Missty's Mistake (2 Viewers)


Casual Client
Nov 16, 2016
This is a story I am writing called "Missty's Mistake". This story is accompanied by 3D images I am making myself. Missty's fight is against a massive male wrestler. This story is fictional, featuring fictional characters, and I do not condone violence in real life. If you like Maledom, you will LOVE this. Enjoy.

Missty nervously puts the finishing touches on her look in the changing room. The 19 year old, 4’9’’ 90lb brunette is wearing a very skimpy white sports bra, and sexy loose pajama booty shorts, with a slit all the way up each side. Missty’s brunette hair cascades loose down her back. She finishes applying a light layer of makeup, her hands shaking slightly.

Missty’s feet are bare; the rookie fighter had really wanted to be wearing sneakers or boots, but the promoter who signed her for this debut match in the federation had told her shoes were absolutely not allowed, and that she had to wear the provided outfit and nothing else.

She had been confused by that, but she needed the money, had always wanted to become a wrestler, and figured this would be an easy win, so she agreed to the outfit stipulations. Missty is annoyed by what she’s being made to wear; her preference would be something more modest and more athletic, this loose, skimpy outfit leaves little to the imagination, and has her feeling very vulnerable. “How am I supposed to fight in this outfit?” Missty wonders to herself. She pushes that thought aside, trying to hype herself up. “I can do this! So I’ll look hot in this outfit, big deal. Whoever this chick is, she’s going down.”

Wanting her feet to at least look cute if they are going to be bare, Missty has painted her toenails red, and done her fingernails red to match.

Missty takes a deep breath and looks at herself in the mirror one more time, flexing her skinny biceps and admiring her petite, fit body. She smiles in the mirror to give herself some extra confidence, her small nose piercing glinting in the fluorescent light.

Missty turns and walks out of the changing room, down the hall, toward the curtain that leads to the ring area. The floor is cold under her bare feet, sending a shiver up her back.

The 19 year old brunette struts out into the ring area, greeted by the shouts, catcalls and jeers of about 100 observers. With all of the light directly on the ring, she can’t even see the crowd, but she can hear them going crazy. A cute pop song Missty had specifically requested as her entrance music blares out of the speakers, and she smiles and waves at the crowd, showing off and doing her best to win these strangers over.


“Introducing our newest fighter, joining us for the first time, 19 years old, standing at 4’8’’, weighing a mere 90 pounds, it’s, MisstyYYYYYYY!!”

The spotlight hits Missty, who with increasing confidence starts to strut toward the ring, bare feet moving quickly across the cold unforgiving floor, waving saucily at the crowd and flexing as she walks.

Missty climbs into the ring and swaggers over to her corner, giving the crowd another wave. Her heart rate is up with anticipation, but the petite 19 year old feels comforted knowing that her opponent is supposedly a rookie as well, according to what the booking manager told her. Missty feels confident that she’s scrappy enough to defeat a fellow rookie, despite her tiny stature.


“Alright everyone! We’ve got a doozy here for you tonight! Hope you’re ready to see some wrestling violence!! Originally, this was supposed to be a battle of Rookies, but UNFORTUNATELY, Missty’s original opponent for tonight will NOT be coming!”

As the crowd reacts, Missty feels a mix of confusion and disappointment, wondering what she’s here for if there’s no opponent. She had been looking forward to destroying some other rookie chick.

“LUCKILY, we have a fan favorite in the building tonight, and he has generously agreed to make sure you all get a show, and that Missty didn’t come here for nothing! Please show your appreciation to the champ, the beast, 42 years old, standing 6’3’’, weighing in at 350 pounds, The ChODEEEEEEEE!!!!”

Missty’s heart starts jackhammering, and her heart drops into her stomach as the crowd goes absolutely wild.. “HOW BIG DID YOU SAY??” Missty tries to shout towards the announcer, but the pounding of The Chode’s heavy metal theme music drowns her out.


Missty’s eyes widen as she sees The Chode. This hulking behemoth of a man swaggers toward the ring. Huge, muscular arms and chest, and MEAN eyes were the least troublesome part to Missty. She looks with shock and fury at The Chode’s black leather pants, knee pads and massive, thick black wrestling boots.

“WHY AM I BAREFOOT IN THIS SLUTTY OUTFIT WHILE HE GETS TO WEAR BOOTS AND PANTS???!??” Missty tries to shout at the announcer, but the music is still playing and he ignores her.

Missty continues to shout at the announcer to no avail. She looks with terror as the massive beast of a man starts to climb into the ring, the crowd roaring in approval. She begins to shake with fear. “How the fuck can I possibly fight this guy?!!” she thinks to herself.

“I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!” She screams as the Chode begins to approach her, with dead eyes and a small smile on his face. Missty’s courage fails her, and she launches herself backward, her bare feet pounding the mat as she attempts to get the hell out of the ring while she still can.


The Chode grunts with surprise as the tiny brunette flees the ring. With 2 massive strides he catches up to her, grabbing Missty by her long hair, and causing her body to jerk backward with incredible force.


Missty feels a second huge hand grab a fistfull of her brunette hair with terrifying force of grip. Gasping in terror, Missty squirms and twists as the huge man effortlessly takes the 19 year old down to her knees by the hair, her hands scrabbling at the massive man’s. Missty struggles unsuccessfully to get the man to release her brunette tresses.

Stars explode in front of Missty’s vision as The Chode out of nowhere brutally, VIOLENTLY slams the terrified girl onto her back on the mat by her hair, as the crowd ROARS their approval. All of the air rushes out her body as she crumples in a heap, gasping for air and curling up in a ball. Missty’s back is on fire, feeling like she just got hit with a sledgehammer, she writhes on the floor trying to catch her breath.

“Stupid slut. What were you thinking coming here?” The Chode laughs as the hopelessly outmatched brunette continues to roll around. Grabbing her arms and tangling Missty's shapely bare legs with his tree trunk ones, the Chode starts his brutal destruction by hoisting the poor girl into a modified romero hold.
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“WAIT, WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING? NONONONOAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! FUCCKKKKK AHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Missty begins screaming as The Chode torques her tiny body into a C shape, practically ripping her shoulders out as he puts pressure on her knees and back. Missty can feel tears welling up in her eyes, fear and humiliation building up inside her as she realizes how completely helpless she is against this monster, in her slutty pajamas with nobody to help her. She howls in agony as her body shakes and trembles in his grip, completely unable to escape the hold and entirely at his mercy.
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The Chode lets Missty drop to the floor, and the sexy 19 year old sobs from relief, her arms and shoulders on fire as she lays in a heap at The Chode’s feet. The crowd is already laughing and jeering at the brunette jobber as she struggles to get up.

The Chode laughs. “Where the fuck are you going jobber girl? I like you down there!” He bends over and grabs Missty’s wrist and ankle. contorts her petite body into a horrific bow and arrow hold! “AIIIIEEEEEEE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!” Missty’s screams fill the arena, howling in agony as the announcer narrates her predicament in humiliating detail, and the crowd cheers and laughs and encourages The Chode to break his brunette victim.


Missty’s mind is shattered, seeing stars from the unbearable flaming pain in her back, her joints stretching to the limit. She realizes how she must look, in her tiny shorts, skimpy top with her tits being thrust out towards the bloodthirsty audience, regretting her outfit and her choice to show up to this fight as The Chode cruelly bends her in half. She can’t take it anymore.

“STOP! STOP PLEASE I SUBMIT!!!” Missty screams, tears of frustration flowing from her eyes, as the crowd roars with laughter. The referee is saying something and shaking his head, but Missty can’t hear him well.

The Chode helps her out. “You dumb fucking slut. This is a winner’s rules match. We fight until the WINNER decides it’s over. I don’t accept your submission!” The Chode explains as he CRANKS the submission hold even more, eliciting a fresh wail of despair from his outmatched brunette opponent. “WHAT THEFUUUUCKKAAAAHAHHHHH NO PLEASE NO PLEASEEEEE!!!!”
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The Chode shoves Missty away from him and stands up, watching the little jobber lay on the ring floor, sobbing in pain, fear and confusion. “Not only do I not accept that submission, but I’m just getting started with you!” Missty whimpers and tries futilely to crawl away as The Chode plops his huge, 350 pound body on the poor jobber girl’s back.

“What’s next slut? You ever been camel clutched??!” Missty’s cries intensify as The Chode wrenches her up by the hair, her bare feet slapping the mat in desperation as The Chode uses her hair to arch the poor girl’s back.

“PLEASE I SUBMIT I SUBMIT!!” Missty shrieks, but The Chode couldn’t care less as he continues to torture his sexy brunette victim.

The Chode releases the sobbing 19 year old girl’s hair, instead shoving his fingers into Missty’s mouth and nostrils, and cruelly bending her once again in half, as the jobber girl sobs, chokes and gargles out pleas for mercy. The sadistic heel just continues to torture his victim, pulling so hard that Missty’s vision starts swimming, feeling like she’s going to pass out. “MMFFFHFHM PLEASESTOPMMFFFHHJ!!!”

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“Can’t hear you girl, what was that?!” The Chode laughs as he rips the poor girl’s face even harder.

After what seems like an eternity, The Chode shoves Missty’s face back into the mat, where the brunette jobber just bursts into hysterical tears, curling up and sobbing on the floor as the crowd roars its approval.

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“WELL IT LOOKS LIKE OUR ROOKIE Missty MIGHT BE REGRETTING SHOWING UP TONIGHT!! LOOKS TO ME LIKE SHE WANTS TO QUIT. ARE YOU READY FOR MORE!??!?” The announcer’s commentary sounds so gleeful that Missty realizes nobody here is going to help her. She can barely see the ring through her tears and swimming vision.

Sobbing hysterically on the floor, Missty cries once again for mercy “Please sir! I submit! I would never have come here if I knew you were my opponent! Please have merCYAAAAAAAAHHHJJIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!”

Missty’s plea for mercy turns into a choking scream as the Chode bends her legs over her back in an excruciating boston crab, the 19 year old brunette desperately slapping the mat as she feels her spine threatening to snap.
Misty bOSTON CRab 1.png


“PLEASE! PLEASE! STOP STOP YOU’RE GOING TO BREAK MY BACK!!!” Missty’s screams are utterly frantic, as the Chode chuckles and heedlessly continues to bend her.

“I wonder how flexible you are, girlie. Let’s see if we can touch your head with your toes!” The Chode grins as he proceeds to do just that, with his jobber opponent’s sobs and shrieks reaching a fever pitch with fresh agony.
Single Leg Crab toes to head 2.png

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Casual Client
Nov 16, 2016

Roughly sitting the girl up, The Chode jams a cruel kneel into Missty’s back and YANKS her arms all the way behind her. “AGHGHHHHHHHH FUCKERRRRR!!!” Missty screams out as she helplessly kicks her feet and struggles as the Chode threatens to tear her arms right out of their sockets.

The Chode laughs cruelly as he holds Missty in the brutal chicken wing hold, her desperate sobs echoing through the arena as the crowd cheers him on.

"Please, please I can't take anymore! I'll do anything, just let me go!" Missty begs pathetically through her tears. But the Chode just cranks on her arms harder in response.

"Aww what's the matter little girl? Can't handle a real man?" he mocks. "This is what happens when stupid sluts like you step into the ring unprepared!"

With a vicious yank, he wrenches Missty's arms up even further behind her back. POP! Missty lets out a blood-curdling scream as she feels her shoulder dislocate from the socket. The pain is blinding, worse than anything the 19-year-old has ever felt before.

The Chode finally drops Missty to the mat where she lands in a crumpled, weeping heap, cradling her damaged arm. Her crying only seems to excite the bloodthirsty crowd more as they jeer and laugh at her suffering.

"Bet you're really regretting wearing those skimpy little shorts and top now, eh bitch?" The Chode taunts, planting his huge boot on Missty's back and grinding her face into the canvas. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before getting in the ring half-naked with a real fighter!"

Missty can only whimper in response, her spirit totally crushed, humiliated beyond belief at how easily she's been dominated by this brute. She had been so confident coming in, so sure of herself. But now, as The Chode's boot pins her helplessly to the mat, Missty knows she is completely and utterly defeated.

The Chode is right - she never should have agreed to this match, especially not in this revealing outfit that's left her feeling so exposed and vulnerable. What a fool she was to think she ever stood a chance. Now all Missty can do is pray that her tormentor will show some shred of mercy and end this brutal beatdown.

But as The Chode hauls Missty up by her hair yet again, that wicked gleam still shining in his eyes, the battered brunette knows her nightmare is far from over...

The Chode holds the screaming brunette high in the air, his arms wrapped around her torso in an unbreakable bearhug, squeezing the breath out of Missty's lungs as she kicks and struggles futilely against his superior strength.

"Where do you think you're going, little girl?" The Chode taunts as he walks around the ring, displaying his sobbing victim to the cheering crowd. Missty can only whimper and gasp in response, her vision starting to go black at the edges as the oxygen is crushed from her body.

Just as she feels like she's about to pass out, The Chode slams Missty down to the mat with a thunderous bodyslam that seems to rattle her teeth in her skull. The devastated 19-year-old can only lay there and sob, clutching her aching ribs.

"P-please... no more..." Missty whimpers pathetically. But her pleas fall on deaf ears as The Chode grabs her by the ankles and drags her to the center of the ring.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet, girlie. Not by a long shot," he chuckles darkly. Quick as a flash, he traps Missty's legs in a figure four leglock, wrenching her joints to their limits.

"AIIIEEEEEE!!!! FUCK NOOOOO!!! IT HURTS IT HURTS!!!" the brunette shrieks in utter agony, slapping the mat over and over again in a futile gesture of submission. But the Chode just laughs and cranks the hold even tighter.

Missty's mind reels, barely able to process the sheer torment she's being subjected to. How did she end up here, half-naked and utterly helpless, being destroyed by this sadistic monster while the crowd bays for her blood? She feels so foolish for agreeing to this now.

The Chode finally releases the hold and Missty collapses limply to the mat, gasping and sobbing, tears and snot coating her pretty face. Every inch of her body is on fire with pain. She just wants this nightmare to end.

But the Chode has other ideas. He jerks Missty up by her hair and drags her over to the corner, slamming her face-first into the turnbuckle. Dazed, she can barely react as he grabs her arms and ties her wrists to the top rope with a length of cord, leaving her slumped against the corner, arms stretched painfully above her head.

"Since you seem to like submitting so much, let's see how you like being completely helpless, bitch," The Chode growls in her ear. Missty can only hang there and weep in fear and despair, knowing the worst is likely yet to come for the overmatched brunette jobber


Nov 23, 2023
Nice! I loved bearhug part but even the other Is really great! I'll wait for the next part!

After the bearhug, it's a Canadian backbreaker time or I'll Hope!

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