I'm just starting to get a hang of making cusotm dialogues, and I'm looking to make the two characters change position during the dialogue. Can someone tell me how I can make it do that?
Usually its with the trigger [ANIMTOOLS_positionname]. In my case I have the "positions" saved in the Settings>animtools_position folder. Without say you will need the animtools mod and I think the DA mod. There are examples where the trigger looks like this: [ANIMTOOLS_$position_name]
If you have a folder inside of the animtools_position folder and want to access it, the trigger is: [ANIMTOOLS_foldername_slash5C_positionname].
Dialogue Actions by Pim_gd Current "stable" version is v4.08, uploaded 15 January 2017. Check the bitbucket repo for the latest sources. There's also a development version v4.09, which contains the most recent bugfixes and various poorly tested...
These mods are for use with the LOADER if you don't know how to use loader imports, check the 'other downloads' section of this post for video tutorials --- Introduction: --- --- Loader Imports: --- Latest versions of my mods are now found on the forum resource manager here: Downloads...
I forked Pim_gd 's mod DialogueActions from this thread: https://www.undertow.club/threads/pim_gds-mods-dialogueactions-v4-08-15-jan-2017.5889/ in order to make it play a bit nicer with animtoolsV34+, as well as fix a few things some people have...
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