Chapter 3
I now remember the first time this happened, it was a Tuesday a long time ago. It was Halloween and I was helping my brother to get some decorations up on the roof of the house, we made a creepy clown doll with an old mannequin and an old dresses we found on the attic among other trash we collected over the years. However my mother had forbidden us from doing it so since she had to run some errands and instructed us to wait for her until she came back. However she was taking too long to get home so my brother and I got desperate we couldn’t wait any longer; we managed to set up both the stair up on the roof so I could climb up to install out little creation on the roof.
However as I am about to reach the top of a two stories high house my brother screams something and I turn around along with the dressed up mannequin and my legs get tangled along the dress of the mannequin making me lose balance and fall to the ground along with the stair cracking my skull on the ground.
I wake up two hours latter dizzied and confused, my head hurts a little but I am still alive. I can hear my brother crying his eyes out and my mother sobbing while grabbing my hand. I’m about to be placed on the back of an ambulance and I raise my head looking out “M-Mom” everyone gasp loudly as I raise up with my head intact, immediately after that my mother faints.
That was the first time we knew of my little ability, my skull had cracked open and my brains were literally jut a paste on the ground. The ambulance was there just to recover my skinny body off the ground and keep me on a cold locker until my mother did the funeral arrangements.
I wake up once again from my memories and look at the doctor Rogelio holding me on his hands. I smile a bit as I look at his face. “¿Please tell me is heaven this time” the doctor cracks a smile as he hugs me tightly I blush as I hear him whisper “Thank god I did not lose another one” I am still a bit weak from the experience but I raise my arms to hug him a bit. It’s has been a long day.
The nurse and his brother eye my weirdly “B-But you died! We saw it you had no pulse” says the nurse while I sight loudly as I look at them “I-It’s a family thing?” I say with a stupid grin and shrug, of course no one laughs or comments about it.
We move into a “safer” location at least as safe as a nurse and his brother can afford. I am sitting on the couch and Rogelio, The nurse whose name is Amelia and her brother Pablo all look at me at once expecting an explanation I am too nervous to give them. All of three of them and work at the hospital in a way since the nurse’s brother does a lot of flower deliveries to the patiences. I smile once again and giggle trying to see where to even start with this. I take a deep breath and look at Rogelio in the eye.
“When I was 15 I died for the first time or at least it’s the first time I remember dying, however for some reason my body can cure itself fast. After I die in about an hour I wake up once again, that’s considering if the wound was fatal…” I stop my story for a second and grab a letter opener that sits near the couch. I make a small cut on my finger “However I can still feel all the pain and unless I die my body can’t regenerate” I move around for a minute. “T-That wasn’t the first time people think I’m a corpse I’ve woken up several times in body lockers and…Well…The only way that I can die is if I suffocate or my entire body is destroyed” I grin once again but it doesn’t affect anybody. The three of them have a concerned looked on their face, Rogelio is the first one to speak “Did you lied about not remembering anything?” I shake my head “No, I didn’t” Rogelio looks at my eyes, we both stare at each other for a minute before he nods. “I believe you” I don’t know why but those words mean the world to me.
After a long interrogatory I confess that I think I killed somebody, I can’t tell them that it’s my mom of course. That I died on a military complex and my body was dumped on the body locker without anyone noticing. We do not know how long I was there but it wasn’t long since I would have run out of air and died if I stayed in there the six months I claim I was in there.
After that we agree that no one must know about this, if any other of the city’s big groups like Watcher Inc., The Pearls or worse the Ring Master find about this they won’t hesitate to tear me apart to know how to use my power to their benefit and they won’t care if my body is torn apart.
We also agree that I am going to get to stay with both the nurse and his brother until I can find a job and an apartment of my own, I was half hopping that I could stay with the doctor but beggars can’t be choosers.
At night I sleep at the couch where I was interrogated, it’s hard and I think the body Locker was more comfy but it’s all they have at the moment. I am hesitant to sleep since I just got a ton of memories back but I feel that something is keeping me away from them. I close my eyes to try to concentrate but I can’t see anything. On a brief flash once again I see the image of a hundred women laughing at me while I bleed to death, I wake up from a jump and I see Amelia sneaking around the place. I tilt my head a bit as for why she is so sneaky on her own house. She makes a sign of “Shh” with her hand and points at the fridge, she opens it up and pulls out a chocolate cake from it “If you keep quite I’ll give you half a slice” I grin and whisper “Give me a full slice and you got yourself a deal” we both giggle.
A little after we finished the cake I look at Amelia “So…Why are you helping me?” I ask, she answers with a shrug a “Why not?” and gives me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen in my life. I grin back as a sense of warm I haven’t felt in a long time overwhelms my being.
Soon after I find myself in the couch once again looking at the ceiling, a voice whispers to me “You know that as soon as they know the truth they’ll turn you in” I shake my head as I see myself sited right in front of me “No, They are my friends and they are protecting me” she giggles and leans over to look at me “Because they think you are a nice person, Or perhaps you didn’t told them everything” I close my eyes and covers my ears to but that doesn’t help at all to make the whispers go away “Maybe it was better that you didn’t remember at all” I shake my head violently and scream “Shut up!” she giggles and look at me directly, I can no longer keep my eyes closed “Don’t you get it Ruby? You are nothing but a Target Practice to all”.
I open my eyes and there’s no one here, nobody only me and the corpse of the other me dressed as a clown. I look up and I see more corpses of myself falling down from the sky making it dark all around me, I cover myself as all the images of my death open wounds in my chest, I can remember them all and I can feel them all. I look at the sky where many corpses of myself keep falling with no end. I shake my head as each memory overtakes my sences.
I whimper while I kneel down “Please…” I beg but the corpses keep falling down “I beg of you….” There is no stopping them from falling, I can't help myself , I scream "Pleaaaaase!!!" They stop on the last time I died, That day where the robot overloaded my brain.
“Pleaase....Just let me die”
< |=== To be continued