Emotionally devastated by the zako’s death (3 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
I found an interesting note in another thread
Lastly, I’d like to dedicate this paragraph to the bowtie zako. In the very first fight, Tanya saves her life and she immediately develops a crush as a result. Classic damsel in distress scenario, but not really something you see happen between zako. Afterwards, she approaches Tanya to share her rations. She attempts to confess, but can’t work up the nerve, so she just kisses Tanya and runs off. Into the sunset. Never to be seen again. There is no followup panel of her getting shot in the head to signal the start of an ambush in Ba Sing Se. No but seriously this was so cute??? How dare BeastAnime dangle the prospect of wholesome zako yuri right in front of my face like this, only to so swiftly yank it away? I have never been so emotionally devastated by a zako’s death before or since.

I'm glad to see that I'm not alone who can feel bad for the zako's deaths. For me the most devastating was Daria's death (Double Take (2006) movie).
It's a ginger girl in the cap.

Or maybe I should post another picture with her face. She's at the bottom left.

She was pretty nervous before the fight and insisted on the retreat. It was even funny at first, an evil henchwoman chickened out and tried to avoid justice. For that moment, I didn't care about her. There were many henchwomen then, and her life meant nothing even though she wouldn't agree :grin:. But later, when they started to die, the remaining henchwomen finally became important, not as persons though. The outcome of the battle became clear, and I couldn't but root for the weakest. There were two sad deaths near the end (two henchwomen killed by the good zako girl), but the Daria's demise was truly devastating. In the end, there were only Daria and her blonde leader Jane Collins (above her in the second photo and from the right to her in the first photo). Unfortunately, I can't make out what they were saying, but Daria didn't follow Jane and died.

Some of the girls were mere cannon fodder, but Daria proved to be competent. Her death was a waste after all. But what devastates me is that it was unfair. She was left alone and had no chances. Her death was spectacular, she was so fragile when she was falling, but the good guys didn't even look at her corpse. She meant nothing to me too when I saw her before the battle at the first time, but I changed my mind. There are some more sad zako's deaths here and there, but this one is on top for me now.

If you have your own similar stories, feel free to share them. The zakos from anime, arts, fetish videos, mainstream movies or anything else will be interesting to read.
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Swell Supporter
Nov 24, 2021
Oh man. I'd been kinda hoping for a thread like this, because it happens surprisingly often for me. Usually mixing tragedy into kink is questionable at best, but I think with zako it just works somehow. Now, obviously I've already said my piece about the bowtie zako, but there are no shortage of honorable mentions to go over.

I'm gonna start with SIN. Great zako artist, great villainess artist, just all-around great. They're also great at making me feel sad about zako, as it turns out. They have a doujin, Hunting Garden, with some good scenes in it. There's a couple that appears to be engaged in some kind of lesbian foreplay, that end up dying together. I'm always a sucker for that kind of thing. However, the most memorable part comes at the end:

The head zako, Katelyn, is defeated pretty effortlessly, and promptly raped. As she's about to get finished off, her life flashes before her eyes, from military cadet to commander. Her fate is so humiliating that I can't help but feel bad for her. It helps that some bonus documents at the end imply she was highly decorated, and that the guy who killed her ended up on trial for war crimes. Here's some art of her SIN did semi-recently:


But wait! There's more. If you REALLY feel like crying for some reason, they also made a fan comic for GUNROAD. The protagonist is transported into a bizarre simulation as a "player", where killing the final boss turns HER into the new final boss. She then sets about building a base and an army of clone zako with the eventual goal of figuring out how to leave the simulation for good, but... things don't quite go according to plan. This comic helped radicalize me into the realization that zako are fundamentally good and have done nothing wrong, ever. You can find it [here].


Casual Client
Feb 2, 2017
Oh man. I'd been kinda hoping for a thread like this, because it happens surprisingly often for me. Usually mixing tragedy into kink is questionable at best, but I think with zako it just works somehow. Now, obviously I've already said my piece about the bowtie zako, but there are no shortage of honorable mentions to go over.

I'm gonna start with SIN. Great zako artist, great villainess artist, just all-around great. They're also great at making me feel sad about zako, as it turns out. They have a doujin, Hunting Garden, with some good scenes in it. There's a couple that appears to be engaged in some kind of lesbian foreplay, that end up dying together. I'm always a sucker for that kind of thing. However, the most memorable part comes at the end:

The head zako, Katelyn, is defeated pretty effortlessly, and promptly raped. As she's about to get finished off, her life flashes before her eyes, from military cadet to commander. Her fate is so humiliating that I can't help but feel bad for her. It helps that some bonus documents at the end imply she was highly decorated, and that the guy who killed her ended up on trial for war crimes. Here's some art of her SIN did semi-recently:

View attachment 162353

But wait! There's more. If you REALLY feel like crying for some reason, they also made a fan comic for GUNROAD. The protagonist is transported into a bizarre simulation as a "player", where killing the final boss turns HER into the new final boss. She then sets about building a base and an army of clone zako with the eventual goal of figuring out how to leave the simulation for good, but... things don't quite go according to plan. This comic helped radicalize me into the realization that zako are fundamentally good and have done nothing wrong, ever. You can find it [here].
oh the gun road comic, nearly forgot about it. i love those zako but that comic was a bit of a rough one yeah. especially when you consider SiN himself said if they just pushed escape she and the zako all would have gotten out


Casual Client
Feb 2, 2017
though as for i guess a zako death that was devastating or tragic for my end, that’s hard to think about.
for me i guess its scenario dependent: Zako who are good guys but are killed , zako who are killed by their superiors for failure, stuff like that.

i think Beast Anime comes to mind for one just because of how terrified those girls are as they’re ripped into and all but, i’m not big on that stuff either. if it’s too much it’s not as fun


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
Well, I've always liked a certain amount of tragedy mixed in with my zako scenarios but I will say this: whenever there's a lesbian love story developing, I immediately think "no, no, no, do NOT kill them!" Can't think of a specific example off the top of my head, but I know I've been failed many times and I hate it 😭

Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Well, I've always liked a certain amount of tragedy mixed in with my zako scenarios but I will say this: whenever there's a lesbian love story developing, I immediately think "no, no, no, do NOT kill them!" Can't think of a specific example off the top of my head, but I know I've been failed many times and I hate it 😭
for me, that just makes it even SWEETER! seeing two incompetent expendable bitches making out or something, especially when distracted on duty, and then they get eliminated for their incompetence. you get porn AND zako elimination all at the same time! it's awesome!


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
This definitely an interesting topic. I have always see Zako as military personnel or mercenary taking order from the higher up in chain. They themselves a lot of times are just doing a job they get paid. Take away the uniform or the job, they may be normal everyday people that is someone's son, daughter, father, mother, relatives or friends. Granted that there are some of the henchwoman or henchman that is fanatic to the cause his or her organization but that's far in between. With that said, I do have a couple zako scenario I feel sorry for.


The Queen's guard detail got wipe out in an ambush. I especially feel sorry for the captain of the guard. She had a small, prolonged dying scene as a she tries to comfort a young girl while gasping for air.

Farewell My Love

This movie had a small handful of henchwomen and henchmen biting the dust when a woman went on revenge. On of the henchwomen was a short blonde hair bodyguard. She was shot went the protagonist bust down the door of the hideout. Her close up face was shown briefly. The death stare was a bit unsettling and needless to say she did not have a pleasent demise.


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Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013

The Queen's guard detail got wipe out in an ambush. I especially feel sorry for the captain of the guard. She had a small, prolonged dying scene as a she tries to comfort a young girl while gasping for air.
I remember this scene and this woman, but when I saw the death scenes from Sumuru (2003) at the first time I cared more about the bad girls, because I knew they will be defeated after all.
My attention was attracted to the baddie, who got shot in the head with an arrow. It was an unusual death and somehow I found it humiliating for her. Maybe I thought so because her killer, and it was Sumuru, should be very skillfull if she killed her like that, and because I always find something special in the headshots. In this case, she was wearing a helmet, and still the arrow easily went through it and through the bones of her skull and killed her. Now, I care more about the fact that she is the first to die, which means that she is unlucky, and I pity her less. She could live a few seconds more like her blonde friend who died shortly after her and is not really interesting to me, but alas, it didn't happen.
I will leave a link to the video here, screenshots I made aren't good enough.


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
I remember this scene and this woman, but when I saw the death scenes from Sumuru (2003) at the first time I cared more about the bad girls, because I knew they will be defeated after all.
My attention was attracted to the baddie, who got shot in the head with an arrow. It was an unusual death and somehow I found it humiliating for her. Maybe I thought so because her killer, and it was Sumuru, should be very skillfull if she killed her like that, and because I always find something special in the headshots. In this case, she was wearing a helmet, and still the arrow easily went through it and through the bones of her skull and killed her. Now, I care more about the fact that she is the first to die, which means that she is unlucky, and I pity her less. She could live a few seconds more like her blonde friend who died shortly after her and is not really interesting to me, but alas, it didn't happen.
I will leave a link to the video here, screenshots I made aren't good enough.
On the baddie's side (The priestess), I do feel bad for one guard that was showing some hesitation when a questionable order was given.
Sumuru 2003 Taxan's Guard Ambushed 5.jpeg


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
Found this video again.
They were so much better than this useless cops. I feel bad for every zako's death.
And they show some good acting (for my standarts). Pain expressions, screams. They are so tough in battle, killed so many enemies, but scream out loud when being shot. They even don't look less dangerous in their sexy leather clothes.


Mar 29, 2023
Honestly, as much as zako deaths are my thing, one that "devastates" me a bit are the Alexandrian female soldiers in the navy fleet after Bahamut essentially wipes them out at the Iifa Tree. I'd like to imagine that somehow, someway, SOME of the soldiers survived the fight - not sure logically how that might work. Perhaps swam out to the Iifa Tree only to be rescued later on?

Same goes for the lore that the Skedar bomb planted at the end of Mr. Blonde's Revenge is intended to wipe out the entire building and (imaginably) kill all inside. But, I'd like to imagine some of the female guards made it out alive, to mourn the deaths of their fallen dataDyne guards and employees in the building when it was destroyed. ;(

In my fantasies, I enjoy the deaths very much - it really adds tragedy and stirs the pot on a lot of my own inner kinks. But I don't like it when everyone is killed, I like for some or few to survive to remember those that have been lost.


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
But I don't like it when everyone is killed, I like for some or few to survive to remember those that have been lost.
Oh, yes, I know that feel, but I care more about the possibility to see more of the zakos I liked in future. Btw, in the movie Double Take (2006), a battle in the forest started because a zako lieutenant wanted to avenge her dead sisters in arms. And of course, the battle went tits up for her and her subordinates.

There is a very good scene before the beginning of that battle. The older zako, eager to fight, who executed her subordinate for the poroposition to withdraw, and the zako who is half her age, nervous because of the plan to let their enemies get close 🤡. The poor girl was sacrificed by her stupid commander in the name of revenge and ended up in the pile of dead bodies (her corpse is in the top right corner).

By the irony of fate, the incompetent lieutenant outlived the women whose lifes she wasted. Of course, nobody cared to pay any attention to them.

But eventually she died due to her anger. She fell on the ground between the two groups of dead women and perfectly fitted in the large body pile. She made something good after all, it seems.

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