I found an interesting note in another thread
It's a ginger girl in the cap.
Or maybe I should post another picture with her face. She's at the bottom left.
She was pretty nervous before the fight and insisted on the retreat. It was even funny at first, an evil henchwoman chickened out and tried to avoid justice. For that moment, I didn't care about her. There were many henchwomen then, and her life meant nothing even though she wouldn't agree
. But later, when they started to die, the remaining henchwomen finally became important, not as persons though. The outcome of the battle became clear, and I couldn't but root for the weakest. There were two sad deaths near the end (two henchwomen killed by the good zako girl), but the Daria's demise was truly devastating. In the end, there were only Daria and her blonde leader Jane Collins (above her in the second photo and from the right to her in the first photo). Unfortunately, I can't make out what they were saying, but Daria didn't follow Jane and died.
Some of the girls were mere cannon fodder, but Daria proved to be competent. Her death was a waste after all. But what devastates me is that it was unfair. She was left alone and had no chances. Her death was spectacular, she was so fragile when she was falling, but the good guys didn't even look at her corpse. She meant nothing to me too when I saw her before the battle at the first time, but I changed my mind. There are some more sad zako's deaths here and there, but this one is on top for me now.
If you have your own similar stories, feel free to share them. The zakos from anime, arts, fetish videos, mainstream movies or anything else will be interesting to read.
I'm glad to see that I'm not alone who can feel bad for the zako's deaths. For me the most devastating was Daria's death (Double Take (2006) movie).Lastly, I’d like to dedicate this paragraph to the bowtie zako. In the very first fight, Tanya saves her life and she immediately develops a crush as a result. Classic damsel in distress scenario, but not really something you see happen between zako. Afterwards, she approaches Tanya to share her rations. She attempts to confess, but can’t work up the nerve, so she just kisses Tanya and runs off. Into the sunset. Never to be seen again. There is no followup panel of her getting shot in the head to signal the start of an ambush in Ba Sing Se. No but seriously this was so cute??? How dare BeastAnime dangle the prospect of wholesome zako yuri right in front of my face like this, only to so swiftly yank it away? I have never been so emotionally devastated by a zako’s death before or since.
It's a ginger girl in the cap.
Or maybe I should post another picture with her face. She's at the bottom left.

She was pretty nervous before the fight and insisted on the retreat. It was even funny at first, an evil henchwoman chickened out and tried to avoid justice. For that moment, I didn't care about her. There were many henchwomen then, and her life meant nothing even though she wouldn't agree
Some of the girls were mere cannon fodder, but Daria proved to be competent. Her death was a waste after all. But what devastates me is that it was unfair. She was left alone and had no chances. Her death was spectacular, she was so fragile when she was falling, but the good guys didn't even look at her corpse. She meant nothing to me too when I saw her before the battle at the first time, but I changed my mind. There are some more sad zako's deaths here and there, but this one is on top for me now.
If you have your own similar stories, feel free to share them. The zakos from anime, arts, fetish videos, mainstream movies or anything else will be interesting to read.
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