Thank you for you answers, [USER=243467]@esanscoopsers[/USER] and [USER=4584]@TheHackerKnownAsSnow[/USER], but I keep on thinking that too many categories will be counter-productive.
It is not necessary to make so many categories for Loader scripts (eg. animtools or moreclothing) because they are not that numerous. Most have been made by sby, ModGuy and stuntcock, and their total barely reaches a hundred I think: it makes four or five pages in the Ressource Manager. There is no point to make categories containing one or two items.
Same for costume or hair mods, classifying them too finely doesn't bring any advantage in my opinion. When a user is looking for a hairstyle, I think he prefers to see everything rather than looking only in the category of "light chestnut mid-length hair" (not to mention that colour and lenght appreciation depends of everyone's point of view). That's what the tags are for if he wants to do a more specific search. As said above, tagging a mod is available to everyone.
Also, you have to think about modders and moderators, because many modders are a bit lazy and don't even take the time to clearly name their mod or put tags (and often there isn't even a sample image). I don't think they'll bother looking for the right category to put their mod in if there are too many of them, and then it will be the job of the moderators to put them in order after them.
Wanting to make a very elaborate classification may seem desirable, but like everywhere, for things to work properly, they have to be designed to be "idiot-proof".
I was more looking for categories I may have forgotten or naming them more clearly, not starting all over again.
Anyway, classification may be slightly different when it is finished compared to the original plans.