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Okay, I guess it's my turn to start a thread here then. But it's not like I've searched through the Internet and found this awesome game, no, instead I have uploaded a rather basic vore game, created by yours truly, to MediaFire that I am now giving you the opportunity to download and enjoy yourselves. And keep in mind, like I said, it's a vore game so it may not suit everyone.

Game: Island of Keila.exe

Image: All characters.bmp

As of the moment I haven't made it very far into the making of this game, in fact, I can hardly even call this upload a demo. All it really has is a single small room (Area), the player character and three beginner enemies (Although several of each). The reason for the uploading of this game is to show the lot of you here on Ryonani what kind of game programming that I am capable of and how, quite frankly, pathetic my graphical skills are. If you've been on the Game Developing section of the site you might have noticed the thread I posted there along with a list of games that I'm making. Among them was this one, Island of Keila. When I mentioned on that thread that I want an artist to do the graphics for this game no one seemed to be interested. Therefore I'm uploading this game here so that people will understand what kind of game it is and thus might get more interested. I mean, I really want a better artist for this game. I really do.

Anyway, about the game itself, it's pretty basic, it's a sidescroller, it's a vore game, you're this guy who's stuck on an island full of monsters trying to- Wait, a guy!? Yeah, this isn't really a ryona game as much as a guro game... I mean, that's the difference, right? Ryona is when a girl's tortured while guro is when a guy's tortured, right? Or did I get that wrong? Anyway, it's really just a sidescroller where you go from stage to stage, fight a boss every now and then, will probably have too much of a story and a lot of different kinds of monsters that attempt to eat you in different ways (That will include soft vore, hard vore, anal vore, unbirth, breast vore, absorbtion, inflation, draining of life and whatever else that you lot may suggest). I'd say it'll be a lot like Fromage and Milia wars. I just haven't added those interior vore scenes yet ^_^ .

The controls are simple, especially at the moment.

Left and Right arrow keys to move

Down key to duck (Serves little purpose for now)

V to jump

C to attack, Press repeatedly for combo

And that's really all. When I start uploaded real demos of the game there will be functions like X to cast magic spells (S and D to select spell) and Z to block against physical non-grabbing attacks.

I won't bother with the story of the game for now seeing as nothing of it is in the game as of the moment. Instead I'm going to repeat myself. I really want an artist for this game.

Umm... I don't know if there's anything else to say. Oh yeah, I want suggestions too. What kinds of monsters would you like to see, any features you'd like in the game, some specialeffects? Any suggestion is welcome. It's just that... it's very important that it's vore related. Also, if you come across any bug then please let me know. No, scratch that, let me know. I hate bugs, I do not tolerate bugs, I will exterminate all of them, I will become the nightmare of bugs and no one shall stop me... I don't know what I'm on XD .

... That should be all. I hope you'll like it.


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