to leotard with an elite guard.

"UUAAAHHH!!!" Cammy yelled out as Sadie took her down the heavier fighter squashing the more petite blonde onto the bench! "AAHH!!!' She cried out body arching up, or at least as much as it could, against Sadie's body and being squashed. Cammy's limbs dangled at either side off the bench as she groaned feeling herself rubbing up against the larger guard who was pressing down onto her and even moaning as she was squashed.

"UGH!" Sadie grunted as she slammed into the bench, crushing the smaller blonde like the meat in a sandwich before reaching up to grab at the groaning fighter by the chin, forcing her to look at the sadistic guard in the eyes "You liked my breasts didn't you?" She panted into Cammy's face, leaning in to briefly kiss her cheek "You've earned this much." Sadie taunted before she shifted forward, the free breasts engulfing the face of the British intruder as she started to smother the Street Fighter.

Cammy moaned as she was kissed and felt the other leotard form of her foe rubbing against her before her big blue eyes went wide in horror, "NOOO-MMMMFFF!!!" She gasped out as she was suddenly smothered, her legs kicking widely and her hips thrusting into the air as she struggled which only served to show off her tight camel toe cunt. Her arms failed a moment with one grasping at Sadie's arm and shoulder trying to push her away weakly, while her other reached around slapping at the Amazon's back and ass even grabbing at the back of her leotard and pulling on it in a desperate wedgie. All the while Sadie could feel the hot and moist desperate moans from her victim.

Sadie was not taking no for an answer as she plaanted her feet each side of the bench to keep herself planted while she denied the blonde any air "Unhhh, that's good~" The sadistic heavyweight moaned as the wedgie failed to dissuade her from punishing Cammy with the heavy smother, every smack just jiggling the bigger woman's ass as Sadie started to grind down, her hips crushing down on the camel-toe'd leotard as the intruder was slowly turning into a victim of the guard's desires.

"MMMMFFF!!! UNNnnnnfff~" Cammy moaned out as Sadie dominated and had her way with the blonde, the smothering was bad enough but feeling the grinding against her tight pussy was driving her wild. She tugged up more on Sadie's thong but what little strength she had was failing her as she was smothered. Her cunt grew tighter and damper as she was smothered out, her hips still thrusting up into the air wanting friction or anything else as she started to black out.

"More, more!" Sadie demanded as she rode the wedgied leotard for all it was worth, the cocktail of pleasure and pain intoxicating her as her hips started to slam down against Cammy's pussy to meet her thrusting hips as she turned the intruder's own desperate attempts at escape into her own arousal. Unfortuantely her smother had been too thorough as the resistence slowly faded away before the heavyweight guard could climax on top "Aww, we're not done here yet Cammy." she promised as she pulled back, sitting up on the Brit's bruised abs.

Meanwhile the other guards were starting to recover "Ugh... where did that bitch go?" Layla asked as she staggered up to her feet, looking around the room with the same level of attentiveness she gave when she first entered the changing room, only recognising Sadie at the last minute "B-Boss!" She yelled, snapping to attention while Jodie picked herself up.

"A-alpha! We were just about to alert you." Jodie lied as she too stood up straight in a panic as Sadie pulled away from the smothered intruder.

"Were you now?" Sadie asked as she loomed over the two of them "Good job." She said with a sweet smile, very unlike the painful slap she gave to the lower ranked guards' leotard covered pussys. It wasn't just Cammy who was going to suffer tonight it seemed.


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