Avid Affiliate
- Joined
- Apr 17, 2016
Chapter 1
Chun-Li recognized that voice from afar and grit her teeth. She started loathing the person it belonged to. She got closer to the gate of the training field where two fighters were sparring, and observed them from here.
"Hadouken!". When both fighters shouted simultaneously, two waves collided and the air exploded. The girl fell on her knees.
"Ugh... It's not fair, Ryu, my Hadouken faded away before yours!" Sakura said.
"You can still work on your chi control. Your movements are good, but still kind of stiff, Sakura."
The teenager smiled. "I'll do it again and you correct my moves, alright?". Ryu nodded his head and lead Sakura's arms with his own hands.
Chun-Li had enough. She wanted to have a moment with Ryu alone, but nowadays it seemed Sakura was with him all the time. And not just training, her flirts were obvious. Even Ryu seemed to be smiling more than usual. Chun-Li couldn't accept especially that.
Chun-Li went to a nearby cafe to think about it, but her choice was already made : to stop it as soon as possible. The question was how. She spent about one hour thinking about everything and losing herself in her mind, and was awakened suddenly by the sight of Sakura walking down the street.
It was now or never. Chun-Li was going to tell her a few home truths. She wouldn't let this stupid school girl take her Ryu.
"Will that be all miss?"
Said the waitress as Chun-Li got up from her chair.
"Yes, it was delicious. Thank you. Keep the change."
Chun-Li rushes down the street as the waitress looks puzzled at the lady rush down the street, cars honking the thick theighed jaywalker.
Chun-Li follows the school girl Sakura all the way into a shopping plaza. Maybe she was going to meet up with friends. Or worse, maybe she was going to purchase something for Ryu. Either way, it peeked Chun-LI's curiousity as she walks through the parking lot. She looks around at the many patrons who with bags, or families with little kids begging for them to buy that toy or ice cream. Chun-Li scans the area. Little did she realize that Sakura knew she was following her all along and was just waiting for the chance to ultimately humiliate her.
Sakura smiled. She had lead Chun-Li exactly where she wanted her to be, a big shopping street, full of people. Sakura entered the crowd, disappearing from Chun-Li's sight. The chinese woman got closer to not lose Sakura, but before she could make her way through, the voice she loathed surprised her from the side.
"Feeling shy?" Sakura said, a seemingly innocent smile on her face.
"W- H-hey" stuttered Chun-Li.
"You're not very inconspicuous with that qipao of yours, you know."
"Let me guess ... It's about Ryu, isn't it?"
Chun-Li's face tensed up.
Chun-Li tried to deny it, but the look on Sakura's face was making it hard for her to hide her emotions
"Oh, a little jealous aren't we?" Sakura smirked. "Can't stand the fact that Ryu not only likes me more?"
Chun-Li snapped back, nearly drawing the attention of the crowd
"What? No! Me jealous? Of you and...Ryu?" Chun-Li blushes a bit. "No, we're just friends... I just... i just don't...
"You can't stand the fact that he likes me?"
"Shut up!" Chun-Li says.
"I see you spying on our training sessions. I see how you look at him when he trains me... and more..."
Chun-Li pushes Sakura which almost makes her stumble.
Sakura didn't lose her footing nevertheless. A few heads turned over to them, but Chun-Li didn't seem to notice. She was too surprised by what she just did. Sakura knew she only needed one more small push, and, as a smile grew on her face, she gave it.
"You know, he told me he preferred to do it with me rather than you. The training... and all the rest too."
"Shut ... UP!"
"What will you do if I don't?"
Chun-Li didn't say anything for a few seconds. To say the truth, she was unsettled by Sakura's taunt, even after losing her calm a few seconds ago.
Despite that, it happened in a flash. Chun-Li knew it was wrong, but she felt something different. Her last coherent thoughts were replaced by a single feeling : she wanted to put that highschooler in her place, as the strongest woman in the world. Only relying on her trained body's instincts, Chun-Li sent a side kick with her strong legs, aiming for the right side of Sakura's body.
"h-huuu....". The pained voice was too weak for the bypassers to hear.
A giggle.
But they all saw it with their eyes.
Chun-Li's kick had not reached. Far before it could, Sakura's own kick burried deep into Chun-Li's belly.
Time froze for both fighters for a few seconds. Chun-Li with her failed kick still in mid-air and a pained face, and Sakura with her shoe still on Chun-Li's belly, a mocking grin on her face. Finally the two girls got away from each other.
The crowd started whispering. "What happened?" "It's Chun-Li! She attacked this schoolgirl!" "Why would she do that?" "I don't know..."
Chun-Li heard some of it, but all she had in her mind was the smug face of the girl in front of her. She would erase that expression. This right now was just a fluke. Plus, she knew Ryu's fighting style. She would be able to anticipate whatever Sakura threw at her. As soon as she thought that, Chun-Li got back on the offensive. The fight only started, but she wouldn't need more than 5 minutes to teach that highschooler to not mess with the strongest woman of the world. Or so she thought.
The two fighters exchanged punches and kicks. Most of them were deflected or didn't do any serious damage. As Chun-Li thought, Sakura's moves were close to Ryu and she could block them because of that. They seemed to be fairly matched. But Sakura's expression showed she was taking that fight much less seriously. Chun-Li's face was very focused, while Sakura's mostly showed... indifference.
Chun-Li throws strike after strike. Sakura dodging with ease. Though Chun-Li was much faster and more skilled, there was something about the young school girl that was not to be underestimated. Chun-Li, though usually calm and collected in combat, had her head and heart racing with emotions. And Sakura could read her every move. Whether it be from her facial expressions, or shifts in her fluid movement, Chun-Li could not land a single attack. And while Chun-Li was going all out on the offensive side, Sakura just blocked, parried or evaded all punches and kicks Chun-Li threw at her.
"Strongest woman in the world huh?" Sakura teased. "I wold believe that, if you would actually hit me."
THe more Sakura taunted, the angrier Chun-Li started to feel. It became a point where Chun-Li started to just swing wfor the fences. The grace and precision that made her kung fu so revered now looked wild and rageful. Sakura did a backflip before landing on her feet. SHe brushes off some dust from her skirt.
Chun-Li stands in her fighting stance. She was panting a bit as the last few attacks made her exert more stamina than she wanted. Sakura looks as if she was barely breaking a sweat.
"I noticed this about you Chun-Li. Your technique becomes poor when you fight emotional."
Chun-Li bites her lip.
"And this is not including me and Ryu. But not to mention your father."
Chun-Li felt a shivering chill throughout her body. Sakura sees in her face that she's struck a sensitive topic. But if this was gonna get Chun-Li to fight emotional, so be it.
"I'm sure he'd be very proud of his daughter being the Strongest Woman in the world, being a cop, taking down Shadaloo... that is if he wasn't dead."
Chun-Li screams in rage. Normally, she wouldn't push past her moral limits when it comes to her friends, or fighters she respects, but Sakura just crossed the line and had to pay.
Chun-Li swings a roundhous kick to Sakura with full intentions of kicking her head right off her shoulders. Sakura blocks. She smirks back. Chun-Li gasps, realizing she left herself wide open.
Sakura pulls her fist back and with all the power she can muster and...
"A.. Aughhh....."
Surprise and suffering shows on Chun-Li's face. As her mouth opens in pain, some of her spittle is ejected on the ground. Her body weakly leans over Sakura's fist and her face is lined with Sakura's, who's standing straight. People behind Chun-Li can see Sakura's smirk, and people behind Sakura can see Chun-Li's face and body stupefied and motionless, if only shaking a little.
"Pfftt .... Is that a joke?" Sakura mocks.
With Sakura's voice, the crowd starts agitating again. "Hey, what's going on? Isn't she getting her ass kicked?" "No way, that's Chun-Li, right?" "And she's fighting a highschooler... I can't believe it"
"I've been so nice to you so far, and this is the result?" Sakura adds, her fist still on Chun-Li's belly.
"W... What do you mean?" Chun-Li asks with a panting voice.
"Don't tell me... you still haven't noticed yet?" Sakura answers, in wonder, taking back her fist.
Before Chun-Li can react, she feels Sakura's shoe sweeping her leg, briefly making her footing unstable. The moment Chun-Li tries to keep her balance, Sakura's fist hits her cheek and pushes her back.
"I've been generous enough to telegraph Ryu's moves so far. Even an amateur would've caught on to such a predictable fighting style."
This unexpected development makes Chun-Li's eyes open wider. She tries to focus more and unleashes a powerful lightning kick toward Sakura.
But the kick hasn't made half of the travel before it's violently knocked off the way by Sakura's right arm. Expecting a counter-attack, Chun-Li raises a guard to protect her belly, but Sakura doesn't stop her movement after parrying : she continues rotating with her right arm and hits Chun-Li's face with the back of her fist.
Chun-Li is on the offensive again, but this time, Sakura too. This time, Sakura doesn't just deflect Chun-Li's kicks, but she also gives her small jabs and hits Chun-Li can't predict, sometimes accompanied with taunts. "Over here!" "Right there!" "huhu...". The jabs aren't that strong, but Chun-Li is still overwhelmed by Sakura's complex moves, and everytime they hit, her pride gets more damaged.
"Yup!" A successful elbow hits Chun-Li's belly and hurts more than the previous hits. Chun-Li decides to change fighting style after this : her kicks leave her too open for Sakura's parries and counters, so she decides to focus on punches. Sakura grins as if she had noticed that.
At first, Chun-Li's flurries of punches seem to have an effect. Sakura can't block them as easily as the kicks, and ceases her counterattacks. But Chun-Li doesn't land hits either. If she doesn't find a way to inflict damage on Sakura, she'll wear off again. Despite that seemingly bad position, Chun-Li's pride has risen up. She feels like she's taking control of this fight and swears she will put this brat down. There's no way she would lose to a kid.
Chun-Li thinks. She'll use the Kikouken to definitely get the edge. Sakura will most likely parry it, but that'll block her vision. Chun-Li will use that to follow up with a decisive punch after Sakura parries. The chinese girl focuses, while the highschooler still smiles, fists up, but in her decontracted fighting stance, barely sweating. Chun-Li's starts feeling the strain of her move, but she'll definitely turn the battle around with it.
The projectile goes Sakura's way. Chun-Li gets in position for her next attack. She sees Sakura not putting up a guard and briefly wonders why, but that will only improve her chances of success. However, the next moment... Sakura's move is swift and powerful. Instead of guarding, Sakura's punch smashes the Kikouken to the ground. Chun-Li can't believe her eyes, but before she can do anything else, she feels Sakura's other fist in an uppercut that sends her away.
Chun-Li falls brutally to the ground, still panting from the exhaustion. When she gets up, Sakura has already closen the gap.
WHOMP! To the belly. A punch stronger than any of the previous jabs. Chun-Li tries to counterattack with a hook, but when she finishes her move, Sakura is already behind her, punching her in the back.
"Ahahah! Weak~"
Chun-Li attacks and attacks. But for every move she made, Sakura seemed to be 1 or 2 seconds ahead of her. With each hit, Chun-Li's respiration got worse and Sakura would only get faster. Chun-Li would try to escape her grasp and hit where Sakura would flank her, but everytime it seemed like she was doing exactly what Sakura wanted, and everytime, the first thing she would see was Sakura's fist. She was completely and utterly under her control.
Eventually, Chun-Li gave up on counterattacking and tried to regain her breath by just blocking Sakura's hits. Sakura stopped a second.
"For real?" Sakura said.
She then started decimating Chun-Li's guard. Sometimes punching directly her arms, sometimes punching through the guard itself and hitting Chun-Li's face and body, but everytime she would groan because of the pain.
"There!" Sakura exclaimed after a strong punch that Chun-Li failed to block. "You call that flimsy thing a guard? Or maybe is that too fast for the strongest woman in the world?"
Chun-Li tried to recover for the time Sakura gave with her taunts. Sakura could've kept pressing, but she didn't. Chun-Li swore she'd repay her for this by 100 times.
Bystanders whispered. "H-Hey, she's getting destroyed.." "The other doesn't even seem fazed..." "What a shame."
"You know, I just got out of my sparring session, and yet you're the one getting tired so fast. How come?" Sakura mocked.
Chun-Li just looked at her, hate in her eyes, a hate that still overshadowed the fear that grew within her.
Chun-Li recognized that voice from afar and grit her teeth. She started loathing the person it belonged to. She got closer to the gate of the training field where two fighters were sparring, and observed them from here.
"Hadouken!". When both fighters shouted simultaneously, two waves collided and the air exploded. The girl fell on her knees.
"Ugh... It's not fair, Ryu, my Hadouken faded away before yours!" Sakura said.
"You can still work on your chi control. Your movements are good, but still kind of stiff, Sakura."
The teenager smiled. "I'll do it again and you correct my moves, alright?". Ryu nodded his head and lead Sakura's arms with his own hands.
Chun-Li had enough. She wanted to have a moment with Ryu alone, but nowadays it seemed Sakura was with him all the time. And not just training, her flirts were obvious. Even Ryu seemed to be smiling more than usual. Chun-Li couldn't accept especially that.

Chun-Li went to a nearby cafe to think about it, but her choice was already made : to stop it as soon as possible. The question was how. She spent about one hour thinking about everything and losing herself in her mind, and was awakened suddenly by the sight of Sakura walking down the street.
It was now or never. Chun-Li was going to tell her a few home truths. She wouldn't let this stupid school girl take her Ryu.
"Will that be all miss?"
Said the waitress as Chun-Li got up from her chair.
"Yes, it was delicious. Thank you. Keep the change."
Chun-Li rushes down the street as the waitress looks puzzled at the lady rush down the street, cars honking the thick theighed jaywalker.
Chun-Li follows the school girl Sakura all the way into a shopping plaza. Maybe she was going to meet up with friends. Or worse, maybe she was going to purchase something for Ryu. Either way, it peeked Chun-LI's curiousity as she walks through the parking lot. She looks around at the many patrons who with bags, or families with little kids begging for them to buy that toy or ice cream. Chun-Li scans the area. Little did she realize that Sakura knew she was following her all along and was just waiting for the chance to ultimately humiliate her.
Sakura smiled. She had lead Chun-Li exactly where she wanted her to be, a big shopping street, full of people. Sakura entered the crowd, disappearing from Chun-Li's sight. The chinese woman got closer to not lose Sakura, but before she could make her way through, the voice she loathed surprised her from the side.
"Feeling shy?" Sakura said, a seemingly innocent smile on her face.
"W- H-hey" stuttered Chun-Li.
"You're not very inconspicuous with that qipao of yours, you know."
"Let me guess ... It's about Ryu, isn't it?"
Chun-Li's face tensed up.
Chun-Li tried to deny it, but the look on Sakura's face was making it hard for her to hide her emotions
"Oh, a little jealous aren't we?" Sakura smirked. "Can't stand the fact that Ryu not only likes me more?"
Chun-Li snapped back, nearly drawing the attention of the crowd
"What? No! Me jealous? Of you and...Ryu?" Chun-Li blushes a bit. "No, we're just friends... I just... i just don't...
"You can't stand the fact that he likes me?"
"Shut up!" Chun-Li says.
"I see you spying on our training sessions. I see how you look at him when he trains me... and more..."
Chun-Li pushes Sakura which almost makes her stumble.
Sakura didn't lose her footing nevertheless. A few heads turned over to them, but Chun-Li didn't seem to notice. She was too surprised by what she just did. Sakura knew she only needed one more small push, and, as a smile grew on her face, she gave it.
"You know, he told me he preferred to do it with me rather than you. The training... and all the rest too."
"Shut ... UP!"
"What will you do if I don't?"

Chun-Li didn't say anything for a few seconds. To say the truth, she was unsettled by Sakura's taunt, even after losing her calm a few seconds ago.
Despite that, it happened in a flash. Chun-Li knew it was wrong, but she felt something different. Her last coherent thoughts were replaced by a single feeling : she wanted to put that highschooler in her place, as the strongest woman in the world. Only relying on her trained body's instincts, Chun-Li sent a side kick with her strong legs, aiming for the right side of Sakura's body.
"h-huuu....". The pained voice was too weak for the bypassers to hear.
A giggle.
But they all saw it with their eyes.
Chun-Li's kick had not reached. Far before it could, Sakura's own kick burried deep into Chun-Li's belly.

Time froze for both fighters for a few seconds. Chun-Li with her failed kick still in mid-air and a pained face, and Sakura with her shoe still on Chun-Li's belly, a mocking grin on her face. Finally the two girls got away from each other.
The crowd started whispering. "What happened?" "It's Chun-Li! She attacked this schoolgirl!" "Why would she do that?" "I don't know..."
Chun-Li heard some of it, but all she had in her mind was the smug face of the girl in front of her. She would erase that expression. This right now was just a fluke. Plus, she knew Ryu's fighting style. She would be able to anticipate whatever Sakura threw at her. As soon as she thought that, Chun-Li got back on the offensive. The fight only started, but she wouldn't need more than 5 minutes to teach that highschooler to not mess with the strongest woman of the world. Or so she thought.
The two fighters exchanged punches and kicks. Most of them were deflected or didn't do any serious damage. As Chun-Li thought, Sakura's moves were close to Ryu and she could block them because of that. They seemed to be fairly matched. But Sakura's expression showed she was taking that fight much less seriously. Chun-Li's face was very focused, while Sakura's mostly showed... indifference.
Chun-Li throws strike after strike. Sakura dodging with ease. Though Chun-Li was much faster and more skilled, there was something about the young school girl that was not to be underestimated. Chun-Li, though usually calm and collected in combat, had her head and heart racing with emotions. And Sakura could read her every move. Whether it be from her facial expressions, or shifts in her fluid movement, Chun-Li could not land a single attack. And while Chun-Li was going all out on the offensive side, Sakura just blocked, parried or evaded all punches and kicks Chun-Li threw at her.
"Strongest woman in the world huh?" Sakura teased. "I wold believe that, if you would actually hit me."
THe more Sakura taunted, the angrier Chun-Li started to feel. It became a point where Chun-Li started to just swing wfor the fences. The grace and precision that made her kung fu so revered now looked wild and rageful. Sakura did a backflip before landing on her feet. SHe brushes off some dust from her skirt.
Chun-Li stands in her fighting stance. She was panting a bit as the last few attacks made her exert more stamina than she wanted. Sakura looks as if she was barely breaking a sweat.
"I noticed this about you Chun-Li. Your technique becomes poor when you fight emotional."
Chun-Li bites her lip.
"And this is not including me and Ryu. But not to mention your father."
Chun-Li felt a shivering chill throughout her body. Sakura sees in her face that she's struck a sensitive topic. But if this was gonna get Chun-Li to fight emotional, so be it.
"I'm sure he'd be very proud of his daughter being the Strongest Woman in the world, being a cop, taking down Shadaloo... that is if he wasn't dead."
Chun-Li screams in rage. Normally, she wouldn't push past her moral limits when it comes to her friends, or fighters she respects, but Sakura just crossed the line and had to pay.

Chun-Li swings a roundhous kick to Sakura with full intentions of kicking her head right off her shoulders. Sakura blocks. She smirks back. Chun-Li gasps, realizing she left herself wide open.
Sakura pulls her fist back and with all the power she can muster and...

"A.. Aughhh....."
Surprise and suffering shows on Chun-Li's face. As her mouth opens in pain, some of her spittle is ejected on the ground. Her body weakly leans over Sakura's fist and her face is lined with Sakura's, who's standing straight. People behind Chun-Li can see Sakura's smirk, and people behind Sakura can see Chun-Li's face and body stupefied and motionless, if only shaking a little.
"Pfftt .... Is that a joke?" Sakura mocks.
With Sakura's voice, the crowd starts agitating again. "Hey, what's going on? Isn't she getting her ass kicked?" "No way, that's Chun-Li, right?" "And she's fighting a highschooler... I can't believe it"
"I've been so nice to you so far, and this is the result?" Sakura adds, her fist still on Chun-Li's belly.
"W... What do you mean?" Chun-Li asks with a panting voice.
"Don't tell me... you still haven't noticed yet?" Sakura answers, in wonder, taking back her fist.
Before Chun-Li can react, she feels Sakura's shoe sweeping her leg, briefly making her footing unstable. The moment Chun-Li tries to keep her balance, Sakura's fist hits her cheek and pushes her back.
"I've been generous enough to telegraph Ryu's moves so far. Even an amateur would've caught on to such a predictable fighting style."

This unexpected development makes Chun-Li's eyes open wider. She tries to focus more and unleashes a powerful lightning kick toward Sakura.
But the kick hasn't made half of the travel before it's violently knocked off the way by Sakura's right arm. Expecting a counter-attack, Chun-Li raises a guard to protect her belly, but Sakura doesn't stop her movement after parrying : she continues rotating with her right arm and hits Chun-Li's face with the back of her fist.

Chun-Li is on the offensive again, but this time, Sakura too. This time, Sakura doesn't just deflect Chun-Li's kicks, but she also gives her small jabs and hits Chun-Li can't predict, sometimes accompanied with taunts. "Over here!" "Right there!" "huhu...". The jabs aren't that strong, but Chun-Li is still overwhelmed by Sakura's complex moves, and everytime they hit, her pride gets more damaged.
"Yup!" A successful elbow hits Chun-Li's belly and hurts more than the previous hits. Chun-Li decides to change fighting style after this : her kicks leave her too open for Sakura's parries and counters, so she decides to focus on punches. Sakura grins as if she had noticed that.

At first, Chun-Li's flurries of punches seem to have an effect. Sakura can't block them as easily as the kicks, and ceases her counterattacks. But Chun-Li doesn't land hits either. If she doesn't find a way to inflict damage on Sakura, she'll wear off again. Despite that seemingly bad position, Chun-Li's pride has risen up. She feels like she's taking control of this fight and swears she will put this brat down. There's no way she would lose to a kid.
Chun-Li thinks. She'll use the Kikouken to definitely get the edge. Sakura will most likely parry it, but that'll block her vision. Chun-Li will use that to follow up with a decisive punch after Sakura parries. The chinese girl focuses, while the highschooler still smiles, fists up, but in her decontracted fighting stance, barely sweating. Chun-Li's starts feeling the strain of her move, but she'll definitely turn the battle around with it.
The projectile goes Sakura's way. Chun-Li gets in position for her next attack. She sees Sakura not putting up a guard and briefly wonders why, but that will only improve her chances of success. However, the next moment... Sakura's move is swift and powerful. Instead of guarding, Sakura's punch smashes the Kikouken to the ground. Chun-Li can't believe her eyes, but before she can do anything else, she feels Sakura's other fist in an uppercut that sends her away.
Chun-Li falls brutally to the ground, still panting from the exhaustion. When she gets up, Sakura has already closen the gap.
WHOMP! To the belly. A punch stronger than any of the previous jabs. Chun-Li tries to counterattack with a hook, but when she finishes her move, Sakura is already behind her, punching her in the back.
"Ahahah! Weak~"
Chun-Li attacks and attacks. But for every move she made, Sakura seemed to be 1 or 2 seconds ahead of her. With each hit, Chun-Li's respiration got worse and Sakura would only get faster. Chun-Li would try to escape her grasp and hit where Sakura would flank her, but everytime it seemed like she was doing exactly what Sakura wanted, and everytime, the first thing she would see was Sakura's fist. She was completely and utterly under her control.

Eventually, Chun-Li gave up on counterattacking and tried to regain her breath by just blocking Sakura's hits. Sakura stopped a second.
"For real?" Sakura said.
She then started decimating Chun-Li's guard. Sometimes punching directly her arms, sometimes punching through the guard itself and hitting Chun-Li's face and body, but everytime she would groan because of the pain.
"There!" Sakura exclaimed after a strong punch that Chun-Li failed to block. "You call that flimsy thing a guard? Or maybe is that too fast for the strongest woman in the world?"
Chun-Li tried to recover for the time Sakura gave with her taunts. Sakura could've kept pressing, but she didn't. Chun-Li swore she'd repay her for this by 100 times.
Bystanders whispered. "H-Hey, she's getting destroyed.." "The other doesn't even seem fazed..." "What a shame."
"You know, I just got out of my sparring session, and yet you're the one getting tired so fast. How come?" Sakura mocked.

Chun-Li just looked at her, hate in her eyes, a hate that still overshadowed the fear that grew within her.