Vivacious Visitor
- Joined
- Feb 9, 2013
Hello and welcome to my dialogue thread. It's a bit humble at the moment with only two dialogues to my name, but I genuinely love writing these things, so there will be many more to come in the future, whether anyone likes them or not.
sby for moreclothing mod
Pim_gd for DialogueActions
Slingerbult for his helpful guide to writing dialogues (The Comprehensive Dialogue Guide)
Huitznahua for his newbie guide to getting mods to work in SDT (SDT Newbie Guide)
Mineur for the background image used in the dialogue (seriously, why isn't there a home background by default in vanilla!?)
EDIT- Wow, over 200 views on the Thirsty Sister download. I dunno if any one of them liked it or not, but its still cool to know that 2 busloads of people looked at it. Thanks guys!
EDIT2- Added a Future Projects section. Let me know if you have suggestions! If I like them I might add it to the list or even make it my priority.
Your older sister goes through boyfriend after boyfriend and every time she gets kicked out by one of them, she crashes at your place. This time she starts to really feel bad and offers some... service to make it up to you.
This is a very simple dialogue, and it's supposed to be pretty freeform. For the most part it's just a personality mod for a cum-thirsty older sister. Any of the settings can be adjusted without worry with just one exception: DO NOT ALTER MOOD MANUALLY. The dialogue is meant for her to be at a normal mood until you reach a certain point (it will be pretty obvious when you get there), at which point she switches to a happy mood. This dialogue doesn't recognize angry or ahegao moods as being different from normal mood, so there isn't any point in switching to them.
This is only version 0.8 because I don't feel like it's done. I have the bare bones of what I want the dialogue to be like, and the structure is done, but there could be a lot more variety in it, mostly in the form of additional lines. Think of it like a beta. I welcome feedback from anybody about anything, and I especially welcome suggestions for new lines or other content. Side note: If there are spelling and/or grammatical errors in the dialogue, please point them out to me and call me a dumbass. I should know better, English IS my native language.
Your older sister goes through boyfriend after boyfriend and every time she gets kicked out by one of them, she crashes at your place. This time she starts to really feel bad and offers some... service to make it up to you.
This is a very simple dialogue, and it's supposed to be pretty freeform. For the most part it's just a personality mod for a cum-thirsty older sister. Any of the settings can be adjusted without worry with just one exception: DO NOT ALTER MOOD MANUALLY. The dialogue is meant for her to be at a normal mood until you reach a certain point (it will be pretty obvious when you get there), at which point she switches to a happy mood. This dialogue doesn't recognize angry or ahegao moods as being different from normal mood, so there isn't any point in switching to them.
This is only version 0.8 because I don't feel like it's done. I have the bare bones of what I want the dialogue to be like, and the structure is done, but there could be a lot more variety in it, mostly in the form of additional lines. Think of it like a beta. I welcome feedback from anybody about anything, and I especially welcome suggestions for new lines or other content. Side note: If there are spelling and/or grammatical errors in the dialogue, please point them out to me and call me a dumbass. I should know better, English IS my native language.
- Her: Hands on lap, fully clothed (unless you want to pretend that your older sister is a nudist).
- Him: Male, fully clothed (no really, his penis will be invisible at the beginning of the dialogue, it will look weird if he isn't clothed), arm free.
- Options: Mood should be normal. DO NOT ALTER MOOD MANUALLY.
- Cursor: Behind her.
- DialogueActions v4.08 or higher, here: Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.08 (15 Jan 2017) while there isn't a whole lot that is handled by this mod, there is still some crucial stuff there that needs this.
- Unzip the .rar file down below into the mods folder of your SDT directory.
- Double-click "Mods Folder.jar" in your SDT directory.
- Open the game via "Loader.swf".
- In the options menu on the very first tab, top-left corner click on the box with the face on it. Scroll through the list of faces that comes up until you get to one that is titled "Thirsty Sister". Click on that box. (Note: You do not need to load the dialogue file, it will load automatically once you click on the scene)
- Enjoy!
- (OPTIONAL): You can change the character any way you like. The one that comes with this dialogue is the one I used to playtest this. The dialogue won't derp if you change her clothes.
- (OPTIONAL): If you want the character I supplied to look right you will need moreclothingV6, here: moreclothingV6 this mod is by no means required in order to play.
- Create a separate "post-game" dialogue where you don't have to worry about building up to happy mood and she will just be in happy mood from the start.
- Add more lines. The more variety the better, ESPECIALLY handjob lines. There are way too few of those.
- Correct grammar (both code and English) if needed.
Not much to this one. You've kidnapped a lady you fancy and have tied her up in your basement. Through some means you have acquired cum that can hypnotize people when they drink it. The more they drink, the more addicted they get, and the more loyal they become. I have purposely left the plot on this one vague, allowing you to come up with your own interesting scenarios.
As mentioned in the plot, your cum is hypnotic, this game relies very much on getting the girl to swallow your cum. She will be angry and resistant at first, but the more cum she drinks, the more docile and cum-hungry she becomes. She goes through four stages, each represented by the four moods: ANGRY->NEUTRAL->AHEGAO->HAPPY. There is a catch, however. If you aren't careful, her idle dialogue (such as general dialogue) will actually have a decaying effect on the hypnosis, meaning that if you sit around for too long she can go all the way from AHEGAO back to ANGRY.
Once you manage to get her to HAPPY, however, there will be a short "cutscene" and you will no longer have to worry about decay. She will remain in HAPPY state, indefinitely. This even persists when you shut off SDT and open the dialogue again. When you visit her again after "breaking" her, she will remain broken (I may remove this feature if there is a demand for it).
I do recommend spending some amount of time in each mood, however, there is unique dialogue for each stage, and the girl will go through many different personalities.
Most of the stuff will be handled by the dialogue, but make sure the cursor is behind her. Do not do anything until the beginning intro scene is done (it's done after the guy talks). If the girl suddenly stops what she is doing and starts jerking the guy off, congrats, you won. Just stop doing anything for a bit until the cut-scene plays out.
Should only require the most recent DialogueActions (link in previous spoiler). This dialogue is only a .txt file so no fancy process this time.
v1.3-Added some triggers in the majority of lines, just stuff to make her more expressive. I'm bad with that sort of thing so there isn't much, and if anyone has any suggestions for more let me know. Also fixed a minor bug where she might get caught in a loop of doing the ending over and over.
v1.2-Made the "gateway" lines that lead to other lines based on hypnosis level to thought style so they will fire more reliably. Thanks again to SuccubusSasha!
v1.1-Changed the lines that check current progress level to thought style so they will fire more reliably. Thanks to SuccubusSasha for helping me out with that one.
v1.0-Initial release
Not much to this one. You've kidnapped a lady you fancy and have tied her up in your basement. Through some means you have acquired cum that can hypnotize people when they drink it. The more they drink, the more addicted they get, and the more loyal they become. I have purposely left the plot on this one vague, allowing you to come up with your own interesting scenarios.
As mentioned in the plot, your cum is hypnotic, this game relies very much on getting the girl to swallow your cum. She will be angry and resistant at first, but the more cum she drinks, the more docile and cum-hungry she becomes. She goes through four stages, each represented by the four moods: ANGRY->NEUTRAL->AHEGAO->HAPPY. There is a catch, however. If you aren't careful, her idle dialogue (such as general dialogue) will actually have a decaying effect on the hypnosis, meaning that if you sit around for too long she can go all the way from AHEGAO back to ANGRY.
Once you manage to get her to HAPPY, however, there will be a short "cutscene" and you will no longer have to worry about decay. She will remain in HAPPY state, indefinitely. This even persists when you shut off SDT and open the dialogue again. When you visit her again after "breaking" her, she will remain broken (I may remove this feature if there is a demand for it).
I do recommend spending some amount of time in each mood, however, there is unique dialogue for each stage, and the girl will go through many different personalities.
Most of the stuff will be handled by the dialogue, but make sure the cursor is behind her. Do not do anything until the beginning intro scene is done (it's done after the guy talks). If the girl suddenly stops what she is doing and starts jerking the guy off, congrats, you won. Just stop doing anything for a bit until the cut-scene plays out.
Should only require the most recent DialogueActions (link in previous spoiler). This dialogue is only a .txt file so no fancy process this time.
- Possibly remove save feature (if nobody wants it).
- Add more lines.
- Make a version with unisex pronouns so that the "him" can be futa and "her" could be a femboy and it would still work, or figure out some way for the dialogue to check that and alter the pronouns automatically.
v1.3-Added some triggers in the majority of lines, just stuff to make her more expressive. I'm bad with that sort of thing so there isn't much, and if anyone has any suggestions for more let me know. Also fixed a minor bug where she might get caught in a loop of doing the ending over and over.
v1.2-Made the "gateway" lines that lead to other lines based on hypnosis level to thought style so they will fire more reliably. Thanks again to SuccubusSasha!
v1.1-Changed the lines that check current progress level to thought style so they will fire more reliably. Thanks to SuccubusSasha for helping me out with that one.
v1.0-Initial release
sby for moreclothing mod
Pim_gd for DialogueActions
Slingerbult for his helpful guide to writing dialogues (The Comprehensive Dialogue Guide)
Huitznahua for his newbie guide to getting mods to work in SDT (SDT Newbie Guide)
Mineur for the background image used in the dialogue (seriously, why isn't there a home background by default in vanilla!?)
- A cum-drinking vampire dialogue, because I like that idea. You find out your girlfriend that you have been going out with for a while is a vampire, and she's hungry.
- A Senran Kagura dialogue featuring a futa Hikage and Haruka who accidentally dosed herself with an experimental aphrodisiac.
- A dialogue with a randomized plot, randomized phrases, or both. Could use help with this one if anyone is interested, will give credit where it's due.
- A dialogue where you attempt to build a relationship with 3 different girls, and you can change the girl you are playing with mid-dialogue without needing to change the file. This one is more of a proof of concept for a much larger project idea I have, but I will give it no less love.
EDIT- Wow, over 200 views on the Thirsty Sister download. I dunno if any one of them liked it or not, but its still cool to know that 2 busloads of people looked at it. Thanks guys!
EDIT2- Added a Future Projects section. Let me know if you have suggestions! If I like them I might add it to the list or even make it my priority.
Thirsty Sister v0.8.rar
44.7 KB · Views: 2,848
44.7 KB · Views: 2,848
Hypnosis v1.3.txt
18.8 KB · Views: 2,245
18.8 KB · Views: 2,245
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