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Recently, the neverending crusade against flagrant crime has suffered a devastating loss. Apparently, the simple fact that a class S crimefighter is practically unbeatable won't stop a couple of petty thieves from soundly thrashing and brutally violating her. Thanks to Dr. Skullion's high frequency emitter, the once high-and-mighty Starwave has been completely depowered, and now she's stretched out at the feet of wanton criminals.
As the has-been freedom fighter slowly awakens to dismal reality, she's finally getting acquainted with the demoralizing truth. If a couple of punks can own her, so can anyone else in the market for a highly select piece of superheroine meat. In fact, to her utter dismay, Starwave has just been purchased by Christoph, a powerful racketeer who is infamous for the cruel and abusive methods he uses to discipline his submissive superheroine slaves.
Obedience training is not an easy task, but bending superheroines to suit his perverse desires is one of Christoph's favorite pastimes. In fact, Starwave's stubborn defiance would be pointless, if it did not offer Christoph a welcome opportunity to teach the self-satisfied cock-tease to kneel before her master and gratify him with a titillating blow job. At liberty to do as he pleases with his prized possession, the civilized barbarian does not hesitate to change Starwave's contemptuous glare to a painful grimace, then a look of dismay, and finally a pathetic whimper.
Surprisingly, however, what may seem to be a completely unfair contest of wills is actually a very taxing exercise for Starwave's relentless tormentor, who cannot help but admire her fearless resilience. It seems that Starwave would sooner be beaten senseless, rather than submit to a twisted degenerate. So, if Christoph insists on breaking his unbridled mare, he may have little choice butt to toss her mortal remains into the local landfill.
Of course, even a recalcitrant superheroine is not a complete waste. Given her ability to withstand a terrific beating, Starwave can at least serve her master well as a rugged, flesh & bone punching bag. However, the resourceful villain has developed a reliable method of turning even the most rebellious superheroine into a servile slut. All Christoph need do is force Starwave to admit the truth!
To this end, the clever deviant 'hot-wires' Starwave with an ingenious device that delivers a painful shock (Ouch!) to her sex organs every time she lies. To be fair, however, each time Starwave chooses to tell the truth, Christoph's lie detector rewards her with a brief pulse of intense erotic pleasure (Ahhhhh). A game of 'truth or consequences' soon forces Starwave to make shocking confessions.
Christoph - "You were defeated yesterday. Was it humiliating?"
Starwave - "Yes. Ahhhhhhhh"
Christoph - "Did you enjoy it?"
Starwave - "No. Ouch!"
Christoph - "DID you enjoy it?"
Starwave - "Yes. Ahhhhhhhh"
Apparently, Starwave is the only one who has been fooled by a costume that reveals far more than the curvaceous body it completely fails to conceal. And, when the remorseless villain finally strips away the last bits of tattered farbric from her voluptuous form, Starwave loses more than just her dignity. Every virtue that the alluring goddess had once stood for is likewise discarded, and Starwave must finally concede the pitiful truth.
There is a reason why the indomitable female warrior has practically been begging like an animal for excruciating punishment. Pain and humiliation are the only things that sexually arouse her. Paradoxically, the only love and compassion that Starwave will ever know is at the mercy of a domineering sadist, who enjoys using and abusing his pain slut just as much as she enjoys being used and abused. Like all Christoph's pathetic conquests, Starwave must willingly become Christoph's sex slave, if she ever hopes to enjoy the freedom that she has been struggling in vain to defend.
"In time, they ALL belong to me."
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Frequency 2, part 1 = 2.4 Gb, 37:29
Frequency 2, part 2 = 2.9 Gb, 40:42
Fetish Island makes it a habit of increasing the bit rate whenever they add their logo, which is why these files are unusually large. Of course, no matter how high the bit rate is, re-encoding can only have a detrimental effect on video quality. So, Fetish Island's unwanted manipulation simply wastes valuable space on your harddrive. Presumably, Fetish Island is in no way involved in video production. So, I see no reason why they should assume credit for it.
Lucia Films does a pretty good job of choreographing fight scenes, especially, if you're looking for a film where the superheroine puts up stubborn resistance. However, they really need a better camera man. He knows his angles, butt he doesn't know how to adjust the color levels. Depending on the view, either you have to put up with an annoying yellowish cast, or the highlights are too bright.
Coco can do a lot more than simply say 'Ooooo, Ooooo, Ahhhhh'. As far as acting skills are concerned, she has the ability to express a wide range of emotions, including: anger, ferocity, pain, pleasure, fear, shock, confusion, hopelessness, shame, humility, etc. She can whimper and beg like a dog, and she even has a way of rolling her eyes to make it look that she's being fucked brainless. Some viewers may notice that Coco seems more muscular now then she had been earlier in her career. In Powerless, for example, Coco appeared much smaller than Amber McAlester. The improved size makes Coco a lot more shapely, especially in her buttocks and thighs. Unfortunately, since this film, Coco has gotten so 'bloated' that I actually prefer the slender look she sported early in her career.
Superheroine Rape Fantasies are a fascinating study of contradictions. Despite possessing superhuman strength and amazing powers, nearly all the superheroines in these well-worn exploitation films are practically defenseless weaklings. Inevitably, the overconfident justice defenders suffer a painful lesson in humility, often at the cost of their seemingly worthless lives. Yet, an untimely demise may really be the best redemption for wannabe-saviors, who are actually the ones in need of salvation.
Time and again, a beleaguered freedom-fighter turns out to be a feeble prisoner, whose haughty attitude and stubborn defiance only gives her captors a welcome excuse to continue beating and molesting her. Over the past few decades, this theme has practically become a cliché. So, except for a few viewers who may be new to this genre, I don't think many superheroine peril fans were surprised to see Christoph prove that Starwave enjoys being bound and tortured. However, Frequency 2 illustrates the psychological implications of BDSM better than any other superheroine rape fantasy that I've seen to date.
Given that superheroines stand for Good, morality is a key focus in most superheroine rape fantasies. However, some themes are more subtle. For example, although the villains invariably succeed in physically dominating the superheroine, her fatal flaw is actually psychological.
Christoph - "Have you ever fantasized about being captured by villains?"
Starwave - "Yes. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh"
Not only do superheroine pain sluts crave intense abuse, paradoxically, they find ropes and chains liberating, and their only notion of 'consensual' sex is at the callous hands of hardened criminals. Apparently, anyone who is willing to break the rules can sexually possess these hopeless masochists, butt who is taking advantage of who?
Superheroine rape fantasies are 'cumming of age' stories, in which the superheroine is almost always portrayed as a young virgin, who flaunts her sexuality before hungry predators. Viewers who have seen this scenario hundreds of times already know the outcum. Nevertheless, the superheroine is always surprised to learn that she can be defeated. Even more baffling, she soon realizes that she's actually enjoying her first real sexual encounter!
"We are going to learn much about you, now. And, maybe, you'll learn something about yourself."
Given that the superheroine's unorthodox way of surrendering her virginity is potentially fatal (and it often is) one can only wonder why she did not choose to be deflowered by a morally righteous superhero. Psychoanalytic theory offers an explanation for this bizarre paradox.
Like any young woman, a superheroine has sexual desires, butt icons of virtue cannot willingly commit immoral acts. Of course, if she were violated, the superheroine would not be judged guilty of licentious behavior, especially if it appears that she's made every effort to resist her persecutors. Yet, if Starwave had cleverly planned to use a couple of dumb lucky thugs for her own sexual gratification, she did not appear to realize it; at least, not until Christoph forced her to confess. How can Starwave be guilty of encitement without actually knowing it?
In psychoanalytic theory, our minds are divided into conscious and unconscious divisions, which are not fully integrated. Therefore, we're not always aware of what truly motivates our own behavior. In some cases, what looks like an accident may have been a result of 'unconcious design.'
Very early in childhood, we must all learn socially acceptable standards of behavior. In regards to controlling our sexual urges, according to Freud, we rely on masturbation, sublimation (using sexual energy for non-sexual behaviors), and repression. In the latter case, we mentally block out distracting thoughts and impulses that are immoral and/or emotionally upsetting. However, repressed sexual urges do not actually disappear. Normally, they remain unconscious during our preadolescent years. Then, they re-emerge when we finally reach puberty. In Starwave's case, however, her deepest erotic desires had remained hidden (probably because of her strict moral code), which allowed them to effect her behavior without her knowing it.
Starwave's superheroine identity roughly corresponds to Freud's superego, which is basically our ideal self-image and our ethical standards. When we misbehave, it is our superego that makes us feel guilty. However, as a superheroine, Starwave cannot pursue a normal sex life. Obviously, Starwave cannot volunteerly remove her costume. So, she must persuade the villains to disrobe her, all the while maintaining the erroneous belief that they are entirely to blame for her disgraceful defeat.
"This is what every heroine craves. They cannot ask for it. So it's up to us to give it to her."
According to Freud, most dreams are sexual fantasies, in which we fulfill our repressed childhood desire to possess one or both of our parents. However, Starwave is not aware that she has 'transferred' her desire onto Christoph and his female accomplice. In an effort to alleviate her 'unconscious guilt', Starwave's juvenile desire to possess her father has become her adolescent desire to be possessed by him. In other words, Starwave has portrayed herself as the victim, rather than the perpetrator of the 'crime'. Regardless, the parent-child sexual relation is forbidden, so Starwave must be punished. Of course, "it takes two to tango", but since Christoph does not have a moral conscience, only Starwave is guilty. This is why she is the masochist and Christoph is the sadist.
In the world of BDSM, violent assault, kidnapping, torture, and even homicide are not actually criminal offenses. Rather, they are justifiable methods of punishing behavior that is far more offensive. Christoph did not rape Starwave. Starwave committed 'incest'. Doubtless, there are safer forms of foreplay, butt Starwave is physically indestructible. And, since she wants to be punished, Christoph is able to persecute Starwave with complete impunity.
Starwave - "End this game Christoph. Kill me if you must. Go ahead! I will NOT be your toy. OUCH!!!!"
Christoph - "Ha, ha, ha! It seems, deep in your heart, you don't believe that. And, your heart can only take so much. So I suggest a bit of honesty. Are you looking forward to what is cumming next?"
Starwave - "No. OUCH!"
Christoph - "What is better, the pain or the pleasure?"
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