1. Did you unpack the file with JIS/JP support? (the files have lots of characters)
2. Yes, that's how you run NTLEA.
Actually, raping an adventurer is fairly easy... it's raping them ALL at once that's hard. It's fairly easy to toss them all in a corner, jump on them to stun and then start smashing them to bits, possibly saving the healer for your raping powers. Why the healer?
- Your Rape Timer counts down when you give or receive damage; even blocking raises it as you are still receiving minor damage
- Your Rape Timer decreases when you use the Power Move
- Your Rape Timer is unaffected by throws or jump damage
This way, if you keep forcing her to move and use her heal spells (instead of her magic bolts), you can raise your Rape Timer by constantly whacking the healer within an inch of her life until you're ready to grab her.
The game has huge issues. The Troll auto-aims (poorly) a lot of the times, he doesn't have a point-blank move (the grab move has to be done from far away, the punch/claw also requires them to be a step or two away), and there is no way to charge the Rape Timer without taking/giving damage.
While it would be nice to control directions of throws, it's not needed. The only enemies that can consistently knock you on your back are the Knight and Mage, though I have seen the Healer knock me around by sheer luck. It is very easy to throw adventurers around and have them bounce back within throw range, but it does not raise your Rape Timer. If you move in closer, you can pummel them with punches.
My record is getting three adventurers raped; I killed the knight, grabbed the fighter, thought I killed the mage yet she fell into the grab, and the healer was saved for last. Someone used "Cheat Engine" to create a movie where all four are raped. Too bad there is no ending or sound to the game.