Interactive Zako Novel: The Requisite Academy for Duplicitous Girls (4 Viewers)

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Sep 23, 2021
This novel is based in a semi-mystical but mainly real world story. The protagonist will find herself sent to an all girls correctional boarding school for student who misbehave. It won’t be too long until she realizes something doesn’t check out and that this school may not be all it seems. She will make friends and enemies as she searches to solve the mystery surrounding this evil institution. She will encounter many obstacles and enemies along the way of her quest.


The Requisite Academy for Duplicitous Girls:

Is an all girls preparatory school where particularly deviant or misfit girls are sent to be re-educated in obedience and societal compliance. The student body consists of girls who have a long standing record of mischievous and troublesome behavior deemed necessary of correction. The girls at the school are completely cut off from the outside world during their tenure at the Requisite Academy and are required to participate in a series of mandatory activities in accordance to the schools curriculum. To include a rigorous dance program, an organized sport, and martial arts. The student of the academy are instructed to be in top physical shape. Every cafeteria serves strange enhancements in the food causing the girls to be noticeably Voluptuous

The head mistress, Mrs. Caitlin is unrelenting in her methods to conform the students. A mid 30s blonde, Mrs. Caitlin is notoriously loved, feared, and mythical to the girls at the school.

Background of the Story:

Stephanie, an orphan, is sent to the Requisite Academy for Duplicitous Girls after several infractions for challenging teachers and fighting at her previous school. Upon arrival to the Requisite Academy for Duplicitous Girls, she realizes something is severely off about the girls and the academy. As an elite athlete, she is awarded the sophomore class due to her performance in the general sports tryouts thus postponing parts of her indoctrination. She is quickly selected by a student named Avery in the Senior class to be one of her roommates as one of Avery’s last roommates was expelled thus opening up a free space. Stephanie quickly realizes Avery is different from her other classmates including their third roommate Julia.

After they get to know each other Avery confides in Stephanie that the school is not all that it seems. Aside from the questionable curriculum and treatment of the students, she reveals that the school is not a correctional facility for girls but instead a breeding ground to train the other students to be elite operatives and assassins for various governments across the globe. The mission of the school and who really controls it, past the mistress, is unknown to Avery. She also reveals that her past roommate was also aware of this but was found investigating what was happening and has mysteriously disappeared. Avery has not seen her sense.

Stephanie asked Avery what her last roommate was named and she responded, “Her name was Shannon, a beautiful girl with brown hair and tan skin. She was an elite performer until she was removed by the mistress” Avery reveals that their their roommate, Julia, a sophomore, does not know any of this and can’t be trusted.

The story will revolve around Avery and Stephanie covertly investigating the mystery and trying to figure out how the other girls are being controlled. They will discover more and more of what the true purpose of the Academy is while finding out the grim reality that even the other evil students at the school are subject to strange experimentation to enhance their abilities often having strange side effects and even bodily mutations. They will do everything they can to hide their real mission in taking down the academy until it’s time to make a move or until they’re discovered…

Background and Context:

The students’ lives are strictly controlled as they aren’t allowed to drink or socialize in big groups outside of school certified functions, which there are many. One of the strictest restrictions is the nature of their relationships with other students. Any form of sexual education or research into the outside world is strictly forbidden out of the confines of official classroom instruction. Consequences for breaking the rules very from informal discipline, detention, counseling with the mistress, and expulsion. While the terms of expulsion are unknown to the student body, it is understood that expulsion usually leads the girl in question never being seen again by the rest of the student body or returning to the student body as an almost entirely different person.

The girls are separated into four classes which have nothing to do with age or academic standing but more to do with conformity and performance in the program. Usually the girls who have been at the Requisite Academy longer are in higher classes, have been expelled, or have faced extreme remediation.

Freshman: For new arrivals. These students have the least responsibility but also the least amount of privileges. Freshman do not have to participate in the rest of the school’s program but are subjected to the harshest and most rigorous reeducation training.

The freshman students are forced to live in small rooms with only one twin sized bed. Each room houses two freshman girls whom they are instructed to pair up and predominantly associate with. Freshman are only allowed to talk to their roommate and can only interact with other freshman in their official capacity in class. There are no restrictions on activities between roommates resulting in many of the freshman roommates becoming very close and even having intimate relations with each other out of pure isolation if nothing else.

Sophomore: This is probably the worst class to be in as they are required to participate in all the activities yet have the least amount of training. The Sophomore girls are also seen as the most disposable and this often used as canon fodder when dealing with any kind of intrusion onto the campus. This class is used as a screener for future enrollment and suitability to conformance to the rest of the program. For this reason, most of the expulsions come from the sophomore class. Continued acceptance is highly competitive as only about half the class will graduate to the Junior class. Punishment for failure is explosion or extreme remediation. It is unclear to the students which one is worse.

These girls also live in small dorm style rooms but have two beds. They are allowed to go from room to room and associate with their fellow sophomore students without restriction if they are within the confines of their building. Sophomores are free to interact with each other however they please on the one condition that they are forbidden to have prolonged relationships with each other as this would undermine how disposable they are told to see themselves. This is a rule that is regularly broken. They have common areas to cook, hangout in, and play games. While their dorm building is somewhat of a safe space for them, mischievous activities outside dorm walls carries a heavy punishment. These girls are not allowed to interact with the Freshman class under any condition.

Junior: These students have been accepted into the program, thus are granted much more freedom in their daily activities. Their uniforms are more strictly regulated though. They wear all white clothing except for black school girl shoes. They live with Senior girls or with each other. The ratio is one senior girl to two Juniors. The senior is seen as their mentor and direct superior. There is no restriction on activities within the upperclassmen dorms. These students are not equal to the Senior class but are still upperclassmen with more responsibility and freedom as an underclassmen.

Senior: These girls are seen as being in full compliance with the Requisite Academy curriculum and are thus depended upon to maintain discipline within the Academy. They fill senior academy leadership roles and are seen as the most popular girls in school. These girls are unrelenting towards the sophomore students exhibiting complete domination over the candidates. Senior students are unquestionably loyal to the head mistress and have subscribed to total and absolute obedience to her wishes. These girls are the only girls who are able to go off campus but only for school sanctioned events and to find suitable recruits for future enrollment into the Academy.

Seniors live with two other girls. Either two Juniors or two Sophomores who they hand select. While it might be seen as an honor to be selected as a sophomore by a senior, it comes at a heavy price. They are not seen as equals in the upper class building and are forced to do all the cleaning and execute the wishes of the upperclassmen.

The standard school uniform was a custom fitted short catholic school girl style dress that tightly mirrored their body shape, resting just over the ass barely covering the panties. Pure white except for pronounced blue details outlining each cuff and skirt edging. While showing no cleavage, the dress was firmly positioned to tightly hold their breasts in the most provocative position possible. The dress was so tight it pressed against each students breasts causing a look of impending explosion if the seems burst. This made it impossible for any girl to wear a bra underneath. The only relief they felt was where the skirt portion of the dress perfectly rested on their ass. The lavender soft panties they wore allowed a swift breeze to pass between their legs. These dresses, are not only extremely short, barely hip level, but also loose, which makes their panties usually visible even when standing normally. It also makes it easy for the dress to get hiked up above the hips under most circumstances, fully exposing the girl's rear.

Each dress included a little red tie with yellow stripes which which only was a few inches ling. The short tie hung just between the breasts highlighting the shape of each girls chest.

Each uniform was equipped with a bow promptly positioned where the lower back met the top of the shape of their butt. This humiliating feature of this school girl uniform, the blue bow tie was custom adjusted perfectly to serve two purposes. One, to make sure the waist is perfectly tightened upon their butt to ensure the skirt is gently lifted to rest on top of the butt just over their panties. The second, unbeknownst to the young prep school students, the bow tie was a sign of respect to the enemies who might defeat the students. The bow tie that rested upon each you students’ butt was a reward for their victors as a sign of respect for successfully dispatching one of the prep students.

The students are taught that their uniquely questionable uniforms are a source of pride. Supposingly their pure white uniforms are rooted in a greater cause. A call to something greater than themselves. In reality, the school girl costumes they wore represent how interchangeable each student was. Wearing the same promiscuous dress all their sisters have worn in the past. Disposable and replaceable.

The girls would not be refitted with their uniforms but at the same time the students would be expected to preform physically making their already tight uniforms increasingly more revealing as their bodies developed. This made their voluptuous young bodies more exposed with time as their physic grew causing their already thigh riding dresses to rise higher and higher covering less skin over time.


As shown, their skimpy uniforms barely cover their panties causing their skirts to often hike up revealing their entire ass. Especially when defeated. as shown in the last picture, the little blue bow tie rests perfectly on their lower back where the shape of ass begins.

At the all girls school, the already tense situation and intimate student life was alone enough to cause tension between the girls. This was only made more apparent with the questionable revealing uniforms all the students wore. Mixed with their athletic physics, the revealing uniform was a noticeable distraction for the girls.[/SPOILER]

Alien/Magical Power:

The prep school girls are educated in an ancient power called Chaos believed to be in possession due to alien residue discovered on a meteorite. Upon proper understanding of this power, girls become sensitive to new abilities. These abilities are relatively minor but present a huge advantage in combat. The foundation of this powers are being able to harness energy and shape it into various forms making them more agile, fast, and flexible as well as increased healing abilities.

Access to these abilities takes years so only the senior girls and a handful of juniors actually possess this power. However, due to some costly experimentation, small doses of the meteor can be injected into a non sensitive student, temporarily giving her these abilities.

Additionally, ability sensitive girls are told that upon death they will ascend to some sort of blissful afterlife as long as they fight to the end. Clearly this is a like to encourage the young women to sacrifice themselves.

The Zodiac:

The meteor left a sizable crater in which the academy build a structure around in order to hide it. Inside the crater lives a strange alien creature called the Zodiac. While this creature cannot communicate, it seems to have an understanding with the mistress of the Academy. The creature will produce the extract which gives the girls their powers in exchange for being fed. The creature is trapped in a cave in the ground. The monster cannot leave because sunlight will kill it hence why the academy build a structure around it to protect it from daylight. The Zodiac only comes out of its cave to feed. The power of the residue that gives the students their abilities is dependent upon the creature feeding. Without the creature feeding the extracted residue becomes worthless. Generally speaking the school girls are able to find outside sources to feed the creature, however, at times this is not possible and the creature requires feeding beyond what the student body can produce. For this reason, it become necessary to preform sacrifices to feed the Zodiac to sustain its appetite. This means that from time to time one of the young evil schoolgirls will find herself in the unfortunate position of being devoured by the creature.

Lots of surprises in this highly tense and charged story to come.
  • Suggestions and requests will be highly considered to adjust the story and for follow on chapters.
  • Before each new character is introduced a short bio will be included to describe their appearance, personality, and back story (why they are there). If they are to be a more central character, a chapter of their experience at the academy might be included as well.
  • The first half of the story will have most non fatal KOs but that could change as the story progresses to fit the reality of where the story goes.
  • Suggestions for characters and attributes are highly encouraged to customize the story but the general story line is already written so there are SOME restrictions… but not many.

I intend for there to be about 30 overall characters in the novel. Both minor and major characters. I will introduce character bios 10 at a time until the majority of characters are introduced. I already have most of them done but if you would like a custom character introduced I am more that happy to try and include a few.
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Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Name: Christy

Age: 20

Height: 5’3

Class: Sophomore

Appearance/Characteristics: Christy is a cute young schoolgirl with brown hair that rests a few inches past her shoulders. She has tan skin and big brown eyes. She has an innocent look about her. A cute and clueless face. She is somewhat short but had a very developed body. Thick juicy legs and a plump perky ass.

Christy was generally overwhelmed by her obligations, often feeling uncomfortable with the fact that she was just a disposable piece of cannon fodder. But is none the less still an evil Zako. While fully committed to serving the mistress, Christy was worried about what might come of her in the future. She wasn’t a bad girl per say. But she was a servant of the mistress, so whatever comes her way, she sadly deserves.

Christy did find solace in the simple things though. An oddly high sex drive, the frustrated girl was easily distracted by the other girls at the academy. Still unsure of herself, she wasn’t lesbian but found herself increasingly curious being surrounded by so many skimpily dress girls.

HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THIS SHORT STORY: Christy is a normal Zako girl who will find herself at the mercy of her opponents.

Short story: Christy’s Uniform Fitting

“Hey… don’t you think this is a little, um…short?” The tailor wrapped the measuring tape around Christy’s round ass. “Mhmm… no I think it’s perfect” the tailor then moved the tape measure around Christy’s thick legs and said to herself “what a body” as she moved behind Christy. “I…I don’t know… I just feel so exposed. My butt is basically hanging out of my… humph!” Christy was interrupted as she moaned from the tailor tightening the blue bow in the back of her dress above her ass. “Huh? Fuck that tight” Christy whimpered.
The tailor stood up and faced Christy. “Ohh it’s too It’s tight? It’s too short? You feel exposed? Yeah that’s kind of the point. Remember what you are Christy. You serve at the mistresses pleasure.”
Christy replied as she turned her head over her shoulder and looked at her short dress barely covering her ass. “And… this pleases her?”

The tailor looked at Christy’s cute face and tight voluptuous body. “Oh yes… this will definitely please her”

Christy insecurely responded “okay… I guess..”

“Good! Now get back to your dorm. And remember to keep that uniform spotless. I would hate you see you punished…” the tailor said with a grin

Christy gulped in fear and walked out. The tailor watched the school girl walk out. “Mhmm poor girl. She won’t last long. What a waste”

The fittings of the Zako school girls was a meticulous process. Each uniform had to be perfectly fitted to the girls body. Skimpy and short, this revealing outfit served as a reminder of how insignificant, replaceable, worthless each girl was. Despite their attractive appearances and seemingly normal personalities, these girls were nothing but disposable fighters.

Christy will be one of the reoccurring characters. She will give a very human perspective of what it is like to be one of the evil Zako School Girls. Unsure of herself, she won’t be able to help experiencing some of the more emotional responses to watching her sisters getting taken out while struggling with the inevitability that she is disposable. Somewhat naive to the gravity of her situation, she will soon find out that her devotion to the academy has deathly consequences. Will her cute appearance be enough to get her out alive? Who knows. (Probably not)
Love the way you describe things, very very good stuff, excited to see more!!!!

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