Casual Client
- Joined
- Jun 6, 2012
Story Notes:
The Chun-Li in this story is based off her classic costume as seen in this gallery. A tight blue spandex qipao with a matching blue leotard and shiny bronze tights underneath.
Feedback and reviews are welcome.
Chapter Notes:
This is a continuation of the first "Soiled Pride" storyline from this thread.
This story takes place many years after Chun-Li's gruesome defeat at the hands of Juri. The famous spring beauty tries to regain her status as the strongest woman in the world but fails in an epic blunder.
Warning: This story has graphic description of urinary and bowel incontinence along with violent combat, humiliation and vomiting. This is not for the faint of heart. If you are offended or disgusted at such subject matter, please do not read any further. You have been warned.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chun-Li’ Soiled Pride: Part 2 – Return and Ruination
It has been over five years since Chun-Li’s brutal defeat at the hands of Juri in the streets of Thailand. Following her public humiliation Juri had kept the Chinese woman captive for six months. Day after day the Chun-Li was subjected to demeaning acts of torture and degradation. Juri continually found new and creative ways to destroy Chun-Li’s spirt until she was eventually reduced to empty shell of her former self.
With Chun-Li’s mind shattered and left in a catatonic state, Juri had grown bored of her plaything. Shortly afterwards the once proud Chinese warrior was locked in dog cage, still wearing her filthy ragged costume and sold to Bison as a sex slave. For the next year she was raped on a daily basis until she was eventually rescued at great cost by Cammy who had recovered from her own ordeal.
While Cammy was able to secure Chun-Li’s escape, she herself was captured and brutally devastated by Bison. Cammy was never heard from again.
It had taken many years of therapy for Chun-Li to recover mentally from her hellish experience. Even after her escape she was the subject of public debasement. Interpol and the Chinese government had disavowed her due to her disgraceful acts. Videos of her humiliating defeat went viral across the globe.
Since the day of her fateful defeat, Chun-Li had never again performed or trained in any martial arts. She had to move to a small unknown city in China to hide from public view while living in seclusion. The once mighty Chinese martial artist made a living by opening a small dance studio and became an aerobics instructor. There she would work to make a measly living, teaching local women to stay fit. Meanwhile her male students would pay simply gawk at her spandex clad body while doing stretches.
This would be Chun-Li’s live for several years until one fateful day…
Chun-Li was wrapping up one of her afternoon aerobics classes. She was wearing an outfit similar to her Alpha costume. It was a tight blue unitard with a matching leotard on top for extra support. Both garments had golden stripes along the side and on top she wore a light blue vest with similar gold trimmings.
Her class had just finished and as she was saying goodbye to her students she overheard some commotion from small grocery shop across the street.
“No, please! I paid you last week, I don’t have anything left.” Begged an old man.
Chun-Li peered out of her studio to see the elderly shop owner on his knees in front of a thuggish male. The thug was obviously a member of a local triad. He had been seen loitering the area before, threatening local shop owners.
The commotion escalated as the thug kicked over one of the shop stalls spilling vegetables onto the street.
“This is just a taste of what will happen if you aren’t willing to pay your protection fees. Hahaha!” Replied the thug.
“Please stop!” Urged the old shopkeeper.
The thug kicked the old man over and continued to kick him in the gut.
“Aarrgh! Stop! Help, someone please help! Aaarrgh!” The old man screamed as he was beaten.
Chun-Li saw the event take place. While her first instinct was to ignore it and turn away, her inner self could not let the injustice stand.
“Leave him alone!” Chun-Li yelled.
Chun-Li stepped out into the streets, revealing herself with her hands on her hips, her blue spandex outfit sparkling in the sun. The thug turned around to see the Chinese beauty defiantly standing across from him.
“Or what little lady?” The thug replied.
“Or I’ll give you a beating like you’ve never had before.” Chun-Li angrily decreed.
The Chinese beauty went into a fighting pose. This was the first time in over five years she had done anything remotely related to old life as a street fighter. She knew she was severely out of practice and was a little scared on the inside; however her sense of righteousness allowed her to carry on.
The thug laughed. “OK, show me what you’ve got.”
Chun-Li immediately darted forward and struck the thug with an open palm attack to his stomach. It was a clean hit and the impact sent the thug flying back several meters slamming into a wall. The thug was genuinely surprised at what happened, but was able to brush it off and stand back up.
“Not bad little lady, but you’re going to regret that. When I’m done with you you’ll be leaking cum out of your fat ass for days.” The thug retorted.
The thug charged at Chun-Li, unleashing a flurry of blows. The Chinese woman was able to block most of the strikes however she was noticeably slower and imprecise due to her years of neglected training. As the thug continued to press forward, one of his punches broke through Chun-Li’s guard and struck her directly in the face, leaving a large bruise on her cheek and a black eye. A follow up knee to the stomach sent Chun-Li reeling over in pain. She was now on her knees on the filthy streets.
“I won’t give up. I can’t give up.” Chun-Li muttered to herself.
As the thug approached, the fallen fighter countered with a flip kick. With her foot striking the thug right in the chin he was knocked off his legs and landed on his back, totally dazed. Meanwhile, Chun-Li landed on her feet into a graceful fighting pose. She had to balance herself a little as her lack of training had taken a toll on her acrobatic skills.
“Stay down!” Chun-Li yelled.
The thug ignored Chun-Li’s decree and stood back up. “Don’t count on it.”
With blinding speed, the thug performed a spinning roundhouse kick. Chun-Li was able to dodge out of the way but due to her lost prowess and sluggishness, she stumbled and was unable to keep her balance. This opening allowed the thug to land a fierce kick directly into Chun-Li’s stomach, leaving a muddy footprint on her outfit and sending her flying. Chun-Li flew across the street before rolling and sliding several meters to a dead halt. Her costume was now noticeably torn and covered with filth from the dirty street.
Chun-Li spat out some blood and slowly stood back up into a fighting pose. She wasn’t finished just yet. While she was visibly exhausted and covered with sweat, so was her opponent. The two charged at each other in a final clash. In the blink of an eye, a loud shockwave erupted as the two collided. Dust blasted into the air around them.
Spectators saw the thug flying out of the dust cloud and into a dumpster as the impact caused the lid to slam shut. All the local bystanders looked back the other way as the dust cloud settled. There stood Chun-Li, panting and covered with sweat in a battle ready pose.
The Chinese fighter was victorious. The moment created ripple of confidence and pride that surged through Chun-Li’s body. She was back! Once again she was a noble warrior of beauty and honor. Chun-Li then stood in a bold victory pose for everyone to see.
It was over. The mighty Chinese fighter had defeated the thug and rescued the local shopkeeper who thanked her dearly for her act of valor. That night Chun-Li walked home for the first time in five years with her head held up high, brimming with confidence as the locals cheered.
Chun-Li awoke the next morning in her slummy apartment. She was no doubt sore from yesterday’s battle but she was feeling better than she had ever been her entire life, filled with confidence and pride.
That morning Chun-Li was eating a large bowl of oatmeal for breakfast while watching the morning news.
“In today’s news, a local aerobics instructor had defeated an infamous triad member while rescuing a shopkeeper.”
The headline caught Chun-Li’s attention. Her eyes were glued to the tiny TV set.
“This brave act of vigilante justice has caused the local populace to stand up against the racketeering from local triad.”
Chun-Li smiled after gulping down her last spoonful of oatmeal. The news report continued as the reporter interviewed some random pedestrians who were all praising Chun-Li for her valiant act.
The Chinese beauty stood up and stepped in front of a mirror. She was wearing just a sports bra and panties as she posed confidently to stare at her reflection. She stepped closer to examine the various bruises across her body and face. She turned around, overheard something from her TV.
“Breaking news! Our reporter is on scene at the known headquarters of the local triad.”
Chun-Li sat back down at her breakfast table focused on the news report. On screen was the elderly shopkeeper, he was on his knees being held down by his hair. The person holding him down was a woman in what appeared to be a female in a luchador wrestling outfit. Chun-Li thought it looked ridiculous but set that aside as she was worried for the old man.
“This is the local triad leader known as Rainbow Mika. She has known ties to the Russian mafia lead by Zangief. What do you have to say for yourself?” The reporter approached R.Mika but kept her distance. She pointed the microphone at her for a statement. Mika responded.
“Whoever this dumb vigilante bitch is, I want to show her what her actions have brought to the people of this city.” Mika then struck the old man in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious to the ground.
“I challenge this vigilante to a one on one fight. 3 PM right here. If she doesn’t show up then the old man gets it and we’ll all know that she was too pussy to challenge me, Rainbow Mika, the strongest woman in the world!”
Chun-Li’s eyes opened wide as she heard that statement. That last sentence made her absolutely furious. Chun-Li knew that she was the strongest woman in the world. It was her rightful title and she’d be damned if she’s let some wrestler in a silly outfit take that from her.
The Chinese woman paused for a moment in deep thought. She had a plan now for an infamous comeback and to regain her renowned title. She stood up gallantly, walked over to her armoire and opened it. Inside hung her infamous street fighting costumes! Hung in a row were several identical costumes of various bright colours.
These costumes had hung in the darkness for years without seeing the light of day. Since her fateful defeat at the hands of Juri, Chun-Li had been too ashamed to wear it. Her original royal blue qipao and leotard were horrifically soiled with filth and her own bodily waste. Some of the terrible memories of those days flashed in Chun-Li’s mind. Remembering how she was forced to wear the same soiled outfit for over a year. Chun-Li also recalled how she was stripped of the costume and made to wear a Bison Doll outfit while being raped under his captivity. Every day she could see her ragged costume which hung on Bison’s mantle as a trophy.
The Chinese warrior remembered her humiliating ordeal but shook off the memories from her mind. She stared at the row of pristine colourful costumes, bushing her hand across the silky spandex fabric before picking one off the rack. Chun-Li picked the costume in sky blue, a lighter shade from her previous outfit but just as beautiful and shiny. Just behind it hung an identical outfit in peach pink.
Chun-Li laid out the costume on her bed and stared at it. For the first time in years, the sight of this costume no longer filled her with shame. Instead she felt a wave of strength and pride. The iconic outfit was a symbol of her true identity, a symbol of her confidence and honor. Her heart was racing simply in anticipation of putting it on again.
The Chinese beauty quickly stripped herself of her sports bra and panties. She stood completely naked as she slid on her shiny bronze spandex tights. While she used to wear waist high tights, this particular piece was actually comprised of a unitard to avoid slippage during high kicks and acrobatic moves.
Chun-Li slipped her legs in one at a time and pulled up the shiny bronze material. It felt amazing as the fabric slid across her naked skin. The garment was extremely tight, possibly 2 sizes too small for her now since most of her toned muscle mass had been replaced with fat due to her lack of vigorous training. Even though Chun-Li had been teaching aerobics on a daily basis, she was nowhere near the shape she used to be and had really let herself go physically. As she pulled the bronze unitard up over her shoulders she tugged at the material, smoothing out any wrinkles. Next she slipped on her sky blue tank leotard. It fit extremely tight and Chun-Li felt a slight sense of eroticism as the leotard’s leg holes wrapped tightly around her vulva and hips. The feeling felt so good and filled her with an extreme sense of confidence. Immediately Chun-Li could see that her poise had changed to a more self-assured posture.
Next, Chun-Li put on her sky blue spandex qipao which barely fit her. She buttoned up the dress and fitted her white belt over top, tightening the back one lace at a time. The outfit was so tight that Chun-Li had a bit of difficulty taking deep breaths, but soon got used to it. She then put on her white combat boots, spiky wristcuffs and tied her hair in her iconic ox horn buns with a white laced cover.
Chun-Li once again stood in front of the mirror in a confident pose. She noticed that the costume was indeed a size or two too small for her, but she was not deterred. In fact the tight outfit made her feel sexy and seductive in a way she had never felt before. The one missing element was to cover up the bruise and black eye on her face from yesterday’s battle.
The Chinese beauty spent over an hour applying layers of foundation and makeup. She hadn’t done herself up like this in years and went a little overboard. She put on a little too much colour as she now appeared with heavy eyeshadow and bright red lipstick over several layers of caked on makeup. Chun-Li stood in front of the mirror one final time looking absolutely perfect.
Chun-Li, once a broken woman was now standing tall and triumphant. She was filled to the brink with beauty, dignity and self-assurance. Never before in her life had she felt this confident, perhaps a little too confident.
The Chinese woman had a strategy in place for an astounding comeback. Her plan was to approach the challenge location secretly. She would use her boom box to play her famous theme music while jumping off a rooftop to reveal herself in a spectacular fashion.
“This is the perfect plan. Everyone will cheer at my return and once I defeat that silly wrestler I’ll have secured my title as the strongest woman in the world!” She thought to herself.
As Chun-Li began to head for the door, she felt a cramp in her stomach. She realized that she needed to relieve her bowels but didn’t want to spend another hour undressing the numerous layers of her costume. The challenge deadline was only a half hour away. Luckily, Chun-Li was able to let loose a long silent fart to relieve the pressure. The cramp subsided and Chun-Li confidently grabbed her boom box loaded with her theme music and headed out the door.
Chun-Li had forgotten about what had happened the last time she ignored the will of her bowels. This decision would soon turn out to be a grave mistake, possibly the worst mistake of Chun-Li’s life.
Chun-Li stepped into the streets. The bright sunlight reflected off of her sky blue outfit making her gleam with brilliance. Chun-Li felt the heat from the scorching sun across her spandex clad body and knew that her layered outfit would soon cause her to start sweating. She wanted to look perfect during her surprise debut and her bright costume was already drawing the attention of various pedestrians. Chun-Li made the decision to take a covert detour through the shaded alleys to the challenge location.
The confident Chinese fighter was about a block away from her destination still walking through the alleys. She was approaching the rooftop she had chosen to make her grand entrance but before she could climb the fire escape she felt another sudden cramp from her stomach.
Chun-Li used one hand to steady herself against the wall while she clutched her stomach with her other hand, dropping her boom box on the ground. The cramp was much more painful this time as it caused Chun-Li to bend her legs in an awkward position, stumbling to maintain balance.
“Uuughhh... Not now. Not now.” Chun-Li muttered.
She felt the pressure in her bowels increase as she tried to pass some more gas. What had started as a fart led to a release of a soft slimy loaf of fecal paste right into her leotard and tights. The load left a small bulge, but due to the extreme tightness of her spandex it had quickly spread out across her ass crack and taint.
Chun-Li lifted the rear of her skirt to see the damage. The once shiny sky blue spandex had stained to a brown patch of wet fabric. It held in place for now due to the tight elastic of her leotard bottoms.
“Oh god, no! No! No! No! This can’t be happening! My costume!” Chun-Li shrieked.
Chun-Li was mortified. She let go of her skirt and grabbed her boom box in an attempt to run home to change into her pink backup costume. However, before she could make way a she heard the sound of a pedestrian at the end of the alley.
“It’s her! The vigilante aerobic lady! She’s come to fight R.Mika!” Yelled a young woman pointing at Chun-Li from the end of the alley.
In an instant the alley flooded with people all pointing and cheering at Chun-Li.
“Oh my god! It’s her, the mighty Chun-Li!” Yelled a man.
“She’s back! Chun-Li is back! She’s going to fight Mika!!” Yelled another.
The crowd surrounded the Chinese beauty and guided her out of the alley. Chun-Li, still holding her boom box was grateful that her slimy accident was well hidden from public view by the rear of her qipao skirt. As the crowd shuffled the Chinese woman out of the alley she was momentarily blinded by the hot bright sunlight.
Chun-Li stepped onto the streets noticing that a massive crowd had gathered to witness the event. They all wowed in at the incredible sight of the beautiful Chinese woman wearing a tight shiny costume. She was practically glistening in the sunlight.
The Chinese beauty knew that her plan for a grand entrance had been ruined, just like her leotard bottoms but she continued on. She spotted R. Mika in the distance with her foot over the elderly shopkeepers head.
Chun-Li placed her boom box on a nearby food cart and pressed play. Her iconic theme music began to echo across the block as she strutted out into the middle of the street in an arrogant fasion. The crowd was absolutely in awe as they’ve never seen anyone in such an extravagant outfit in such a scummy part of the city.
The Chinese fighter began to perform several practice moves into various battle poses for show. Chun-Li was cautious not to do anything too extreme as to reveal the accident under her skirt. She knew she wouldn’t be able to do high kicks or flips. Heaven forbid if she attempted a kikoken or spinning bird kick.
Chun-Li continued to showcase herself for the next few minutes in sync with her musical theme.
“Behold my beauty and strength! I will show you the power of my kung fu!”
“I am Chun-Li! I am and always will be the strongest woman in the world!”
She ends her display with a confident victory pose and transitions into a battle stance. Mika is unimpressed. She kicks away the elderly shopkeeper and moves up to face Chun-Li.
“Hahaha, you’re nothing but pitiful overconfident little wannabe princess. Must be embarrassing to wear the costume of a woman who shat herself in public. Why don’t you go back home and teach aerobics before I completely ruin you.” Mika proclaimed.
“Don’t bet on it!” Chun-Li furiously replied.
The two women stared deeply into each other’s eyes and readied themselves for an epic battle.
Round One: Fight!
The two deadly beauties charged at each other with utter determination. Mika was the first to strike. Chun-Li was sluggish and unprepared due to her lack of training but was able to guard against the opening barrage from her years of fighting experience.
“Is that all you got?” Chun-Li asked.
“I’m just warming up!” Mika retorted.
Mika followed up with spinning kick. Chun-Li anticipated the attack and crouched into a sweeping kick, knocking Mika off her feet landing ass first onto the grimy street.
Chun-Li felt the muddy deposit between her legs squish and spread as a result of her last maneuver, but luckily the unsightly accident was well hidden under her skirt. The Chinese fighter stood back up into an arrogant victory pose, towering over the fallen Mika.
“You’re such an amateur. You don’t stand a chance against the strongest woman in the world!” Chun-Li mocked as her theme music played heroically in the background.
Mika flipped back up onto her feet into a battle stance and charged at the Chinese fighter once again. The toned wrestler continued to unleash a barrage of strikes but they were all blocked or deflected by Chun-Li. The Chinese beauty countered with several punches which Mika evaded, Chun-Li then followed up with several low kicks that struck Mika in the knee and abdomen.
Chun-Li was still cautious not to use high kicks or her signature moves in fear of revealing the mushy stain that was growing in-between her legs. As the Chinese fighter continued her assault, Mika soon realized that something was “off” about her opponent.
Noticing that Chun-Li wasn’t using her strongest moves, Mika took advantage of her opponent’s handicap. Mika flipped over Chun-Li and began a relentless assault with jumping strikes and high kicks. Chun-Li wasn’t able to block the high attacks with her legs as she was in her fear of revealing her accident. The Chinese woman was slow and inaccurate due to her lack of training. That plus her reliance on kicks put her at a huge disadvantage.
Mika continued her assault and eventually broke through Chun-Li’s feeble guard landing several strikes into her chest and face. Her last strike spun Chun-Li around 180 and Mika followed up with a drop kick to directly onto her back. The impact sent Chun-Li flying into a food cart and destroying her boom box causing her famous theme music to come to a screeching halt.
Chun-Li lied dazed in a humiliating position, face down and spread out on the filthy street floor. Her skirt was flipped over her back and several spectators spotted the mucky stain on Chun-Li’s otherwise shiny leotard and tights.
“Look! Chun-Li shat herself!” Cried a woman.
“The strongest woman in the world shat her leotard again! How pathetic.” Yelled another spectator.
Chun-Li was utterly humiliated. She groggily picked herself up and tried to wipe off what mud and filth she could from her previously spotless costume. It was now stained and patches of sweat were visible across her body.
“Aaaw, did the Chinese hooker soil her costume? Looks like you need some potty training.” Mika mocked. The crowed laughed at her remark.
Chun-Li was furious. She was dripping with sweat. Much of her makeup was smeared and her bruise from her previous battle was now visible.
“I won’t be defeated! Not like this! Aaaarrrgh!!!” Chun-Li yelled as she wildly charged towards Mika.
The Chinese warrior attacked with everything she had now that her shameful accident had been made public. Chun-Li performed a flowing combo of kicks and flips, all of which were dodged by Mika as she took advantage of Chun-Li’s recklessness.
For every kick, Chun-Li felt her slimy deposit continue to squish and spread inside her costume. Her humiliation grew as each desperate strike hit nothing but air and caused more feces to leak and stain across her illustrious bronze spandex tights. Mika was merely toying with her now that the Chinese fighter’s poise and resolve had begun to buckle.
Chun-Li was visibly exhausted from her barrage. She once again muttered to herself some words of self-encouragement. “I am strong, I am beautiful. I am Chun-Li, the strongest woman in the world!” She then prepared for a desperate final attack.
“Spinning-bird-ki- uuuurrrrrghhhh!!!” Chun-Li was cut off before she could perform her signature move as Mika unleashed a super attack with a knee directly into her stomach.
The brutal strike unleashed a shockwave, instantly ripping off the front and back skirt of the Chinese woman’s colourful spandex qipao. Meanwhile the impact had caused Chun-Li to violently expel her bowels into her tight costume for all the spectators to see. The once confident Chinese fighter’s eyes opened wide in utter disbelief of what had just happened. She was unable to control her anus as her mush-like feces shot out much like a tube of toothpaste being stomped on.
Chun-Li fell onto her knees on the muddy ground.
“HUUUURGGEHH….HLEEAAHHHurkurkBLLEAAHH." Chun-Li made a disgusting sound as she vomited up her oatmeal breakfast all over her shiny costume before falling over into a fetal position withering in pain.
Mika saw the pathetic sight and turned around to address the crowd.
“And this slut calls herself the strongest woman in the world. Hahahaha”
The pain was almost too much for Chun-Li to bear. She was suddenly reminded of her ordeal with Jiri while waves of fear and humiliation began to ripple through the Chinese woman’s body. Tears began to flow from her eyes.
“This can’t be happening to me! I’m a strong and beautiful woman. I’m the pride of China. I’m wearing my famous costume of power. This isn’t supposed to happen!” Chun-Li thought to herself in sheer disbelief.
The Chinese woman was a mess. Her shiny spandex costume was stained with mud and various fluids, torn and frayed. Her ass was covered with shit, leaking out down her tights from the leg holes of her shiny sky blue leotard. A massive crowd had formed and was taking videos of her to be streamed across the internet.
Even in such a disgraceful position with no hope of recovery, Chun-Li desperately tried to continue fighting. She stood up and stumbled into an awkward fighting stance and once again charged toward Mika. The tough wrestler saw the attack coming from a mile away. Chun-Li’s sluggish strikes were nothing short of pathetic as Mika easily dodged each one.
As Chun-Li finished her sixth strike, her weak body was forced to hunch over to catch her breath. Her stamina was completely spent and sweat was now streaming from her disheveled hair down her face, ruining the makeup she spent over an hour applying.
Mika took this opportunity to strike back unleashing a flurry of blows. Chun-Li flopped around like a rag doll, unable to defend herself. Surprisingly after Mika had completed her combo, Chun-Li was still standing but just barely. The Chinese fighter was stunned and drooling onto her chest, desperately trying to maintain balance. All she could see were stars orbiting her head.
“Stubborn Chinese whore won’t go down.” Mika muttered as she stepped around behind Chun-Li.
Grabbing the Chinese beauty from behind, Mika unleashed a devastating suplex. Chun-Li flipped over, smashing her head against the hard filthy ground. The impact sent an overwhelming wave of pain through Chun-Li’s body causing her to pass out. Mika had let go of her victim and the momentum caused the Chinawoman to land face down on the ground with her ass thrusted up in the air.
The famous Chinese fighter lay motionless for several seconds until a disgusting sound erupted from her body.
“Bbbbrraaaappp!! Fffsshhhhhh!!!”
The unconscious Chun-Li had completely lost control of her entire body causing her to anus to erupt like a volcano and fill her spandex costume with mushy fecal paste once again. Almost simultaneously Chun-Li had also let loose her bladder as a violent spray of urine rushed down her stomach and inner thighs, soaking and staining her costume further. This unsightly display lasted for well over a minute before the leaking subsided. The mucky fecal matter had spread out significantly from her crotch and there were now bumps and bulges across the tights nearly reaching Chun-Li’s knees. Her entire stomach was now stained with shit and piss. The extremely tight spandex costume hid nothing from public view and was utterly ruined.
Mika stood over her broken opponent, wiping off some off some specks of poop juice that landed on her wrestling outfit from the suplex.
“Disgusting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a pathetic sight in my life.” Mika said as she spat at her unconscious rival.
“I hear you were once a cop, a proud and powerful fighter. That’s hard to believe. I know just what to do with you.” Mika boasted.
The wrestler kicked Chun-Li’s limp body in the ribs, flipping her over into a spread eagle position. She then crouched down and grabbed the fallen Chinawoman by the ankle and began to drag her away. Chun-Li was still unconscious; her limb body giving no struggle to the victorious wrestler as she was being dragged into an alley leaving a fetid trail of piss and shit behind her.
As Mika reached the alley crossway she lifted Chun-Li’s leg into the air, pulled out a set of handcuffs and cuffed her ankle to an iron drain pipe. Chun-Li hung paralyzed in an upside down position as her piss and shit began to dribble and ooze down her body in the opposite direction.
“So much for the infamous Chun-Li!” Mika shouted.
The wrestler walked away as the crowd of spectators all gathered around Chun-Li’s filth covered body. For the next hour, all that could be heard were clicks and flashes from various smartphones uploading the brutal ordeal to the internet for all to see.
Several hours pass.
Chun-Li awakens, still in the same upside down position with her leg cuffed to the pipe.
“Uuuhhh… What happened?” She muttered.
Around her the crowd was still taking videos and pictures. Chun-Li’s body was broken and paralyzed from the ordeal. She was in extreme pain and couldn’t move anything below her neck. It took her several minutes to recall what had just occurred.
“Oh god! No! This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!” Chun-Li screamed.
All she could really do was turn her head slightly, but everywhere she looked was just more people gawking at her and taking photos.
“This isn’t supposed to happen! My costume! Oh god, my beautiful costume! Noooooooooo!!!!!” She shouted as the shit and piss continued to leak down her tight spandex outfit.
Chun-Li kept screaming until she eventually blacked out…
A few days pass.
Chun-Li awakens again. She’s now lying in a pool of her own piss and a massive amount of shit has now filled her outfit. Much of the front and back of her costume were now thoroughly stained. The super tight material left nothing to the imagination as large pasty bulges where protruding from her once shiny leotard and tights.
Chun-Li knew this was the end for her. She could never recover from such a humiliation. The once proud and confident Chinese beauty broke down into a delirious mess. Screaming and rambling incoherently.
“Somebody help me! Help me please! Oh god!” She screamed as she uncontrollably expelled more urine and shit into her costume.
“AAaaarrrrghhh!! Noooo! I’m the strongest woman in the world! Somebody help me!!! AAAArrrrrrghhhH!!” Chun-Li howled until her voice was nothing but a faded shriek.
Eventually the broken Chinese woman fell dead silent. Her eyes rolled back and went white as she let out a trail of drool from her mouth. Chun-Li’s mind could take no more. Her psyche was shattered and she went into a comatose state.
A week later.
Chun-Li had not moved for quite some time. Strangely, her body continued to expel feces and urine, filling her tight costume to the brink of bursting. Much of her slimy waste had now leaked down her chest and out the collar of her qipao across her face.
Each day various pedestrians would pass by to take more photos. Some more perverted individuals would jack off in front of her, leaving globs of cum stains all over Chun-Li’s battered body.
This was the end for the illustrious Chinese heroine. Chun-Li had been ruined forever and would never again recover from such an unspeakable ordeal. Once a symbol of beauty, grace and confidence, she was now a broken portrait of disgrace and failure. Chun-Li would hang there covered in her own excrement for the rest of her life.
The End.
The Chun-Li in this story is based off her classic costume as seen in this gallery. A tight blue spandex qipao with a matching blue leotard and shiny bronze tights underneath.
Feedback and reviews are welcome.
Chapter Notes:
This is a continuation of the first "Soiled Pride" storyline from this thread.
This story takes place many years after Chun-Li's gruesome defeat at the hands of Juri. The famous spring beauty tries to regain her status as the strongest woman in the world but fails in an epic blunder.
Warning: This story has graphic description of urinary and bowel incontinence along with violent combat, humiliation and vomiting. This is not for the faint of heart. If you are offended or disgusted at such subject matter, please do not read any further. You have been warned.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chun-Li’ Soiled Pride: Part 2 – Return and Ruination
It has been over five years since Chun-Li’s brutal defeat at the hands of Juri in the streets of Thailand. Following her public humiliation Juri had kept the Chinese woman captive for six months. Day after day the Chun-Li was subjected to demeaning acts of torture and degradation. Juri continually found new and creative ways to destroy Chun-Li’s spirt until she was eventually reduced to empty shell of her former self.
With Chun-Li’s mind shattered and left in a catatonic state, Juri had grown bored of her plaything. Shortly afterwards the once proud Chinese warrior was locked in dog cage, still wearing her filthy ragged costume and sold to Bison as a sex slave. For the next year she was raped on a daily basis until she was eventually rescued at great cost by Cammy who had recovered from her own ordeal.
While Cammy was able to secure Chun-Li’s escape, she herself was captured and brutally devastated by Bison. Cammy was never heard from again.
It had taken many years of therapy for Chun-Li to recover mentally from her hellish experience. Even after her escape she was the subject of public debasement. Interpol and the Chinese government had disavowed her due to her disgraceful acts. Videos of her humiliating defeat went viral across the globe.
Since the day of her fateful defeat, Chun-Li had never again performed or trained in any martial arts. She had to move to a small unknown city in China to hide from public view while living in seclusion. The once mighty Chinese martial artist made a living by opening a small dance studio and became an aerobics instructor. There she would work to make a measly living, teaching local women to stay fit. Meanwhile her male students would pay simply gawk at her spandex clad body while doing stretches.
This would be Chun-Li’s live for several years until one fateful day…
Chun-Li was wrapping up one of her afternoon aerobics classes. She was wearing an outfit similar to her Alpha costume. It was a tight blue unitard with a matching leotard on top for extra support. Both garments had golden stripes along the side and on top she wore a light blue vest with similar gold trimmings.
Her class had just finished and as she was saying goodbye to her students she overheard some commotion from small grocery shop across the street.
“No, please! I paid you last week, I don’t have anything left.” Begged an old man.
Chun-Li peered out of her studio to see the elderly shop owner on his knees in front of a thuggish male. The thug was obviously a member of a local triad. He had been seen loitering the area before, threatening local shop owners.
The commotion escalated as the thug kicked over one of the shop stalls spilling vegetables onto the street.
“This is just a taste of what will happen if you aren’t willing to pay your protection fees. Hahaha!” Replied the thug.
“Please stop!” Urged the old shopkeeper.
The thug kicked the old man over and continued to kick him in the gut.
“Aarrgh! Stop! Help, someone please help! Aaarrgh!” The old man screamed as he was beaten.
Chun-Li saw the event take place. While her first instinct was to ignore it and turn away, her inner self could not let the injustice stand.
“Leave him alone!” Chun-Li yelled.
Chun-Li stepped out into the streets, revealing herself with her hands on her hips, her blue spandex outfit sparkling in the sun. The thug turned around to see the Chinese beauty defiantly standing across from him.
“Or what little lady?” The thug replied.
“Or I’ll give you a beating like you’ve never had before.” Chun-Li angrily decreed.
The Chinese beauty went into a fighting pose. This was the first time in over five years she had done anything remotely related to old life as a street fighter. She knew she was severely out of practice and was a little scared on the inside; however her sense of righteousness allowed her to carry on.
The thug laughed. “OK, show me what you’ve got.”
Chun-Li immediately darted forward and struck the thug with an open palm attack to his stomach. It was a clean hit and the impact sent the thug flying back several meters slamming into a wall. The thug was genuinely surprised at what happened, but was able to brush it off and stand back up.
“Not bad little lady, but you’re going to regret that. When I’m done with you you’ll be leaking cum out of your fat ass for days.” The thug retorted.
The thug charged at Chun-Li, unleashing a flurry of blows. The Chinese woman was able to block most of the strikes however she was noticeably slower and imprecise due to her years of neglected training. As the thug continued to press forward, one of his punches broke through Chun-Li’s guard and struck her directly in the face, leaving a large bruise on her cheek and a black eye. A follow up knee to the stomach sent Chun-Li reeling over in pain. She was now on her knees on the filthy streets.
“I won’t give up. I can’t give up.” Chun-Li muttered to herself.
As the thug approached, the fallen fighter countered with a flip kick. With her foot striking the thug right in the chin he was knocked off his legs and landed on his back, totally dazed. Meanwhile, Chun-Li landed on her feet into a graceful fighting pose. She had to balance herself a little as her lack of training had taken a toll on her acrobatic skills.
“Stay down!” Chun-Li yelled.
The thug ignored Chun-Li’s decree and stood back up. “Don’t count on it.”
With blinding speed, the thug performed a spinning roundhouse kick. Chun-Li was able to dodge out of the way but due to her lost prowess and sluggishness, she stumbled and was unable to keep her balance. This opening allowed the thug to land a fierce kick directly into Chun-Li’s stomach, leaving a muddy footprint on her outfit and sending her flying. Chun-Li flew across the street before rolling and sliding several meters to a dead halt. Her costume was now noticeably torn and covered with filth from the dirty street.
Chun-Li spat out some blood and slowly stood back up into a fighting pose. She wasn’t finished just yet. While she was visibly exhausted and covered with sweat, so was her opponent. The two charged at each other in a final clash. In the blink of an eye, a loud shockwave erupted as the two collided. Dust blasted into the air around them.
Spectators saw the thug flying out of the dust cloud and into a dumpster as the impact caused the lid to slam shut. All the local bystanders looked back the other way as the dust cloud settled. There stood Chun-Li, panting and covered with sweat in a battle ready pose.
The Chinese fighter was victorious. The moment created ripple of confidence and pride that surged through Chun-Li’s body. She was back! Once again she was a noble warrior of beauty and honor. Chun-Li then stood in a bold victory pose for everyone to see.
It was over. The mighty Chinese fighter had defeated the thug and rescued the local shopkeeper who thanked her dearly for her act of valor. That night Chun-Li walked home for the first time in five years with her head held up high, brimming with confidence as the locals cheered.
Chun-Li awoke the next morning in her slummy apartment. She was no doubt sore from yesterday’s battle but she was feeling better than she had ever been her entire life, filled with confidence and pride.
That morning Chun-Li was eating a large bowl of oatmeal for breakfast while watching the morning news.
“In today’s news, a local aerobics instructor had defeated an infamous triad member while rescuing a shopkeeper.”
The headline caught Chun-Li’s attention. Her eyes were glued to the tiny TV set.
“This brave act of vigilante justice has caused the local populace to stand up against the racketeering from local triad.”
Chun-Li smiled after gulping down her last spoonful of oatmeal. The news report continued as the reporter interviewed some random pedestrians who were all praising Chun-Li for her valiant act.
The Chinese beauty stood up and stepped in front of a mirror. She was wearing just a sports bra and panties as she posed confidently to stare at her reflection. She stepped closer to examine the various bruises across her body and face. She turned around, overheard something from her TV.
“Breaking news! Our reporter is on scene at the known headquarters of the local triad.”
Chun-Li sat back down at her breakfast table focused on the news report. On screen was the elderly shopkeeper, he was on his knees being held down by his hair. The person holding him down was a woman in what appeared to be a female in a luchador wrestling outfit. Chun-Li thought it looked ridiculous but set that aside as she was worried for the old man.
“This is the local triad leader known as Rainbow Mika. She has known ties to the Russian mafia lead by Zangief. What do you have to say for yourself?” The reporter approached R.Mika but kept her distance. She pointed the microphone at her for a statement. Mika responded.
“Whoever this dumb vigilante bitch is, I want to show her what her actions have brought to the people of this city.” Mika then struck the old man in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious to the ground.
“I challenge this vigilante to a one on one fight. 3 PM right here. If she doesn’t show up then the old man gets it and we’ll all know that she was too pussy to challenge me, Rainbow Mika, the strongest woman in the world!”
Chun-Li’s eyes opened wide as she heard that statement. That last sentence made her absolutely furious. Chun-Li knew that she was the strongest woman in the world. It was her rightful title and she’d be damned if she’s let some wrestler in a silly outfit take that from her.
The Chinese woman paused for a moment in deep thought. She had a plan now for an infamous comeback and to regain her renowned title. She stood up gallantly, walked over to her armoire and opened it. Inside hung her infamous street fighting costumes! Hung in a row were several identical costumes of various bright colours.
These costumes had hung in the darkness for years without seeing the light of day. Since her fateful defeat at the hands of Juri, Chun-Li had been too ashamed to wear it. Her original royal blue qipao and leotard were horrifically soiled with filth and her own bodily waste. Some of the terrible memories of those days flashed in Chun-Li’s mind. Remembering how she was forced to wear the same soiled outfit for over a year. Chun-Li also recalled how she was stripped of the costume and made to wear a Bison Doll outfit while being raped under his captivity. Every day she could see her ragged costume which hung on Bison’s mantle as a trophy.
The Chinese warrior remembered her humiliating ordeal but shook off the memories from her mind. She stared at the row of pristine colourful costumes, bushing her hand across the silky spandex fabric before picking one off the rack. Chun-Li picked the costume in sky blue, a lighter shade from her previous outfit but just as beautiful and shiny. Just behind it hung an identical outfit in peach pink.
Chun-Li laid out the costume on her bed and stared at it. For the first time in years, the sight of this costume no longer filled her with shame. Instead she felt a wave of strength and pride. The iconic outfit was a symbol of her true identity, a symbol of her confidence and honor. Her heart was racing simply in anticipation of putting it on again.
The Chinese beauty quickly stripped herself of her sports bra and panties. She stood completely naked as she slid on her shiny bronze spandex tights. While she used to wear waist high tights, this particular piece was actually comprised of a unitard to avoid slippage during high kicks and acrobatic moves.
Chun-Li slipped her legs in one at a time and pulled up the shiny bronze material. It felt amazing as the fabric slid across her naked skin. The garment was extremely tight, possibly 2 sizes too small for her now since most of her toned muscle mass had been replaced with fat due to her lack of vigorous training. Even though Chun-Li had been teaching aerobics on a daily basis, she was nowhere near the shape she used to be and had really let herself go physically. As she pulled the bronze unitard up over her shoulders she tugged at the material, smoothing out any wrinkles. Next she slipped on her sky blue tank leotard. It fit extremely tight and Chun-Li felt a slight sense of eroticism as the leotard’s leg holes wrapped tightly around her vulva and hips. The feeling felt so good and filled her with an extreme sense of confidence. Immediately Chun-Li could see that her poise had changed to a more self-assured posture.
Next, Chun-Li put on her sky blue spandex qipao which barely fit her. She buttoned up the dress and fitted her white belt over top, tightening the back one lace at a time. The outfit was so tight that Chun-Li had a bit of difficulty taking deep breaths, but soon got used to it. She then put on her white combat boots, spiky wristcuffs and tied her hair in her iconic ox horn buns with a white laced cover.
Chun-Li once again stood in front of the mirror in a confident pose. She noticed that the costume was indeed a size or two too small for her, but she was not deterred. In fact the tight outfit made her feel sexy and seductive in a way she had never felt before. The one missing element was to cover up the bruise and black eye on her face from yesterday’s battle.
The Chinese beauty spent over an hour applying layers of foundation and makeup. She hadn’t done herself up like this in years and went a little overboard. She put on a little too much colour as she now appeared with heavy eyeshadow and bright red lipstick over several layers of caked on makeup. Chun-Li stood in front of the mirror one final time looking absolutely perfect.
Chun-Li, once a broken woman was now standing tall and triumphant. She was filled to the brink with beauty, dignity and self-assurance. Never before in her life had she felt this confident, perhaps a little too confident.
The Chinese woman had a strategy in place for an astounding comeback. Her plan was to approach the challenge location secretly. She would use her boom box to play her famous theme music while jumping off a rooftop to reveal herself in a spectacular fashion.
“This is the perfect plan. Everyone will cheer at my return and once I defeat that silly wrestler I’ll have secured my title as the strongest woman in the world!” She thought to herself.
As Chun-Li began to head for the door, she felt a cramp in her stomach. She realized that she needed to relieve her bowels but didn’t want to spend another hour undressing the numerous layers of her costume. The challenge deadline was only a half hour away. Luckily, Chun-Li was able to let loose a long silent fart to relieve the pressure. The cramp subsided and Chun-Li confidently grabbed her boom box loaded with her theme music and headed out the door.
Chun-Li had forgotten about what had happened the last time she ignored the will of her bowels. This decision would soon turn out to be a grave mistake, possibly the worst mistake of Chun-Li’s life.
Chun-Li stepped into the streets. The bright sunlight reflected off of her sky blue outfit making her gleam with brilliance. Chun-Li felt the heat from the scorching sun across her spandex clad body and knew that her layered outfit would soon cause her to start sweating. She wanted to look perfect during her surprise debut and her bright costume was already drawing the attention of various pedestrians. Chun-Li made the decision to take a covert detour through the shaded alleys to the challenge location.
The confident Chinese fighter was about a block away from her destination still walking through the alleys. She was approaching the rooftop she had chosen to make her grand entrance but before she could climb the fire escape she felt another sudden cramp from her stomach.
Chun-Li used one hand to steady herself against the wall while she clutched her stomach with her other hand, dropping her boom box on the ground. The cramp was much more painful this time as it caused Chun-Li to bend her legs in an awkward position, stumbling to maintain balance.
“Uuughhh... Not now. Not now.” Chun-Li muttered.
She felt the pressure in her bowels increase as she tried to pass some more gas. What had started as a fart led to a release of a soft slimy loaf of fecal paste right into her leotard and tights. The load left a small bulge, but due to the extreme tightness of her spandex it had quickly spread out across her ass crack and taint.
Chun-Li lifted the rear of her skirt to see the damage. The once shiny sky blue spandex had stained to a brown patch of wet fabric. It held in place for now due to the tight elastic of her leotard bottoms.
“Oh god, no! No! No! No! This can’t be happening! My costume!” Chun-Li shrieked.
Chun-Li was mortified. She let go of her skirt and grabbed her boom box in an attempt to run home to change into her pink backup costume. However, before she could make way a she heard the sound of a pedestrian at the end of the alley.
“It’s her! The vigilante aerobic lady! She’s come to fight R.Mika!” Yelled a young woman pointing at Chun-Li from the end of the alley.
In an instant the alley flooded with people all pointing and cheering at Chun-Li.
“Oh my god! It’s her, the mighty Chun-Li!” Yelled a man.
“She’s back! Chun-Li is back! She’s going to fight Mika!!” Yelled another.
The crowd surrounded the Chinese beauty and guided her out of the alley. Chun-Li, still holding her boom box was grateful that her slimy accident was well hidden from public view by the rear of her qipao skirt. As the crowd shuffled the Chinese woman out of the alley she was momentarily blinded by the hot bright sunlight.
Chun-Li stepped onto the streets noticing that a massive crowd had gathered to witness the event. They all wowed in at the incredible sight of the beautiful Chinese woman wearing a tight shiny costume. She was practically glistening in the sunlight.
The Chinese beauty knew that her plan for a grand entrance had been ruined, just like her leotard bottoms but she continued on. She spotted R. Mika in the distance with her foot over the elderly shopkeepers head.
Chun-Li placed her boom box on a nearby food cart and pressed play. Her iconic theme music began to echo across the block as she strutted out into the middle of the street in an arrogant fasion. The crowd was absolutely in awe as they’ve never seen anyone in such an extravagant outfit in such a scummy part of the city.
The Chinese fighter began to perform several practice moves into various battle poses for show. Chun-Li was cautious not to do anything too extreme as to reveal the accident under her skirt. She knew she wouldn’t be able to do high kicks or flips. Heaven forbid if she attempted a kikoken or spinning bird kick.
Chun-Li continued to showcase herself for the next few minutes in sync with her musical theme.
“Behold my beauty and strength! I will show you the power of my kung fu!”
“I am Chun-Li! I am and always will be the strongest woman in the world!”
She ends her display with a confident victory pose and transitions into a battle stance. Mika is unimpressed. She kicks away the elderly shopkeeper and moves up to face Chun-Li.
“Hahaha, you’re nothing but pitiful overconfident little wannabe princess. Must be embarrassing to wear the costume of a woman who shat herself in public. Why don’t you go back home and teach aerobics before I completely ruin you.” Mika proclaimed.
“Don’t bet on it!” Chun-Li furiously replied.
The two women stared deeply into each other’s eyes and readied themselves for an epic battle.
Round One: Fight!
The two deadly beauties charged at each other with utter determination. Mika was the first to strike. Chun-Li was sluggish and unprepared due to her lack of training but was able to guard against the opening barrage from her years of fighting experience.
“Is that all you got?” Chun-Li asked.
“I’m just warming up!” Mika retorted.
Mika followed up with spinning kick. Chun-Li anticipated the attack and crouched into a sweeping kick, knocking Mika off her feet landing ass first onto the grimy street.
Chun-Li felt the muddy deposit between her legs squish and spread as a result of her last maneuver, but luckily the unsightly accident was well hidden under her skirt. The Chinese fighter stood back up into an arrogant victory pose, towering over the fallen Mika.
“You’re such an amateur. You don’t stand a chance against the strongest woman in the world!” Chun-Li mocked as her theme music played heroically in the background.
Mika flipped back up onto her feet into a battle stance and charged at the Chinese fighter once again. The toned wrestler continued to unleash a barrage of strikes but they were all blocked or deflected by Chun-Li. The Chinese beauty countered with several punches which Mika evaded, Chun-Li then followed up with several low kicks that struck Mika in the knee and abdomen.
Chun-Li was still cautious not to use high kicks or her signature moves in fear of revealing the mushy stain that was growing in-between her legs. As the Chinese fighter continued her assault, Mika soon realized that something was “off” about her opponent.
Noticing that Chun-Li wasn’t using her strongest moves, Mika took advantage of her opponent’s handicap. Mika flipped over Chun-Li and began a relentless assault with jumping strikes and high kicks. Chun-Li wasn’t able to block the high attacks with her legs as she was in her fear of revealing her accident. The Chinese woman was slow and inaccurate due to her lack of training. That plus her reliance on kicks put her at a huge disadvantage.
Mika continued her assault and eventually broke through Chun-Li’s feeble guard landing several strikes into her chest and face. Her last strike spun Chun-Li around 180 and Mika followed up with a drop kick to directly onto her back. The impact sent Chun-Li flying into a food cart and destroying her boom box causing her famous theme music to come to a screeching halt.
Chun-Li lied dazed in a humiliating position, face down and spread out on the filthy street floor. Her skirt was flipped over her back and several spectators spotted the mucky stain on Chun-Li’s otherwise shiny leotard and tights.
“Look! Chun-Li shat herself!” Cried a woman.
“The strongest woman in the world shat her leotard again! How pathetic.” Yelled another spectator.
Chun-Li was utterly humiliated. She groggily picked herself up and tried to wipe off what mud and filth she could from her previously spotless costume. It was now stained and patches of sweat were visible across her body.
“Aaaw, did the Chinese hooker soil her costume? Looks like you need some potty training.” Mika mocked. The crowed laughed at her remark.
Chun-Li was furious. She was dripping with sweat. Much of her makeup was smeared and her bruise from her previous battle was now visible.
“I won’t be defeated! Not like this! Aaaarrrgh!!!” Chun-Li yelled as she wildly charged towards Mika.
The Chinese warrior attacked with everything she had now that her shameful accident had been made public. Chun-Li performed a flowing combo of kicks and flips, all of which were dodged by Mika as she took advantage of Chun-Li’s recklessness.
For every kick, Chun-Li felt her slimy deposit continue to squish and spread inside her costume. Her humiliation grew as each desperate strike hit nothing but air and caused more feces to leak and stain across her illustrious bronze spandex tights. Mika was merely toying with her now that the Chinese fighter’s poise and resolve had begun to buckle.
Chun-Li was visibly exhausted from her barrage. She once again muttered to herself some words of self-encouragement. “I am strong, I am beautiful. I am Chun-Li, the strongest woman in the world!” She then prepared for a desperate final attack.
“Spinning-bird-ki- uuuurrrrrghhhh!!!” Chun-Li was cut off before she could perform her signature move as Mika unleashed a super attack with a knee directly into her stomach.
The brutal strike unleashed a shockwave, instantly ripping off the front and back skirt of the Chinese woman’s colourful spandex qipao. Meanwhile the impact had caused Chun-Li to violently expel her bowels into her tight costume for all the spectators to see. The once confident Chinese fighter’s eyes opened wide in utter disbelief of what had just happened. She was unable to control her anus as her mush-like feces shot out much like a tube of toothpaste being stomped on.

Chun-Li fell onto her knees on the muddy ground.
“HUUUURGGEHH….HLEEAAHHHurkurkBLLEAAHH." Chun-Li made a disgusting sound as she vomited up her oatmeal breakfast all over her shiny costume before falling over into a fetal position withering in pain.
Mika saw the pathetic sight and turned around to address the crowd.
“And this slut calls herself the strongest woman in the world. Hahahaha”
The pain was almost too much for Chun-Li to bear. She was suddenly reminded of her ordeal with Jiri while waves of fear and humiliation began to ripple through the Chinese woman’s body. Tears began to flow from her eyes.
“This can’t be happening to me! I’m a strong and beautiful woman. I’m the pride of China. I’m wearing my famous costume of power. This isn’t supposed to happen!” Chun-Li thought to herself in sheer disbelief.
The Chinese woman was a mess. Her shiny spandex costume was stained with mud and various fluids, torn and frayed. Her ass was covered with shit, leaking out down her tights from the leg holes of her shiny sky blue leotard. A massive crowd had formed and was taking videos of her to be streamed across the internet.
Even in such a disgraceful position with no hope of recovery, Chun-Li desperately tried to continue fighting. She stood up and stumbled into an awkward fighting stance and once again charged toward Mika. The tough wrestler saw the attack coming from a mile away. Chun-Li’s sluggish strikes were nothing short of pathetic as Mika easily dodged each one.
As Chun-Li finished her sixth strike, her weak body was forced to hunch over to catch her breath. Her stamina was completely spent and sweat was now streaming from her disheveled hair down her face, ruining the makeup she spent over an hour applying.
Mika took this opportunity to strike back unleashing a flurry of blows. Chun-Li flopped around like a rag doll, unable to defend herself. Surprisingly after Mika had completed her combo, Chun-Li was still standing but just barely. The Chinese fighter was stunned and drooling onto her chest, desperately trying to maintain balance. All she could see were stars orbiting her head.
“Stubborn Chinese whore won’t go down.” Mika muttered as she stepped around behind Chun-Li.
Grabbing the Chinese beauty from behind, Mika unleashed a devastating suplex. Chun-Li flipped over, smashing her head against the hard filthy ground. The impact sent an overwhelming wave of pain through Chun-Li’s body causing her to pass out. Mika had let go of her victim and the momentum caused the Chinawoman to land face down on the ground with her ass thrusted up in the air.
The famous Chinese fighter lay motionless for several seconds until a disgusting sound erupted from her body.
“Bbbbrraaaappp!! Fffsshhhhhh!!!”
The unconscious Chun-Li had completely lost control of her entire body causing her to anus to erupt like a volcano and fill her spandex costume with mushy fecal paste once again. Almost simultaneously Chun-Li had also let loose her bladder as a violent spray of urine rushed down her stomach and inner thighs, soaking and staining her costume further. This unsightly display lasted for well over a minute before the leaking subsided. The mucky fecal matter had spread out significantly from her crotch and there were now bumps and bulges across the tights nearly reaching Chun-Li’s knees. Her entire stomach was now stained with shit and piss. The extremely tight spandex costume hid nothing from public view and was utterly ruined.
Mika stood over her broken opponent, wiping off some off some specks of poop juice that landed on her wrestling outfit from the suplex.
“Disgusting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a pathetic sight in my life.” Mika said as she spat at her unconscious rival.
“I hear you were once a cop, a proud and powerful fighter. That’s hard to believe. I know just what to do with you.” Mika boasted.
The wrestler kicked Chun-Li’s limp body in the ribs, flipping her over into a spread eagle position. She then crouched down and grabbed the fallen Chinawoman by the ankle and began to drag her away. Chun-Li was still unconscious; her limb body giving no struggle to the victorious wrestler as she was being dragged into an alley leaving a fetid trail of piss and shit behind her.
As Mika reached the alley crossway she lifted Chun-Li’s leg into the air, pulled out a set of handcuffs and cuffed her ankle to an iron drain pipe. Chun-Li hung paralyzed in an upside down position as her piss and shit began to dribble and ooze down her body in the opposite direction.
“So much for the infamous Chun-Li!” Mika shouted.
The wrestler walked away as the crowd of spectators all gathered around Chun-Li’s filth covered body. For the next hour, all that could be heard were clicks and flashes from various smartphones uploading the brutal ordeal to the internet for all to see.

Several hours pass.

Chun-Li awakens, still in the same upside down position with her leg cuffed to the pipe.
“Uuuhhh… What happened?” She muttered.
Around her the crowd was still taking videos and pictures. Chun-Li’s body was broken and paralyzed from the ordeal. She was in extreme pain and couldn’t move anything below her neck. It took her several minutes to recall what had just occurred.
“Oh god! No! This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!” Chun-Li screamed.
All she could really do was turn her head slightly, but everywhere she looked was just more people gawking at her and taking photos.
“This isn’t supposed to happen! My costume! Oh god, my beautiful costume! Noooooooooo!!!!!” She shouted as the shit and piss continued to leak down her tight spandex outfit.
Chun-Li kept screaming until she eventually blacked out…
A few days pass.

Chun-Li awakens again. She’s now lying in a pool of her own piss and a massive amount of shit has now filled her outfit. Much of the front and back of her costume were now thoroughly stained. The super tight material left nothing to the imagination as large pasty bulges where protruding from her once shiny leotard and tights.
Chun-Li knew this was the end for her. She could never recover from such a humiliation. The once proud and confident Chinese beauty broke down into a delirious mess. Screaming and rambling incoherently.
“Somebody help me! Help me please! Oh god!” She screamed as she uncontrollably expelled more urine and shit into her costume.
“AAaaarrrrghhh!! Noooo! I’m the strongest woman in the world! Somebody help me!!! AAAArrrrrrghhhH!!” Chun-Li howled until her voice was nothing but a faded shriek.
Eventually the broken Chinese woman fell dead silent. Her eyes rolled back and went white as she let out a trail of drool from her mouth. Chun-Li’s mind could take no more. Her psyche was shattered and she went into a comatose state.
A week later.

Chun-Li had not moved for quite some time. Strangely, her body continued to expel feces and urine, filling her tight costume to the brink of bursting. Much of her slimy waste had now leaked down her chest and out the collar of her qipao across her face.
Each day various pedestrians would pass by to take more photos. Some more perverted individuals would jack off in front of her, leaving globs of cum stains all over Chun-Li’s battered body.
This was the end for the illustrious Chinese heroine. Chun-Li had been ruined forever and would never again recover from such an unspeakable ordeal. Once a symbol of beauty, grace and confidence, she was now a broken portrait of disgrace and failure. Chun-Li would hang there covered in her own excrement for the rest of her life.
The End.