Well if people want to use Cheat Engine to cheat, then I will help with getting Infinite Health, Low Girl Health, and Infinite Rape Time.
I will assume most people know how to use Cheat Engine, if not, it is relatively easy to figure out.
Infinite Health: The Value of the Ogre's health is 500, search for that, get hit, then search for a Decreased Value; do this till you find the right value.
Low Girl Health: The Value of each girl's health is 200, search for that, hit the girls, search for Decreased Value(s).
Infinite Rape Mode: The Value is between 0-6 (the ticks on the top left clock). I usually wait for one tick so I would type One and search, then either wait for more ticks and search for an Increased Value or search for the next number per tick.
Hope this helps get past the intense difficulty. Remember to freeze values after. (500 for health, 10 for girls, and 6 for rape timer) You can save the Values so you don't have to go looking for them again.
Thank ulmf members for help finding the exact values.