Original Echo breaks Big Brenda (1 Viewer)


Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
Big Brenda Powers liked to stay in character even away from the ring. The amazon persona wasn't just for show either, the 30-year old was big, burly and intimidating. The men in the locker room stood in shock when the steel door clanked on the wall, and gulped at the sight of the mighty amazon.


Brenda had been on an incredible streak of 49 victories in a row, all of them dominating. She crumpled men on her way up the ladder and let their broken bones attest to her might. Brenda Powers wanted the 50th one to be special, to be against someone who hadn't tasted defeat in the league yet. She wanted it against Walter Echo.

Sweat ran down the men's faces, as they looked around to see if any of them had done something to deserve a visit, and breathed a sigh of relief when she passed them by, one by one. Every man in the locker room stood silent and with their heads hung, all except one man.

Huddled in the back corners of the men's locker room, Echo sat with two of his friends exchanging war stories. They had not yet noticed the amazon, Brenda would soon change that.

"Sheeeit..." He said as his friends laughed. "I ain't never seen a woman take it all in before but Paisley..." He imitated a chef's kiss with his fingers but was met with silence from his friends. They slowly began to move away when they spotted Brenda, leaving Echo by himself.

Brenda took slow, calculated steps towards Echo, her eyes locked with his all the way through. She cut a line between two men who were drying themselves off after a shower and pushed them aside, giving the other men blocking her way, a deathly stare. One by one, their ranks broke and they made way, standing in two rows to welcome the mighty Brenda and leading her straight to Echo.

Echo got up and walked towards Brenda, showing no fear or intimidation. They moved towards each other in measured steps, neither breaking eye contact and neither backing down. Soon Powers and Echo stood chest to chest, or rather chest to stomach as she towered over him.

"You want somethin'?" he said non-chalant and unafraid of the big, burly amazon.

She smiled at his confidence, maintaining a cocky grin of her own as she tilted her head down to meet his gaze. Echo cocked his head up to match her eyes.

"How interesting..." She said, licking her lips. "You do not bow?"

She walked around Echo, in a slow circle around his periphery, looking him up and down with her eyes. Then she moved in closer, and whispered.

"Do I not make you shiver?"

Echo smiled and slowly turned to meet her eyes. They stood for a while, staring deep, neither willing to budge. The men around stared at the showdown, you could cut the tension with a knife.

With a loud yell, Brenda moved her leg and Echo soon found himself jumping in the air. She rammed a knee into his groin, hard enough to make him jump in agony and then curl up on the floor in pain. Brenda grabbed his feet and spread them wide, stomping him hard in the balls again and again till she saw tears flowing from Echo's eyes.

Brenda let him go to revel in his pathetic form slithering on the floor, then she grabbed his hair. Every man stared in horror at Echo, gulping as she dragged him through the locker room, pulling him against his will by his hair and then pulling him up to his feet.

A loud, metallic thunk echoed through the locker room and every man winced in pain as Echo's head bounced off the steel lockers. The repeated thuds made everyone shiver in their boots, sending chills down their spine, enough to turn the air cold. Brenda did not stop till she saw blood and let him slump to the floor.

All the men winced and embraced their privates as Brenda began a reinvigorated assault on his groin. He screamed in agony at the sheer brutality of her stomps that turned his balls blue. She kicked and she kicked till she eeked out an humiliating orgasm. Echo's body twitched and convulsed in pleasure and he lay limp on the floor.

"How about now?," She said placing a boot on his chest.

"Do you fear me now?"

Her face contorted into rage, when Echo began to laugh.

"Afraid of you?" He said in between a vicious laughing spurt. "Bitch, you ain't nothin' but a piece of meat!"

A violent stomp between his legs faded his smile, and another one had him howling in pain. His wails of agony bought a smile on Brenda's face. She laughed watching his eyes go wide and watery as she trampled his balls beneath her boot.

"Tough guy huh?" She said to the whimpering mess of man on the floor.

"Why don't you show me how tough you are in the ring, eh bitch?"

The challenge was now out there.

"T-Trust me bitch!" Echo whimpered, suffering beneath her boot. "I-Imma destroy you in the ring!"

He let out another scream, when Brenda's boot dug deeper into his groin.

"I have never met anyone who has been this eager for destruction," She crushed his genitals some more, leaving Echo squirming in pain.

"But If it is a beating you want..." She stomped him hard in the balls. "Then it is a beating you will get!"

"Meet me tomorrow in the ring, no holds barred, winner takes all!"

"You are on...you thick slut!" Echo growled, his blood red teeth clenched with pain.

"Good..." said Brenda. "Now let me leave you with a little teaser of what to expect!"

Brenda got down to her knees, spreading Echo's legs wide and drove an elbow into his groin. Echo sat up from the pain, staring wide eyed in the distance. He teared up, drool hanging from the side of lips. His eyes begged to put him out of his misery. Brenda obliged.

She bloodied his nose with a hard fist, then punched him silly with rapid, ferocious strikes that battered and bruised his face. Echo finally collapsed after a vicious punch to the chin.

Brenda walked away from the locker room, leaving a broken man in her wake. The other men huddled around Echo in fear, looking at his bloodied and broken body. They understood the message Brenda was trying to send.

The next day...

A wide grin appeared on Brenda's face as she stood in her corner. Echo's face was still bruised from the assault, his cheek still swollen, and one of his eyes bloodshot and half shut. She glanced at his flaccid appendage, tucked away deep within his briefs. His eyes simmered with fury.

The men and women of the league had assembled for the fight and took up seats in the large arena. The women appeared cocky, as if Brenda's victory was a foregone conclusion. They spoke in murmurs and whispers, eyeing the men around them who hung their heads in shame.

In the ring, Brenda smiled as a couple of whispers whizzed past her ear.

"She's gonna break him!"

"He deserves it! The limp dick bitch won't be walking away from this fight!"

"You hear that?" asked Brenda with a sultry grin. "Can you hear them talk about your destruction?"

Echo said nothing. He stood at his corner, his eyes cold and unmoving, staring at Brenda. There was no fear in his eyes, no intimidation, just fury and a flame of burning vengeance. Echo was dangerous when he had singular focus, and all of his attention was now on Brenda. He wanted to torment her, break her and make her his little slut.

"What's the matter boy?" asked Brenda with a smile. "Cat got your tongue?"

She looked a little disappointed when Echo did not respond. She liked to play with her opponents, and was used to being the predator but Echo behaved like no prey she had ever hunted, he looked angry, he looked mean and he looked like he wanted a fight.

Brenda casually took a few steps from her corner, throwing her hands up above with open fingers and motioning for a test of strength. Echo had other ideas.

He rushed out of his corner at blinding speed, and Brenda heard the snap of his leg as it cut through the air.

"AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as his shin collided hard between her legs, squishing her crotch and sending pain through every last nerve. The women in audience gulped at the ferocious strike, cradling their crotches and wincing in pain for Brenda.

The big amazon bent over, wheezing for breath. Drool hung from the side of her lips and her knees bent inward till they met. Her hands firmly clutched her aching pussy, leaving her defenseless and at the whim of her pissed off opponent. Wasting no time, Echo squeezed her head in a front headlock and gave her a brutal DDT.

Loud gasps emanated from the women in the audience, covering their mouth's in shock. Brenda's head bounced off the canvas, and somehow she sprang back to her knees from the impact. She shook her head violently to shake the cobwebs away, desperate to find some strength to get up. Echo took a couple of steps towards her.

"HOLY SHIT!" screamed a woman in the audience.

Echo's leg swung in an arc, and his boot thudded into the side of Brenda's skull. She found herself on all fours, in shock at the violent blow and crawled towards the ropes. Echo rushed in behind her.

"THAT'S GOTTA HURT!" screamed another woman in the crowd.

Brenda threw her head up and screamed in agony, Echo's moved his leg with a violent snap, letting his boot crash into the center of her spine.


Scream after shrill scream escaped Brenda's lips, her throat straining from the pressure, her voice slowly getting raspier and raspier. Echo did not let up. He bruised Brenda's back with unrelenting kicks, one after the other in quick succession, each strike more violent than the last. He kicked her till her torso hung on the middle rope, her head dangling over the apron and her arms limp by her side.

Seeing her limp on the ropes finally made Echo smile. He walked toward her and grabbed a handful of the big amazon's hair. He pulled her to her feet and rested her back on the top rope. He draped her arms behind her and placed a foot on her tailbone.


She screamed as Echo pulled on her chin and bent her body in half on the ropes. He undid her top, licking his lips as Brenda's generous, round breasts bounced into view. He grabbed her hair and shoved her into the corner, flinging her arms over the top rope. With a smile on his lips and rub of his groin, he made his next move.

The women in the audience averted their eyes, and looked away, but they could still hear big Brenda's screams echo through the arena and the loud smack of Echo's palm on her breasts. They turned red and bruised from the unrelenting chops, Echo's large hand was now a permeant feature on Brenda's skin. He chopped her tits with malicious intent, burying each palm deep and squishing her mammaries back into her skin. He wanted to reduce her breast size by at least two.


Echo did not stop, he chopped her like a tree, reducing her down to size and till her skin took on a dark, purplish hue. Satisfied for the moment, Echo undid his briefs and let his rock hard erection spring into view. He made Brenda wince when he pressed his chest on her bruised breasts, running a tongue up and down her cheek.

"What's the matter bitch?" He said with a smile. "All that talk, and you turn out to be nothing but hot air"

Angry grunts escaped Brenda's lips, her teeth clenched. She winced as he ran a finger over beaten mammaries, licking his lips.

"I am gonna blow you away like a fart in the Sahara," he whispered into her ear and pulled on her hair.

"MAKE THAT BITCH PAY!" Shouted one man in the audience.

"YEAH FUCK HER UP GOOD!" screamed another one.

The worm had turned, and the women now sat in disbelief. If a big girl like Brenda couldn't cut it against Echo, then who would? They sat shaking their heads and mostly looking away from the ring. Meanwhile, Echo had dragged Brenda to the center, pulling on her hair like a ravenous dog. Beating up the big titted amazon was turning him on, more than he could ever imagine.

He trapped her head between his thighs, and wrapped his hands around her waist. The women gasped as Echo lifted the burly amazon upside down, like she weighed nothing. His strength was incredible.

The piledriver saw Brenda's body bounce away towards the ropes. Her head cracked on the canvas and her body flipped in the air till she ended up on her ass. The women in the audience saw her face and shivered in their boots. Her eyes were barely open and drool hung from the side of her lips. Her face couldn't stop contorting into a million expressions, all without her control. Then they gulped as Echo pushed himself off the ropes.

Echo flung himself in the air, letting his feet shoot straight in front of him, and letting his boots bury flush into her bruised chest.


Brenda rolled around the mat in agony, with tears streaming down her eyes. She cajoled her battered breasts, blowing on them, hoping it will make the stinging, hot pain go away. It only made it worse. The atmosphere in the arena had completely changed, the men now howled for blood, 49 among them shouting the loudest. They screamed Echo's name, and the women sat silent, shook and in disbelief.

Echo walked around the broken amazon on the canvas, eyeing her body with malicious intent. This was revenge, and he had not satiated his quench yet. He wrapped his knuckles around a handful of her hair, dragging a whimpering and pleading Brenda to her feet.

"N-no p-please, I'll be a good little fuck slut, I-I promise!"

Her pleas were promptly ignored. Her strength had waned and her ego had shrunk. Now all that was left was the shell of a battered woman, pleading for mercy. There would be none. Brenda's mind wandered as Echo grabbed hold of her hair again, she now thought of the first time she looked into Echo's eyes. She remembered that intensity, that foreboding fury that had warned Brenda that she was way out of her league. She didn't listen, and now she would pay the price.

The women winced as Echo flung Brenda out of the ring. Her body shot through the middle rope, landing awkwardly on the cold, hard floor. Wracked with pain, she crawled towards the security fence, hoping to at least stand but Echo was right behind her. He grabbed one leg and pulled her back towards him.


The women winced and squinted, watching as Echo ran his fingernails down her back. He dug in deep and raked the length of her spine, reaching all the way to her miniscule thong, that he quickly discarded, leaving her nude. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, and locked his palms behind her head. Then with a great show of strength, he lifted her completely off the floor.

Brenda's legs kicked fruitlessly in the air for a few moments, till she had no choice but to rest them at his waist to ease some of the pain.


She howled in pain, Echo bent her body in half by pouring pressure into the full nelson lock and bending her back. Her breasts jutted outward towards the women sitting by the security barricade. One of those faces looked extremely worried.

Echo smiled as he recognized Paisley, he could still see the fear in her eyes. What was more interesting was the panicked look she was giving Brenda. She was still airborne, wrapped around Echo's body like snake hugging a tree. Her shoulder bones had started to ache, and her back had now contorted with her legs still wrapped around his waist.

She could feel Echo's hard erection rub between her legs. Then she looked into Paisley's eyes and mouthed something.

"I failed you, forgive me"

Echo smiled. So that was the plan! Brenda's sudden attack had been a simple, mindless ploy of revenge. A revenge orchestrated by Paisley. This was still revenge all right, but Brenda wasn't the one dealing it out. Emboldened by his new discovery, Echo began to walk towards the steel steps with Brenda in tow. Paisley gasped and steeled herself for what was to come.

Echo kicked away a portion of the steps, leaving the base intact. Then he slammed Brenda chest first into the unforgiving steel. Brenda let out a scream of agony as her breasts squished on the cold steel, and Paisley looked away in horror.

Echo's shadow loomed over Brenda's body. She lay motionless on the base of the steps, awkwardly folded in half and nearly out cold. She wished with every painful breath that she was.

"Hungh..arghhh" grumbled Brenda, incoherent and dazed when Echo lifted her head up.

He dragged her towards the barricades again, making sure Paisley could see her broken lover. If there was one thing the fight with Echo taught Paisley, was that it was never over when you think it is. Echo was not the kind of man who would stop, not until he had satiated his lust. Paisley now feared for her lover, and shut her eyes.

She opened them half-way when she heard Brenda scream. Echo had sent her running head first into the steel ring post. Then she shut them again. She prayed and hoped against hope, but then Brenda screamed again. Paisley opened her eyes again to see Brenda crotched on the steel ring post and shut them.

The next time she opened them Brenda was power bombed through the empty announcer table, her large body reducing the wood to splinters and leaving her spread eagle on the floor. Paisley gasped at the awful sight, closing her eyelids, praying for a miracle. The only thing she heard was Brenda screaming again.

The loud chair shot to her back sent a shiver down the spine of even the men in the audience. Paisley's eyes closed one more time. The next time she opened them, Brenda had been tied up to the ring post, her hands imprisoned behind her back.


Brenda's cries rang in Paisley's ears as Echo slugged her in the stomach again and again, bruising her skin. He momentarily switched his attention to her pussy, giving Brenda a few hard chops between her legs before resuming his beating on her stomach.

Brenda couldn't even scream anymore, she just begged. She begged to be put out of her misery and slowly began to slump down the ring post. Fist after fist thudded into her stomach, forcing her six-pack to flex and absorb more punishment. Her body began to shake and twitch. Paisley gulped but kept her eyes open. It was almost over.

When she finally couldn't take it anymore, Brenda slumped. The rope that bound her broke with the pull of her weight and she fell face first to the floor.


Brenda was now a beaten mess on the floor, and Echo was finally satisfied. She whimpered as he flipped her over and placed a boot on her bruised breasts.

"1...2...3" Shouted the men in the audience, and the women all looked away.

The fight was over. Echo had done the impossible, take down Big Brenda Powers. The amazon now lay broken and bruised at his feet. Echo didn't even see fit to unload his lust on her.

"Hmph!" He scoffed and began to walk away.

Paisley jumped out from the audience, rushing to Brenda and laying her head softly on her lap. Brenda's first reaction was to cower in terror, thinking Echo had come back for seconds.

"Shhh..." whispered Paisley. "It's over!"

Was it? As the crowd began to disperse, 49 men jumped out looking for some sweet revenge. The sight of the beaten amazon was too good to pass up. They rubbed their hands together with glee.

"Stay back!" cried Paisley. "I said stay back!"

Paisley kicked one of the advancing men in the head, felling him but the rest still came. Overcome with lust and rage, they soon overpowered Paisley and dragged her away. Brenda Powers was no pussy, she may have been beaten but she was not going to stay down. She got up, wracked in pain and barely stood. But she still put her knuckles up for a fight.

The men smiled and cracked their knuckles and began slowly advancing.

"NOOOO!" cried Paisley, being held back by two men as one of them nearly reached Brenda. Then her face contorted into shock.

Walter Echo suddenly stood between 49 men and Brenda, holding them at bay.

"This ain't your fight Echo, you did us a favor by beatin' the big broad up, now get out of our way!" screamed one of the men, and the rest of them howled their support.

Echo held out his hand behind him, pointing it towards a shocked Brenda. She took it and slowly got up. The big, burly amazon cowered behind the smaller Echo as the vile group of men sought to end her career.

"Oh yeah? Well this ain't your conquest!" screamed Echo. "This bitch is mine, and if you have a problem with that..."

Echo took one menacing step towards the man.

"I 'm more than happy to take it outside!"

Echo's eyes dulled the man's rage, he gulped and nodded, then turned away. The rest of the men came to their senses and slowly began walking away. Echo turned his attention to Paisley and Brenda. Brenda slumped to her knees, but Paisley caught her and kept her standing. With one arm around her lover, Brenda stared at Echo.

For a few moments, nothing was spoken, then Echo's deep baritone cut the air.

"Take her and go..." He said with his voice cold and heavy. "If they come back, I won't be able to hold them off."

The women nodded and slowly walked away.

That night, big Brenda Powers tossed and turned in bed. She couldn't sleep and stared at the ceiling. The more she thought about her brutal beating, the more aroused she got. She was beginning to think she was going crazy.

It was pouring outside, the sudden bursts of lightning cast long shadows of the window on her bed. Brenda sat up, wincing as she ran her hands over her bruised breasts. She played with her nipples and soon lost one hand between her legs. She gave in to the pleasure and moaned.

After Brenda was done, she got up and grabbed a raincoat off the rack and her car keys off the table.

"What the fuck am I doing?" She thought to herself. She looked down at her phone to see messages from Paisley, she will have to pay her a visit later. Brenda arrived at her destination and got out of the car.

In a large yard, a singular trailer home was anchored to the ground. She could see Echo's shadow in the window, sitting on his couch and watching tv.

"All right Brenda..." She gulped. "Remember you asked for this!"

She knocked at the door, and froze when Echo opened up.

"What the..." He squealed. "The fuck you doin' here bitch!?"

Brenda stopped thinking. She let her lust take control and planted a deep kiss on his lips. When his shock subsided, he responded in kind, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Brenda's lips soon wandered to his chest, then she got down to her knees to kiss his six-pack. Echo moaned as she unzipped his pants, and took his erect member into her mouth. Echo throated her hard, making her gag on every thrust before he unloaded deep down her throat.

Brenda took off her raincoat and Echo smiled. She was already wearing a collar and a leash, presenting a whipping wand to her master. Echo took it in his hand and shut the door behind them, guiding Brenda by her leash to the bed.

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