Quite simply, I would like mod that would render her eyes in permanent (Or perhaps toggeable :P) rolled back eyes like those of the ahegao mood, regardless or her actual mood.
Hmm, I've never actually dabbled swf mod making. Could you please tell me how I'd go about doing this? I'd like to try giving it a shot myself, if I can.
You vastly overestimate my abilities, and while I am flattered, I fear I may dissappoint. But I can certainly see if I can get this working at some point later tonight when I have the time.
UPDATE: I tried compiling the code you listed the same way I did for the straightshooter mod but it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm afriad I'm not savvy enough with actionscript to know how to make it into a workable .as file. I haven't worked with code in literal years, it might as well be arcane runes to me.
this definitely is not a compile ready snippet of code. needs a little bit of organizing and wrapping it into a function and doing main.addEnterFramePersist(snippet);
edit - this mod has been incorporated into moremoodsV4_2, use that instead: https://www.undertow.club/downloads/moremoods.4576/ rolleyeV1 by sby persistant mod, once loaded stays. however resetting will put the mode back to their default...
also, anyone know if i have another mod that took this spot on the main menu?
so i will probably note this as an replaced mod, as i want to proxy the same function this uses for moremoods so i can make her eyes go lower than usual in a clean way. trying to make depressed and submissive, so adding this rolleye button to moremoods would be easy to provide the features of both mods without conflict.
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