How to rationalize zako's settings? (1 Viewer)


3D Artist
Jul 19, 2024
我最喜欢的 zako 作品是 waraji 和 namatawaji 的士兵,他们穿着比基尼、丁字裤和高跟靴。然而,很明显这种衣服不适合在战斗中穿着。而我想让这些 zako 的设定像 Spetsnaz、SAS 或 SEAL 这样的真正的士兵。至少应该是 PMC Wanger 或 ACADEMI。



Potential Patron
Jul 13, 2021
Sorry I can't respond in Japanese.

I can think of a few ways to rationalise a large number of Zakos in erotic outfits:

1. Poor education/brainwashing: The women involved are either unaware of their own fragility or trust in some outside force to protect them. These zakos don't really have a choice about their situation, but believe it is their duty.

2. Situational equipment: Going into a normal large scale combat situation the women would be dressed in full heavy combat gear that's highly efficient (Though possibly a bit more skin tight than absolutely necessary). However, possibly in return for a higher pay check, their ordinary duty and/or parade uniforms are much skimpier on account of not being intended for combat use. "Unfortunately" if an enemy is infiltrating one of their bases most of them will be left under-dressed.

3. Clones: Getting into science fiction with this one. If someone is pumping out expendable custom designed combat clones with a low expectation of survival, then they may as well just give said clones cheap mass produced weapons and as little of a uniform as they could reasonably get away with.

4. Robots: More sci-fi. Designer combat gynoids would have no need of covering, and against small arms fire any armour plates would be redundant so they can typically be fielded dressed to their owners particular tastes.

5. Magic: Fantasy this time. The zakos believe their skimpy clothing to be enchanted/blessed and by wearing anything else they would interrupt the magic protecting them. Even if their uniforms are magical, there's nothing stopping the enemy from bringing magical weapons.

I hope I kept that simple enough to not be confusing


Avid Affiliate
Feb 2, 2017
those are a few ways to go about it

usually for me i tend to think of cost or vice versa (like say in neon dark how its all a numbers thing)


Club Regular
May 22, 2011
1. Why do so many beautiful women choose to become female minions?

This can be rationalised similarly to why many men choose to join the military, become mercenaries, or participate in gang activities. Regardless of gender, people often choose these professions for various reasons, such as personal interest, income, or a certain belief or ideology. In my own character designs, I've given each type of female minion a unique background story and motivation. These backgrounds not only add depth to the characters but also help explain why they would choose such a dangerous line of work.

2. Why do female minions dress so provocatively?

When it comes to the provocative attire of female minions, such as thongs and bikinis, these can be justified as being cool, comfortable, and allowing for ease of movement, especially in close combat scenarios. These outfits reduce restrictions and enable the characters to be more agile in battle. As for high-heeled boots and other clothing that might seem impractical for combat, I believe these should be reserved for BOSS-level characters. Their exceptional strength allows them to prioritise style and wear more personalised outfits. In contrast, ordinary female zako should wear more practical clothing, like flat boots, which are better suited for combat.

1. 为什么这么多美女会选择成为女杂兵?


2. 为什么女杂兵的穿着如此性感?



3D Artist
Jul 19, 2024
Sorry I can't respond in Japanese.

I can think of a few ways to rationalise a large number of Zakos in erotic outfits:

1. Poor education/brainwashing: The women involved are either unaware of their own fragility or trust in some outside force to protect them. These zakos don't really have a choice about their situation, but believe it is their duty.

2. Situational equipment: Going into a normal large scale combat situation the women would be dressed in full heavy combat gear that's highly efficient (Though possibly a bit more skin tight than absolutely necessary). However, possibly in return for a higher pay check, their ordinary duty and/or parade uniforms are much skimpier on account of not being intended for combat use. "Unfortunately" if an enemy is infiltrating one of their bases most of them will be left under-dressed.

3. Clones: Getting into science fiction with this one. If someone is pumping out expendable custom designed combat clones with a low expectation of survival, then they may as well just give said clones cheap mass produced weapons and as little of a uniform as they could reasonably get away with.

4. Robots: More sci-fi. Designer combat gynoids would have no need of covering, and against small arms fire any armour plates would be redundant so they can typically be fielded dressed to their owners particular tastes.

5. Magic: Fantasy this time. The zakos believe their skimpy clothing to be enchanted/blessed and by wearing anything else they would interrupt the magic protecting them. Even if their uniforms are magical, there's nothing stopping the enemy from bringing magical weapons.

I hope I kept that simple enough to not be confusing
Thanks! I once thought about making these zako clones, but the technical flaws forced them to expose a large amount of their skin, otherwise they would die, similar to Metal Gear Solid V, but cloning felt like it would make it unnecessary for the zako to have their own names and personalities. Do you have better ideas?


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
Thanks! I once thought about making these zako clones, but the technical flaws forced them to expose a large amount of their skin, otherwise they would die, similar to Metal Gear Solid V, but cloning felt like it would make it unnecessary for the zako to have their own names and personalities. Do you have better ideas?
Angry clones, who prefer melee combat. Just release them from their pods and don't forget to left some swords in every chamber.

They can also use the broken glass

Maybe the clones don't care if they're dressed or not (their nudity can even distract some enemies), maybe they prefer to be rather agile than protected, they may know that there are no absolute protection
Altered Carbon.gif

Or maybe they have to be naked in their pods.

The zako women can choose the revealing clothes themselves

Maybe you zako supposed to be the soldiers of the paradise island and simply have to wear the revealing uniform.


2D Artist
Aug 7, 2024
It's pretty tough to rationalize it all honestly. Even if you made things as realistic as possible, with realistic uniforms / clothing and an actual, trained / competent group of soldier girls, there's still the question of why they're all women and why they're all pretty and beautiful. In my opinion the very nature of the zako concept itself is ridiculous to start with, so I think it's really OK to go anywhere you want with it. Imagine if someone stopped you at "Hey, they're all wearing impractical bikinis, that's not realistic!"

Having said that, I guess that's maybe why I prefer my zako settings to take place in a fictionalized, pre-industralized 18th or 19th century. This way you can explain the existence of armies of Amazon warrior-women via basic ignorance, lack of technology, or even backwards, medieval-era thinking. Maybe the Amazon factions exist as a safe haven for women in a patriarchal society?

Though to be frank, I just like that the musketry era of warfare involves soldiers lining up in stupid formations and getting shot, so that's cool. I know there's much, much more to the tactics of the era (for all you history buffs) but we're just talking about making excuses for good zako lol.


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
It's pretty tough to rationalize it all honestly. Even if you made things as realistic as possible, with realistic uniforms / clothing and an actual, trained / competent group of soldier girls, there's still the question of why they're all women and why they're all pretty and beautiful. In my opinion the very nature of the zako concept itself is ridiculous to start with, so I think it's really OK to go anywhere you want with it. Imagine if someone stopped you at "Hey, they're all wearing impractical bikinis, that's not realistic!"

Having said that, I guess that's maybe why I prefer my zako settings to take place in a fictionalized, pre-industralized 18th or 19th century. This way you can explain the existence of armies of Amazon warrior-women via basic ignorance, lack of technology, or even backwards, medieval-era thinking. Maybe the Amazon factions exist as a safe haven for women in a patriarchal society?

Though to be frank, I just like that the musketry era of warfare involves soldiers lining up in stupid formations and getting shot, so that's cool. I know there's much, much more to the tactics of the era (for all you history buffs) but we're just talking about making excuses for good zako lol.
Best rationalization is honestly just the boss's preferences, you'd look great having a bunch of hot babes workign for you, not only would they make great eye candy anytime you meet with someone, if trained well they make great security. Or have it just be a fictional setting maybe where gender norms are different. Cuss in reality you'd be hard pressed to be able to recruit a bunch of hot chicks for most logically a criminial empire, convince them to wear sexy uniforms, and have them also be highly skilled bodyguards. At best maybe the girls are the boss's personal body guards out in more public view while you got a bunch of men who do most of the behnd the scenes grunt work. Essentially an elite female team or unit. Especialy since it's mostly men committing the violant crimes.


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
It's pretty tough to rationalize it all honestly. Even if you made things as realistic as possible, with realistic uniforms / clothing and an actual, trained / competent group of soldier girls, there's still the question of why they're all women and why they're all pretty and beautiful.
All-female fighting forces are rare in history, but not nonexistent, so there's at least some real-world precedent. Lack of available men could be one explanation for why your zako are all women. I believe this was why the kingdom of Dahomey began recruiting female warriors. Exclusively female zako could plausibly serve as palace guards (a role that eunuchs might have played in real life). Of course, it wouldn't make sense to choose these women based on their looks unless it was all for show.
Best rationalization is honestly just the boss's preferences, you'd look great having a bunch of hot babes workign for you, not only would they make great eye candy anytime you meet with someone, if trained well they make great security.
I think showmanship could actually be a powerful explanation. Would it really be that unbelievable for an eccentric leader to hire a bunch of bikini babes to do stuff for him – even guard his compound, or serve in his armed forces? I can see a security firm doing the same thing as a publicity stunt. The mayor of a city might even staff his police force with sexy women as a way of attracting tourists. Far-fetched, to be sure, but not totally implausible.

A few thoughts on sexy costumes:

Sexy is relative, especially when it comes to women's fashion. What was provocative 100, 50, or even 20 years ago is now considered normal, if not frumpy. There are also societies where minimal clothing is simply the norm for all sexes. So you might have a futuristic or fantasy world where “sexy” clothing is just the normal combat attire for women. I'm sure that men have worn thongs into battle at many points in history, so why not women too?
When it comes to the provocative attire of female minions, such as thongs and bikinis, these can be justified as being cool, comfortable, and allowing for ease of movement, especially in close combat scenarios. These outfits reduce restrictions and enable the characters to be more agile in battle. As for high-heeled boots and other clothing that might seem impractical for combat, I believe these should be reserved for BOSS-level characters. Their exceptional strength allows them to prioritise style and wear more personalised outfits. In contrast, ordinary female zako should wear more practical clothing, like flat boots, which are better suited for combat.
The leotard seems like a completely practical garment to me. Athletes wear them for a reason, right? They're designed for freedom of movement, and the sexiness is almost incidental. High heels, on the other hand, will never be practical for combat, though again, you could chalk them up to the whims of an eccentric leader. And they do make sense in costumes intended for parade or ceremony. Indeed, heels are part of real-life military dress uniforms for women.

With all of that said...
In my opinion the very nature of the zako concept itself is ridiculous to start with, so I think it's really OK to go anywhere you want with it.
Yeah, it's an absurd concept. Suspension of disbelief is required. And isn't that part of the appeal?


2D Artist
Aug 7, 2024
All-female fighting forces are rare in history, but not nonexistent, so there's at least some real-world precedent. Lack of available men could be one explanation for why your zako are all women. I believe this was why the kingdom of Dahomey began recruiting female warriors. Exclusively female zako could plausibly serve as palace guards (a role that eunuchs might have played in real life). Of course, it wouldn't make sense to choose these women based on their looks unless it was all for show.
That is true! Off the top of my head I can only name Gadaffi's bodyguards. I didn't know that about the kingdom of Dahomey though.


3D Artist
Jul 19, 2024
老实说,要把这一切合理化是相当困难的。即使你让事情尽可能逼真,用逼真的制服/服装和一群实际的、训练有素的/有能力的士兵女孩,仍然存在一个问题,为什么她们都是女性,为什么她们都是漂亮和美丽的。在我看来,zako 概念本身的本质一开始就很荒谬,所以我认为带着它去任何你想去的地方都是可以的。想象一下,如果有人在“嘿,他们都穿着不切实际的比基尼,这不现实”时阻止你。

Having said that, I guess that's maybe why I prefer my zako settings to take place in a fictionalized, pre-industralized 18th or 19th century. This way you can explain the existence of armies of Amazon warrior-women via basic ignorance, lack of technology, or even backwards, medieval-era thinking. Maybe the Amazon factions exist as a safe haven for women in a patriarchal society?

Though to be frank, I just like that the musketry era of warfare involves soldiers lining up in stupid formations and getting shot, so that's cool. I know there's much, much more to the tactics of the era (for all you history buffs) but we're just talking about making excuses for good zako lol.
That's why I asked modern zakos. The ancient or myth background are easy to make sexy zakos easily, for example, ancient India have naked female guard to protect the king or even join the battle. But for the modern times, it is hardly to do so. Many troopers have females, but they are in a good dressing with well-protected uniform.


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
Many troopers have females, but they are in a good dressing with well-protected uniform.
A drug cartel can use women as laboratory workers and the cannon fodder. The girls have to be naked, at least partially.

Female gangsters can be semi-naked

Some henchwomen can work undercover. There is a big party with a lot of strippers and hookers? They're the zako under disguise.
In the parallel world, sexy zako is a common thing because of any reason.


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
A drug cartel can use women as laboratory workers and the cannon fodder. The girls have to be naked, at least partially.

Female gangsters can be semi-naked

Some henchwomen can work undercover. There is a big party with a lot of strippers and hookers? They're the zako under disguise.
In the parallel world, sexy zako is a common thing because of any reason.
What's the second image from?


3D Artist
Aug 20, 2024

The Plausibility of Zako Scenarios: Exploring the Realism and Strategic Use of Zakos in Fantasy Worlds​


Zakos, the minor and often sacrificial characters in Japanese popular culture, typically serve as easily defeated enemies, often equipped with inferior weapons and dressed in alluring uniforms. In order to create a plausible fantasy world, the existence and use of zakos must be grounded in scenarios that maintain a degree of realism. While the idea of an attractive female army launching a seemingly futile attack may initially appear unrealistic, carefully designed scenarios can provide logical and coherent justifications for their actions. This article explores four potential zako scenarios and analyzes their plausibility, considering the psychological and tactical implications for both the zakos and their opponents.

Scenario 1: The Zako Partisan Army​

The first and most plausible scenario involves zakos functioning as a partisan army. These guerrilla fighters are likely to be civilians or volunteers, forced into resistance by the dire circumstances of war. They wear practical but attractive clothing, such as light blouses and shorts, both for mobility and a degree of allure. The partisan zakos' strategy is based on ambush and guerrilla tactics, using their small numbers and familiarity with the terrain to launch surprise attacks on a superior enemy.

Tactical Analysis​

  • Strengths: The partisans’ attractiveness could be a byproduct of their civilian nature, but it also plays a subtle psychological role in distracting or confusing the enemy. Light, breathable clothing allows them to move quickly and efficiently in forested or urban environments, and their familiarity with the terrain offers a potential advantage in hit-and-run tactics.
  • Weaknesses: Despite these advantages, the partisans are woefully under-armed compared to their opponents. Against soldiers armed with firearms, their close-range weapons, such as knives or spears, place them at a significant disadvantage. The enemy’s overwhelming firepower diminishes the effectiveness of their resistance, rendering them vulnerable to swift defeat.

Dilemma of Killing​

For the enemy, the decision to kill these zakos presents a tactical and ethical challenge. On one hand, they are active combatants who pose a threat, albeit a small one. On the other hand, their role as partisans—civilians forced into combat—raises moral questions about the necessity of their elimination. Older, experienced soldiers may treat the situation pragmatically, recognizing the need to neutralize all threats. Younger soldiers, however, may hesitate, conflicted by the beauty and vulnerability of the zakos, leading to possible battlefield confusion and hesitation, which could cost lives.

Scenario 2: The Patriotic Zako Diversion​

In the second scenario, zakos act out of intense patriotism, fighting to delay and confuse a superior enemy. Armed with inferior weapons, such as swords or simple firearms, these zakos rely on their uniforms to disorient the enemy. Their outfits—ranging from school uniforms and dance costumes to majorette uniforms—are designed to create a jarring contrast to the brutal realities of war. In some extreme cases, zakos may even attack in swimwear or lingerie, exploiting shock and confusion as part of their strategy.

Tactical Analysis​

  • Strengths: The primary strength of this scenario lies in psychological warfare. The zakos' attractive clothing is meant to cause hesitation, disbelief, or even awe in their opponents. This distraction could provide a critical window for other forces to attack, regroup, or escape. Their actions are noble, as they sacrifice themselves to buy time for their nation, despite knowing their chances of survival are slim.
  • Weaknesses: This strategy hinges entirely on the psychological impact of their appearance, making it unpredictable. While some soldiers might be momentarily stunned or confused, more disciplined or battle-hardened troops could easily overcome this distraction and react swiftly, making the zakos' sacrifice ineffective.

Dilemma of Killing​

The moral dilemma for the opposing soldiers is particularly pronounced in this scenario. The zakos, in their patriotic zeal, are effectively forcing their enemies into a lose-lose situation. If the soldiers hesitate, they risk allowing the zakos to fulfill their mission and disrupt the battle. If they engage, they are killing unarmed or poorly armed combatants who appear more suited for a parade or performance than the battlefield. Older soldiers, with their experience, may recognize the tactical need to neutralize these distractions, but younger soldiers might find it difficult to reconcile the need to kill what appear to be harmless or even alluring figures.

Scenario 3: The Zako Scouts​

In this scenario, zakos are deployed as scouts or decoys, their main objective being to draw enemy fire and reveal the enemy’s position. These zakos, dressed in conspicuous uniforms designed to catch the eye, are meant to attract attention and provoke the enemy into firing, thereby exposing their location for artillery or reinforcements to attack.

Tactical Analysis​

  • Strengths: The effectiveness of this strategy lies in its simplicity. The zakos’ mere presence serves as a catalyst for the enemy to react, revealing their position. The zakos, knowing they are likely to be targeted, engage in this role with full awareness of their sacrificial purpose. Their uniforms, which may be brightly colored or excessively feminine, are intended to stand out against the dull backdrop of a warzone, increasing the likelihood of enemy engagement.
  • Weaknesses: The zakos’ conspicuous uniforms make them easy targets, ensuring that they will likely be killed or incapacitated early in the battle. Their survival is not part of the plan, and their lives are deliberately risked for the greater good. This tactic may lose effectiveness over time as the enemy becomes aware of the strategy and refrains from engaging.

Dilemma of Killing​

For the enemy, the decision to kill zako scouts is more straightforward but still fraught with psychological conflict. While they are undeniably a threat, their use as mere decoys makes their deaths feel less justified. Soldiers may question whether killing an unarmed scout serves any meaningful purpose, particularly if they recognize the zakos as sacrificial figures. Nonetheless, experienced soldiers will understand that eliminating scouts is necessary to prevent larger-scale ambushes or artillery strikes. Younger soldiers, however, may once again struggle with the notion of killing an attractive, seemingly harmless opponent, adding an emotional complexity to their actions.

Scenario 4: The Unarmed Zako Peace Brigade​

The final and perhaps most radical scenario involves unarmed zakos attempting to convince the enemy to cease fighting. These zakos, dressed in formal or ceremonial clothing—such as ballgowns, wedding dresses, or other traditional attire—approach the enemy without weapons, hoping to appeal to their sense of honor or morality.

Tactical Analysis​

  • Strengths: The strength of this scenario lies entirely in the moral and psychological appeal of the zakos. Their peaceful appearance and lack of weaponry could cause the enemy to hesitate, confused by their lack of aggression and uncertain of how to respond. This tactic aims to create a moment of reflection in which the enemy might question the righteousness of their cause.
  • Weaknesses: The effectiveness of this approach is highly variable and dependent on the mindset of the opposing forces. While some soldiers might be swayed by the zakos' pleas for peace, others may see it as a trick or a sign of weakness, leading to swift and ruthless action against the defenseless zakos.

Dilemma of Killing​

In this scenario, the moral dilemma is at its peak. Killing unarmed zakos, especially those dressed in ceremonial or bridal attire, presents a stark contrast to the violence of war. For older, more experienced soldiers, the decision might be easier to make—after all, war leaves little room for sentimentality. However, even these seasoned soldiers might struggle with the notion of killing unarmed women, particularly if they appear to be making a genuine plea for peace. For younger soldiers, the psychological conflict could be overwhelming. The juxtaposition of beauty, innocence, and war could create intense emotional and moral tension, leading to hesitation or even outright refusal to engage.


The plausibility of zako scenarios in fantasy worlds is contingent upon crafting a believable and strategically sound context in which these characters operate. While their uniforms and appearance may seem impractical for warfare, their roles as partisans, diversions, scouts, or peace advocates offer a degree of realism that enhances the narrative’s depth. Each scenario presents unique tactical and ethical dilemmas for the opposing forces, with the decision to kill zakos often fraught with psychological complexity. Younger soldiers, in particular, may be more susceptible to hesitation, while older, experienced soldiers might view the zakos as a necessary but tragic element of warfare. Ultimately, the zako archetype serves as a poignant exploration of vulnerability, sacrifice, and the moral intricacies of conflict, even within the confines of fantasy.

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