Since certain archives have finally went down (and since Templar is doing sone fanart of the story) I thought I might as well repost TKDBB's classic series. I’ve cleaned up spelling errors, but otherwise left everything as I found it.
It was a far different world than Earth, but in some ways similar; this violent, warring planet in another galaxy. Strange creatures roamed the wild areas after the dominant humanoid races had almost wiped each other out in a massive war many years before. While the creatures were of many shapes and sizes, one thing held constant, the female was in control. Thus it wasn't strange to see a birdwoman flying high over the plain, her large, white feathered wings riding the air currents. White feathers ran down the backs of her long slim legs and, at the junction of her legs, white down covered her love triangle. Her legs moved to change her direction and as they opened a pair of bright pink puffy lips amid the white down mapped the entrance to the heart of her womanhood. Above the pouting pussy, between her firm round ass cheeks rode the darker pink rosebud of her anus. Her breasts were large and firm; tanned mounds that were well separated high on her chest. Almond colored nipples topped the avian mammaries. The high cheek boned face was topped with long silver hair that accented the deep green of her eyes, the nose was fine and slightly long over a small mouth with bright red lips. She was called Donella a vision of loveliness. Her beauty and sexual prowess had earned her the envied position as favorite consort of Clitia, Ruler of the Harpies. She was also doomed to be the first of her race to suffer a quick, but still very painful death inflicted by a terrible new weapon.
It was unusual to see a two legged male human alone in Harpy territory. The man was looking down a long silver tube, pointing it in the direction of the soaring female. Suddenly a small cylinder shot from the end of the tube, smoke trailing its path. The birdwoman never saw or heard the object as it changed course to follow her dips and turns. Remorselessly it honed in and after a few seconds of flight the speeding projectile drilled up between her legs, splitting open her pussy lips and on into her cunt like a huge metal dildo. Lodging deep in her vagina with its rocket motor still burning, the lethal missile cooked the flesh of her inner thighs. The pain shocked female grabbed at her burning crotch as she began to fall from the sky. She never made it to the ground alive. Moments after impacting her cunt, the warhead's small shaped charge exploded, filling her guts with its lethal load of steel balls and reducing her once tight pussy to a gaping hole of burned meat. The man who fired the weapon watched as her body broke on the hard ground. This success had to be reported back to the leader of his rebel band. He had fired the weapon at three different female species and always the results were the same. He didn't know why, but the deadly missile sought out the hottest part of their bodies; raping the bitches between the legs, then blowing up in their cunts.
One of the hated humanoid females that enslaved his kind was the first victim. As she had lain naked under the sun in what she thought was a private secure area, the first missile had mortally fucked her gaping twat. Next he had downed a big Centauress, she took awhile to die, bleeding internally. Now the
birdwoman. The three species were constantly warring with each other and mostly with the rebels. Now the rebels had a tool to defeat them all.
Chapter #1-They Rule by the Whip
The Femazi's capital city was small and backward by our standards, no electricity or sewers survived the great wars. This city, like all others in their empire, was ruled by an iron-fisted woman who tolerated no dissension from her female subjects or the male slaves. The execution of a traitor was about to take place. Serena, the high ruler, strode into the prison yard to view the demise of the slut. She cut a striking figure from her black officer hat down the shiny, spike heeled leather boots that ended six inches below the short tight black mini skirt that circled her 38 inch hips. Her 40 inch bust was restrained by a black leather bra and open front jacket. No panties covered her groin and when she sat down her gold trimmed bush was visible to anyone who glanced up her skirt. She held a long cigarette holder near her 26 inch waist. Though on the outside a drop dead gorgeous bitch, deep down, her heart was as black as her outfit. Through assassination, intrigue, sex and pure evil she had risen to head this race of man hating evil women. She had seduced, bitchfucked, and murdered in her bed, several rivals before assuming absolute control of the city.
She always kept a length of rope hidden in the pillows of her bed. A single knot in the center of the rope would crush the wide pipe of the victim's throat. As the knotted rope strangled the life from Serena's latest nude victim, she would taunt the dying women, telling them what lousy lovers they were. She and her core group of hardliners bent the will of the Femazi military and civilian to follow theirs. The Femazi had no men except slaves. Procreation was by artificial means and heterosexual sex illegal. As she seated herself in the viewing area, crossing her long tanned legs, she was joined by her personal guard. These twelve ladies had been picked from the ranks of the army based on their bodies as well as their fighting ability for Serena had no use for male sex. Their uniform of thigh high black boots with four inch heels, very tight black shorts that hung low on the hips and black low cut halter tops was the same as the regular army with the exception of the crest embroidered over their left breast. The busty bitches were armed with a saber hanging from their left hip and a percussion pistol on their right, the same as officers in the regular army carried. Common soldiers, such as the two girls guarding the condemned prisoner, carried a large bore, percussion rifle and a knife that could be fitted as a bayonet. The guns were accurate up to about 100 yards and their heavy lead slugs had enough punch to down any enemy. Their drawback was the time required to reload.
Once the entourage was in place, the prisoner was led to the courtyard. She was a busty, dark haired beauty who belonged to a small resistance group dedicated to the overthrow of the Femazi regime. Her job in the government gave her access to sensitive documents but she was unaware of the extents of Serena's counterespionage network. The seductive young woman had been caught passing secrets to a birdwoman. The Harpy had escaped the rifles of the secret police, but her Femazi lover wasn't as lucky. She was brought down by a bullet in the rear of her upper right thigh. It would have been better if the bullet had hit a vital organ. The voluptuous whore knew what awaited her as she was stripped naked, an agonizing death by the lethal, organ burning sperm of a raping mutant.
Certain male creatures had mutated and their sperm was highly acidic. The Femazi had annihilated them in a costly war that saw dozens of Femazi soldierettes caught and raped to death by the brutes. Once filled with the lethal cum, a girl was doomed to an agonizing death and many were shot by other Femazi to save them the torment. But the mutants had no weapons save brute strength and soon they went down to defeat in front of Femazi guns. The race was wiped out except for six that were kept alive to use in entertaining spectacles like the execution about to take place. The mutants were stupid barbarians that would try to rape the prisoner and if she could fight them off, she might live. The odds were not in her favor as two hulking brutes were released into the fenced compound. If it had been only one male she may have fought him off or took his load in her pussy where her own body juices had a chance of negating it's effects, but with two it was certain she would take a cock up her ass or mouth where the cum was always lethal.
The desperate woman managed to fight them off and dance out of their way for several minutes until her weakened leg made her stumble and the big brutes had her. Wrapping his arms around her ample chest, one lifted her up and lowered her squirming twat down on his death tool. Even as she struggled to be free of the killer cock the second brute sandwiched her and drilled her asshole. Knowing she was doomed, the poor tart cursed Serena and the government until the double shot of acid cum started burning her insides. Her curses quickly turned to agonized screams. The two spent brutes dropped the dying woman and were quickly netted while the tart rolled on the dirt, hand clutching her burning ass. The acid ate through the thin walls of her intestines and continued burning through her internal organs. She took a long five minutes to die. Serena squirmed in her chair, executions always made her horny and the pussy juices were leaking from her bare twat. As she left the prison she ordered one of the guards to come to her chamber, her lust had to be relieved.
Dismissing most off her guard, Serena stationed Irma and Eva, a pair of six foot amazons, at the door to her bed chamber and retired with corporal Freda. The five foot ten Freda was Serena's favorite lover. They were similar in size and build though the younger Freda's tits had not started to sag like the forty year old Serena.
Serena liked her sex rough and one reason she liked Freda as a partner was that the younger bitch also liked rough sex and wasn't afraid to take it to her boss. Inside her bed chamber Serena had a large padded mat and their lesbian sex always started with a wrestling match. Dressed in bras and panties the two lovers hardly looked the part of wrestlers as they grappled for control. Freda got in the first good shot when she slipped under Serena's arms, grabbed her legs and pulled them out from under her. As Serena's plump ass hit the mat, Freda drove her fist between the splayed legs into Serena's pussy bring a howl to the older woman’s lips. Slipping behind the stunned woman Freda locked her arms around the blond head of her boss but Serena recovered her senses and flipped the younger redhead over her shoulder. Freda landed flat on her back between Serena's powerful thighs and as she rose the thighs clamped around her slim waist. Twisting her body to put her feet and Serena's back on the mat, she pushed outward on the vise like knees. As the hold loosened she jumped forward, clamping her sharp nails into the heaving tits of the blond.
Serena managed to squirm out and away from the claws but she lost her bra in the maneuver. Her big soft tits with their ruddy brown nipples danced before the big redhead who ripped off her own bra matching her pink tits to her boss's. Freda's were slightly firmer and larger but her nipples and areolas smaller, both sets were much more than a mouthful as Serena found out as her mouth clamped down on the hard right tit of her opponent. Freda squealed and pushed the blond off her tit but she let herself open for a kick in the cunt. Serena's bare toes drilled the vertical gash between Freda's legs and only the panties prevented the big toe from filling her twat. Freda doubled over at this onslaught and Serena picked up her bent form and slammed her down on the mat. Serena knelt over her, pinning down her arms ready to bite a firm nipple for a second time when Freda's knee came up between the leg of the big blond, knocking her over the redhead.
On her back, gasping for air, Serena was unable to prevent the removal of her panties or the invasion of Freda's long nailed fingers deep in her quim. What she could do was pull down the panties of the straddling redhead and sink her teeth into her curly bush. Both women were crying in pain until the Freda suddenly gave up. The mood changed instantly as Serena's teeth were replaced by a gentle tongue and Freda's vise grip on Serena's blond trimmed love tunnel relaxed. Rising from the mat the two sweaty lovers fell on the large soft bed with Serena mounting her lover and massaging the redheads tits with her own. Their tongues intertwined as their pelvises ground together, Serena pumping up and down as if she had a cock growing between her legs. Slipping sideways the two sluts explored the inner recesses of each other’s crotch with their mouths. Wet tongues flicked clitorises, drew circles around tight bung holes and drove deep into dripping slits till the two women shuddered in a mutual climax that spewed pussy juice over their faces. They were licking each other’s face clean when the alarm sounded.
Chapter #2- Death from the Sky
Donella had not returned from her recon patrol and fearing the worst, squad leader Josella had sent out three birdwomen to look for her. After following her assigned patrol route for several hours they came upon her broken body. Erametha had first spotted the corpse, and after circling and looking for danger she signal for the patrol to land. She examined the body and found no arrow wound.
That would eliminate the Centauresses as suspects. Her bloody cunt suggested that a human had gotten a lucky hit with some kind of powerful rifle although she didn't know what to make of the burns. With Bitta holding the dead birdwoman's arms and Shiva her legs the three took off for the flight home.
Clitia was sitting on her throne while a castrated rebel was forced to continually lick her twat as the body of Donella was brought before her. Her anger built as she viewed the ruined cunt that had brought her so much pleasure and she kicked out in rage. The talons on her feet ripped open the guts of the hapless male and he was dragged off to die. Clitia ordered that a Femazi prisoner be executed and the body dropped on the city when they staged a raid on the Femazi's city as punishment for the act of aggression. The birdwomen were nomadic and there encounters with the Femazi's usually occurred when the Femazi's tried to expand past their cities. Pitched battles were rare but small skirmishes did occur on a regular basis. The rifle firing Femazi's had a hard time hitting the swooping Harpies as they fired arrows at their opponents. Harpies tried not to attack a large number of Femazi's where the concentrated rifle fire gave them the advantage but they seethed in anger at the death of the scout and good judgment was abandoned in favor of revenge.
A Harpy had captured a lone Femazi, swooping down and sinking her talons into the bare shoulders of the bitch and lifting the screaming, bleeding woman into the air. Now she was to face the Swing of Death. Suspended three feet off the ground by four long ropes tied to her hands and feet and attached to four tall trees her body was swung back and forth like a kid on a swing set. Mounted high above the ground in a line with the arc of her body was a long sharp steel shaft. The shaft was circled by sharp barbed blades designed to cut as the shaft drove forward and tear as it was removed. As the Harpies swung her naked spread-eagled body, each swing brought her groin closer to the shaft. Higher and higher she rose, then a sharp pain as the point pricked her and a small rivulet of blood flowed over her black furburger. The next swing took the point an inch into her soft muff, not yet enough to engage the blades. The doomed bitch cried and struggled to lift her cunt out of the way on the next pass but she only succeeded in driving the shaft three inches up her asshole. This time the blades cut her sphincter muscle into four sections. With one last mighty shove, the Harpy executioners drove her cunt over a foot up the massive spear. Internal organs ripped beyond survival, she hung there for a few moments until her body weight tore the bloody shaft out of her ruined box. With the Harpies no longer pushing, her arc slowly decreased, matching her slowly fading life, till her bleeding body hung still and limp.
Thus it was that Serena's love session was interrupted when six Harpies descended on the city. They had planned to swoop in from two directions out of the low clouds, take one pass over the city dropping the dead Femazi and drilling arrows into as many women as possible and fly back to the safety of the clouds before the soldierettes could mount a heavy response with their 50 caliber single shot percussion rifles. Their luck turned bad when a small break in the clouds and a sharp eyed lookout gave the garrison a few seconds warning.
The tall slim black girl was clanging the alarm gong when she became the battle's first casualty. "Aaiieeee", cries the stricken lookout, flinging her arms out and falling thru the triangular shaped gong, a feathered shaft protruding between her shoulder blades. Her smooth flat belly is draped over the lower bar quelling the vibrations of the bell. In the streets, women and slave ran for cover but the main targets of the Harpies were the black clad soldierettes.
A muscular brunette guard at the main gate grabbed her throat as an arrow sliced her windpipe. Falling back off her raised lookout post, she crashed, head first, to the dirt. Her hard muscles couldn't keep her neck from breaking in the fall. Diving in low and fast, a slim Harpy is aiming at a big titted Femazi even as the woman raises her gun at the bitchbird. The sultry bitchbird shoots first. Flying under the aimed rifle of the busty brunette, a speeding arrow nicks her right jug as it thuds into her deep cleavage. The skewered guard's unfired gun clatters down as she staggers back, holding the painful shaft that has cut a major artery leading from her heart. With red blood gushing from the hole in her chest, the young girl slumps down to die, puking more blood over her ravished bosom.
A short distance away, a busty black bitch writhes on the ground clawing at her belly and the arrow that protrudes from it. She had been shot from a high angle and the arrow had passed between her boobs, slicing the strained fabric of her halter. The arrowhead had impacted her just below the ribs and driven down and in, tearing open her stomach and intestines. Her sudden fall had further strained the weakened halter and it had torn through. The two huge brown jugs flopped like dying fish as her body jerked in agony. After several days of high fever and pain, she would die from the shit contaminating her insides.
Eight Femazi's have paid the price and lay dead or dying before their barking guns can start to even the score on the retreating Harpies. Two flying stragglers will not make it home. "Uunnghhhh", is the pained grunt of a small slim bitchbird, her tight ass jerking up from the impact of a heavy slug ripping up into her lower gut. Vital organs are ravaged and torn, wings go limp and she drops from the sky like a duck taking a load of twelve gage. Mortally wounded, her shapely body is broken and crushed as it hits the ground and the snap of her neck ends her pain.
The last flying assassin is just about clear of the city walls when her right wing is torn by hot lead. Unable to fly with one useless wing, she is able to control her fall and spirals down to the dirt, stunned but alive, and is promptly surrounded by gun toting females. She will wish later that the fall had killed her.
By the time the naked Serena and Freda dress, it is all over. With eight of their number dead to one dead and one captured Harpy, Serena rightfully rates the battle a loss for the Femazi's. She decides to punish her garrison commander after dealing with the wounded Harpy. Two soldierettes bind the legs and arms of the stunned bird bitch and drag her to Serena who, after appraising the naked female, admiring the upthrust of her pert breasts and the downy feathers adorning her snatch, orders her to the interrogation room. As the bound bitch is dragged away Serena gazes lustily on the full roundness of her hips and ass and vows someday to bed one of these creatures, but only after neutralizing the sharp talons on her feet that could disembowel a person with one kick.
Summoning the garrison commander before her, Serena screams out her rage at the assault. Molly, the commander tries to explain they had no warning. She doesn't say that if the sentry hadn't spotted the Harpies when she had, many more Femazi would have died. Serena will not listen and she pronounces punishment.
"Since eight of my soldiers died, you will face a gauntlet of twice that many". Molly was led away by members of Serena's personal guard for her ordeal. Sixteen topless Femazi soldiers were lined up in two rows and given large studded paddles. Molly would be stripped naked and forced to walk between the rows as the girls beat her bare ass with the weapons. When all was ready, the nude woman was led to her trial. Molly was a woman of thirty five with an average build and a plump wide ass, a juicy target for the stinging wood. Worse than the pain she was about to endure was the embarrassment of being naked on display for whoever wanted to watch. Her face red with shame, she began her walk of pain. As the first paddle smacked her ass, she winced but did not cry out. The girl swung again, breasts jiggling in the air as the paddle arced toward the pink ass, nailing the other cheek; still Molly would not cry. So it went, most girls getting in at least two whacks on the red, bloody ass of their commander. Molly made it through the gauntlet and collapsed to the ground. Two guards covered her nakedness with a sheet and carried her to the infirmary for treatment of her wounds.
Racked out between two poles, the Harpy eyes the two topless blond interrogators. Gerda and Greta are a pair of six foot two inch identical twins with legs that seem to go on forever. Their shoulders are broad and their waists slim from the hard work of torturing and executing prisoners. The muscled chests each carry a pair of large hard breasts that don't sag a millimeter. The twin blonds stand in front and behind the birdgirl. Gerda bends and wraps her full red lips around the hard nipple of the Harpy, sucking and biting while her long fingers explore the soft down cover cunt of the feathered girl. "What's your name, honey"? asks Greta as she kneels and licks the crack of the girl's ass.
"I'm called Sonia", gasps the Harpy as she begins to respond to the sexual stimulation. "What do you want from me, I don't know anything", she moans as Greta's long tongue draws circles around her pink rosebud. "It's our job to question prisoners", replies Gerda as she stands and grabs both firm tits of Sonia while mashing her blond muff to the white down covered love mound of the girl. "The methods we use are up to you", she cooed. Sonia was writhing by now and the two lying bitches cut her free and laid her on a bed.
Binding her hands and feet, the big blonds went to work on her. With Greta sitting on her face and mauling her breasts, Gerda worked the captive’s cunt with a cold metal dildo which quickly heated up in the hot recesses of the Harpies pussy. Sonia's long tongue drilled into the warm wetness of the soft twat on her mouth and Greta groaned in lust. Gerda heard her sisters moans and inserted the other end of the dildo into her own cunt so she could sit on the crotch of the bitchbird while French kissing her twin. Greta came first, her love juices covering the face of Sonia as her cunt opened and exploded with lust. Gerda and Greta came together, their combined juices soaking the bed. As the three females lounged in the wet bed, Sonia told them she knew nothing of any plans as she was just a common air infantry soldier. Whether or not they believe her doesn't matter as their true sadistic nature takes over. The lustful smiles are replaced by evil murderous grins as the Harpy is retied to the torture rack. She screams out her pain and disbelief as her breasts are flattened between two heavy planks, hot pokers ream her pussy and ass, barbed whips flail her soft flesh, chunks of her white hair is pulled out, she is hung by the neck till near death.
When the two sweat covered blonds feel the Harpy is of no further use, they report to Serena. The wounded Harpy hopes for a quick death, but Serena has other ideas. "Throw her to the Mutants", is the command. The doomed birdwoman senses her fate as the two big blonds drag her to the arena cages and struggles to no avail as she is thrown in a cage with three of the beasts who have been worked into a sexual frenzy by the two guards that have been bitchfucking each other just outside the cage. She is pinned on her back in seconds by the dominant male, his rough hands pawing at her breasts, his foul breath on her face as he slobbers. Her dry burned cunt is forced open by the big, deadly cock as it slams deep into her bleeding vagina. The two other male are jerking off while waiting their turn at the victim and as the first male arches his back and delivers his tainted jizzm one of the others lets go and sprays his corrosive cum over her face and lacerated breasts. Her animal wails fill the arena as the liquid eats into her soft flesh but her screams are muffled as the first mutant releases Sonia and the second throws his torso on her forcing his lethal prick into her open mouth. He has sprayed most of his load over her but one last spurt gags her. She flops around holding her burning throat trying to suck air. This new emergency has made her forget the fire in her womb. Bent over on her knees she is wide open for the coup de grace. His thick cock bulging, the last mutant pounces on the upturned ass and spreads open her tight roasted rosebud with his acid lubricated prick. Impaled on eight inches of death, Sonia is being eaten alive from the inside. He pounds his hips down on her firm ass cheeks till he jerks stiff and shoots his lethal load into her rectum. If more pain was possible, she now feels it as three loads of poison finish what a bullet thru the wing started. Soon the mercy of death overtakes the female and her thrashings cease. Sitting cross legged on the floor the two guards and the two big blonds have finger fucked each other to orgasm watching the plight of the enemy bitch and as they rise to resume their duties, four pussy juice stains mark the floor.
Chapter #3- A Big Find
Hector literally fell into the biggest find his rebel band ever dreamed of. While patrolling the ruins of one of the old pre-bigwar cities that the rebels used as perimeter camps, on guard for any incursion by the nearby Centauresses, he instead had gotten the jump on a lone Femazi. He had no idea how the bitch had gotten so far from her home and he didn't care. He leapt on the tall dark skinned woman and threw her to the ground. The woman bounded back to her feet and snapped out a high roundhouse kick that sailed over Hector's ducking head. He stepped inside and drove his fist into the soft mushiness of her wide cunt. She yelped and went down on her ass, holding her pained pussy. Hector was on her in an instant, pushing her back and choking her long slim neck. He was sitting on her gut, further depriving her of air and she began to swoon. Hector hadn't had a good fuck in a while so the sight of her firm brown breasts fighting for air aroused him. He released his strangle hold on the dusky beauty and stripped of her clothes. Her smooth lean milk chocolate body was as attractive as her high cheek boned face. Dark chocolate areola's topped with long hard nipples graced her tapered firm breasts. A slim waist flared into wide full hips and a prominent ass. Black curly hair defined a love mound entered through full dark pussy lips. Gazing at this sumptuous dish, he was rock hard and ready. Quickly removing his own clothes, he spread her long legs and climbed on her hot body.
Using his fingers to open her cunt lips, he drilled his hard shaft into the warm wetness of her vagina. His pumping on her body forced air back into her starved lungs and she began to revive. Hector held down her arms and covered her thick lips with his own as the woman tried to squirm away. Then suddenly, the enemy bitch who had never felt a cock before, began to relax and respond to his fucking. She learned to time her hip thrusts to him and soon she shuddered under her first cock induced orgasm. Hector pulled out, turned the now willing slut over and mounted her ass. She bucked and moaned as his slippery cock filled her asshole and his hand massaged the hard nipples of her tits. A hand slipped down to her pussy and a long finger drilled in and diddled her clitoris, bringing the bitch to another orgasm. Again Hector pulled out and this time he laid back and pulled the dark hussy down on his schlong. She was riding him now, her hot wet dark box sliding up and down on his contrasting dick. She was nearing a big climax and Hector could feel himself nearing ejaculation. He sat up and encircled the female with his arms as she fucked. Mashing their mouths together, Hector felt her hard nipples dent his muscled chest as he drilled his tongue into the dark confines of the beauties mouth. She responded with her tongue and began to shudder. Hector's balls began to constrict and a long stream of white hot cum hosed into the waiting womb of the Femazi. Her massive orgasm blotted out the realization that Hector had wrapped his hands around her head. As his ejaculation ended and she began to come down from her orgasm, her body limp and relaxed, he gave her head a violent twist and snapped her neck. She fell back dead as he released her head. Hector stood and dressed, feeling no remorse for the woman he had assaulted, raped and murdered. She had been a great lay but was, after all, the enemy.
As he continued his patrol, he stepped on what appeared to be a weed patch and fell through a rusted steel bunker door to tumble down a long flight of stairs. Shaking off the dust, he lit a match in the darkness and saw a shiny door in front of him that swung open under his pressure. Finding some debris, he fashioned a torch. In the light he could see stacks of long boxes and small boxes, the words written on the boxes made no sense to the illiterate male.
Using his knife he pried open a large box and found several long shiny tubes with handles on them. Several books also were in the case. While he could not understand the writing, he mimicked the illustrations, picking up tube and holding it on his shoulder. The small part shown being placed in the tube was not in the box so he pried open a small box and found it contained twelve of the pointed cylinders. The weapons had been designed years ago for the general public’s use as a last defense against motorcycle troops so the picture of a man pointing the weapon at a cycle riding soldier made no sense to him. He had no idea that the missile was designed to home in on the hot exhaust and if by chance it could not hit the target, to detonate the instant the heat source peaked. Taking his find up the many stairs to the surface he still had no idea what it was. Once on the surface he played with the weapon until he accidentally triggered it. The missile shot out of the tube and with no heat source to home in on, flew straight at a wall and blew up. The startled man dropped the tube and ran but second thoughts forced him to retrieve the tube. He pressed the trigger again and nothing happened. Running back down the stairs he retrieved a book and the rest of the case of missiles. He studied the pictures in the book more closely, loaded another missile and fired again. Another hole was blown in the wall. Once more he loaded a missile and this time he aimed the weapon. The missile detonated at the base of the tree he aimed for. Know realizing he had found a weapon much more powerful than his bow or the rifles stripped from dead Femazi's, he decided to test his find on his enemies before informing his rebel brothers. Packing his silver tube and nine missiles he set out in the direction of the nearest Femazi's city.
After a two day trek he approached the outskirts of the city. Following a path along a river he happened to see a big brunette Femazi stretched out on a floating mat in the river about fifty yards ahead. She lay nude, face down, the sun adding to the dark unlined tan of her smooth skin. She had a big plump ass with nicely rounded cheeks and her legs were spread so her feet could dangle in the water. She faced away from his position so he could see the dark slash of her womanhood smiling at him between her flaring hips, but not see her face or the big tits that dented the mat. Thoughts of jumping her and drilling that juicy pussy like a dog raced through his head and hardened his cock. He quelled the urge to rape the bitch, he had a job to do and there would be time for that after she was dead. Hector aimed for her upturned ass and trigger the weapon. Surrounded by the cool water, her hot pussy made a big contrast and the thermal guidance system locked in as if the hot box was an exhaust pipe. Traveling at Mach 2, the rounded head of the missile split her vertical smile and drilled deep into the waiting womb like a killer dildo. The napping slut howled and bucked as the hot metal reamed her juicy twat, then was blown into the river as the exploding warhead destroyed her guts. Blood stained the water around the limp corpse, floating, supported by her big breasts, with the current. Hector was so thrilled by the first kill that he came, his hard cock filling the front of his pants with jizzm. Just as well because his victim no longer had a cunt to fuck. Knowing his weapon was very effective on Femazi's, he sought out his next target. His journey took a wide arc to bring him to the area dominated by the Centauresses.
The big horsewomen had few enemies except the Harpies and Femazi but they were tough in battle and their 1200 lb bodies could take a lot of punishment. Against their spears, bows and captured rifles, the male rebels had little chance. Knowing their strengths, Hector figured this would be his most dangerous test as he crept up on two females and a male Centaur engaged in hot fucking. The male was mounted over a big brown skinned female, his hands wrapped around her high firm tits while his haunches pumped his massive tool in and out of the females juicy cunt. While this was going on the other Centauress would alternate between palming the males balls and frenching the other female. She must have gotten fucked first because as Hector watched, the male's ass jerked and after he filled the brown cunt with jizzm his tool shrank back up into his scrotum and he and the first female trotted off leaving the freshly fucked brown female behind to recover her senses. Hector hurried to load his weapon before all three left, he still didn't know the range of the missiles. The male and first female were about one hundred yards away with the brown bitch trotting twenty yards behind before his fumbling hands loaded the tube and aimed. The brown bitch’s cunt was still hot from the friction of her fuck and closest to Hector so he was surprised when his missile veered from the male ass he had aimed at and plowed into the hot slash of the brown female. The two lead centaur's heard her ungodly wail, turned to see smoke billowing from her ass as it hit the ground followed by the muffled thump of the warheads explosion and another mournful scream as she fell to her side. The two survivors didn't wait to see more, they took off a gallop and didn't stop for half an hour. Hector calmly walked to the downed Centauress and lifted her limp arm. It had a pulse but a weak one, her breathing was labored as her huge jugs rose and fell with less regularity and blood was oozing from her mouth, nose, asshole and cooked cunt, now big enough to fuck with a tree. The ravished female begged him for help or at least for death but he ignored her pleas. He watched as her cries weakened and her eyes grazed over. She suffered for five minutes before her body shuddered and with a gurgle, died. Hector had never seen a bitchmare dropped so easily and he still couldn't quite believe his luck as he set out on the last phase of his test.
The high flying Harpies were untouchable except for a very lucky shot with a bow or rifle and the rebels didn't have many guns. They could circle above and rain their death down on any male caught out in the open without fear of reprisal, he must prove his weapon against them. Hector traveled to the boundaries of their territory and waited for his chance. When the lone Harpy appeared in the sky he pointed the tube at her and fired. Still thinking of the missile homing in on the brown Centauress he watched as the smoke trail followed the dips and turns of the Harpy before drilling up between her legs for the kill. It dawned on him, even as Donella's body was racked by high velocity steel shot and fell lifeless to the ground, that the missiles would seek out the heat of a female twat. He traveled back to his camp as fast as possible to spread the news of his discovery and plan the best way to use their new weapon.
Chapter #4- Rescue
Serena's troops were getting sloppy. The Harpy raid illustrated that with its four to one loss ratio. The problem, she surmised, was not enough actual combat missions. Things had been to quiet for too long, a major skirmish was needed to get the girls hungry for a large scale battle. Plus Serena wanted to add to her power base. She needed to drive either the Centauresses or the Harpies out of the territory. When she received an intelligence report from a spy routing a secret trip that Vulvna, Queen of the Centauresses was making to meet with Clitia, Ruler of the Harpies to discuss a truce and reports of a new Femazi weapon, she knew she must act. She could not let the bitchmares and the birdwomen, as the Femazi called them, pool their strength against her. She had to find out what this talk of a new weapon was about for they had not made any refinements to their weapons in a decade, also it would sharpen her soldierettes fighting skills, lift moral, and could provoke the major battle she needed. The guerrilla skirmishes of the past years put her troops at a disadvantage, the rebels would ambush small patrols and massacre the women before they could reload. Survivors faced gang rape from the hated males before they were killed. She wanted a major engagement where the firepower of her entire army could decimate her foes. She sent for Hilda, sergeant of her personal guard, ordered her to pick twelve good shots from the regular army bitches and set an ambush for Queen Vulvna.
Hilda was ordered not to kill the Queen, she must be brought back for interrogation. Serena's planned to join the twins in the dungeon and the three of them would rape the Queen before torturing her and throwing the Centauress to the mutants. A Centauress had never been executed by lethal fuck of a mutant and Serena wanted to see how long it took for one of the big four legged bitches to die after the mutants filled her ass with acid.
Hector and Marcel, leader of this band of rebels, stood in the torch lit bunker examining their new found power. They now had enough firepower to arm their entire clan and break free the chains of bondage for the males of their race. Marcel listened in wonder as Hector recounted his tests of the weapon, his mind reliving the horrible death of the hated Femazi slut. Marcel had watched his father's throat slashed by a drunken Femazi when he was eight. That day he had run away and joined up with the first rebel clan he found and now twenty years later he ruled that clan. The two men covered the opening to their treasure and set out on the two day journey to the main camp where they would round up some men and wagons to haul the booty. Hilda's troop hid in a rocky ledge halfway down a hill. The Queen's entourage should pass directly in front of and below them. She thought it was the perfect ambush.
The eight guards escorting the Queen kept their eyes on the skies for though Clitia had agreed to the parlay there was no trust between them. This far from the Femazi base they did not expect much trouble from them, they had pretty much left the Centauresses alone. Most of the Femazi battles were with Harpies who were known as the second meanest race on the planet.
The Queen was easy to pick out, her golden blond hair matched her gold helmet and the gold breastplate that held in her forty four inch bustline. A jeweled leather cloak cover the golden white fur of her back and extended down her sides and muscled ass. The heavy leather would provide some armor against arrows fired from the sky. The eight guards wore nothing save shiny silver helmets and the leather belts that held their quivers and sheaths. Even if they had armor, it would not stop the bullets of the Femazi. Their firm large breasts rode high on their muscled chests and their long silky hair flowed out the helmets and down the sleek backs. The eight magnificent females had pledged their lives for the Queen and today the pledge would be called in.
Hilda spotted the Centauress party as it approached and warned her twelve assassins to aim well and hold fire for her command. The twelve sluts crouching down in the rocks knew better than to disregard the order. If the Queen was killed and Serena denied her pleasure, they would replace the bitch in the arms of the mutants. Hilda waited until the party was almost directly in front of them. "First rank fire", she barked and four of the lovely assassins rose, aimed, and triggered their weapons. The air was filled with the thunderous report of the four weapons firing as one. Recoil from the guns jerked the girls and their tight black halters strained to keep their ample tits still. "Second rank fire", she called, and four more sexy bitches repeated the firing process while the first four crouched back to begin the reload process. "Third rank fire", and the last four sluts added their smoke and noise to the battle.
At that moment, traversing the path on the opposite side of the hill, Marcel led his expedition of men and wagons back to the weapon bunker. The sound of the guns told him that the hated Femazi were in a battle with someone, perhaps a band of rebels that needed his help. The missiles could wait, he had a chance to even the score against the bitches. Ordering a few men under Hector's command to remain with the wagons, he charged up the hill to the sound of the guns.
The lead Centauress saw from the corner of her eye the four black clad two-leggers rise and started to sound an alarm. "Ambush!! AAiieeergh", her warning turning to a gurgle as four heavy lead slugs slammed into her olive skin and brown fur. One tore a huge hole in her left breast while three more slammed into her massive side and ripped her lungs. The staggering mare managed to stay on her feet a few seconds and as the second rank of Femazi rose they also targeted the lead guard. The sledgehammer effect of four more slugs drilling her lungs and guts flipped the dying female on her side but she had bought her Queen a few more precious seconds. "Protect the Queen" was the call as the Centauresses moved in tight to shield the Queen with their bodies while reaching back for bow and arrow. One more guard was hit. As the brown skinned, black furred beauty reached back for her arrows, the third rank of two-leggers fired. She was their target. A round drilled under her raised arm. Two hit her rear flank and one gutted her. Mortally wounded, she staggered drunkenly and fell.
The first rank of gun women, having reloaded, rose to acquire a target but by now the Centauresses were shooting back. Even as the guns barked and plowed four bullets into the creamy white breasts of a red headed mare, retaliatory arrows streaked up at the assassins. The dying Centauress, her firm high tits riddled and bloody, hadn't yet hit the ground as the Femazi began to take casualties. One shaft took a standing slut in the upper thigh near her vertical gash. A minor wound, but enough to knock her on her ass and out of the fight. Then a tall, full busted brunette grunted and sat back on her wide posterior as an arrow sliced up into her belly. Hilda saw the gutted bitch fall, moaning and twitching and changed her order, "fire at will". Now the women could take cover from the rocks and not stand and fire in ranks, giving the dead-eye archeresses less of a target.
One more Centauress went down in the perforating hail of fire, her heart lacerated by hot lead, then another took rounds that ripped her lungs and she fell, spitting her life blood on the dirt. A dusky Femazi bitch, aiming down on the trapped mares, took an arrow in the eye and was dead before she hit the ground.
As Marcel crested the hill the odds were eleven to four but his men changed that with their first volley into the unprotected backs of the unsuspecting Femazi. Two of the foxy gun girls positioned near Hilda suddenly stiffened and fell forward onto their surprised faces as rebel arrows filled their sleekly curving backs and asses, protruding out from the taught female flesh like porcupine quills. Hilda spun around and saw the rebels descending on her position, drawing back their bows for another volley, and she knew that the Femazi were now in a hopeless trap. The woman panicked as arrows began to whiz around her. Not wanting to die with an arrow painfully ripping through her sensitive areola, she decided to flee. signaling to a busty blond with an hourglass figure to follow, she ran from the fight. Nicole, Hilda's lover, saw her signal and ran after her, leaving the rest of the doomed troop to battle for their lives.
Another big titted blond Femazi saw her bug out and was about to follow when she sighted a rebel nearing her with bow drawn. She turned at him and fired, her shot drilling his heart, but his finger relaxed in death and the bow twanged. The next instant it's arrow tore through her black halter as it buried itself in the right side of her chest, ripping a pillowy 42 DD boob. She went to her knees, then down on one hand as the other supported her impaled tit. As she bends down, the gasping blond beauty's shorts pull up into the crack of her ass giving a Centauress below a clear view of her cunt lips. The mare's aim is excellent and her arrow rips up the blonde’s love tunnel, raping the two legged bitch with an orgasm of sharp steel. With the second sturdy shaft buried deeply in her womb, the sexy bitch falls, howling like a stuck pig.
The gunfire slackens as Femazi fall, but the whoosh of arrows does not. A Centauress is wounded in the foreleg but her return shot splits a pretty black two-legger's neck. The gagging woman grabs her throat while spinning to the dirt to drown in her own blood. Another two-legger cries and falls with a feathered shaft protruding between her taut knockers. A perfect heart shot, she dies almost instantly.
A tall red headed Femazi, realizing their lethal predicament, wants to take the Queen out before she dies. She stands, legs apart, and aims at the golden breast plate. The gun never fires, it clatters to the rocks while it's owner grabs at the arrow sticking out of bulge in the front of her shorts and falls, screaming in pain. A Centauress was quicker to react and the upward angle of her shot has driven the deadly shaft into the bitch's pussy dropping a second Femazi tart with an arrow's steel point is firmly imbedded in her womb.
It ends quickly for the last three Femazi. The rebels are inflamed with bloodlust and the bitches are trapped, unable to surrender. With rebels above and Centauresses below, the doomed sluts try to hide in the rocks. There is no escape as one by one, the frightened females yelp in pain, twitch and die as arrows thud into their heaving hooters.
A rebel soldier is ordered to pursue the two fleeing women and races after them. The girls have a good head start but after a chase of about a quarter mile he is in bow range of the rear female. With just a guess for range and windage, he draws back fully on the bow and releases a shaft. He cannot follow the flight but suddenly the girl falls. Ignoring the fallen tart for the moment, he takes up pursuit of the other Femazi. After another half mile, he gives up. She has out distanced him and gotten away. He will return to the troop, stopping to pick up the fallen girl.
Meanwhile Marcel and the rebels find themselves facing the surviving Centauresses. Both sides stare uneasily at the other, bows still raised. Marcel and his men, having the high ground and the numbers could easily finish off what the Femazi started, but on a hunch he lowers his bow. Queen Vulvna watches the men who have rescued them, her bow still aimed, for she thinks they may turn their attack on the remaining Centauresses. When one male lowers his bow she also play a hunch and lowers hers. The remaining guard follow her lead and lower their weapons. Seeing the display of trust, Marcel orders his men to stand down, and check for survivors. With empty hands outstretched he walks down the hill to meet this beautiful Queen.
His men find only four Femazi alive, a small blond girl with a shaft in her thigh near her crotch will survive and she will be handed over to the mares to deal with. The red headed bitch with a shaft in her womanhood, the twice skewered blond and the busty gut shot brunette probably have wounds so serious that they would not survive the journey to the Centauress home or the rebel camp. Most of the rebels clamor for the Femazi to be executed on the spot. Since they will die anyway of their wounds, Marcel allows the executions. It would not be as merciful as Marcel would have hoped. The girls are dragged to their feet and roughly stripped of their halters to expose six soft mounds of tit. Then their shorts are cut away and the girls are naked. Realizing their fate, the three doomed girls, arrows still buried in their bodies, struggle in the arms of the rebels restraining them. This causes their naked tits to bounce and jiggle. The rebels decide a volunteer should execute the girls and a battle scarred man with cold steely eyes steps forward and draws a long, wicked looking knife. He walks pasts the nude sluts, the wavy double edge of the ten inch dagger in plain sight of their terror filled eyes, and stops in front of the plump brunette.
"You first, bitch", he says sadistically. His eyes run up and down her full body, stopping on her crotch. "Looks like your cunt still works, can't have that." "Wouldn't be fair to your buddies there", he said while nodding at the two girls with impaled twats. Even as the words left his mouth the shining blade was wrenched up between the girl's chubby thighs.
"Aaaiiieeeeegh!" She bellowed, repeating the scream as the blade was withdrawn. Over her pain she trembled as the blood covered blade nears her dangling melons. Not wanting to spoil his aim, the executioner grabs brunette's right breast to hold it still and after tasting her fear engorged nipple, slams his knife deep into the quivering boob just under it's dark areola. The doomed girl cries out as the blood spills out over her soft skin and also begins to fill her lung. She yelps one last time as her killer twists and tears the raping blade from her jug and slams it into her full left tit angling toward the center of her chest cavity and the throbbing blood pump it contains. Blood spurts from the massive wound in one last rush as the heart contracts it's last. Her dead carcass is dropped to the dirt.
With a long wooden shaft buried deep in her right tit already, the blond is spared the first knife thrust and only takes a deep stab wound to the left hooter. But she takes it slow. She wails and writhes as the sharp point punctures her soft nipple, razor edges slicing her melon meat; and tries to back away from her impending death but is held fast by the men gripping her arms. The sharp cold steel is slowly forced deeper and deeper into the yielding boob. Finally the blade passes between her ribs and rends her heart. The big blond beauty gives out one last gasp and slumps down in the grip of her captors. They drop her lifeless hulk to the dirt.
The red head, blood seeping down her long legs from her ravished cunt, is screaming and begging for her life. The relentless executioner appraises his last victim and nods admiringly at her firm upthrust breasts and pale pink nipples. She takes his smile as a sign of hope but her fate is sealed. The smile changes to a sneer and he tears the arrow from her snatch. The girl's mouth drops open and her eyes bulge but before she can cry out, her breasts receive the same deadly right, left thrusts from the bloody steel blade that doomed her sisters. Her corpse drops over that of her dead comrades. The surviving Femazi watches her sisters die in shocked horror, not knowing what her fate will be. One of the rebels, a young man called Artos has turned away, feeling physically sick at the vicious slaughter of the wounded captives.
The Queen and two of her guard are unhurt, while one has a leg wound and one lay on her side with a slug in her guts. Leaving the Femazi corpses behind as a succulent meal for the buzzards and jackals, the rebels bind the last Femazi and drag her to the Centauresses.
The Queen speaks to Marcel, "I thank you for my life and that of my guards for we would be dead if you had not intervened." "We are in your debt and while we have battled in the past, I now offer you our friendship." Marcel had played the cards right, in one stroke he had killed some of his hated enemy and made an ally of another. "Radiant Queen, if the Femazi are your enemy, than I am your friend". "Let us forget past differences and forge an alliance against these witches". "If you will do the same, I will order my entire clan to cease all hostilities against your race and I offer as a token of my bond, this prisoner". The Queen spoke again. "I will do as you ask and will also order any male two-leg prisoners or slaves released". "Thank you your highness and may we bring up our wagons and carry your wounded to our camp for treatment?" Marcel replied. "We thank you again sir, now I must return home and inform our race of the peace". "Till we meet again." The Queen and her two guards turned and dragging the wounded Femazi, galloped back the way they came while the white mare with the leg wound spoke to Marcel. "I've been with the Queen a long time and I think she is quite taken with you." Marcel didn't say so but he was pretty taken with the graceful Queen.
Winded from the chase, Joseph had retraced his steps back to the downed Femazi. She still lay face down where she fell. Joseph's arrow protruded from her upper right leg, just inches below the hard mound of her buttock. He took hold of her shoulder and rolled the girl on her side. Then he saw the big reddish blue bruise on her forehead, the fall had killed her. No, he revised his thoughts, she was still breathing. It was shallow but regular. He didn't envy the headache his fallen enemy would suffer later. Jeseph appraised his quarry more closely. She was young, no more than seventeen or eighteen, and quite pretty. Her body was exquisite, well muscled and firm with high hard breasts. They were big but not overlarge, maybe a large C or small D cup. A tiny waist swelled into a firm, well rounded ass, perfectly shaped and muscled legs were only marred by a smear of blood. As he rolled her back, she finally began to stir from unconsciousness.
As it revived, Nicole's mind replayed it's last memories. The horror of her first battle, Firing her weapon and actually seeing other living beings gasp in pain and fall. Then the sight of her friends dying by her side. Hilda deserting her command and Nicole cowardly following. She remembered running in panic, then a sharp pain, then nothing. Now as the cobwebs cleared from her eyes, she was aware of someone standing over her. She lifted her head and felt the sharp edge of a sword by her neck.
"Surrender or die"! The loud words barked into her aching head. Nicole nodded her submission, not really caring which choice the man took. As soon as she submitted, the sword was removed and his voice took a much softer tone. Joseph was not a violent man. A farmer before being forced into the arms of the rebels by land grabbing Femazi policies, he really had no stomach for killing unless forced.
Joseph's problem now was returning to the troop with his captive. He had to remove the arrow and bind her wound. Warning the girl of his intentions and to expect some pain, his placed his left hand on the silky smooth skin of her leg and grasped the arrow with his right. Pressing hard on her leg, he quickly jerked the arrow out. Luckily for Nicole, it was not a deep penetration. She yelped once and it was over. Bandaging the wound presented another problem. Joseph had a cloth pad to cover the wound but nothing to hold it in place. He hit on the answer and slipped his knife under the halter of the girl. The sharp edge sliced the black fabric and he had his bandage. He cut the halter into two pieces, one of which he tied around Nicole's supple thigh, the other around her wrists. As he helped the girl up, he couldn't help but stare at the glorious breasts on the girl. Carnal feeling were rising in him that he hadn't felt in a long time but he had to get back.
With Nicole in the lead, they started back to the scene of the massacre but it soon became apparent that Nicole was to groggy to walk unaided. Joseph had to catch her twice when she stumbled and her leg was having trouble taking the weight. He decided to untie her hands and assist her. They walked back with her arm over his shoulder and his around her waist like one would support a wounded comrade rather than an enemy.
Back in the valley, wagons were brought up and the white mare laid in one while the moaning, gut shot female was being helped into the second. Joseph approached and was met by several of the men. He saw the lustful looks in their eyes and spoke loudly, "This girl is my prisoner and I have given my word she will not be harmed". Marcel heard the ruckus and added his support.
"There has been enough death today, leave her be".
Joseph helped the wounded girl into the first wagon and the group set out for the rebel camp. Nicole would never know how lucky she was not to have been captured by the Centauresses.
Back in the rebel camp the bullets were removed from the wounded females and the white was up and around in two days. She got to know many of the men, the first time in her life that she really talked with two-leggers. Her name was Myra and she was a beautiful female with large white breasts and long pink nipples which fascinated the men and stirred urges in their loins. One evening as she rested, the stroking of a hand on her soft tit awakened her. It was a pleasant feeling so she did not cry out or remove the hand, instead she reached up and took the man's head and directed it to her breast. His mouth encircled her turgid nipple while his hand continued to massage the other mound. The mare groaned and pressed his mouth harder into her tit and he tasted her sweet milk spurting down his throat. Her hands undid the buttons of his pants and wrapped around his growing cock and balls. Even though she never laid with a two-legger male she seemed to know what to do as her lips encircled the rim of his cockhead as she playfully pinches his balls. She ran the tip of her tongue up the hard vein on the bottom of his penis up and around to circle the split tip. He responded by kneading her firm tits, spraying her warm milk on his chest as he kissed the soft fur of between her front legs. Feeling the man nearing explosion she raised her firm ass to her knees and nodded her head. The man knelt behind her tush and engulfed his tool in her massive hips. Her ass quivered as his hard schlong split the pussy lips of her wet cunt. Her tail teased his face as he pumped into her waiting cavern till he could hold it no longer and his hot jism filled her vagina. Myra felt her body tighten as she orgasmed with him, the juice from her pussy dripping off her vertical lips. The spent male shrunk out off her hot hole and licked her ass and pussy clean which brought on another orgasm for the female. She turned to him and returned the favor, licking the milk from his chest and the cum from his cock. Soon he was hard again under her skilled tongue and she took his next load deep in her throat. They fell asleep that way, his soft dick head still in her mouth.
The gut shot Centauress developed an infection with a high fever and was not expected to live. The men took turns keeping her cool with wet rags and after a week the fever broke. She healed quickly after that and soon both mares were fucking the willing rebel males. The big asses of the Centauresses could take all the hammering the guys could give and the mares would service ten or twelve cocks a night. All things must end and soon the mares had to return to their own kind. After thanking the humans for their hospitality and their sperm, they said goodbye to the males and left for their own land, promising some day to return the favors.
Chapter #5- Retribution
After leaving the two wounded Centauresses in his camp, Marcel continued on his quest to recover the missiles and this time he uneventfully made the trip and recovered the weapons. On the return trip his band was spotted by two high flying Harpies who quickly returned to their camp and gathered a small force for an attack on the interlopers. This time the males spotted the harpies in the distance and made for some woods where the clawed killers would have trouble maneuvering. The men had more than enough missiles to down all the Harpies but Hector had not had time to show anyone except Marcel how to handle the weapon. As the Harpies swooped out of the sky and zoomed between the trees firing their arrows, the men took cover under the wagons and tried to lock on to the fast moving witches with their bows. Ignoring the rain of steel tipped death, Marcel and Hector pulled a case of tubes and several boxes of missiles off the wagon and dragged them to cover. The man next to them grunted and lay still with an arrow stuck in his ear. A Harpy flying too low and straight over the wagons dropped from the sky screaming with a shaft buried in her soft underbelly.
Now loaded, the missile tubes spat flame and five firm feathered asses soon erupted in flame as the two men loaded and fired as fast as they could. The air filled with the high pitched cries of the brutalized bird women. A locked on Harpy suddenly reverses direction and the warhead, sensing the cooling, detonates, filling her breasts and belly with shot. One more Harpy, stunned by the explosions, took an arrow in her left tit. Her hands still held the skewered boob as her head smashed the dirt. The three survivors broke off and fled as fast as their wings would carry them but it was not fast enough. Two more downy pussies ate the hot metal shafts, turning the love holes to cooked meat before the warheads blew their wombs open. The last bitch was two hundred yards away as the tubes were reloaded. Hector slapped Marcus on the back and said, "She's all yours". The last missile spit from the launcher and covered the distance to the birdwoman in seconds and flipped her over in the sky as it split open her pink pussy lips. Even at that distance they could hear her death scream as she fell from the sky, her twat obliterated.
The gut shot birdwoman lay stunned, face up and is surrounded by the men. The wounded Harpy is tall, full figured, and with her legs splayed apart, the soft pink of her pussy is an inviting sight to the lonely males. Four guys hold her arms and legs while a fifth puts his hand on her soft belly around the arrow and pulls it out. The renewed pain jerks the Harpy back to consciousness and she opens her eyes to the sight of a long turgid penis nearing her dry pussy. She had no fight left in her as the big male member reamed into her cunny and every thrust brought a stab of pain from her wound. His rough gnarled hands mauled at her tits and he fucks her till his seed spews into the warm hole. Several other men take turns fucking the dying female and as the last guy spews his hot load into her overflowing cunt, his cock still embedded in her twat, he pulls a knife and stabs the luckless Harpy in the left hooter to finish her off. Another group of rebels are taking turns buttfucking the dead tit shot birdbitch.
Ten Harpies have now fallen to this weapon and none have survived to inform Clitia of the balance of power shift.
The Femazi prisoner was more dead than alive by the time Queen Vulvna returned to her palace. The arrow had snapped off early leaving the point buried in her soft thigh. Most of her uniform had torn away and her bare breasts and back were covered with cuts and bruises. The high boots had protected her slim legs but her ass had several lacerations. It didn't matter, an attack on the Queen brought the death penalty no matter what race. She had to be held up by two guards as the judge sentenced her. She could choose the method of her death, to be fucked to death by male Centaurs or have four Centaurs tied to her arms and legs and have her limbs ripped off and bleed to death. She chose the former. Unlike the evil Serena, Queen Vulvna did not like to watch the execution, instead meeting with her advisors about the new alliance with the male two-leggers. They agreed that the Femazi must be destroyed before peace could come to the lands and felt that without their evil influence stirring up trouble perhaps the Harpies could be tamed.
While the cabinet was setting up plans to have Marcel and his staff visit the Centauress palace for a formal summit meeting and dispatching a messenger to Clitia appraising her of the Femazi attack, the lone surviving assassin was being prepared for execution. She was dragged to the prison yard and stripped of her shredded shorts. A narrow wooden bench sat in the center of the yard and she was tied face up to it. Her arms were lashed behind her head and her boot clad legs spread out and tied down. The trussed blonds pink tipped breasts rose and fell with her panicked breathing, the golden patch of her love mound was wide open between her bound legs as she lay under the hot sun awaiting her fate. Her eyes fell on the first Centaur led to the yard, he had been aroused by the guards using a bottled pussy scent and hand job and his massive cock was hanging fully extended below his groin. Her resolve to die well departed as the fourteen inch long cock neared her twat. "Nooooooo," she wailed as he stood over her prone body, his chest squashing her tits flat. His massive thighs pressed on the insides of her legs as the huge prick found her slit. The bulging cockhead felt like a fence post as it spread apart her unwilling pussy lips and forced it's way deep up her love tunnel. The bitch's blond head jerked back and forth in a mixture of agony and lust. The big male bruised her thighs with his pumping while the bound bitch's breath began to shorten and her wails turned into gasps of pleasure. Her long brown nipples were hard as the stallion's cock filling her cunt. Then, with one great thrust his prick drove all the way into her womb and gushed forth a geyser of hot white goo, filling her with his seed while the bitch threw her head back once again and wailed out her own pain racked orgasm. She took the second male almost willingly, the lust overcoming her fear and pain. His cock was almost as big as the first but her stretched pussy took it better. By the time the third Centaur had shot his load, the bitch was slipping into unconsciousness. The fifth one killed her, His cock was longer and thicker than the other and her heart could not take the stress and failed as more jism overflowed her now torn and bleeding pussy. The dead body was thrown out to be food for the scavengers of the night.
Chapter #6- Double Dealing
Clitia is incensed and worried, the patrol sent out after the male two-leggers has been slaughtered. She has flown to the battlefield and viewed the carnage. The men must have some new type of gun she surmises, as the dead Harpies have the same type of wounds as Donella. She has lost nine of her flock of birdwomen and only one male corpse litters the field. If she cannot find a way to counter this weapon she might be forced to leave the territory. Her mood doesn't improve when she returns to her roost and is informed by the Centauress emissary of the truce between the two-leg males and the Centauresses, as the bonding of their two forces would certainly overthrow her rule. The four legged female assures Clitia that the Centauresses have no wish to continue hostilities with the Harpies and will not attack unless provoked. She is invited to join the upcoming summit meeting. Clitia agrees to send a delegation, thinking she may discover the secret weapon. Meanwhile she dispatches her emissary to Serena to discuss an alliance with the Femazi.
Hilda returned to the Femazi city with word of their defeat. Serena listened calmly as Hilda told of the surprise attack by the rebels. As she finished her tale, Serena walked to the woman and drove her fist into Hilda's bare gut.
"Damn cowardly slut, you should be dead along with those girls and you'll wish an arrow had found your heart when the mutants take you". "Take her away".
"No please not that, let me kill myself, shoot me, not the mutants" screams the girl as Irma and Eva dragged her to the cages and stripped her naked. Her plump ass made an inviting target for a sodomizing mutant but her pink pussy made a better one. Serena wanted her to suffer so she was placed with only one mutant. He began pawing the heaving breasts of the big naked redhead as she was locked in his cell. He walked around the shrinking bitch grabbing her ass and crotch as his cock began to grow. Grabbing her red locks he forced her to her knees and plunged his dick in her mouth. The pre-cum burned her lips and tongue as her teeth scraped the rigid shaft. He pushed the bitch flat on her back and drilled his cock into her dry pussy. His rough hands mauled her tits as he nailed her like a jackhammer. With an illiterate growl he spewed his poison in the warm vagina. He fell back to rest as the doomed slut doubled over in agony clawing at her burning twat. She thrashed around for ten minutes when he, aroused by her movements, began to grow again. Pouncing on the writhing bitch he drilled her burning cunt again and after she took more abuse he came, renewing the supply of burning juice. Her weakened uterus broke down under this new load of acid and the killer liquid released into her abdomen. She took another ten long minutes to die while the lust mad mutant continued to pummel her pussy.
Clitia's emissary Aura along with two aides took to wing to parlay with Serena and along the route they surprised two rebels and captured them without a fight. The men were still sleeping in the early morning when the bitchbirds dropped from the sky and wrapped their talons around the men’s waists. With one twist of their legs they could rip the men wide open. The rebels surrendered and were bound. The great wings of the three Harpies strained to lift the two men and trailing a white flag and two prisoners the group glided into Femazi territory. The two men were sent to the dungeon to amuse the twin blonds while the two Harpy guards were given a room to rest in. Aura was taken to Serena's private chamber.
Serena greeted her guest reclining on her bed in a long satin red gown which was open to her navel. Aura stood in front of the woman and her eyes could see up the slit of the gown to the gold bush. Serena had vowed to bed one of these Harpies and she had a good one here. Aura stood almost six feet and her silky white hair fell over large smooth tanned breasts that rode high and proud on her chest. The large areolas were the color of almonds and the nipples, while not long were thick and full. She had a tiny waist that flared into slender but ample thighs attached to long lean legs. A puff of white down covered her love triangle. Her long slender fingers ended in one inch claws and two inch claws grew from her toes and heals. Deep green eyes over a slightly bird like pert nose and full red lips made her face an exotic sight. Serena could feel her twat moistening. "Don't stand, you must be tired from carrying those scum". "Lay next to me and rest while we talk", purred Serena, anxious to place her hands on the soft down of the Harpies cunt. Aura was tired and Serena was an attractive woman, she lay down facing her, their nipples inches apart. As they discussed their mutual enemy and possible alliance Serena's leg slipped between the soft thighs of Aura, bringing a moan to her lips which Serena muffled with a deep tongue kiss. Aura's hand reached inside the open gown and found the large breast of Serena hard with lust. Her claws scratched tiny red lines on the smooth pink flesh. Serena now mouthed the full nipple of Aura while the clawed hands of the Harpy explored the clit and ass of her host. Aura mounted her and ground their tits and pelvises together while her tongue flicked the face of Serena. The Femazi leader moaned and arched her back as the orgasm ruled her. She had never cum this fast, this birdwoman was extraordinary in bed. Aura's great wings flitted and she floated around to land with her face in the blond bush of Serena. Her long bird like tongue flicked deep in her wet vagina while Serena nibbled at the extended clitoris presented to her. Aura felt herself cumming and sat up on Serena's face draining her pussy juice down the willing throat. Turning again, Aura pulled Serena's legs thru hers until their cunt lips kissed and the juices of the two cumming females mixed together. Several hours later Aura awoke to find Serena, her pussy still mashed against Aura's, sucking her long clawed toes. Aura licked the bottoms of Serena' feet and then climbed up to embrace and French kiss her new lover.
The fact that the Harpies would ally with the Femazi was a foregone conclusion after the torrid love match. Aura was slightly disturbed when Serena swore no knowledge of a new type of gun. The three Harpies left for home the next day after Serena and Aura spent the evening in lesbian bliss while Eva and Inga slept with the other two Harpies. Serena told the Aura not to bother dragging the rebels along, she would have them executed the morning after the night of the dark moon, two weeks away. Until then the twins would have their way. Aura vowed to return that morning and bitchfuck her lover as the males were beheaded. With final farewells the new allies wings beat and they lifted into the sky.
Down in the dungeon the two men were stripped nude and hung up from the ceiling. Greta and Gerda then swayed provocatively and kissed each other’s full lips. The men watching the two beautiful tarts tried to think of other things but still their cocks grew. The bitches looped thin rope nooses over the engorged genitals and jerked the men up off their feet. They howled like dogs as the twin sluts laughed and mooned the men, their puffy pussy lips inches from the men's cocks. The sensuous blonds striped off their shorts and rubbed their golden haired cunts over the men's asses and just when the men forgot the pain the noose would be jerked again. The twin bimbos tired of that game and strapped the men down, face up, on long narrow benches. Straddling the bound men, the bitches squatted and pressed the cracks of their ample asses on the upturned male faces. The pungent womanly aroma of sweat and bodily secretions overpowered the men’s senses as they struggled to breath in the confines of female buttocks. A new sensation soon engulfed them, that of warm wet lips encircling their stiffening cocks. As the girls bent down to deep throat the male members, their hot wet pussies slid up to the open mouths of the two men. At this point the men hardly considered their ordeal to be torture but when the girls stopped sucking to question them the men still remained silent. The busty blonds again mashed their twats down and mouthed the waiting cocks but this time they bit down hard on the vulnerable shafts. Muffled by the furry quims, the men's howls were barely audible. Despite the abuse, the penises remained rigid and long; and the girls were horny, so....both bitches turned around and lowered their exquisite cunts down on the waiting dicks. Greta and Gerda rode up and down on the willing cocks, their magnificent tits swaying over the men's restrained faces. Rigid nipples found waiting lips and were licked by long darting tongues. Both amazons groaned and writhed as they neared climax. Both men also tensed as the explosion neared. Gerda's man shot first, his hot love bullet scoring a bullseye in her womb and triggering her scream of release. Greta rocketed off moments later as her stud hosed her vagina with a stream of sticky goo. After the twins regained their composure, they again questioned the captives, and when they got no response, their anger resurfaced. The girls stood astride the prisoners, and emptied their bladders on the faces of the gagging men. The men were torn between wanting to fuck the two sluts again or kill them although in their predicament they could no neither. After seeing that sex would not work on these men, the blonds kept their shorts on and changed from a seductive torture to good old fashioned pain. Though bloody and beaten, the two men never talked and after several days of fruitless torture they were dumped in a dark damp cell to await execution.
Chapter #7- A Change of Heart
The rebel delegation led by Marcel was enroute to the Queen's summit when three Harpies appeared on the horizon flying away from the direction of the Femazi city. They had not been spotted and Marcel had a feeling they were up to no good so he decided to try to capture the Harpies and interrogate them. Hiding most of his men, he had two men place shields on their backs and cover them with cloaks. Then he had them kneel over the wagon wheel as if repairing it. The ruse worked, two of the bitchbirds fired arrows into what they thought were the backs of the men. Both men slumped over playing dead. The three killers landed and were looking thru the wagon when the men sprang up and roped the wings of two Harpies. The third fought off her attackers and flew away, dodging the arrows loosed at her. "You’re dead now slime", yelled the defiant Aura, "she will return with an army to slay you". She was still cursing as Hector aimed the strange looking tube. As the tube spit forth it's deadly contents it dawned on Aura that she was looking at the deadly mystery weapon. Both bound birdwomen added their screams to that of their missile fucked comrade as they watched the impact of the missile and their comrades smoking ass as she hit the ground. They were to stunned to realize that their lethal feet and hands were being bound. Marcel needed to interrogate these females so he had them spread eagled to the ground. He figured he would need to torture the information out of them so he had a fire built and irons placed in it. While the bitch's minds were on the heating irons he decided that a gang rape would help break their spirit. His men were all for that as rebels didn't often have available women.
Though the smaller Harpy, whose name was Zina, was an attractive female; all the men, Marcel and Hector included, wanted to start on the gorgeous Aura. As leader Marcel had his choice and he mounted Aura while Hector took the smaller female. Aura spit at him as he grabbed her tits and positioned his cockhead on her vertical smile. He was well hung and his eight inch cock stretched her tight pussy. She jerked around trying to free her snatch from the male invader but he just pounded harder. Like most Harpies, she never had a male cock in her; they reproduced from artificially inseminated eggs and lesbian sex was just for pleasure. The longer he stayed deep in her vagina the more she liked the feeling. Her jerking became thrusts timed to his. His mouth found her firm tits, licked and sucked them. His lips pressed hers and she found herself responding with her long tongue. She could feel her heart rate quicken with his and as he stiffened and drove in as deep as he could to spray his jism in her womb she arched her back and met his thrust with her own. Her orgasm took a full minute to subside, after which she responded to his questions though a post orgasmic fog as he eased her down by slowly and softly pumping her pussy with his still hard cock. She told him of her meeting with Serena, the captives date with the axe and the phony envoy Clitia had sent to Queen Vulvna's summit.
Meanwhile the smaller Harpy had discovered, like Aura, the pleasure of a male cock and had drained five men before Marcel halted the fucking. The disappointed men would get theirs another time, now he had to warn Vulvna and save those two men. Hector considered killing the two prisoners but Marcel pointed out they would be of value confronting the phony emissaries. So the still tied Harpies were lifted into the wagons, a task that found a lot of stray hands finding Harpy ass and tit good handles, and taken to Queen Vulvna's palace.
Once at the palace, Marcel and Aura unmasked the phony delegation and the three bogus Harpy diplomats were taken prisoner. The winged women tried to fight, but were far outnumbered. Even as the head of the spies screamed out her disgust at Aura, she was grabbed by three Centauresses and beaten to the ground. The other two fared no better as hard fists pummeled their breasts and bellies and knees drove into their groins. They were bound, searched and their belongings inspected. When weapons were found hidden in their quarters, their fate was sealed. They would be treated as spies and assassins. The three Harpy spies were thrown in the dungeon to await their fate, death by archer squad. Aura and Zina, were placed under house arrest until the rescue of the captive rebels had been completed, but because they had been cooperative, they had more comfortable accommodations in a guarded suite of the palace. The Centauresses and rebels planned the rescue of the rebels held by Serena. Marcel used the knowledge of the city he remembered as a boy along with everything he learned from his men and Aura to formulate a plan that could work but some luck still would be needed. After a long day of planning a large banquet was prepared and Aura and Zina joined the men and Queen Vulvna's court for the feast. With their minds off of military matters and the wine warming their blood, males and females started to eye each other up with thoughts of a more carnal nature. Marcel, still thinking of the great lay she was while tied down, wanted to find out how good Aura would be when she could move around, but the big golden hips of the Queen also promised a night of ecstasy. Hector had his eyes on the massive mammaries of a light skinned Centauress named Cloe. Queen Vulvna was torn between the bulge in the pants of the muscular man that had saved her life and the downy box of Zina. Hector approached Cloe and whispered in her ear. She blushed, eyed the bulging cock encased in his pants, and led him off. Other pairs of men and Centauress left the hall to find privacy. Several pairs of females left together, one male left with two Centauresses. Soon just Marcel, Aura, Zina and the Queen remained. She broke the ice when knowing of her lusts and reading the look in Marcel as his eyes danced between herself and Aura, she spoke, "Let us all retire to my bedchamber and let what happens happen". The other three nodded and followed Vulvna down a long hall to a large bedroom with a large soft circular bed that would easily hold them all. The Queen removed her golden breastplate and Marcel and the two Harpies gazed on the most perfect tits they had ever seen. The tanned orbs were large, firm and rode high on her chest. Her nipples were a reddish brown, long and hard, the areolas a mini tit of their own. She took Zina's hand and pressed it to her breast as she lead her to the bed. Aura removed the shirt and pants of Marcel and holding him by his growing cock, led him to the bed. The foursome spent the next three hours engaged in countless sexual combinations and variations finally ending in a pile of sweating sleeping, spent bodies. Marcel had found the unbound Aura a wild and passionate lover, while he also had his first taste of sweet mares milk and the soft cushion of Vulvna's hips. The sexy little Zina was not left out as all three females slept with pussies full of male jism.
The next morning Aura and Zina were returned, under guard, to their suite while the three bruised and battered spies were dragged to the execution yard. Tall poles had been set into the ground with steel rings attached about seven feet off the ground. One Harpy was tied by the wrists to each pole with her body stretched out till her toes just touched the ground. The sexy, strung up females had vowed to die well for their leader and refused blindfolds. They faced a squad of six Centauress archers with open eyes and defiant words. The brave bitchbirds died well. The squad leader ordered her unit to aim and shoot. At the short range, the aim of the archeresses was unerring. The full busted Harpy on the left pole shuddered, but didn't cry out when six arrows ripped into her proud bosom. Her head fell forward onto her chest as life blood stained her white down. Two more quick commands, the twang of bows, the slurp of arrows ripping tit and the middle bitchbird gasped her last, hanging like so much dead poultry in a meat market. The last to die was also the youngest and prettiest of the group. Her resolve began to fade as the Centauresses cocked fresh arrows and turned in her direction. The large firm tits that graced her sultry body began to shake as sobs of fear racked her young virginal chest. As the command to aim was given and she looked directly at the six instruments of her death, a gush of hot yellow urine spewed from her soft flaring crotch and wet the dirt. In a instant, the six arrows were loosed and the girls eyes bulged and mouth fell open as her left tit was perforated by three shafts, two struck between her twitching tits and one slammed into her right jug. Executions over, the dead birds were cut down, the arrows removed from their bodies, and the corpses were disposed of. Then, the joint forces of man and mare assembled for battle and set out to destroy the Femazi.
Chapter #8- The Deception
The Harpie military was tired of literally getting their asses shot off. First Donella, then the rebel raiding party and then Aura and one of her aides disappear and the second aide found dead by the mystery weapon. Now a scout has reported seeing a large force of Centauresses and male rebels approaching the Femazi capital. Clitia gathers her air force for a massive strike against the two-legger males and their four legged female allies. She now believes the Femazi must be aided and the others destroyed then she and Serena can divide the land equally. Clitia has heard many rumors as to Serena's sexual peccadilloes and thinks they would get along just fine after she helps defeat Serena's enemies and becomes her bedmate.
Leaving their forces camped just out of sight of the Femazi city, Marcel and seven men sneak into a forage wagon with the help of some male slave laborers. At the end of the day’s work the laborers pull the loaded wagon back thru the gate into the city conveniently leaving the wagon near to the gate and the platform built for tomorrow mornings executions. As the dark moonless night falls two things happen. The forces of Vulvna and the rebels inch closer to the city and Marcel and three bowmen slip out from the wagon and scout the area. Two guards on the gate towers are trying unsuccessfully to peer out into the darkness. The guard at the gate bolt is fast asleep, so far luck is on their side. A three foot high elevated platform of twenty feet square holding two grooved beheading blocks sits near the front gate. A street separates the platform from a row of two story housing units. "Perfect", thinks Marcel as he leads his men to a building directly across from the platform. Entering the building he can see it is some type of civilian home, the lower floor housing a kitchen and a dining room. Softly creeping up the stairs they discover two bedrooms each occupied by two sleeping women. The front bedroom has a large open window facing the street and four stools are set before the window. Apparently the women wanted to have a good seat to view the execution. Because the sleeping sluts were civilian, Marcel did not feel they deserved to be murdered in their beds. Doing one bedroom at a time the women were gagged and bound. Bringing all four into the front bedroom they were strung up from a ceiling beam with their arms stretched up over their heads. All four women were young and pretty with slim waists and curving hips. Their breasts were average size though stretched tight on the hanging women. Fear shown in their eyes as they hung dressed only in frilly underwear, their curly bushes and nipples visible through the sheer fabric. None of the three men with Marcel had attended the feast and thus had not gotten their rocks off for some time. Marcel, who had tasted the fruits of the exotic Harpies and Vulvna, stood watch for the three hours till dawn while his men pawed and fucked the trussed up sluts.
Chapter #9- The Order Changes
The sun was rising as the Greta and Gerta, the twin blond executioners, naked bodies glistening with oil, climb the platform with heavy sharp beheading swords in hand. One blond stands by each block, arms folded under her large naked boobs, as the prisoners are led to the platform by four Femazi from Serena's guard. To humiliate the men, they have been stripped naked and their limb dongs sway to and fro as they climb the stairs. All the guards have their eyes on the execution platform, the out of place wagon is not noticed. Upstairs in the bedroom the sluts have been abandoned, hanging limply with semen dripping down their legs, and the bowmen have taken up position by the window. Agreeing on targets they nock arrows and wait. Serena and Freda arrive and take seats, Serena is dressed in a bright red leather jacket tailored to follow her shape and deeply V cut so the edges of her areolas are just peeking out. The matching leather pants look painted on and when she sits, a good eye can make out the puffy softness of her pussy lips. Her long blond hair is pulled up in a bun and the ever present cigarette holder dangles from her left hand while she hold a riding crop in her right. Freda, promoted to head of the elite guard since the recent demise of the unfortunate Hilda, wears a uniform of a black halter similar to the standard issue but with a white trim band around the bra cups. The standard black shorts have been replaced with a red leather mini skirt that accents the flame red of her hair, while the standard black boots remain. Her polished saber and pistol glint in the sunlight.
With the two grappling lovers seated, the execution can begin. The men, at gunpoint, kneel and place their necks on the blocks. The guard ports their arms and salutes Serena. As she returns the salute, the two big blonds raise the swords high over their heads. They have reached the full extent of the back stroke and they are bent slightly backward with their long blond manes flowing down to their firm full asses, long shapely legs spread and hips thrust forward bringing their bushy blond pussies within feet of their victims. Their huge naked breasts were straining forward and they awaited the command to kill when Marcel yells "Now" to his assassins. Four bows twang as one, the blonds gasp and stagger back, dropping the swords and clutching their wounded breasts. Four well aimed arrows have thudded into the four identical tits and driven deep into the muscular chests of the beautiful executioners. The razor sharp blades have rended heart and lung, the two Amazon bitches have become the executed. They fall over backward with their knees bent and their thighs spread wide showing everyone their pouting pink labia. As they die their hips make one spasmodic thrust and two streams of hot yellow piss mix with the rivers of blood flowing down from their skewered chests. The bowmen loose one more volley before running down to the street, leaving the four ravished captives tied to the rafters. Their second volley is equally effective as the two guards on the towers are drilled in the bare patch of skin between their halters and shorts. Clawing at their bellies they crash through a rail and pitch to the ground. With necks broken in the fall, the two sexy corpses lay in unnatural heaps on the hard earth. The other two arrows nail the lower backs of two of the elite guard as they stand watching the blonds die, to stunned to react. The skewered girls slump down, vainly trying to reach for the shafts buried in their backs. The last thing they see is the two men jump up and turn toward them.
Meanwhile the naked men grab the last two elite guards, smash them to the ground, kneel over them and choke the life from their evil bodies. Prisoners no longer, they take the dead girl's weapons and join the fight. The men in the wagon have been patiently waiting for a signal and the commotion in the yard is it. They jump up thru the forage and two run to open the gate while two more pin the gate guards back to the wall with well places arrows that punch thru their chests. With the gate guards dead it's a easy matter to open the doors for the main body of the army waiting to attack.
Serena is standing and screaming her rage as the two bowmen eye the evil despot, spin toward her and quickly shoot. As the arrows meant for her chest are loosed she grabs the startled Freda and pulls her in their path. The two deadly shafts slice into Freda's black right D cup with a wet sticky sound. She turns her head to Serena as soft hands try to squelch the flow of blood over her ravished bosom, her eyes asking the question "why?". Sinking to the ground to slowly suffocate on the blood filling her lungs, the beautiful, wanton redhead sees the smirk of disdain on Serena's face as she releases the wounded Femazi.
In the main Femazi barracks, third shift guards are finishing showers, trying to get some sleep or, like the three girls off in one corner, engaging in personal activities. Buddies since being drafted into the Femazi army, they hung out and bunked together. Their late night patrol had been uneventful. After being relieved they had returned to the barracks for some grub and a hot shower. A quick wet down and soaping was followed by intimate lathering of each other’s bodies, then a cool rinse off. The lustful threesome didn't bother to dry. They left three wet trails back to their bunks. Sophie, a beautiful black skinned, full busted girl, spread out a mat on the floor and began her routine of exercises while Lea and Briggette flop down together in a bunk to enjoy the view. It is a splendid view as Sophie does her leg splits and high stretches. The dark gaping muff incites the passions of brunette Lea and blond Briggette. They quickly find each other’s wet pussies with their groping fingers.
The idyllic moment was destroyed by the cries of, "The city is under attack"! The three lovers along with the rest of the girl soldiers in the barracks, quickly threw on uniforms, grabbed weapons and raced out to defend their homeland.
Meanwhile, the seven bowmen had taken up positions to defend the gate until the attacking army can drive thru. Two men drop dead as the Femazi guns start to mount some offense but the arrows have given four more impaled bitches a one way ticket to hell. One of the first to taste bitter death was the new garrison commander, an arrow driving into her open mouth as she barked commands. A girl goes down to the slashing saber of a nude man, her once pretty face sliced open like a ripe melon. Femazi troops climb to high points where they can fire down on the men defending the gate and also into the massed troops converging on the gate. The Femazi guns have a big range advantage on the Centauresses bows as some of the lead mares start to take hits. Two mares have been wounded seriously enough to fall out of rank though none killed when Hector, leading the rebel forces riding in on the Centauresses backs signals for his missile men to open fire. The air fills with smoke as scores of the small deadly missiles speed toward the black clad love junctions of the Femazi sluts. The screams and detonations blend together as hot metal cocks drill into lesbian love patches. The force of a missile tearing through black fabric and roaring into the tight pussy of a 110 lb girl lifts her off her feet. She is falling back when the missile explodes and drops like a rag doll, the shocked anguish frozen forever on her lifeless face. The missiles that pass between the inverted V's of spread sexy legs detonate just behind the tight asses and pepper the butt checks, assholes and backs with deadly shot.
The fire from the rooftops ceases as the witches lucky enough to not have a missile lock on them, scramble for cover. A small young brunette of about nineteen tries to make her way down to safety when an arrow drills up between her legs and splits her pussy lips with its steel blade. She falls backward off a ladder clutching a cunt that will never taste male meat. The sexy bitch lands at the feet of her assassin and he bends over her and drills her chest with an arrow that rips completely through her body.
The allied forces have breached the wall and while the bowmen and Centauresses start to drive to the center of the city and Serena's headquarters, the missile squads, one man to aim and fire and one to load, take over the high positions now littered with smoked Femazi. The long missile tubes would be awkward to use in the tight confines and chaos of the city and Hector worried that the higher, more exposed pussies of the Centauresses would attract missiles aimed at Femazi cunt.
The squads were ordered only to fire at Femazi sluts if no mares were near but as luck would have it a Centauress ran past a group of cornered Femazi just as a missile was fired. The lethal projectile, aimed between the legs of a wide hipped girl, changed course and slammed in between the mares firm butt cheeks. The missile fucked mare reared up and spun down. "Damn," said the errant gunner as the whump of the warhead mutilated her asshole.
Fate was on the side of good, having the men in high positions allowed them to spot the cloud of Harpies approaching. Clitia had mobilized almost a hundred of her most loyal followers and was leading the formation herself. Super weapon or not she believes most of her force will get through and slaughter the men and mares boxed in by the city streets. A missile has just slammed into a wall and driven it's load of round steel death into the furburger of the blond witch standing over the point of impact when the Harpies are spotted. The first missiles spit out to the birdwomen when they are three hundred yards out. Clitia hears the reports and the screams of the Harpies as the missiles explode over their asses or between their legs. Down covered cunts are turned into ground meat in an instant. Other Harpies near an external blast take pellets in their wings, chests, and legs. Some can fly on but other soon lose altitude and land. Some manage to land softly, others crash to the earth and break their sultry bodies on the hard ground. At two hundred yards out Clitia has lost a fifth of her force, at one hundred yards out a third have fallen, as she crosses the city wall and can finally bring her arrows to bear, over half of her force is dead or wounded. They manage to get some licks in, The rebel men become unintentional shields for the backs of their mounts and many fall from the mares backs after eating Harpy arrows. One big Centauress becomes a large pin cushion as a volley of arrows thud into her back and ass. The mare rears up in pain but her legs collapse and she falls over. Bleeding from ten wounds, she will die a slow death.
But in pursuing the allied army into the city Clitia has flown her force past the missile squads and they now have their hot pussies to the lethal tubes. Most of the Harpies now take line drive shots up their love tunnels and the pain wracked bitches are blown out of the sky. A few are wounded by rebel arrows and are forced down, a few more have their breasts skewered by quick aiming Centauress archers and crash down dead. Perhaps ten remain airborne when Clitia eats an arrow in her shoulder that numbs her wing and she falls to earth. Seeing their leader drop from the sky, the surviving Harpies try to gain altitude and flee. Two more drop with their asses blown open before Hector orders his squads to disregard the escaping bitchbirds.
The female resistance members take advantage of the attack to aid in the defeat of Serena's forces. They singly and in small groups attack Femazi soldiers. Two Femazi lovers are jogging down an alley to meet up with their outfit. They had been in bed together when the alarm sounded and had hastily dressed and left the barracks. One girl is a tall redhead with a 42 DD chest and the other is a short brunette with nearly as ample boobs. Their four jugs are bouncing wildly with the cadence, threatening to burst free from their restraining halters. The brunette's do but they have unwanted help. As the soldierettes enter an intersection, two resistance girls step out and slam roundhouse kicks into the Femazi's bare guts. The brunette takes the kick high and under the boobs. The soft, brown nippled tits fly out of her halter as she doubles over gagging. The big redhead takes the kick square in the belly button and drops to her knees, puking bile. She recovers quickly and blocks the second blow from her attacker, a blond girl, fifteen pounds lighter and five inches shorter. The blond had tried a second roundhouse to the head of the tall girl, but still on her knees, she had gotten an arm up to block the kick. In the moments the blonds leg was up, the redhead drove her fist into the vulnerable crotch. Now it was the blonde’s turn to gasp in pain, her pussy felt like she had just delivered a baby. Both girls struggled to their feet, faced off and prepared to continue their struggle.
Meanwhile the brunette's attacker, a slim black girl with small hard tits and a rounded ass, caught her under the chin with a front snap kick that flipped the busty bitch on her back. The black beauty tried to stomp the Femazi's face but the brunette caught her foot and twisted, dropping the black girl on her back. Quick with her wits, the black girls back barely hit the ground before her other leg lifted and dropped down. Her heel drilled into the brunette's already sore guts. When the brunette did struggle back to her feet, the black girl was ready. A flying side kick flattened the Femazi's massive left tit against her chest and drove the air from the girl. She fell back limp and could not block the palm strike that drove the bones of her nose up into her brain. Death was swift and sure.
The redhead and the blond were trading punches and kicks. The long fingernails of the redhead had racked red furrows down the cheek of the blond. She had torn off the blonde’s blouse and her 38D breasts showed a bruise from the redhead's fist. The Femazi bitch was winding up for another blow to the staggered blond when the black girl pinned her arms behind her. The blond regained her balance and nailed the soldierette with a spinning back kick to the cunt. The redhead screamed and her eyes rolled up in her head but the resistance fighters were not through. Enraged, the blond tore the halter off the dazed redhead and pummeled her huge breasts with rights and lefts. All the while, the black girl held the redhead up for more punishment and egged on the blond. The blond responded, driving her knee up into the redhead's vagina, then a fist in the mouth that had the Femazi out on her feet. Finally the blond cocked her fist to throw a fatal finishing blow to the throat. It never landed, there was a load report and she stiffened and fell forward, her head landing between the redhead's big breasts. A Femazi patrol had surprised them and the blond slipped to the ground, dead, with a bullet in her back. The black girl tried to back away using the redhead as a shield. She tripped and fell, the redhead's weight coming down on top of her. In a flash the patrol had her captive.
The four girls in the patrol were Serena loyalists and knew at once that the black girl must be a subversive. They would hang her on the spot. With her hands tied behind her back, the black girl was hoisted up by the neck. Her toes could just touch the ground and she struggled in vain to keep the weight off her neck. While two Femazi revived the injured redhead, the other two watched the death struggle of the black girl. She was close to passing out when a male voice boomed out, "Drop your weapons and surrender!" "Cut that girl down!" The tables had turned again. A rebel force now out flanked and outnumbered the Femazi patrol. One of the Femazi, a stocky, dark haired girl; fired a wild shot and all hell broke loose. She fell, howling horribly, an arrow sticking out of the love mound outlined by her tight shorts. The girl next to her turned to run, took a half step and sank to the ground without a sound. A bullet had punched her side under her upraised arm and ripped lungs and heart. The squad leader, a blond dyke with short cropped hair and small hard tits, tried to take cover. Before she could, an arrow drilled her left eye and split her brain. Only two girls were left, the stunned and bruised redhead and a dark Latin girl. Then it was one as the Latin girl let out a grunt and grabbed her belly where it had been ravaged by a hot chunk of lead. She was on her knees with her mouth open in a silent scream when a second bullet tore off the top of her head. The redhead had escaped the volleys because she had been laying flat on her back. Still dazed, she began to stir as the rebels advanced and checked for signs of life. It was too late to save the black girl. The only ones still breathing were the stocky bitch who started the fight and the semi nude redhead. Even with swollen lips and bruised belly and tits, she was a foxy bitch, arousing lust in the men. They decided to take her captive, find a quite place and have a gang bang. The brunette would be left behind. She wasn't much to look at and with the arrow in her snatch, not very fuckable. After taking all the weapons, the rebels left the girl laying in a pool of her own gore, ignoring her pleas for help.
Marcel has been pursuing Serena, who escaped from the fracas at the gate and was attempting to get to her headquarters along with her remaining six personal guards. She lost another guard when the stacked bitch turned to fire at the pursuing man. He ducked into a doorway as the bitch fired then popped out and drilled an arrow between her tits before she could react and she falls back, arms and legs splayed out. Another arrow drives deep into the round ass cheek of a tall almond eyed slut. She trips and stumbles but doesn't fall until an second arrow nails her slowed form in the lower back. Marcel ignores the downed Femazi and continues his chase. Seriously wounded, the almond eyed fox struggles to her feet using her rifle for support. She staggers around a corner and finds herself looking at the big rump of a Centauress. The mare looks back, spots the exotic beauty in black and lashes out with her rear legs. Hundreds of pounds of well toned muscle drive the mares legs with incredible force. The hard hooves nail the girl in the chest, tearing her halter open and crushing her small hard tits into her ribs. Bones break and puncture her lungs as the impact knocks her backward to fall in the street. She coughs up big gouts of blood and dies not far from where Marcel first downed her.
Sprinting around a corner, a heavy black girl found herself facing a dark skinned rebel. Her rifle came up the same time his bow drew back. Even as she squeezed off a shot, a sharp pain ripped her right leg. The man had shot first but his aim was poor and the arrow had driven through her upper leg. Her return fire hit the man in the guts and he folded up in the street. She limped to a stoop and sat down. Her wound was not serious but she had to remove the arrow. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she snapped the point off and pulled the shaft back through her leg. She needed to bandage the wound to stop the bleeding but all she had was her halter top. She pulled the garment over her head and two immense boobs flopped free. After tying the halter tightly around her leg, she began to reload her rifle. The powder charge was pouring down the barrel when the arrow struck. The Femazi bitch had forgotten about the rebel and though mortally wounded, he had struggled to his knees and managed one more shot before dying. This one had been on target, striking the sitting girl in the large dark circle of her right areola. Her gun clattered on the paving bricks as she fell over to the side. The arrow had driven in deep and only the feathers protruded from the massive mammary. The lung shot girl tried to rise but only got to one knee before collapsing back with blood pouring from her mouth. Her legs made one feeble effort to crawl then quivered to a stop as she died.
A big black Centauress had a Femazi cornered, the young tart was a small petite blond of about five foot four and 110 lbs. If not for the rifle in her hands, she would look like a high school cheerleader. The big mare ordered the Femazi girl to drop her weapon and surrender but the girl panicked and fired of a wild shot that grazed the mares side. The retaliatory arrow hit the girl in her lower side, driving thru her body. She fell back, crying in panic, "Oh God it hurts, don't let me die. Help me!". The Centauress knew the girl was out of the fight but she wasn't and couldn't take the time now to help her. She couldn't bring herself to finishing off the wounded tart so she just left her and continued on her way as the girls cries rang in her ears.
A rebel is pursuing a lone Femazi who has fired her weapon and when she stops to reload, he catches up and swings a sword at her. The woman tries to turn and run but the sword slashes into her back and cuts deep into her bare flesh. Falling forward, the chesty brunette grabs at the side of a building as her long but useless legs collapse. Her long fingernails scrape and break against the bricks in a futile effort to support her body and she slumps down to the ground, blood streaming from the deep slash in her back. The rebel stands behind her and grabs her dark brown tresses and pulls her head back to slit her throat. She looks pleadingly at him through tear stained big brown eyes for a quick death. Not knowing why, he releases her hair and then drives his sword into her upper back till the point rips through her heart and out the inside of her left breast.
The victorious male ran down the street and turned the corner to find himself confronting another Femazi bitch. The tall auburn haired girl was unarmed but she did not retreat from the swordsman, instead she assumed a low on guard fighting stance. As the man, intent on adding a second kill to his score, charged the girl; she quickly spun 180 degrees away from his weapon while her rear foot shot out past his head then hooked back in. The heel of her foot caught the guy behind the ear, dazing him. The girl continued her rotation with her other leg arcing across in a crescent and her boot hitting the sword near the pommel. The weapon flew from his fingers and clattered down well out of his reach. Still reeling from the kick, the rebel lunged at the girl and threw a hard punch at her face. She stepped in to block the blow, her left arm crossing in front of her body to deflect his punch while her right hand delivered a palm strike to his nose. Without giving him time to react, she hit him again, this time a hard right punch to his guts. Then she shifted her stance slightly sideways and drove a hard palm strike to his groin. Grabbing his genitals in her right hand and his shirt in her left, she tore up on his balls while throwing the gagging man on his back. The heel of her left foot driven into his mouth took him out of the fight for good.
Something no one had planned for occurred when an errant missile slammed into the door of the mutants cage blowing it from the hinges. The six hulking brutes poured out into the city streets, their demented minds bent on rape. The first one didn't get far, as he turned the corner, stroking his cock hard, intent on finding a victim, a Femazi guard put a slug in his guts. Even with the lead in his belly he had the strength to fall on the small woman and rip open her shorts. She was pinned helplessly under his bulk as the piercing penis spread her twat. His rough hands mauled her small breasts after ripping off the black top. As his body shuddered and died the dangling balls spewed forth their lethal seed and his teeth clamped down on her tit biting off her right nipple. The raped girl writhed in agony under the dead hulk until another Femazi happening upon the scene puts a bullet in the brain of the suffering soldierette.
The mutant brutes don't care if their victims are dead or alive. A dead Harpy lays sprawled over a fence and a mutant drives his cock into her upturned bloody ass. Her dead tits hang limp and sway as the brute pumps his hips on her soft ass cheeks. Two rebels drive arrows into his back dropping him dead over his unfeeling victim. Two mutants have spotted the big inviting asses of the Centauresses. As the first one charges the wiggling butt of a mare, she sees him out of the corner of her eye. Her big rump muscles tense and her rear legs fly back. The mutant flies backward in a heap, his face smashed in by the hard hooves. The next one is a little smarter, he has climbed up to a low roof and as the mare passes he leaps out and lands on her ass. She bucks but cannot shake him. His hands have sunk into the flesh of her flanks and his legs wrap hers as the thick cock forces open her asshole. The violated mare screams and cries as her rectum is ripped open and filled with pounding cock. A rebel, having spent his last arrow in the guts of a big blond Femazi, has no weapon to dislodge the mutant as he views the rape. The appearance of a bewildered bitch gives him his chance. He grabs the rifle from her grip and slams the butt into her pretty mouth. She is spiting teeth as he shoots the mutant in the head. The beasts dead hands release their grip and he falls off his soft mount but the damage has been done. The corrosive cum is already eating thru the bowels of the Centauress as the rebel tries to help. He has recognized Myra, the female he made love to when she stayed at their base. Blood is already seeping from her ruined ass as she lays on her side to await a long and painful death. Thru pain clouded eyes she remembers the man kneeling beside her and she begs him to end her suffering. He is not sure of the fastest way to kill a Centauress so she takes his knife and places the point between her front legs and wraps his hands on the handle. Then she puts her arms around him, gives him a long soft kiss and closes her big green eyes. With a jerk he drives the ten inch blade up into her heart and her suffering ends.
The rebels having dismounted, are going from building to building squashing pockets of resistance while the Centauresses cover the streets and shoot any black clad figure that appears. Suddenly showing herself on a rooftop, a spry witch drills a rebel between the eyes but before she can retreat, a Centauress arrow roars into her underbelly. Dropping the gun and grabbing her wound, the doomed girl swan dives off the building and is smashed on the pavement.
A Centauress beauty, long golden tail high in the air, takes a bullet between her hips that rips up her pussy and lodges in her guts. She wails out her agony and falls to the side with a wound that will kill her only after she endures prolonged terrible suffering.
Lust runs high in the rebels, and Femazi, alive and dead are being raped if the opportunity presents it. For many of the warrior women it is the first and last time they experience a hot cock between their warm legs. They are stripping the dead Femazi of their guns and ammo as they go. In the house to house fighting, the long reload time for the percussion rifles was putting the saucy sluts at a deadly disadvantage. The rebels devised a simple tactic to defeat the holed up tarts. One man would charge into a room diving and rolling and draw the fire of any cunts, then before the out flanked bitches could reload, two more men would burst in and shoot them. The technique was working well. Many busty Femazi tarts died with lead from captured Femazi guns in their chests.
In one house, a tall, wide hipped brunette had taken a wild shot at a rolling rebel and was defenseless when a second man appeared and drove his captured rifle into her pouting belly. He had no ammo for the gun so he had tied a knife to the barrel. She staggered and went to her knees. The rebel calmly shoved the knife deeper, gave it a twist and ripped it out. Grabbing her head, he shoved the dying slut down on his cock, blowing his wad into her mouth as she died.
Across the street, a large, big busted blond beauty lurks in a dim room. Rita is six feet tall and two hundred pounds of full figured girl. There is an evil sneer distorting the beauty on her face when she hears a noise behind her and spins around to fire at a rebel. The loud reports of large caliber guns fill the room but the busty bitch is the one to yelp in pain. Her shot had gone wide but as her enormous bust line crossed his sights, the man triggered his gun. Rita was staggered back from the impact. Long slim fingers of a wavering hands grab her black halter where a half inch diameter hunk of hot murderous lead holed her perfect right breast just aside of the nipple. A moment later the man who had distracted her brought his weapon to bear. That bullet slammed into the underside of the wounded tit. Shot twice in the lungs, she slumps down on her ass with her long smooth legs spread wide open and the golden hair of her pussy peeking out of the crotch of her tight shorts. The evil sneer is gone, replaced by shocked agony, as the black cloud of death begins to overtake the doomed tart. The two rebels look at the girl then at each other and silently nod. She has no power to fight off the leering men as they strip off her halter and shorts. Her tits are enormous mountains of soft white flesh topped with reddish brown nipples. In the junction of her legs grows a dense patch of silky smooth yet curly blond hair guarding entrance to a deep hot cunt. One man buries his head in her muff spreading her cunt lips with his tongue as her bladder relaxes. He drinks deep of the warm yellow liquid seeping from the dying snatch, then climbs up her body and fucks her while deep throat kissing her warm, soft mouth with his piss covered tongue. His buddy, meanwhile, has made her the meat of a fuck sandwich. He comes in from behind, using her ample breasts as handles and driving his hard schlong between her soft ample butt cheeks and up into her hot tight ass. Rita's mind, though dazed, responded to her mortal predicament in a strange way. She began to feel perverted pleasure building in her loins, a tingling in her twat. Rita orgasmed and passed out just as the men shot her again. This time with jism bullets into her most private holes. The men dressed, reloaded their guns and walked out, leaving the naked, bleeding girl. They assumed she was dead or soon would be.
Down the road, the rape and slaughter continue. Creeping in behind two Femazi who are kneeling by a window looking for targets in the street, rebels grab the surprised women. Jerking back on the women's heads, the men plunge their knives into the smooth female backs slicing the halter straps. As the bitches fall forward over the window ledge their breasts burst free of the black fabric and hang in view like an advertisement for a whore house. The plump inviting asses of the dying women, inches from the hard cocks of the aroused killers, wiggle provocatively as the women convulse in death throws. A few slashes with the knives and their asses are bare. As the Femazi women's lives slip away, the last thing they feel is the pain of their virgin assholes stretching open to take male cock. The women are dead by the time the hot male seed fills their rectums. The corpses will suffer more humiliation as the battle rages. More than once , their swaying jugs will jerk and bounce from bullets ripping tissue. Sometimes they are taken for live targets, other times just for perverted practice shots.
The young rebel Artos, twenty five years of age and solidly built, cautiously entered a building. He hoped it would be empty. The thrill of battle was wearing off. He could not get the pictures out of his mind. First the pitiful wails of the wounded ambush survivors as they pleaded in vain for mercy and today, the dead child soldier. She had been very young, fifteen or sixteen at most, and the innocence of her face didn't warrant the ugly shaft that protruded from her firm breast. He had made the mistake of staring at her crumpled body as he pried her unfired rifle from a death grasp. It didn't matter that someone else had killed the girl. He had killed other Femazi that day and the finality of his actions were now clear.
A noise alerted him to danger just in time and he spun to the sound in time to see a busty black Femazi leaping down at him from a stair landing. She held a long sharp knife in her hand. His body responded with pure instinct and the rifle came up and fired.
"Bastarrrrrggggh!" The girl's curse changed to a gurgle as the heavy slug slammed into the deep valley between her ample tits. The graceful leap stopped midair and the bitch dropped straight down like a dropped rock. She was dead in seconds but Artos didn't have time to worry about her because at the moment another Femazi had jumped him from the other side. He managed to grab her knife arm and flipped her over his shoulder. The girl hit the floor hard on her back and dropped the knife. Artos grabbed the knife and was raising it over the downed girl's chest. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw another Femazi in the room. This one had a gun and was trying to aim in his direction. He had only one chance, flipping the knife over in his hand, he side-arm flung it at the gun girl.
"Eeeeeeiiiiiiioww!" A shrill female scream announced he had found his target. He shifted his attention from the girl he held to the gun girl. What he saw was a tall slim blond woman sinking to her knees with four inches of cold steel buried in her guts just under her belly button. Her eyes rolled up and she fell over to the side, blood starting to seep from her lips. He turned back to the last girl. With no weapons left, he climbed over the girl and wrapped his powerful hands around her slender throat. The girl gazed up at him with panic in her soft brown eyes. Artos didn't squeeze. "Had enough", he asked the foxy brunette? She weakly nodded her surrender and he got off, turned her over, tied her hands behind her back and then checked the other two girls. The black was dead but the blond, though weak, was alive. Hoping that nothing vital had been struck, he placed his left hand on her firm flat belly and pulled out the knife. The unconscious blond quivered and moaned but did not wake. He needed to quench the blood flow so he pulled off her shorts and wadded them up into a pad. He cut free her halter and used to stretchy material to bind the pad in place. It seemed to work, her bleeding stopped and she lay almost peacefully, clad only in a small pair of shear panties.
Artos could tell by the sounds outside that the battle was winding down and what was left was moving away from his position. His fight and the fight of the brunette was over. He decided, gazing at the curving profile of his captive, that it was time to start reconciliation. In other words, he was horny as hell. He walked over to the brunette and lifted her to her feet. She was about six inches shorter than he was, with full firm breasts tapering into a tiny waist and smooth flowing hips and thighs. The girl stared at him, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity in her eyes. She shivered even though it was quite warm. He spoke to her as he untied her bonds.
"You are my prisoner and I'm not going to hurt you, but I am going to fuck the hell out of you." "After that you can go, no questions asked." "Just tell me your first name."
The girl was nervous as she whispered in a shaky voice, "I am called Lea, the other girls are my friends Sophie and Briggette", nodding first to the dusky corpse then to the still blond.
"I'm really sorry about your friends but war is war and you would have killed me if you could". "I think Briggette may survive her wound but only time will tell".
Lea responded, "I saw you trying to help her, we were told all you males were vicious brutes who liked killing women."
"You've been fed a lot of lies by your corrupt leaders, all we want is our freedom and a chance to live as equals". "Rather than killing you I would much prefer doing this". With that Artos took Lea in his arms, bent her backward and planted a long passionate kiss on her soft wet lips. She resisted for a few seconds then her arms encircled his chest and she returned his passion with her own. Her body crushed against him and she could feel his long rigid male shaft denting her belly. As their kiss broke, Lea seductively wiggled back and swayed provocatively as she lifted her halter over her head. Her perfect tits sprang free and quivered in the warm air, nipples already erect and waiting to be sucked. Then, still swaying to some unheard music, she hooked her thumbs in her pants and tugged them down over her tanned legs. Lea spread her legs slightly and thrust her pelvis forward, inviting Artos to gaze at her lush womanhood. She slithered up to him and slowly removed his shirt, then her long nails traced paths of pleasure over his hard muscled chest and back. Lea found the knotted cord that held up his pants and with deft fingers undid the knot. Showing her flexibility, she lifted one leg high and hooked her toes on his pants to pull them off. Out leapt eight inches of thick male meat, Lea's first close up look at a penis. Somehow she seemed to know what to do as Artos moaned, "Baby I'm ready to explode, relieve the pressure!"
Lea sank to her knees and gingerly kissed him cock and balls. Soon she was flicking her tongue over the lust reddened split tip of his wang, tasting the oozing fluid. Her taste buds agreeable with the sensation, she grabbed his hard ass and engulfed as much of the throbbing dick as her throat would allow. Up and down her head bobbed while her teeth scraped his sensitive skin. The vacuum of her sucking tried to draw the cum from his balls and quickly succeeded. With a low moan, Artos released a geyser of salty semen into her waiting mouth. The lustful girl gulped frantically trying to drain every drop. The feeling of male syrup trickling down her throat shot her off into a full blown orgasm. Lea's leg muscles coiled and she sprang up, wrapping her arms around Artos' chest and her lower limbs around his hips. She mashed her mouth to him and drilled in with her tongue. Artos could taste his own semen in her sweet mouth as her voluptuous ass wiggled over his stiff joint. She squirmed till her hot pussy lips felt the wet cockhead and then she lowered her hips.
"Mmmmmmmmmaaahhhh!", mewed from Lea's red lips as her tight, hot pussy engulfed the full length of hard throbbing cock. Artos held on to her firm smooth buttocks while his mouth tasted the sweetness of her young breasts. The position was strenuous for both lovers so Artos backed up and sat down on a chair so that Lea's feet could touch the floor. This allowed her to ride him like posting on a horse. His hands and mouth explored all reachable parts of her lush body and soon she was nearing orgasm.
"Lordddd, this is soooo good,,,,,if I had known soonerrrr,,,,Ooooohhhhhhh Yyyeeesssss!" Lea's cunt clamped down on Artos' cock like a vice as she burst into orgasm. She bucked and writhed, clawing at his back like a tigress in heat. It took her a couple of minutes to come back down and all the while Artos rode with her, playfully biting her turgid nipples. They both sat motionless for a few seconds then Lea stood, popping off of the glistening prick. She lay down on the floor, held out her arms and spread her slender legs, saying, "Come on down, you big stud, we aren't done let". Artos didn't need to be coaxed, Lea was the best lay of his life and he could feel another build up of pressure in his balls. He dropped to the floor, stopping to bury his face in the girl's hot, wet muff. Probing her twat, his tongue tasting the flavors of her orgasmic juices. She moaned again and forced his face deeper into her love cavern to where he had trouble breathing. Then he mounted her, drilling deep for lusts release in the tunnel of womanhood. Her hips rose in rhythm to his thrusts as her pubic bone slammed into his. She wrapped her legs around his back, lifting her ass clear of the floor. Finally, with one mighty plunge, they both came together. The dark recesses of her cunt were hosed with a stream of virile sperm. The exhausted lovers, still locked together penis to pussy and arm to arm; rolled on their side and fell into a light slumber. While they dozed, two things happened. The battle ended and swimming sperm cells found a pair of fertile eggs in Lea's womb.
Elsewhere, Vulvna and Marcel have ordered their troops to minimize civilian casualties so females in street clothes were not to be shot unless they seemed threatening. The Centauresses abided by the order but a lot of the rebels were more trigger happy. The gun in the hands of a tall willowy auburn haired fox seemed pretty threatening to the rebel who confronted her. Her short white skirt and shear blouse tied under her small but pert breasts was definitely civilian attire but he gave her no time to surrender. She wasn't about to anyway and the gun began to point at him. His reaction was quicker as his commandeered rifle barks and the young tart was knocked back on her firm butt with blood pouring from the hole in the top of her skirt. She cried out in pain and pleaded with the man she had just tried to kill to help her. He was about to help her to her feet and into a house where she would be safe until after the battle when she pulled a knife. His foot booted the knife from her hand and he reached for his own blade, then places his knife in the knot of her blouse and splits the fabric exposing her tits. Putting the point of his blade below the nipple of her firm left breast he says, "Help this you treacherous bitch", and shoves the blade into her heart. The tall girl yelped once more and fell dead into his arms.
An enraged whore naked except for the tattered remains of a white bra, charges a rebel while holding a kitchen knife. He side steps, grabs the cunts wrist and twists her arm as she continues past and she is gut fucked by her own knife. Other civilians who did not resist were also raped and killed by the blood maddened rebels. Many unarmed women died with rebel steel in their tits and jism dripping from their violated cunts.
Serena has lost all but two of her guard by the time she reaches her headquarters. Three were caught in a cross fire of bullets and arrows. A tall busty blond beauty grunted and spit blood as she caught a slug in her belly button followed by an arrow under her right arm that knocked her legs out from under her and dropped her on her grimacing face. She was alive when two blood crazed rebels found her writhing body, stripped her nude, raped and sodomized her, then drove a sharpened pole up her plump pink ass till it came out her mouth. Another smaller blond took two arrows in her groin and one between her shoulders that flipped her on her back and drove the arrow out between her taut boobs killing her quickly. The third slut, a black haired, sloe eyed fox, took a slug in her soft inner thigh and as she fell, two lead balls drilled her right breast, she would last only a few minutes as the blood filled her lungs and suffocated her.
Now from the original dozen elite just Irma and Eva remain. Marcel has the three cornered and pinned down and he is content to wait for help before rushing their position.
The wounded Clitia has evaded Centauress and rebel by skulking in back alleys until she makes a wrong turn and runs into the last two mutants as they fuck the dead hulks of two Femazi. She knows she cannot fly and her wound has slowed her feet. As she tries to run she is tackled by one of the brutes. Her big tits bounce of the pavement as she hits the ground face first. The other mutant sits in front of the stunned Harpy and impales her mouth on his blood covered cock gagging her as he rams it deep into her throat, oblivious to the deep gouges her claws are ripping into his body. The tackler gets to his knees and pounces on her wiggling plump ass, splitting her rosebud wide with his engorged wang. Both of these mutants have laid waste to several females since the breakout, one having raped two Femazi and one Centauress, the other smashing into a rooming house and leaving four dead civilian sluts in his wake. It takes a long time for them to build to a climax and the wounded Harpy can do nothing but take their cock as the mouth and ass pounding continue. Finally it ends, with a last massive drive the two cocks spurt forth the poison and relax. There is no relaxing for the battered Clitia as she tries to rise but the pain in her ass is to great and her legs do not obey. The acid in her throat has burned her vocal cords and she can just mew like a cat as she flops around in her death throws. Just then a squad of Femazi fleeing the battle turn into the alley and blast the resting mutants. One of them puts her gun to the head of Clitia and blows off the side of her face, putting her out of her misery. Before they can reload they find the way out of the alley blocked by rebels and turning to leave the way they came they come face to face with several Centauresses. Practicality winning out over valor the six Femazi drop their guns and knives and raise their hands in surrender. All over the city the Femazi are giving up in small groups as they are overwhelmed. The hardliners fight on and continue to be slaughtered.
Through all the carnage, Molly has watched her troops being senselessly slaughtered because of the power mad Serena. She decides to kill the bitch and end the battle. She arms herself and waits for Serena at the headquarters. Her plan is rash and flawed. Serena and her remaining guard enter the building, joining up with the hardliners barricaded there. Molly waits to long to attack and the firm tit of a busty hardliner bitch takes the bullet meant for Serena. As the mortally wounded girl drops, the guards turn on Molly. She will not get a second shot, four rifles boom and slam hot lead into Molly's chest. She is thrown back by the impact and slips down a wall, dead.
Marcel has gathered enough men and mares for a final assault on Serena, now holed up in her headquarters with Eva and Irma and a small group of hardliners. As the allies forces slowly advance on the building the remaining Femazi open fire from the windows dropping a mare and two men, but they have given away their positions to the masses rifles and bows of the attackers. A fusillade of lead and steel tipped wood rains down on the hardliner bitches and several blood covered bodies fall from shattered windows. There is minimal resistance as they storm into the building. Two remaining Femazi are blasted to oblivion when they raise their rifles. Searching from room to room they finally break down the door to Serena's bedroom. Eva and Irma stand in front of the bed with rifles ready while Serena, jacket ripped open and large tits jiggling, cowers on the bed. "Shoot them" she screams. The two guards look into the dozens of faces that point guns and bows at them. Marcel calmly speaks, "Drop the guns, it's over, you've lost but you two don't have to die for her". Eva and Irma begin to lower their rifles when Serena yells out, "Cowards!", pulls out a hidden pistol and shoots Eva in the back. "Nooooo!" wails her bunkmate and lover Irma as the blond sinks to the floor. The gunshot acts as a signal to the massed troops and they open fire. Irma is wracked by three of the heavy slugs in her proud chest that blow her out of the line of fire. Serena, trapped on the bed, takes the brunt with her breasts erupting in small red geysers as slug after slug rips into her body. Arrows rip thru the red leather pants into her cunt and thighs. It lasts but a few seconds and she lies still, her bed soaked with her warm blood. The witch is dead, the Femazi broken, the Harpies vanquished.
A low moan comes from Eva, the bullet has missed her vital organs and she lives. She crawls to her downed lover and cradles her head as Irma gasps her last breath. Marcel, moved by the pitiful scene, decides to use the headquarters as a hospital for the wounded and Eva will be the first patient. The losses suffered by the Femazi are staggering, three hundred dead and almost a hundred wounded, almost ninety dead Harpies and seven more wounded. The Centauresses have thirty dead and twenty injured while the males lost fifty dead and thirty five injured. The death of the last mutants was a small blessing in a otherwise costly battle.
Chapter #10- Forgive and Move Ahead
Hector and Cloe were left in charge of the occupation and medical forces. The able bodied Femazi were disarmed and made to clean up the headquarters and set up beds. They sent out wagons to retrieve the wounded. Three Harpies were found alive outside the city walls along with the two Centauresses hit in the charge of the gate. Wagon after wagon hauled the wounded, victors and vanquished, to the makeshift hospital were some would die but most would be saved including Eva, who after her recovery moves to the Harpy kingdom and takes a birdwoman lover, and a young petite Femazi found with an arrow thru her side. Her small body has lost a lot of blood from a nicked liver and her wound must be cauterized with a hot iron. She is given something to bite on and the acrid smoke rises from her wound as the iron seals the veins. A large ugly scar will mar her perfect body forever.
Many civilian sluts have been injured, a near naked bitch is brought in with a knife in her guts but she does not survive. Another of the women detained in the bedroom is admitted, she caught a stray slug that passed thru her inner thigh and nicked her clit.
Amazingly, Freda still clings to life, the bowmen shooting at Serena had not had time to get full drawback on the bowstrings and one arrow hit a rib and stopped short of ripping the lung while the second was slowed by the hard mass of her large tit and did not rip completely thru the lung. She will have two large scars on her breast to remind her of her brush with death. By a strange quirk of fate she is cared for and will eventually will fall in love with one of the men that shot her and bear him two sons. He was cleaning wounds when a litter carried in the big redhead in the red miniskirt and he remembers her startled look as his shaft sunk into her stunning chest. Volunteering to assist, he gently cuts off her punctured halter, getting his first look at her pink tits, and bathes the deep wounds in her right breast, then he binds her magnificent mammaries in clean bandages and gives her water. The next day she has rested and is able to speak. Freda thanks the man for helping her and he says it was the least he could do since he had shot her. Her reply puzzles him. "No you didn't, Serena shot me", she says as she grips his hand. She has lost a lot of blood and it is some time before she is able to resume her life. Her new friend stays with her as much as possible during her recovery. He feels much guilt over almost ending her life and falls madly in love with the beautiful woman.
Several Femazi who were wounded in the cunt, survive but their child bearing days were over. This includes the stocky girl who helped string up the black resistance fighter. They become nannies and servants to more fortunate mothers. The tall redhead survived her beating and gang rape, nine months later giving birth to twin sons. One lovely young Harpy was unblemished except for a severe wound to her right wing joint and would not be able to fly again. During her recovery, several males became infatuated with the gorgeous female and had torrid love affairs with her. Seeing how easy it was to control men with her body, the Harpy decided to stay in the human city and work as a call girl, figuring human males will pay good money to experience a birdwoman fuck. She would eventually become rich running a whorehouse staffed by Harpies and Centauresses.
Two things roused the dozing Artos and Lea, the moaning of Briggette as she regained consciousness and the cries of the messengers out in the street announcing the death of Serena and the end of hostilities. The two quickly untangled their sweaty naked bodies and dressed. Lea went to comfort her friend while Artos went out in the street seeking news. When he returned moments later, Briggette was awake. Lea was telling her of the events since her wounding and the wounded girl stared at Artos with a quizzical expression on her face. Artos didn't notice for he had things to do. He had learned of the hospital and since it wasn't far away he would carry the wounded girl rather than have her be
bounced around in a wagon. First he had to place the corpse of Sophie out near the street for collection. Her body was still warm and sexy as he laid her limp form on the curb. Then, being as gentle as possible, he lifted the wounded blond and made his way to the hospital with Lea following behind.
Once order was restored, the men, rebels no more, would rule in the cities. Word of Serena's defeat and demise reached other Femazi cities and they submitted to the new order rather than be destroyed. Marcel and Vulvna leading, the Centauresses returned to their lands where Aura and Zina were set free. They would become the new rulers of the Harpies and pledged an offer of freedom to all enslaved men in their lands and to tell their people the pleasures of mating with the human's. They vowed that the Harpies would become faithful allies to Marcel and Vulvna. Marcel stayed with the Centauresses, becoming lover and confidant to Vulvna. Centaur's became equal partners in the equine lands and were allowed to sit in on government although the Queen would always have the last word. Aura would visit Vulvna several times a year to discuss matters of state and spend long evenings of passion with the Queen and Marcel. Both females would eventually bear him children. Aura giving birth to one male human and one female Harpy, Vulvna delivering one male Centaur. Zina would also take a man for a mate and give birth to two female human's. Hector and Cloe never had children.
Artos went back to his farm but after several months some instinct told him to return to the Femazi city and find Lea. He had dreamt of her soft warm body most every night. It took a little looking but eventually he found her. She was living with Briggette who survived her wound with only one complication. The knife had injured her uterus and she could never have children. Lea was already beginning to show with the twins and Artos invited both women to move to his farm. He told Lea he had fallen in love with her and he also felt responsible for Brigitte’s handicap. All three lived a long and happy life together. In the human cities the females had to give up artificial insemination and take their fucking the real way. There weren't a lot of protests and soon the population was recovering from the war losses. With the evil paramilitary female influences shattered forever, the three species found they could live together peacefully and productively.

It was a far different world than Earth, but in some ways similar; this violent, warring planet in another galaxy. Strange creatures roamed the wild areas after the dominant humanoid races had almost wiped each other out in a massive war many years before. While the creatures were of many shapes and sizes, one thing held constant, the female was in control. Thus it wasn't strange to see a birdwoman flying high over the plain, her large, white feathered wings riding the air currents. White feathers ran down the backs of her long slim legs and, at the junction of her legs, white down covered her love triangle. Her legs moved to change her direction and as they opened a pair of bright pink puffy lips amid the white down mapped the entrance to the heart of her womanhood. Above the pouting pussy, between her firm round ass cheeks rode the darker pink rosebud of her anus. Her breasts were large and firm; tanned mounds that were well separated high on her chest. Almond colored nipples topped the avian mammaries. The high cheek boned face was topped with long silver hair that accented the deep green of her eyes, the nose was fine and slightly long over a small mouth with bright red lips. She was called Donella a vision of loveliness. Her beauty and sexual prowess had earned her the envied position as favorite consort of Clitia, Ruler of the Harpies. She was also doomed to be the first of her race to suffer a quick, but still very painful death inflicted by a terrible new weapon.
It was unusual to see a two legged male human alone in Harpy territory. The man was looking down a long silver tube, pointing it in the direction of the soaring female. Suddenly a small cylinder shot from the end of the tube, smoke trailing its path. The birdwoman never saw or heard the object as it changed course to follow her dips and turns. Remorselessly it honed in and after a few seconds of flight the speeding projectile drilled up between her legs, splitting open her pussy lips and on into her cunt like a huge metal dildo. Lodging deep in her vagina with its rocket motor still burning, the lethal missile cooked the flesh of her inner thighs. The pain shocked female grabbed at her burning crotch as she began to fall from the sky. She never made it to the ground alive. Moments after impacting her cunt, the warhead's small shaped charge exploded, filling her guts with its lethal load of steel balls and reducing her once tight pussy to a gaping hole of burned meat. The man who fired the weapon watched as her body broke on the hard ground. This success had to be reported back to the leader of his rebel band. He had fired the weapon at three different female species and always the results were the same. He didn't know why, but the deadly missile sought out the hottest part of their bodies; raping the bitches between the legs, then blowing up in their cunts.
One of the hated humanoid females that enslaved his kind was the first victim. As she had lain naked under the sun in what she thought was a private secure area, the first missile had mortally fucked her gaping twat. Next he had downed a big Centauress, she took awhile to die, bleeding internally. Now the
birdwoman. The three species were constantly warring with each other and mostly with the rebels. Now the rebels had a tool to defeat them all.
Chapter #1-They Rule by the Whip
The Femazi's capital city was small and backward by our standards, no electricity or sewers survived the great wars. This city, like all others in their empire, was ruled by an iron-fisted woman who tolerated no dissension from her female subjects or the male slaves. The execution of a traitor was about to take place. Serena, the high ruler, strode into the prison yard to view the demise of the slut. She cut a striking figure from her black officer hat down the shiny, spike heeled leather boots that ended six inches below the short tight black mini skirt that circled her 38 inch hips. Her 40 inch bust was restrained by a black leather bra and open front jacket. No panties covered her groin and when she sat down her gold trimmed bush was visible to anyone who glanced up her skirt. She held a long cigarette holder near her 26 inch waist. Though on the outside a drop dead gorgeous bitch, deep down, her heart was as black as her outfit. Through assassination, intrigue, sex and pure evil she had risen to head this race of man hating evil women. She had seduced, bitchfucked, and murdered in her bed, several rivals before assuming absolute control of the city.
She always kept a length of rope hidden in the pillows of her bed. A single knot in the center of the rope would crush the wide pipe of the victim's throat. As the knotted rope strangled the life from Serena's latest nude victim, she would taunt the dying women, telling them what lousy lovers they were. She and her core group of hardliners bent the will of the Femazi military and civilian to follow theirs. The Femazi had no men except slaves. Procreation was by artificial means and heterosexual sex illegal. As she seated herself in the viewing area, crossing her long tanned legs, she was joined by her personal guard. These twelve ladies had been picked from the ranks of the army based on their bodies as well as their fighting ability for Serena had no use for male sex. Their uniform of thigh high black boots with four inch heels, very tight black shorts that hung low on the hips and black low cut halter tops was the same as the regular army with the exception of the crest embroidered over their left breast. The busty bitches were armed with a saber hanging from their left hip and a percussion pistol on their right, the same as officers in the regular army carried. Common soldiers, such as the two girls guarding the condemned prisoner, carried a large bore, percussion rifle and a knife that could be fitted as a bayonet. The guns were accurate up to about 100 yards and their heavy lead slugs had enough punch to down any enemy. Their drawback was the time required to reload.
Once the entourage was in place, the prisoner was led to the courtyard. She was a busty, dark haired beauty who belonged to a small resistance group dedicated to the overthrow of the Femazi regime. Her job in the government gave her access to sensitive documents but she was unaware of the extents of Serena's counterespionage network. The seductive young woman had been caught passing secrets to a birdwoman. The Harpy had escaped the rifles of the secret police, but her Femazi lover wasn't as lucky. She was brought down by a bullet in the rear of her upper right thigh. It would have been better if the bullet had hit a vital organ. The voluptuous whore knew what awaited her as she was stripped naked, an agonizing death by the lethal, organ burning sperm of a raping mutant.
Certain male creatures had mutated and their sperm was highly acidic. The Femazi had annihilated them in a costly war that saw dozens of Femazi soldierettes caught and raped to death by the brutes. Once filled with the lethal cum, a girl was doomed to an agonizing death and many were shot by other Femazi to save them the torment. But the mutants had no weapons save brute strength and soon they went down to defeat in front of Femazi guns. The race was wiped out except for six that were kept alive to use in entertaining spectacles like the execution about to take place. The mutants were stupid barbarians that would try to rape the prisoner and if she could fight them off, she might live. The odds were not in her favor as two hulking brutes were released into the fenced compound. If it had been only one male she may have fought him off or took his load in her pussy where her own body juices had a chance of negating it's effects, but with two it was certain she would take a cock up her ass or mouth where the cum was always lethal.
The desperate woman managed to fight them off and dance out of their way for several minutes until her weakened leg made her stumble and the big brutes had her. Wrapping his arms around her ample chest, one lifted her up and lowered her squirming twat down on his death tool. Even as she struggled to be free of the killer cock the second brute sandwiched her and drilled her asshole. Knowing she was doomed, the poor tart cursed Serena and the government until the double shot of acid cum started burning her insides. Her curses quickly turned to agonized screams. The two spent brutes dropped the dying woman and were quickly netted while the tart rolled on the dirt, hand clutching her burning ass. The acid ate through the thin walls of her intestines and continued burning through her internal organs. She took a long five minutes to die. Serena squirmed in her chair, executions always made her horny and the pussy juices were leaking from her bare twat. As she left the prison she ordered one of the guards to come to her chamber, her lust had to be relieved.
Dismissing most off her guard, Serena stationed Irma and Eva, a pair of six foot amazons, at the door to her bed chamber and retired with corporal Freda. The five foot ten Freda was Serena's favorite lover. They were similar in size and build though the younger Freda's tits had not started to sag like the forty year old Serena.
Serena liked her sex rough and one reason she liked Freda as a partner was that the younger bitch also liked rough sex and wasn't afraid to take it to her boss. Inside her bed chamber Serena had a large padded mat and their lesbian sex always started with a wrestling match. Dressed in bras and panties the two lovers hardly looked the part of wrestlers as they grappled for control. Freda got in the first good shot when she slipped under Serena's arms, grabbed her legs and pulled them out from under her. As Serena's plump ass hit the mat, Freda drove her fist between the splayed legs into Serena's pussy bring a howl to the older woman’s lips. Slipping behind the stunned woman Freda locked her arms around the blond head of her boss but Serena recovered her senses and flipped the younger redhead over her shoulder. Freda landed flat on her back between Serena's powerful thighs and as she rose the thighs clamped around her slim waist. Twisting her body to put her feet and Serena's back on the mat, she pushed outward on the vise like knees. As the hold loosened she jumped forward, clamping her sharp nails into the heaving tits of the blond.
Serena managed to squirm out and away from the claws but she lost her bra in the maneuver. Her big soft tits with their ruddy brown nipples danced before the big redhead who ripped off her own bra matching her pink tits to her boss's. Freda's were slightly firmer and larger but her nipples and areolas smaller, both sets were much more than a mouthful as Serena found out as her mouth clamped down on the hard right tit of her opponent. Freda squealed and pushed the blond off her tit but she let herself open for a kick in the cunt. Serena's bare toes drilled the vertical gash between Freda's legs and only the panties prevented the big toe from filling her twat. Freda doubled over at this onslaught and Serena picked up her bent form and slammed her down on the mat. Serena knelt over her, pinning down her arms ready to bite a firm nipple for a second time when Freda's knee came up between the leg of the big blond, knocking her over the redhead.
On her back, gasping for air, Serena was unable to prevent the removal of her panties or the invasion of Freda's long nailed fingers deep in her quim. What she could do was pull down the panties of the straddling redhead and sink her teeth into her curly bush. Both women were crying in pain until the Freda suddenly gave up. The mood changed instantly as Serena's teeth were replaced by a gentle tongue and Freda's vise grip on Serena's blond trimmed love tunnel relaxed. Rising from the mat the two sweaty lovers fell on the large soft bed with Serena mounting her lover and massaging the redheads tits with her own. Their tongues intertwined as their pelvises ground together, Serena pumping up and down as if she had a cock growing between her legs. Slipping sideways the two sluts explored the inner recesses of each other’s crotch with their mouths. Wet tongues flicked clitorises, drew circles around tight bung holes and drove deep into dripping slits till the two women shuddered in a mutual climax that spewed pussy juice over their faces. They were licking each other’s face clean when the alarm sounded.
Chapter #2- Death from the Sky
Donella had not returned from her recon patrol and fearing the worst, squad leader Josella had sent out three birdwomen to look for her. After following her assigned patrol route for several hours they came upon her broken body. Erametha had first spotted the corpse, and after circling and looking for danger she signal for the patrol to land. She examined the body and found no arrow wound.
That would eliminate the Centauresses as suspects. Her bloody cunt suggested that a human had gotten a lucky hit with some kind of powerful rifle although she didn't know what to make of the burns. With Bitta holding the dead birdwoman's arms and Shiva her legs the three took off for the flight home.
Clitia was sitting on her throne while a castrated rebel was forced to continually lick her twat as the body of Donella was brought before her. Her anger built as she viewed the ruined cunt that had brought her so much pleasure and she kicked out in rage. The talons on her feet ripped open the guts of the hapless male and he was dragged off to die. Clitia ordered that a Femazi prisoner be executed and the body dropped on the city when they staged a raid on the Femazi's city as punishment for the act of aggression. The birdwomen were nomadic and there encounters with the Femazi's usually occurred when the Femazi's tried to expand past their cities. Pitched battles were rare but small skirmishes did occur on a regular basis. The rifle firing Femazi's had a hard time hitting the swooping Harpies as they fired arrows at their opponents. Harpies tried not to attack a large number of Femazi's where the concentrated rifle fire gave them the advantage but they seethed in anger at the death of the scout and good judgment was abandoned in favor of revenge.
A Harpy had captured a lone Femazi, swooping down and sinking her talons into the bare shoulders of the bitch and lifting the screaming, bleeding woman into the air. Now she was to face the Swing of Death. Suspended three feet off the ground by four long ropes tied to her hands and feet and attached to four tall trees her body was swung back and forth like a kid on a swing set. Mounted high above the ground in a line with the arc of her body was a long sharp steel shaft. The shaft was circled by sharp barbed blades designed to cut as the shaft drove forward and tear as it was removed. As the Harpies swung her naked spread-eagled body, each swing brought her groin closer to the shaft. Higher and higher she rose, then a sharp pain as the point pricked her and a small rivulet of blood flowed over her black furburger. The next swing took the point an inch into her soft muff, not yet enough to engage the blades. The doomed bitch cried and struggled to lift her cunt out of the way on the next pass but she only succeeded in driving the shaft three inches up her asshole. This time the blades cut her sphincter muscle into four sections. With one last mighty shove, the Harpy executioners drove her cunt over a foot up the massive spear. Internal organs ripped beyond survival, she hung there for a few moments until her body weight tore the bloody shaft out of her ruined box. With the Harpies no longer pushing, her arc slowly decreased, matching her slowly fading life, till her bleeding body hung still and limp.
Thus it was that Serena's love session was interrupted when six Harpies descended on the city. They had planned to swoop in from two directions out of the low clouds, take one pass over the city dropping the dead Femazi and drilling arrows into as many women as possible and fly back to the safety of the clouds before the soldierettes could mount a heavy response with their 50 caliber single shot percussion rifles. Their luck turned bad when a small break in the clouds and a sharp eyed lookout gave the garrison a few seconds warning.
The tall slim black girl was clanging the alarm gong when she became the battle's first casualty. "Aaiieeee", cries the stricken lookout, flinging her arms out and falling thru the triangular shaped gong, a feathered shaft protruding between her shoulder blades. Her smooth flat belly is draped over the lower bar quelling the vibrations of the bell. In the streets, women and slave ran for cover but the main targets of the Harpies were the black clad soldierettes.
A muscular brunette guard at the main gate grabbed her throat as an arrow sliced her windpipe. Falling back off her raised lookout post, she crashed, head first, to the dirt. Her hard muscles couldn't keep her neck from breaking in the fall. Diving in low and fast, a slim Harpy is aiming at a big titted Femazi even as the woman raises her gun at the bitchbird. The sultry bitchbird shoots first. Flying under the aimed rifle of the busty brunette, a speeding arrow nicks her right jug as it thuds into her deep cleavage. The skewered guard's unfired gun clatters down as she staggers back, holding the painful shaft that has cut a major artery leading from her heart. With red blood gushing from the hole in her chest, the young girl slumps down to die, puking more blood over her ravished bosom.
A short distance away, a busty black bitch writhes on the ground clawing at her belly and the arrow that protrudes from it. She had been shot from a high angle and the arrow had passed between her boobs, slicing the strained fabric of her halter. The arrowhead had impacted her just below the ribs and driven down and in, tearing open her stomach and intestines. Her sudden fall had further strained the weakened halter and it had torn through. The two huge brown jugs flopped like dying fish as her body jerked in agony. After several days of high fever and pain, she would die from the shit contaminating her insides.
Eight Femazi's have paid the price and lay dead or dying before their barking guns can start to even the score on the retreating Harpies. Two flying stragglers will not make it home. "Uunnghhhh", is the pained grunt of a small slim bitchbird, her tight ass jerking up from the impact of a heavy slug ripping up into her lower gut. Vital organs are ravaged and torn, wings go limp and she drops from the sky like a duck taking a load of twelve gage. Mortally wounded, her shapely body is broken and crushed as it hits the ground and the snap of her neck ends her pain.
The last flying assassin is just about clear of the city walls when her right wing is torn by hot lead. Unable to fly with one useless wing, she is able to control her fall and spirals down to the dirt, stunned but alive, and is promptly surrounded by gun toting females. She will wish later that the fall had killed her.
By the time the naked Serena and Freda dress, it is all over. With eight of their number dead to one dead and one captured Harpy, Serena rightfully rates the battle a loss for the Femazi's. She decides to punish her garrison commander after dealing with the wounded Harpy. Two soldierettes bind the legs and arms of the stunned bird bitch and drag her to Serena who, after appraising the naked female, admiring the upthrust of her pert breasts and the downy feathers adorning her snatch, orders her to the interrogation room. As the bound bitch is dragged away Serena gazes lustily on the full roundness of her hips and ass and vows someday to bed one of these creatures, but only after neutralizing the sharp talons on her feet that could disembowel a person with one kick.
Summoning the garrison commander before her, Serena screams out her rage at the assault. Molly, the commander tries to explain they had no warning. She doesn't say that if the sentry hadn't spotted the Harpies when she had, many more Femazi would have died. Serena will not listen and she pronounces punishment.
"Since eight of my soldiers died, you will face a gauntlet of twice that many". Molly was led away by members of Serena's personal guard for her ordeal. Sixteen topless Femazi soldiers were lined up in two rows and given large studded paddles. Molly would be stripped naked and forced to walk between the rows as the girls beat her bare ass with the weapons. When all was ready, the nude woman was led to her trial. Molly was a woman of thirty five with an average build and a plump wide ass, a juicy target for the stinging wood. Worse than the pain she was about to endure was the embarrassment of being naked on display for whoever wanted to watch. Her face red with shame, she began her walk of pain. As the first paddle smacked her ass, she winced but did not cry out. The girl swung again, breasts jiggling in the air as the paddle arced toward the pink ass, nailing the other cheek; still Molly would not cry. So it went, most girls getting in at least two whacks on the red, bloody ass of their commander. Molly made it through the gauntlet and collapsed to the ground. Two guards covered her nakedness with a sheet and carried her to the infirmary for treatment of her wounds.
Racked out between two poles, the Harpy eyes the two topless blond interrogators. Gerda and Greta are a pair of six foot two inch identical twins with legs that seem to go on forever. Their shoulders are broad and their waists slim from the hard work of torturing and executing prisoners. The muscled chests each carry a pair of large hard breasts that don't sag a millimeter. The twin blonds stand in front and behind the birdgirl. Gerda bends and wraps her full red lips around the hard nipple of the Harpy, sucking and biting while her long fingers explore the soft down cover cunt of the feathered girl. "What's your name, honey"? asks Greta as she kneels and licks the crack of the girl's ass.
"I'm called Sonia", gasps the Harpy as she begins to respond to the sexual stimulation. "What do you want from me, I don't know anything", she moans as Greta's long tongue draws circles around her pink rosebud. "It's our job to question prisoners", replies Gerda as she stands and grabs both firm tits of Sonia while mashing her blond muff to the white down covered love mound of the girl. "The methods we use are up to you", she cooed. Sonia was writhing by now and the two lying bitches cut her free and laid her on a bed.
Binding her hands and feet, the big blonds went to work on her. With Greta sitting on her face and mauling her breasts, Gerda worked the captive’s cunt with a cold metal dildo which quickly heated up in the hot recesses of the Harpies pussy. Sonia's long tongue drilled into the warm wetness of the soft twat on her mouth and Greta groaned in lust. Gerda heard her sisters moans and inserted the other end of the dildo into her own cunt so she could sit on the crotch of the bitchbird while French kissing her twin. Greta came first, her love juices covering the face of Sonia as her cunt opened and exploded with lust. Gerda and Greta came together, their combined juices soaking the bed. As the three females lounged in the wet bed, Sonia told them she knew nothing of any plans as she was just a common air infantry soldier. Whether or not they believe her doesn't matter as their true sadistic nature takes over. The lustful smiles are replaced by evil murderous grins as the Harpy is retied to the torture rack. She screams out her pain and disbelief as her breasts are flattened between two heavy planks, hot pokers ream her pussy and ass, barbed whips flail her soft flesh, chunks of her white hair is pulled out, she is hung by the neck till near death.
When the two sweat covered blonds feel the Harpy is of no further use, they report to Serena. The wounded Harpy hopes for a quick death, but Serena has other ideas. "Throw her to the Mutants", is the command. The doomed birdwoman senses her fate as the two big blonds drag her to the arena cages and struggles to no avail as she is thrown in a cage with three of the beasts who have been worked into a sexual frenzy by the two guards that have been bitchfucking each other just outside the cage. She is pinned on her back in seconds by the dominant male, his rough hands pawing at her breasts, his foul breath on her face as he slobbers. Her dry burned cunt is forced open by the big, deadly cock as it slams deep into her bleeding vagina. The two other male are jerking off while waiting their turn at the victim and as the first male arches his back and delivers his tainted jizzm one of the others lets go and sprays his corrosive cum over her face and lacerated breasts. Her animal wails fill the arena as the liquid eats into her soft flesh but her screams are muffled as the first mutant releases Sonia and the second throws his torso on her forcing his lethal prick into her open mouth. He has sprayed most of his load over her but one last spurt gags her. She flops around holding her burning throat trying to suck air. This new emergency has made her forget the fire in her womb. Bent over on her knees she is wide open for the coup de grace. His thick cock bulging, the last mutant pounces on the upturned ass and spreads open her tight roasted rosebud with his acid lubricated prick. Impaled on eight inches of death, Sonia is being eaten alive from the inside. He pounds his hips down on her firm ass cheeks till he jerks stiff and shoots his lethal load into her rectum. If more pain was possible, she now feels it as three loads of poison finish what a bullet thru the wing started. Soon the mercy of death overtakes the female and her thrashings cease. Sitting cross legged on the floor the two guards and the two big blonds have finger fucked each other to orgasm watching the plight of the enemy bitch and as they rise to resume their duties, four pussy juice stains mark the floor.
Chapter #3- A Big Find
Hector literally fell into the biggest find his rebel band ever dreamed of. While patrolling the ruins of one of the old pre-bigwar cities that the rebels used as perimeter camps, on guard for any incursion by the nearby Centauresses, he instead had gotten the jump on a lone Femazi. He had no idea how the bitch had gotten so far from her home and he didn't care. He leapt on the tall dark skinned woman and threw her to the ground. The woman bounded back to her feet and snapped out a high roundhouse kick that sailed over Hector's ducking head. He stepped inside and drove his fist into the soft mushiness of her wide cunt. She yelped and went down on her ass, holding her pained pussy. Hector was on her in an instant, pushing her back and choking her long slim neck. He was sitting on her gut, further depriving her of air and she began to swoon. Hector hadn't had a good fuck in a while so the sight of her firm brown breasts fighting for air aroused him. He released his strangle hold on the dusky beauty and stripped of her clothes. Her smooth lean milk chocolate body was as attractive as her high cheek boned face. Dark chocolate areola's topped with long hard nipples graced her tapered firm breasts. A slim waist flared into wide full hips and a prominent ass. Black curly hair defined a love mound entered through full dark pussy lips. Gazing at this sumptuous dish, he was rock hard and ready. Quickly removing his own clothes, he spread her long legs and climbed on her hot body.
Using his fingers to open her cunt lips, he drilled his hard shaft into the warm wetness of her vagina. His pumping on her body forced air back into her starved lungs and she began to revive. Hector held down her arms and covered her thick lips with his own as the woman tried to squirm away. Then suddenly, the enemy bitch who had never felt a cock before, began to relax and respond to his fucking. She learned to time her hip thrusts to him and soon she shuddered under her first cock induced orgasm. Hector pulled out, turned the now willing slut over and mounted her ass. She bucked and moaned as his slippery cock filled her asshole and his hand massaged the hard nipples of her tits. A hand slipped down to her pussy and a long finger drilled in and diddled her clitoris, bringing the bitch to another orgasm. Again Hector pulled out and this time he laid back and pulled the dark hussy down on his schlong. She was riding him now, her hot wet dark box sliding up and down on his contrasting dick. She was nearing a big climax and Hector could feel himself nearing ejaculation. He sat up and encircled the female with his arms as she fucked. Mashing their mouths together, Hector felt her hard nipples dent his muscled chest as he drilled his tongue into the dark confines of the beauties mouth. She responded with her tongue and began to shudder. Hector's balls began to constrict and a long stream of white hot cum hosed into the waiting womb of the Femazi. Her massive orgasm blotted out the realization that Hector had wrapped his hands around her head. As his ejaculation ended and she began to come down from her orgasm, her body limp and relaxed, he gave her head a violent twist and snapped her neck. She fell back dead as he released her head. Hector stood and dressed, feeling no remorse for the woman he had assaulted, raped and murdered. She had been a great lay but was, after all, the enemy.
As he continued his patrol, he stepped on what appeared to be a weed patch and fell through a rusted steel bunker door to tumble down a long flight of stairs. Shaking off the dust, he lit a match in the darkness and saw a shiny door in front of him that swung open under his pressure. Finding some debris, he fashioned a torch. In the light he could see stacks of long boxes and small boxes, the words written on the boxes made no sense to the illiterate male.
Using his knife he pried open a large box and found several long shiny tubes with handles on them. Several books also were in the case. While he could not understand the writing, he mimicked the illustrations, picking up tube and holding it on his shoulder. The small part shown being placed in the tube was not in the box so he pried open a small box and found it contained twelve of the pointed cylinders. The weapons had been designed years ago for the general public’s use as a last defense against motorcycle troops so the picture of a man pointing the weapon at a cycle riding soldier made no sense to him. He had no idea that the missile was designed to home in on the hot exhaust and if by chance it could not hit the target, to detonate the instant the heat source peaked. Taking his find up the many stairs to the surface he still had no idea what it was. Once on the surface he played with the weapon until he accidentally triggered it. The missile shot out of the tube and with no heat source to home in on, flew straight at a wall and blew up. The startled man dropped the tube and ran but second thoughts forced him to retrieve the tube. He pressed the trigger again and nothing happened. Running back down the stairs he retrieved a book and the rest of the case of missiles. He studied the pictures in the book more closely, loaded another missile and fired again. Another hole was blown in the wall. Once more he loaded a missile and this time he aimed the weapon. The missile detonated at the base of the tree he aimed for. Know realizing he had found a weapon much more powerful than his bow or the rifles stripped from dead Femazi's, he decided to test his find on his enemies before informing his rebel brothers. Packing his silver tube and nine missiles he set out in the direction of the nearest Femazi's city.
After a two day trek he approached the outskirts of the city. Following a path along a river he happened to see a big brunette Femazi stretched out on a floating mat in the river about fifty yards ahead. She lay nude, face down, the sun adding to the dark unlined tan of her smooth skin. She had a big plump ass with nicely rounded cheeks and her legs were spread so her feet could dangle in the water. She faced away from his position so he could see the dark slash of her womanhood smiling at him between her flaring hips, but not see her face or the big tits that dented the mat. Thoughts of jumping her and drilling that juicy pussy like a dog raced through his head and hardened his cock. He quelled the urge to rape the bitch, he had a job to do and there would be time for that after she was dead. Hector aimed for her upturned ass and trigger the weapon. Surrounded by the cool water, her hot pussy made a big contrast and the thermal guidance system locked in as if the hot box was an exhaust pipe. Traveling at Mach 2, the rounded head of the missile split her vertical smile and drilled deep into the waiting womb like a killer dildo. The napping slut howled and bucked as the hot metal reamed her juicy twat, then was blown into the river as the exploding warhead destroyed her guts. Blood stained the water around the limp corpse, floating, supported by her big breasts, with the current. Hector was so thrilled by the first kill that he came, his hard cock filling the front of his pants with jizzm. Just as well because his victim no longer had a cunt to fuck. Knowing his weapon was very effective on Femazi's, he sought out his next target. His journey took a wide arc to bring him to the area dominated by the Centauresses.
The big horsewomen had few enemies except the Harpies and Femazi but they were tough in battle and their 1200 lb bodies could take a lot of punishment. Against their spears, bows and captured rifles, the male rebels had little chance. Knowing their strengths, Hector figured this would be his most dangerous test as he crept up on two females and a male Centaur engaged in hot fucking. The male was mounted over a big brown skinned female, his hands wrapped around her high firm tits while his haunches pumped his massive tool in and out of the females juicy cunt. While this was going on the other Centauress would alternate between palming the males balls and frenching the other female. She must have gotten fucked first because as Hector watched, the male's ass jerked and after he filled the brown cunt with jizzm his tool shrank back up into his scrotum and he and the first female trotted off leaving the freshly fucked brown female behind to recover her senses. Hector hurried to load his weapon before all three left, he still didn't know the range of the missiles. The male and first female were about one hundred yards away with the brown bitch trotting twenty yards behind before his fumbling hands loaded the tube and aimed. The brown bitch’s cunt was still hot from the friction of her fuck and closest to Hector so he was surprised when his missile veered from the male ass he had aimed at and plowed into the hot slash of the brown female. The two lead centaur's heard her ungodly wail, turned to see smoke billowing from her ass as it hit the ground followed by the muffled thump of the warheads explosion and another mournful scream as she fell to her side. The two survivors didn't wait to see more, they took off a gallop and didn't stop for half an hour. Hector calmly walked to the downed Centauress and lifted her limp arm. It had a pulse but a weak one, her breathing was labored as her huge jugs rose and fell with less regularity and blood was oozing from her mouth, nose, asshole and cooked cunt, now big enough to fuck with a tree. The ravished female begged him for help or at least for death but he ignored her pleas. He watched as her cries weakened and her eyes grazed over. She suffered for five minutes before her body shuddered and with a gurgle, died. Hector had never seen a bitchmare dropped so easily and he still couldn't quite believe his luck as he set out on the last phase of his test.
The high flying Harpies were untouchable except for a very lucky shot with a bow or rifle and the rebels didn't have many guns. They could circle above and rain their death down on any male caught out in the open without fear of reprisal, he must prove his weapon against them. Hector traveled to the boundaries of their territory and waited for his chance. When the lone Harpy appeared in the sky he pointed the tube at her and fired. Still thinking of the missile homing in on the brown Centauress he watched as the smoke trail followed the dips and turns of the Harpy before drilling up between her legs for the kill. It dawned on him, even as Donella's body was racked by high velocity steel shot and fell lifeless to the ground, that the missiles would seek out the heat of a female twat. He traveled back to his camp as fast as possible to spread the news of his discovery and plan the best way to use their new weapon.
Chapter #4- Rescue
Serena's troops were getting sloppy. The Harpy raid illustrated that with its four to one loss ratio. The problem, she surmised, was not enough actual combat missions. Things had been to quiet for too long, a major skirmish was needed to get the girls hungry for a large scale battle. Plus Serena wanted to add to her power base. She needed to drive either the Centauresses or the Harpies out of the territory. When she received an intelligence report from a spy routing a secret trip that Vulvna, Queen of the Centauresses was making to meet with Clitia, Ruler of the Harpies to discuss a truce and reports of a new Femazi weapon, she knew she must act. She could not let the bitchmares and the birdwomen, as the Femazi called them, pool their strength against her. She had to find out what this talk of a new weapon was about for they had not made any refinements to their weapons in a decade, also it would sharpen her soldierettes fighting skills, lift moral, and could provoke the major battle she needed. The guerrilla skirmishes of the past years put her troops at a disadvantage, the rebels would ambush small patrols and massacre the women before they could reload. Survivors faced gang rape from the hated males before they were killed. She wanted a major engagement where the firepower of her entire army could decimate her foes. She sent for Hilda, sergeant of her personal guard, ordered her to pick twelve good shots from the regular army bitches and set an ambush for Queen Vulvna.
Hilda was ordered not to kill the Queen, she must be brought back for interrogation. Serena's planned to join the twins in the dungeon and the three of them would rape the Queen before torturing her and throwing the Centauress to the mutants. A Centauress had never been executed by lethal fuck of a mutant and Serena wanted to see how long it took for one of the big four legged bitches to die after the mutants filled her ass with acid.
Hector and Marcel, leader of this band of rebels, stood in the torch lit bunker examining their new found power. They now had enough firepower to arm their entire clan and break free the chains of bondage for the males of their race. Marcel listened in wonder as Hector recounted his tests of the weapon, his mind reliving the horrible death of the hated Femazi slut. Marcel had watched his father's throat slashed by a drunken Femazi when he was eight. That day he had run away and joined up with the first rebel clan he found and now twenty years later he ruled that clan. The two men covered the opening to their treasure and set out on the two day journey to the main camp where they would round up some men and wagons to haul the booty. Hilda's troop hid in a rocky ledge halfway down a hill. The Queen's entourage should pass directly in front of and below them. She thought it was the perfect ambush.
The eight guards escorting the Queen kept their eyes on the skies for though Clitia had agreed to the parlay there was no trust between them. This far from the Femazi base they did not expect much trouble from them, they had pretty much left the Centauresses alone. Most of the Femazi battles were with Harpies who were known as the second meanest race on the planet.
The Queen was easy to pick out, her golden blond hair matched her gold helmet and the gold breastplate that held in her forty four inch bustline. A jeweled leather cloak cover the golden white fur of her back and extended down her sides and muscled ass. The heavy leather would provide some armor against arrows fired from the sky. The eight guards wore nothing save shiny silver helmets and the leather belts that held their quivers and sheaths. Even if they had armor, it would not stop the bullets of the Femazi. Their firm large breasts rode high on their muscled chests and their long silky hair flowed out the helmets and down the sleek backs. The eight magnificent females had pledged their lives for the Queen and today the pledge would be called in.
Hilda spotted the Centauress party as it approached and warned her twelve assassins to aim well and hold fire for her command. The twelve sluts crouching down in the rocks knew better than to disregard the order. If the Queen was killed and Serena denied her pleasure, they would replace the bitch in the arms of the mutants. Hilda waited until the party was almost directly in front of them. "First rank fire", she barked and four of the lovely assassins rose, aimed, and triggered their weapons. The air was filled with the thunderous report of the four weapons firing as one. Recoil from the guns jerked the girls and their tight black halters strained to keep their ample tits still. "Second rank fire", she called, and four more sexy bitches repeated the firing process while the first four crouched back to begin the reload process. "Third rank fire", and the last four sluts added their smoke and noise to the battle.
At that moment, traversing the path on the opposite side of the hill, Marcel led his expedition of men and wagons back to the weapon bunker. The sound of the guns told him that the hated Femazi were in a battle with someone, perhaps a band of rebels that needed his help. The missiles could wait, he had a chance to even the score against the bitches. Ordering a few men under Hector's command to remain with the wagons, he charged up the hill to the sound of the guns.
The lead Centauress saw from the corner of her eye the four black clad two-leggers rise and started to sound an alarm. "Ambush!! AAiieeergh", her warning turning to a gurgle as four heavy lead slugs slammed into her olive skin and brown fur. One tore a huge hole in her left breast while three more slammed into her massive side and ripped her lungs. The staggering mare managed to stay on her feet a few seconds and as the second rank of Femazi rose they also targeted the lead guard. The sledgehammer effect of four more slugs drilling her lungs and guts flipped the dying female on her side but she had bought her Queen a few more precious seconds. "Protect the Queen" was the call as the Centauresses moved in tight to shield the Queen with their bodies while reaching back for bow and arrow. One more guard was hit. As the brown skinned, black furred beauty reached back for her arrows, the third rank of two-leggers fired. She was their target. A round drilled under her raised arm. Two hit her rear flank and one gutted her. Mortally wounded, she staggered drunkenly and fell.
The first rank of gun women, having reloaded, rose to acquire a target but by now the Centauresses were shooting back. Even as the guns barked and plowed four bullets into the creamy white breasts of a red headed mare, retaliatory arrows streaked up at the assassins. The dying Centauress, her firm high tits riddled and bloody, hadn't yet hit the ground as the Femazi began to take casualties. One shaft took a standing slut in the upper thigh near her vertical gash. A minor wound, but enough to knock her on her ass and out of the fight. Then a tall, full busted brunette grunted and sat back on her wide posterior as an arrow sliced up into her belly. Hilda saw the gutted bitch fall, moaning and twitching and changed her order, "fire at will". Now the women could take cover from the rocks and not stand and fire in ranks, giving the dead-eye archeresses less of a target.
One more Centauress went down in the perforating hail of fire, her heart lacerated by hot lead, then another took rounds that ripped her lungs and she fell, spitting her life blood on the dirt. A dusky Femazi bitch, aiming down on the trapped mares, took an arrow in the eye and was dead before she hit the ground.
As Marcel crested the hill the odds were eleven to four but his men changed that with their first volley into the unprotected backs of the unsuspecting Femazi. Two of the foxy gun girls positioned near Hilda suddenly stiffened and fell forward onto their surprised faces as rebel arrows filled their sleekly curving backs and asses, protruding out from the taught female flesh like porcupine quills. Hilda spun around and saw the rebels descending on her position, drawing back their bows for another volley, and she knew that the Femazi were now in a hopeless trap. The woman panicked as arrows began to whiz around her. Not wanting to die with an arrow painfully ripping through her sensitive areola, she decided to flee. signaling to a busty blond with an hourglass figure to follow, she ran from the fight. Nicole, Hilda's lover, saw her signal and ran after her, leaving the rest of the doomed troop to battle for their lives.
Another big titted blond Femazi saw her bug out and was about to follow when she sighted a rebel nearing her with bow drawn. She turned at him and fired, her shot drilling his heart, but his finger relaxed in death and the bow twanged. The next instant it's arrow tore through her black halter as it buried itself in the right side of her chest, ripping a pillowy 42 DD boob. She went to her knees, then down on one hand as the other supported her impaled tit. As she bends down, the gasping blond beauty's shorts pull up into the crack of her ass giving a Centauress below a clear view of her cunt lips. The mare's aim is excellent and her arrow rips up the blonde’s love tunnel, raping the two legged bitch with an orgasm of sharp steel. With the second sturdy shaft buried deeply in her womb, the sexy bitch falls, howling like a stuck pig.
The gunfire slackens as Femazi fall, but the whoosh of arrows does not. A Centauress is wounded in the foreleg but her return shot splits a pretty black two-legger's neck. The gagging woman grabs her throat while spinning to the dirt to drown in her own blood. Another two-legger cries and falls with a feathered shaft protruding between her taut knockers. A perfect heart shot, she dies almost instantly.
A tall red headed Femazi, realizing their lethal predicament, wants to take the Queen out before she dies. She stands, legs apart, and aims at the golden breast plate. The gun never fires, it clatters to the rocks while it's owner grabs at the arrow sticking out of bulge in the front of her shorts and falls, screaming in pain. A Centauress was quicker to react and the upward angle of her shot has driven the deadly shaft into the bitch's pussy dropping a second Femazi tart with an arrow's steel point is firmly imbedded in her womb.
It ends quickly for the last three Femazi. The rebels are inflamed with bloodlust and the bitches are trapped, unable to surrender. With rebels above and Centauresses below, the doomed sluts try to hide in the rocks. There is no escape as one by one, the frightened females yelp in pain, twitch and die as arrows thud into their heaving hooters.
A rebel soldier is ordered to pursue the two fleeing women and races after them. The girls have a good head start but after a chase of about a quarter mile he is in bow range of the rear female. With just a guess for range and windage, he draws back fully on the bow and releases a shaft. He cannot follow the flight but suddenly the girl falls. Ignoring the fallen tart for the moment, he takes up pursuit of the other Femazi. After another half mile, he gives up. She has out distanced him and gotten away. He will return to the troop, stopping to pick up the fallen girl.
Meanwhile Marcel and the rebels find themselves facing the surviving Centauresses. Both sides stare uneasily at the other, bows still raised. Marcel and his men, having the high ground and the numbers could easily finish off what the Femazi started, but on a hunch he lowers his bow. Queen Vulvna watches the men who have rescued them, her bow still aimed, for she thinks they may turn their attack on the remaining Centauresses. When one male lowers his bow she also play a hunch and lowers hers. The remaining guard follow her lead and lower their weapons. Seeing the display of trust, Marcel orders his men to stand down, and check for survivors. With empty hands outstretched he walks down the hill to meet this beautiful Queen.
His men find only four Femazi alive, a small blond girl with a shaft in her thigh near her crotch will survive and she will be handed over to the mares to deal with. The red headed bitch with a shaft in her womanhood, the twice skewered blond and the busty gut shot brunette probably have wounds so serious that they would not survive the journey to the Centauress home or the rebel camp. Most of the rebels clamor for the Femazi to be executed on the spot. Since they will die anyway of their wounds, Marcel allows the executions. It would not be as merciful as Marcel would have hoped. The girls are dragged to their feet and roughly stripped of their halters to expose six soft mounds of tit. Then their shorts are cut away and the girls are naked. Realizing their fate, the three doomed girls, arrows still buried in their bodies, struggle in the arms of the rebels restraining them. This causes their naked tits to bounce and jiggle. The rebels decide a volunteer should execute the girls and a battle scarred man with cold steely eyes steps forward and draws a long, wicked looking knife. He walks pasts the nude sluts, the wavy double edge of the ten inch dagger in plain sight of their terror filled eyes, and stops in front of the plump brunette.
"You first, bitch", he says sadistically. His eyes run up and down her full body, stopping on her crotch. "Looks like your cunt still works, can't have that." "Wouldn't be fair to your buddies there", he said while nodding at the two girls with impaled twats. Even as the words left his mouth the shining blade was wrenched up between the girl's chubby thighs.
"Aaaiiieeeeegh!" She bellowed, repeating the scream as the blade was withdrawn. Over her pain she trembled as the blood covered blade nears her dangling melons. Not wanting to spoil his aim, the executioner grabs brunette's right breast to hold it still and after tasting her fear engorged nipple, slams his knife deep into the quivering boob just under it's dark areola. The doomed girl cries out as the blood spills out over her soft skin and also begins to fill her lung. She yelps one last time as her killer twists and tears the raping blade from her jug and slams it into her full left tit angling toward the center of her chest cavity and the throbbing blood pump it contains. Blood spurts from the massive wound in one last rush as the heart contracts it's last. Her dead carcass is dropped to the dirt.
With a long wooden shaft buried deep in her right tit already, the blond is spared the first knife thrust and only takes a deep stab wound to the left hooter. But she takes it slow. She wails and writhes as the sharp point punctures her soft nipple, razor edges slicing her melon meat; and tries to back away from her impending death but is held fast by the men gripping her arms. The sharp cold steel is slowly forced deeper and deeper into the yielding boob. Finally the blade passes between her ribs and rends her heart. The big blond beauty gives out one last gasp and slumps down in the grip of her captors. They drop her lifeless hulk to the dirt.
The red head, blood seeping down her long legs from her ravished cunt, is screaming and begging for her life. The relentless executioner appraises his last victim and nods admiringly at her firm upthrust breasts and pale pink nipples. She takes his smile as a sign of hope but her fate is sealed. The smile changes to a sneer and he tears the arrow from her snatch. The girl's mouth drops open and her eyes bulge but before she can cry out, her breasts receive the same deadly right, left thrusts from the bloody steel blade that doomed her sisters. Her corpse drops over that of her dead comrades. The surviving Femazi watches her sisters die in shocked horror, not knowing what her fate will be. One of the rebels, a young man called Artos has turned away, feeling physically sick at the vicious slaughter of the wounded captives.
The Queen and two of her guard are unhurt, while one has a leg wound and one lay on her side with a slug in her guts. Leaving the Femazi corpses behind as a succulent meal for the buzzards and jackals, the rebels bind the last Femazi and drag her to the Centauresses.
The Queen speaks to Marcel, "I thank you for my life and that of my guards for we would be dead if you had not intervened." "We are in your debt and while we have battled in the past, I now offer you our friendship." Marcel had played the cards right, in one stroke he had killed some of his hated enemy and made an ally of another. "Radiant Queen, if the Femazi are your enemy, than I am your friend". "Let us forget past differences and forge an alliance against these witches". "If you will do the same, I will order my entire clan to cease all hostilities against your race and I offer as a token of my bond, this prisoner". The Queen spoke again. "I will do as you ask and will also order any male two-leg prisoners or slaves released". "Thank you your highness and may we bring up our wagons and carry your wounded to our camp for treatment?" Marcel replied. "We thank you again sir, now I must return home and inform our race of the peace". "Till we meet again." The Queen and her two guards turned and dragging the wounded Femazi, galloped back the way they came while the white mare with the leg wound spoke to Marcel. "I've been with the Queen a long time and I think she is quite taken with you." Marcel didn't say so but he was pretty taken with the graceful Queen.
Winded from the chase, Joseph had retraced his steps back to the downed Femazi. She still lay face down where she fell. Joseph's arrow protruded from her upper right leg, just inches below the hard mound of her buttock. He took hold of her shoulder and rolled the girl on her side. Then he saw the big reddish blue bruise on her forehead, the fall had killed her. No, he revised his thoughts, she was still breathing. It was shallow but regular. He didn't envy the headache his fallen enemy would suffer later. Jeseph appraised his quarry more closely. She was young, no more than seventeen or eighteen, and quite pretty. Her body was exquisite, well muscled and firm with high hard breasts. They were big but not overlarge, maybe a large C or small D cup. A tiny waist swelled into a firm, well rounded ass, perfectly shaped and muscled legs were only marred by a smear of blood. As he rolled her back, she finally began to stir from unconsciousness.
As it revived, Nicole's mind replayed it's last memories. The horror of her first battle, Firing her weapon and actually seeing other living beings gasp in pain and fall. Then the sight of her friends dying by her side. Hilda deserting her command and Nicole cowardly following. She remembered running in panic, then a sharp pain, then nothing. Now as the cobwebs cleared from her eyes, she was aware of someone standing over her. She lifted her head and felt the sharp edge of a sword by her neck.
"Surrender or die"! The loud words barked into her aching head. Nicole nodded her submission, not really caring which choice the man took. As soon as she submitted, the sword was removed and his voice took a much softer tone. Joseph was not a violent man. A farmer before being forced into the arms of the rebels by land grabbing Femazi policies, he really had no stomach for killing unless forced.
Joseph's problem now was returning to the troop with his captive. He had to remove the arrow and bind her wound. Warning the girl of his intentions and to expect some pain, his placed his left hand on the silky smooth skin of her leg and grasped the arrow with his right. Pressing hard on her leg, he quickly jerked the arrow out. Luckily for Nicole, it was not a deep penetration. She yelped once and it was over. Bandaging the wound presented another problem. Joseph had a cloth pad to cover the wound but nothing to hold it in place. He hit on the answer and slipped his knife under the halter of the girl. The sharp edge sliced the black fabric and he had his bandage. He cut the halter into two pieces, one of which he tied around Nicole's supple thigh, the other around her wrists. As he helped the girl up, he couldn't help but stare at the glorious breasts on the girl. Carnal feeling were rising in him that he hadn't felt in a long time but he had to get back.
With Nicole in the lead, they started back to the scene of the massacre but it soon became apparent that Nicole was to groggy to walk unaided. Joseph had to catch her twice when she stumbled and her leg was having trouble taking the weight. He decided to untie her hands and assist her. They walked back with her arm over his shoulder and his around her waist like one would support a wounded comrade rather than an enemy.
Back in the valley, wagons were brought up and the white mare laid in one while the moaning, gut shot female was being helped into the second. Joseph approached and was met by several of the men. He saw the lustful looks in their eyes and spoke loudly, "This girl is my prisoner and I have given my word she will not be harmed". Marcel heard the ruckus and added his support.
"There has been enough death today, leave her be".
Joseph helped the wounded girl into the first wagon and the group set out for the rebel camp. Nicole would never know how lucky she was not to have been captured by the Centauresses.
Back in the rebel camp the bullets were removed from the wounded females and the white was up and around in two days. She got to know many of the men, the first time in her life that she really talked with two-leggers. Her name was Myra and she was a beautiful female with large white breasts and long pink nipples which fascinated the men and stirred urges in their loins. One evening as she rested, the stroking of a hand on her soft tit awakened her. It was a pleasant feeling so she did not cry out or remove the hand, instead she reached up and took the man's head and directed it to her breast. His mouth encircled her turgid nipple while his hand continued to massage the other mound. The mare groaned and pressed his mouth harder into her tit and he tasted her sweet milk spurting down his throat. Her hands undid the buttons of his pants and wrapped around his growing cock and balls. Even though she never laid with a two-legger male she seemed to know what to do as her lips encircled the rim of his cockhead as she playfully pinches his balls. She ran the tip of her tongue up the hard vein on the bottom of his penis up and around to circle the split tip. He responded by kneading her firm tits, spraying her warm milk on his chest as he kissed the soft fur of between her front legs. Feeling the man nearing explosion she raised her firm ass to her knees and nodded her head. The man knelt behind her tush and engulfed his tool in her massive hips. Her ass quivered as his hard schlong split the pussy lips of her wet cunt. Her tail teased his face as he pumped into her waiting cavern till he could hold it no longer and his hot jism filled her vagina. Myra felt her body tighten as she orgasmed with him, the juice from her pussy dripping off her vertical lips. The spent male shrunk out off her hot hole and licked her ass and pussy clean which brought on another orgasm for the female. She turned to him and returned the favor, licking the milk from his chest and the cum from his cock. Soon he was hard again under her skilled tongue and she took his next load deep in her throat. They fell asleep that way, his soft dick head still in her mouth.
The gut shot Centauress developed an infection with a high fever and was not expected to live. The men took turns keeping her cool with wet rags and after a week the fever broke. She healed quickly after that and soon both mares were fucking the willing rebel males. The big asses of the Centauresses could take all the hammering the guys could give and the mares would service ten or twelve cocks a night. All things must end and soon the mares had to return to their own kind. After thanking the humans for their hospitality and their sperm, they said goodbye to the males and left for their own land, promising some day to return the favors.
Chapter #5- Retribution
After leaving the two wounded Centauresses in his camp, Marcel continued on his quest to recover the missiles and this time he uneventfully made the trip and recovered the weapons. On the return trip his band was spotted by two high flying Harpies who quickly returned to their camp and gathered a small force for an attack on the interlopers. This time the males spotted the harpies in the distance and made for some woods where the clawed killers would have trouble maneuvering. The men had more than enough missiles to down all the Harpies but Hector had not had time to show anyone except Marcel how to handle the weapon. As the Harpies swooped out of the sky and zoomed between the trees firing their arrows, the men took cover under the wagons and tried to lock on to the fast moving witches with their bows. Ignoring the rain of steel tipped death, Marcel and Hector pulled a case of tubes and several boxes of missiles off the wagon and dragged them to cover. The man next to them grunted and lay still with an arrow stuck in his ear. A Harpy flying too low and straight over the wagons dropped from the sky screaming with a shaft buried in her soft underbelly.
Now loaded, the missile tubes spat flame and five firm feathered asses soon erupted in flame as the two men loaded and fired as fast as they could. The air filled with the high pitched cries of the brutalized bird women. A locked on Harpy suddenly reverses direction and the warhead, sensing the cooling, detonates, filling her breasts and belly with shot. One more Harpy, stunned by the explosions, took an arrow in her left tit. Her hands still held the skewered boob as her head smashed the dirt. The three survivors broke off and fled as fast as their wings would carry them but it was not fast enough. Two more downy pussies ate the hot metal shafts, turning the love holes to cooked meat before the warheads blew their wombs open. The last bitch was two hundred yards away as the tubes were reloaded. Hector slapped Marcus on the back and said, "She's all yours". The last missile spit from the launcher and covered the distance to the birdwoman in seconds and flipped her over in the sky as it split open her pink pussy lips. Even at that distance they could hear her death scream as she fell from the sky, her twat obliterated.
The gut shot birdwoman lay stunned, face up and is surrounded by the men. The wounded Harpy is tall, full figured, and with her legs splayed apart, the soft pink of her pussy is an inviting sight to the lonely males. Four guys hold her arms and legs while a fifth puts his hand on her soft belly around the arrow and pulls it out. The renewed pain jerks the Harpy back to consciousness and she opens her eyes to the sight of a long turgid penis nearing her dry pussy. She had no fight left in her as the big male member reamed into her cunny and every thrust brought a stab of pain from her wound. His rough gnarled hands mauled at her tits and he fucks her till his seed spews into the warm hole. Several other men take turns fucking the dying female and as the last guy spews his hot load into her overflowing cunt, his cock still embedded in her twat, he pulls a knife and stabs the luckless Harpy in the left hooter to finish her off. Another group of rebels are taking turns buttfucking the dead tit shot birdbitch.
Ten Harpies have now fallen to this weapon and none have survived to inform Clitia of the balance of power shift.
The Femazi prisoner was more dead than alive by the time Queen Vulvna returned to her palace. The arrow had snapped off early leaving the point buried in her soft thigh. Most of her uniform had torn away and her bare breasts and back were covered with cuts and bruises. The high boots had protected her slim legs but her ass had several lacerations. It didn't matter, an attack on the Queen brought the death penalty no matter what race. She had to be held up by two guards as the judge sentenced her. She could choose the method of her death, to be fucked to death by male Centaurs or have four Centaurs tied to her arms and legs and have her limbs ripped off and bleed to death. She chose the former. Unlike the evil Serena, Queen Vulvna did not like to watch the execution, instead meeting with her advisors about the new alliance with the male two-leggers. They agreed that the Femazi must be destroyed before peace could come to the lands and felt that without their evil influence stirring up trouble perhaps the Harpies could be tamed.
While the cabinet was setting up plans to have Marcel and his staff visit the Centauress palace for a formal summit meeting and dispatching a messenger to Clitia appraising her of the Femazi attack, the lone surviving assassin was being prepared for execution. She was dragged to the prison yard and stripped of her shredded shorts. A narrow wooden bench sat in the center of the yard and she was tied face up to it. Her arms were lashed behind her head and her boot clad legs spread out and tied down. The trussed blonds pink tipped breasts rose and fell with her panicked breathing, the golden patch of her love mound was wide open between her bound legs as she lay under the hot sun awaiting her fate. Her eyes fell on the first Centaur led to the yard, he had been aroused by the guards using a bottled pussy scent and hand job and his massive cock was hanging fully extended below his groin. Her resolve to die well departed as the fourteen inch long cock neared her twat. "Nooooooo," she wailed as he stood over her prone body, his chest squashing her tits flat. His massive thighs pressed on the insides of her legs as the huge prick found her slit. The bulging cockhead felt like a fence post as it spread apart her unwilling pussy lips and forced it's way deep up her love tunnel. The bitch's blond head jerked back and forth in a mixture of agony and lust. The big male bruised her thighs with his pumping while the bound bitch's breath began to shorten and her wails turned into gasps of pleasure. Her long brown nipples were hard as the stallion's cock filling her cunt. Then, with one great thrust his prick drove all the way into her womb and gushed forth a geyser of hot white goo, filling her with his seed while the bitch threw her head back once again and wailed out her own pain racked orgasm. She took the second male almost willingly, the lust overcoming her fear and pain. His cock was almost as big as the first but her stretched pussy took it better. By the time the third Centaur had shot his load, the bitch was slipping into unconsciousness. The fifth one killed her, His cock was longer and thicker than the other and her heart could not take the stress and failed as more jism overflowed her now torn and bleeding pussy. The dead body was thrown out to be food for the scavengers of the night.
Chapter #6- Double Dealing
Clitia is incensed and worried, the patrol sent out after the male two-leggers has been slaughtered. She has flown to the battlefield and viewed the carnage. The men must have some new type of gun she surmises, as the dead Harpies have the same type of wounds as Donella. She has lost nine of her flock of birdwomen and only one male corpse litters the field. If she cannot find a way to counter this weapon she might be forced to leave the territory. Her mood doesn't improve when she returns to her roost and is informed by the Centauress emissary of the truce between the two-leg males and the Centauresses, as the bonding of their two forces would certainly overthrow her rule. The four legged female assures Clitia that the Centauresses have no wish to continue hostilities with the Harpies and will not attack unless provoked. She is invited to join the upcoming summit meeting. Clitia agrees to send a delegation, thinking she may discover the secret weapon. Meanwhile she dispatches her emissary to Serena to discuss an alliance with the Femazi.
Hilda returned to the Femazi city with word of their defeat. Serena listened calmly as Hilda told of the surprise attack by the rebels. As she finished her tale, Serena walked to the woman and drove her fist into Hilda's bare gut.
"Damn cowardly slut, you should be dead along with those girls and you'll wish an arrow had found your heart when the mutants take you". "Take her away".
"No please not that, let me kill myself, shoot me, not the mutants" screams the girl as Irma and Eva dragged her to the cages and stripped her naked. Her plump ass made an inviting target for a sodomizing mutant but her pink pussy made a better one. Serena wanted her to suffer so she was placed with only one mutant. He began pawing the heaving breasts of the big naked redhead as she was locked in his cell. He walked around the shrinking bitch grabbing her ass and crotch as his cock began to grow. Grabbing her red locks he forced her to her knees and plunged his dick in her mouth. The pre-cum burned her lips and tongue as her teeth scraped the rigid shaft. He pushed the bitch flat on her back and drilled his cock into her dry pussy. His rough hands mauled her tits as he nailed her like a jackhammer. With an illiterate growl he spewed his poison in the warm vagina. He fell back to rest as the doomed slut doubled over in agony clawing at her burning twat. She thrashed around for ten minutes when he, aroused by her movements, began to grow again. Pouncing on the writhing bitch he drilled her burning cunt again and after she took more abuse he came, renewing the supply of burning juice. Her weakened uterus broke down under this new load of acid and the killer liquid released into her abdomen. She took another ten long minutes to die while the lust mad mutant continued to pummel her pussy.
Clitia's emissary Aura along with two aides took to wing to parlay with Serena and along the route they surprised two rebels and captured them without a fight. The men were still sleeping in the early morning when the bitchbirds dropped from the sky and wrapped their talons around the men’s waists. With one twist of their legs they could rip the men wide open. The rebels surrendered and were bound. The great wings of the three Harpies strained to lift the two men and trailing a white flag and two prisoners the group glided into Femazi territory. The two men were sent to the dungeon to amuse the twin blonds while the two Harpy guards were given a room to rest in. Aura was taken to Serena's private chamber.
Serena greeted her guest reclining on her bed in a long satin red gown which was open to her navel. Aura stood in front of the woman and her eyes could see up the slit of the gown to the gold bush. Serena had vowed to bed one of these Harpies and she had a good one here. Aura stood almost six feet and her silky white hair fell over large smooth tanned breasts that rode high and proud on her chest. The large areolas were the color of almonds and the nipples, while not long were thick and full. She had a tiny waist that flared into slender but ample thighs attached to long lean legs. A puff of white down covered her love triangle. Her long slender fingers ended in one inch claws and two inch claws grew from her toes and heals. Deep green eyes over a slightly bird like pert nose and full red lips made her face an exotic sight. Serena could feel her twat moistening. "Don't stand, you must be tired from carrying those scum". "Lay next to me and rest while we talk", purred Serena, anxious to place her hands on the soft down of the Harpies cunt. Aura was tired and Serena was an attractive woman, she lay down facing her, their nipples inches apart. As they discussed their mutual enemy and possible alliance Serena's leg slipped between the soft thighs of Aura, bringing a moan to her lips which Serena muffled with a deep tongue kiss. Aura's hand reached inside the open gown and found the large breast of Serena hard with lust. Her claws scratched tiny red lines on the smooth pink flesh. Serena now mouthed the full nipple of Aura while the clawed hands of the Harpy explored the clit and ass of her host. Aura mounted her and ground their tits and pelvises together while her tongue flicked the face of Serena. The Femazi leader moaned and arched her back as the orgasm ruled her. She had never cum this fast, this birdwoman was extraordinary in bed. Aura's great wings flitted and she floated around to land with her face in the blond bush of Serena. Her long bird like tongue flicked deep in her wet vagina while Serena nibbled at the extended clitoris presented to her. Aura felt herself cumming and sat up on Serena's face draining her pussy juice down the willing throat. Turning again, Aura pulled Serena's legs thru hers until their cunt lips kissed and the juices of the two cumming females mixed together. Several hours later Aura awoke to find Serena, her pussy still mashed against Aura's, sucking her long clawed toes. Aura licked the bottoms of Serena' feet and then climbed up to embrace and French kiss her new lover.
The fact that the Harpies would ally with the Femazi was a foregone conclusion after the torrid love match. Aura was slightly disturbed when Serena swore no knowledge of a new type of gun. The three Harpies left for home the next day after Serena and Aura spent the evening in lesbian bliss while Eva and Inga slept with the other two Harpies. Serena told the Aura not to bother dragging the rebels along, she would have them executed the morning after the night of the dark moon, two weeks away. Until then the twins would have their way. Aura vowed to return that morning and bitchfuck her lover as the males were beheaded. With final farewells the new allies wings beat and they lifted into the sky.
Down in the dungeon the two men were stripped nude and hung up from the ceiling. Greta and Gerda then swayed provocatively and kissed each other’s full lips. The men watching the two beautiful tarts tried to think of other things but still their cocks grew. The bitches looped thin rope nooses over the engorged genitals and jerked the men up off their feet. They howled like dogs as the twin sluts laughed and mooned the men, their puffy pussy lips inches from the men's cocks. The sensuous blonds striped off their shorts and rubbed their golden haired cunts over the men's asses and just when the men forgot the pain the noose would be jerked again. The twin bimbos tired of that game and strapped the men down, face up, on long narrow benches. Straddling the bound men, the bitches squatted and pressed the cracks of their ample asses on the upturned male faces. The pungent womanly aroma of sweat and bodily secretions overpowered the men’s senses as they struggled to breath in the confines of female buttocks. A new sensation soon engulfed them, that of warm wet lips encircling their stiffening cocks. As the girls bent down to deep throat the male members, their hot wet pussies slid up to the open mouths of the two men. At this point the men hardly considered their ordeal to be torture but when the girls stopped sucking to question them the men still remained silent. The busty blonds again mashed their twats down and mouthed the waiting cocks but this time they bit down hard on the vulnerable shafts. Muffled by the furry quims, the men's howls were barely audible. Despite the abuse, the penises remained rigid and long; and the girls were horny, so....both bitches turned around and lowered their exquisite cunts down on the waiting dicks. Greta and Gerda rode up and down on the willing cocks, their magnificent tits swaying over the men's restrained faces. Rigid nipples found waiting lips and were licked by long darting tongues. Both amazons groaned and writhed as they neared climax. Both men also tensed as the explosion neared. Gerda's man shot first, his hot love bullet scoring a bullseye in her womb and triggering her scream of release. Greta rocketed off moments later as her stud hosed her vagina with a stream of sticky goo. After the twins regained their composure, they again questioned the captives, and when they got no response, their anger resurfaced. The girls stood astride the prisoners, and emptied their bladders on the faces of the gagging men. The men were torn between wanting to fuck the two sluts again or kill them although in their predicament they could no neither. After seeing that sex would not work on these men, the blonds kept their shorts on and changed from a seductive torture to good old fashioned pain. Though bloody and beaten, the two men never talked and after several days of fruitless torture they were dumped in a dark damp cell to await execution.
Chapter #7- A Change of Heart
The rebel delegation led by Marcel was enroute to the Queen's summit when three Harpies appeared on the horizon flying away from the direction of the Femazi city. They had not been spotted and Marcel had a feeling they were up to no good so he decided to try to capture the Harpies and interrogate them. Hiding most of his men, he had two men place shields on their backs and cover them with cloaks. Then he had them kneel over the wagon wheel as if repairing it. The ruse worked, two of the bitchbirds fired arrows into what they thought were the backs of the men. Both men slumped over playing dead. The three killers landed and were looking thru the wagon when the men sprang up and roped the wings of two Harpies. The third fought off her attackers and flew away, dodging the arrows loosed at her. "You’re dead now slime", yelled the defiant Aura, "she will return with an army to slay you". She was still cursing as Hector aimed the strange looking tube. As the tube spit forth it's deadly contents it dawned on Aura that she was looking at the deadly mystery weapon. Both bound birdwomen added their screams to that of their missile fucked comrade as they watched the impact of the missile and their comrades smoking ass as she hit the ground. They were to stunned to realize that their lethal feet and hands were being bound. Marcel needed to interrogate these females so he had them spread eagled to the ground. He figured he would need to torture the information out of them so he had a fire built and irons placed in it. While the bitch's minds were on the heating irons he decided that a gang rape would help break their spirit. His men were all for that as rebels didn't often have available women.
Though the smaller Harpy, whose name was Zina, was an attractive female; all the men, Marcel and Hector included, wanted to start on the gorgeous Aura. As leader Marcel had his choice and he mounted Aura while Hector took the smaller female. Aura spit at him as he grabbed her tits and positioned his cockhead on her vertical smile. He was well hung and his eight inch cock stretched her tight pussy. She jerked around trying to free her snatch from the male invader but he just pounded harder. Like most Harpies, she never had a male cock in her; they reproduced from artificially inseminated eggs and lesbian sex was just for pleasure. The longer he stayed deep in her vagina the more she liked the feeling. Her jerking became thrusts timed to his. His mouth found her firm tits, licked and sucked them. His lips pressed hers and she found herself responding with her long tongue. She could feel her heart rate quicken with his and as he stiffened and drove in as deep as he could to spray his jism in her womb she arched her back and met his thrust with her own. Her orgasm took a full minute to subside, after which she responded to his questions though a post orgasmic fog as he eased her down by slowly and softly pumping her pussy with his still hard cock. She told him of her meeting with Serena, the captives date with the axe and the phony envoy Clitia had sent to Queen Vulvna's summit.
Meanwhile the smaller Harpy had discovered, like Aura, the pleasure of a male cock and had drained five men before Marcel halted the fucking. The disappointed men would get theirs another time, now he had to warn Vulvna and save those two men. Hector considered killing the two prisoners but Marcel pointed out they would be of value confronting the phony emissaries. So the still tied Harpies were lifted into the wagons, a task that found a lot of stray hands finding Harpy ass and tit good handles, and taken to Queen Vulvna's palace.
Once at the palace, Marcel and Aura unmasked the phony delegation and the three bogus Harpy diplomats were taken prisoner. The winged women tried to fight, but were far outnumbered. Even as the head of the spies screamed out her disgust at Aura, she was grabbed by three Centauresses and beaten to the ground. The other two fared no better as hard fists pummeled their breasts and bellies and knees drove into their groins. They were bound, searched and their belongings inspected. When weapons were found hidden in their quarters, their fate was sealed. They would be treated as spies and assassins. The three Harpy spies were thrown in the dungeon to await their fate, death by archer squad. Aura and Zina, were placed under house arrest until the rescue of the captive rebels had been completed, but because they had been cooperative, they had more comfortable accommodations in a guarded suite of the palace. The Centauresses and rebels planned the rescue of the rebels held by Serena. Marcel used the knowledge of the city he remembered as a boy along with everything he learned from his men and Aura to formulate a plan that could work but some luck still would be needed. After a long day of planning a large banquet was prepared and Aura and Zina joined the men and Queen Vulvna's court for the feast. With their minds off of military matters and the wine warming their blood, males and females started to eye each other up with thoughts of a more carnal nature. Marcel, still thinking of the great lay she was while tied down, wanted to find out how good Aura would be when she could move around, but the big golden hips of the Queen also promised a night of ecstasy. Hector had his eyes on the massive mammaries of a light skinned Centauress named Cloe. Queen Vulvna was torn between the bulge in the pants of the muscular man that had saved her life and the downy box of Zina. Hector approached Cloe and whispered in her ear. She blushed, eyed the bulging cock encased in his pants, and led him off. Other pairs of men and Centauress left the hall to find privacy. Several pairs of females left together, one male left with two Centauresses. Soon just Marcel, Aura, Zina and the Queen remained. She broke the ice when knowing of her lusts and reading the look in Marcel as his eyes danced between herself and Aura, she spoke, "Let us all retire to my bedchamber and let what happens happen". The other three nodded and followed Vulvna down a long hall to a large bedroom with a large soft circular bed that would easily hold them all. The Queen removed her golden breastplate and Marcel and the two Harpies gazed on the most perfect tits they had ever seen. The tanned orbs were large, firm and rode high on her chest. Her nipples were a reddish brown, long and hard, the areolas a mini tit of their own. She took Zina's hand and pressed it to her breast as she lead her to the bed. Aura removed the shirt and pants of Marcel and holding him by his growing cock, led him to the bed. The foursome spent the next three hours engaged in countless sexual combinations and variations finally ending in a pile of sweating sleeping, spent bodies. Marcel had found the unbound Aura a wild and passionate lover, while he also had his first taste of sweet mares milk and the soft cushion of Vulvna's hips. The sexy little Zina was not left out as all three females slept with pussies full of male jism.
The next morning Aura and Zina were returned, under guard, to their suite while the three bruised and battered spies were dragged to the execution yard. Tall poles had been set into the ground with steel rings attached about seven feet off the ground. One Harpy was tied by the wrists to each pole with her body stretched out till her toes just touched the ground. The sexy, strung up females had vowed to die well for their leader and refused blindfolds. They faced a squad of six Centauress archers with open eyes and defiant words. The brave bitchbirds died well. The squad leader ordered her unit to aim and shoot. At the short range, the aim of the archeresses was unerring. The full busted Harpy on the left pole shuddered, but didn't cry out when six arrows ripped into her proud bosom. Her head fell forward onto her chest as life blood stained her white down. Two more quick commands, the twang of bows, the slurp of arrows ripping tit and the middle bitchbird gasped her last, hanging like so much dead poultry in a meat market. The last to die was also the youngest and prettiest of the group. Her resolve began to fade as the Centauresses cocked fresh arrows and turned in her direction. The large firm tits that graced her sultry body began to shake as sobs of fear racked her young virginal chest. As the command to aim was given and she looked directly at the six instruments of her death, a gush of hot yellow urine spewed from her soft flaring crotch and wet the dirt. In a instant, the six arrows were loosed and the girls eyes bulged and mouth fell open as her left tit was perforated by three shafts, two struck between her twitching tits and one slammed into her right jug. Executions over, the dead birds were cut down, the arrows removed from their bodies, and the corpses were disposed of. Then, the joint forces of man and mare assembled for battle and set out to destroy the Femazi.
Chapter #8- The Deception
The Harpie military was tired of literally getting their asses shot off. First Donella, then the rebel raiding party and then Aura and one of her aides disappear and the second aide found dead by the mystery weapon. Now a scout has reported seeing a large force of Centauresses and male rebels approaching the Femazi capital. Clitia gathers her air force for a massive strike against the two-legger males and their four legged female allies. She now believes the Femazi must be aided and the others destroyed then she and Serena can divide the land equally. Clitia has heard many rumors as to Serena's sexual peccadilloes and thinks they would get along just fine after she helps defeat Serena's enemies and becomes her bedmate.
Leaving their forces camped just out of sight of the Femazi city, Marcel and seven men sneak into a forage wagon with the help of some male slave laborers. At the end of the day’s work the laborers pull the loaded wagon back thru the gate into the city conveniently leaving the wagon near to the gate and the platform built for tomorrow mornings executions. As the dark moonless night falls two things happen. The forces of Vulvna and the rebels inch closer to the city and Marcel and three bowmen slip out from the wagon and scout the area. Two guards on the gate towers are trying unsuccessfully to peer out into the darkness. The guard at the gate bolt is fast asleep, so far luck is on their side. A three foot high elevated platform of twenty feet square holding two grooved beheading blocks sits near the front gate. A street separates the platform from a row of two story housing units. "Perfect", thinks Marcel as he leads his men to a building directly across from the platform. Entering the building he can see it is some type of civilian home, the lower floor housing a kitchen and a dining room. Softly creeping up the stairs they discover two bedrooms each occupied by two sleeping women. The front bedroom has a large open window facing the street and four stools are set before the window. Apparently the women wanted to have a good seat to view the execution. Because the sleeping sluts were civilian, Marcel did not feel they deserved to be murdered in their beds. Doing one bedroom at a time the women were gagged and bound. Bringing all four into the front bedroom they were strung up from a ceiling beam with their arms stretched up over their heads. All four women were young and pretty with slim waists and curving hips. Their breasts were average size though stretched tight on the hanging women. Fear shown in their eyes as they hung dressed only in frilly underwear, their curly bushes and nipples visible through the sheer fabric. None of the three men with Marcel had attended the feast and thus had not gotten their rocks off for some time. Marcel, who had tasted the fruits of the exotic Harpies and Vulvna, stood watch for the three hours till dawn while his men pawed and fucked the trussed up sluts.
Chapter #9- The Order Changes
The sun was rising as the Greta and Gerta, the twin blond executioners, naked bodies glistening with oil, climb the platform with heavy sharp beheading swords in hand. One blond stands by each block, arms folded under her large naked boobs, as the prisoners are led to the platform by four Femazi from Serena's guard. To humiliate the men, they have been stripped naked and their limb dongs sway to and fro as they climb the stairs. All the guards have their eyes on the execution platform, the out of place wagon is not noticed. Upstairs in the bedroom the sluts have been abandoned, hanging limply with semen dripping down their legs, and the bowmen have taken up position by the window. Agreeing on targets they nock arrows and wait. Serena and Freda arrive and take seats, Serena is dressed in a bright red leather jacket tailored to follow her shape and deeply V cut so the edges of her areolas are just peeking out. The matching leather pants look painted on and when she sits, a good eye can make out the puffy softness of her pussy lips. Her long blond hair is pulled up in a bun and the ever present cigarette holder dangles from her left hand while she hold a riding crop in her right. Freda, promoted to head of the elite guard since the recent demise of the unfortunate Hilda, wears a uniform of a black halter similar to the standard issue but with a white trim band around the bra cups. The standard black shorts have been replaced with a red leather mini skirt that accents the flame red of her hair, while the standard black boots remain. Her polished saber and pistol glint in the sunlight.
With the two grappling lovers seated, the execution can begin. The men, at gunpoint, kneel and place their necks on the blocks. The guard ports their arms and salutes Serena. As she returns the salute, the two big blonds raise the swords high over their heads. They have reached the full extent of the back stroke and they are bent slightly backward with their long blond manes flowing down to their firm full asses, long shapely legs spread and hips thrust forward bringing their bushy blond pussies within feet of their victims. Their huge naked breasts were straining forward and they awaited the command to kill when Marcel yells "Now" to his assassins. Four bows twang as one, the blonds gasp and stagger back, dropping the swords and clutching their wounded breasts. Four well aimed arrows have thudded into the four identical tits and driven deep into the muscular chests of the beautiful executioners. The razor sharp blades have rended heart and lung, the two Amazon bitches have become the executed. They fall over backward with their knees bent and their thighs spread wide showing everyone their pouting pink labia. As they die their hips make one spasmodic thrust and two streams of hot yellow piss mix with the rivers of blood flowing down from their skewered chests. The bowmen loose one more volley before running down to the street, leaving the four ravished captives tied to the rafters. Their second volley is equally effective as the two guards on the towers are drilled in the bare patch of skin between their halters and shorts. Clawing at their bellies they crash through a rail and pitch to the ground. With necks broken in the fall, the two sexy corpses lay in unnatural heaps on the hard earth. The other two arrows nail the lower backs of two of the elite guard as they stand watching the blonds die, to stunned to react. The skewered girls slump down, vainly trying to reach for the shafts buried in their backs. The last thing they see is the two men jump up and turn toward them.
Meanwhile the naked men grab the last two elite guards, smash them to the ground, kneel over them and choke the life from their evil bodies. Prisoners no longer, they take the dead girl's weapons and join the fight. The men in the wagon have been patiently waiting for a signal and the commotion in the yard is it. They jump up thru the forage and two run to open the gate while two more pin the gate guards back to the wall with well places arrows that punch thru their chests. With the gate guards dead it's a easy matter to open the doors for the main body of the army waiting to attack.
Serena is standing and screaming her rage as the two bowmen eye the evil despot, spin toward her and quickly shoot. As the arrows meant for her chest are loosed she grabs the startled Freda and pulls her in their path. The two deadly shafts slice into Freda's black right D cup with a wet sticky sound. She turns her head to Serena as soft hands try to squelch the flow of blood over her ravished bosom, her eyes asking the question "why?". Sinking to the ground to slowly suffocate on the blood filling her lungs, the beautiful, wanton redhead sees the smirk of disdain on Serena's face as she releases the wounded Femazi.
In the main Femazi barracks, third shift guards are finishing showers, trying to get some sleep or, like the three girls off in one corner, engaging in personal activities. Buddies since being drafted into the Femazi army, they hung out and bunked together. Their late night patrol had been uneventful. After being relieved they had returned to the barracks for some grub and a hot shower. A quick wet down and soaping was followed by intimate lathering of each other’s bodies, then a cool rinse off. The lustful threesome didn't bother to dry. They left three wet trails back to their bunks. Sophie, a beautiful black skinned, full busted girl, spread out a mat on the floor and began her routine of exercises while Lea and Briggette flop down together in a bunk to enjoy the view. It is a splendid view as Sophie does her leg splits and high stretches. The dark gaping muff incites the passions of brunette Lea and blond Briggette. They quickly find each other’s wet pussies with their groping fingers.
The idyllic moment was destroyed by the cries of, "The city is under attack"! The three lovers along with the rest of the girl soldiers in the barracks, quickly threw on uniforms, grabbed weapons and raced out to defend their homeland.
Meanwhile, the seven bowmen had taken up positions to defend the gate until the attacking army can drive thru. Two men drop dead as the Femazi guns start to mount some offense but the arrows have given four more impaled bitches a one way ticket to hell. One of the first to taste bitter death was the new garrison commander, an arrow driving into her open mouth as she barked commands. A girl goes down to the slashing saber of a nude man, her once pretty face sliced open like a ripe melon. Femazi troops climb to high points where they can fire down on the men defending the gate and also into the massed troops converging on the gate. The Femazi guns have a big range advantage on the Centauresses bows as some of the lead mares start to take hits. Two mares have been wounded seriously enough to fall out of rank though none killed when Hector, leading the rebel forces riding in on the Centauresses backs signals for his missile men to open fire. The air fills with smoke as scores of the small deadly missiles speed toward the black clad love junctions of the Femazi sluts. The screams and detonations blend together as hot metal cocks drill into lesbian love patches. The force of a missile tearing through black fabric and roaring into the tight pussy of a 110 lb girl lifts her off her feet. She is falling back when the missile explodes and drops like a rag doll, the shocked anguish frozen forever on her lifeless face. The missiles that pass between the inverted V's of spread sexy legs detonate just behind the tight asses and pepper the butt checks, assholes and backs with deadly shot.
The fire from the rooftops ceases as the witches lucky enough to not have a missile lock on them, scramble for cover. A small young brunette of about nineteen tries to make her way down to safety when an arrow drills up between her legs and splits her pussy lips with its steel blade. She falls backward off a ladder clutching a cunt that will never taste male meat. The sexy bitch lands at the feet of her assassin and he bends over her and drills her chest with an arrow that rips completely through her body.
The allied forces have breached the wall and while the bowmen and Centauresses start to drive to the center of the city and Serena's headquarters, the missile squads, one man to aim and fire and one to load, take over the high positions now littered with smoked Femazi. The long missile tubes would be awkward to use in the tight confines and chaos of the city and Hector worried that the higher, more exposed pussies of the Centauresses would attract missiles aimed at Femazi cunt.
The squads were ordered only to fire at Femazi sluts if no mares were near but as luck would have it a Centauress ran past a group of cornered Femazi just as a missile was fired. The lethal projectile, aimed between the legs of a wide hipped girl, changed course and slammed in between the mares firm butt cheeks. The missile fucked mare reared up and spun down. "Damn," said the errant gunner as the whump of the warhead mutilated her asshole.
Fate was on the side of good, having the men in high positions allowed them to spot the cloud of Harpies approaching. Clitia had mobilized almost a hundred of her most loyal followers and was leading the formation herself. Super weapon or not she believes most of her force will get through and slaughter the men and mares boxed in by the city streets. A missile has just slammed into a wall and driven it's load of round steel death into the furburger of the blond witch standing over the point of impact when the Harpies are spotted. The first missiles spit out to the birdwomen when they are three hundred yards out. Clitia hears the reports and the screams of the Harpies as the missiles explode over their asses or between their legs. Down covered cunts are turned into ground meat in an instant. Other Harpies near an external blast take pellets in their wings, chests, and legs. Some can fly on but other soon lose altitude and land. Some manage to land softly, others crash to the earth and break their sultry bodies on the hard ground. At two hundred yards out Clitia has lost a fifth of her force, at one hundred yards out a third have fallen, as she crosses the city wall and can finally bring her arrows to bear, over half of her force is dead or wounded. They manage to get some licks in, The rebel men become unintentional shields for the backs of their mounts and many fall from the mares backs after eating Harpy arrows. One big Centauress becomes a large pin cushion as a volley of arrows thud into her back and ass. The mare rears up in pain but her legs collapse and she falls over. Bleeding from ten wounds, she will die a slow death.
But in pursuing the allied army into the city Clitia has flown her force past the missile squads and they now have their hot pussies to the lethal tubes. Most of the Harpies now take line drive shots up their love tunnels and the pain wracked bitches are blown out of the sky. A few are wounded by rebel arrows and are forced down, a few more have their breasts skewered by quick aiming Centauress archers and crash down dead. Perhaps ten remain airborne when Clitia eats an arrow in her shoulder that numbs her wing and she falls to earth. Seeing their leader drop from the sky, the surviving Harpies try to gain altitude and flee. Two more drop with their asses blown open before Hector orders his squads to disregard the escaping bitchbirds.
The female resistance members take advantage of the attack to aid in the defeat of Serena's forces. They singly and in small groups attack Femazi soldiers. Two Femazi lovers are jogging down an alley to meet up with their outfit. They had been in bed together when the alarm sounded and had hastily dressed and left the barracks. One girl is a tall redhead with a 42 DD chest and the other is a short brunette with nearly as ample boobs. Their four jugs are bouncing wildly with the cadence, threatening to burst free from their restraining halters. The brunette's do but they have unwanted help. As the soldierettes enter an intersection, two resistance girls step out and slam roundhouse kicks into the Femazi's bare guts. The brunette takes the kick high and under the boobs. The soft, brown nippled tits fly out of her halter as she doubles over gagging. The big redhead takes the kick square in the belly button and drops to her knees, puking bile. She recovers quickly and blocks the second blow from her attacker, a blond girl, fifteen pounds lighter and five inches shorter. The blond had tried a second roundhouse to the head of the tall girl, but still on her knees, she had gotten an arm up to block the kick. In the moments the blonds leg was up, the redhead drove her fist into the vulnerable crotch. Now it was the blonde’s turn to gasp in pain, her pussy felt like she had just delivered a baby. Both girls struggled to their feet, faced off and prepared to continue their struggle.
Meanwhile the brunette's attacker, a slim black girl with small hard tits and a rounded ass, caught her under the chin with a front snap kick that flipped the busty bitch on her back. The black beauty tried to stomp the Femazi's face but the brunette caught her foot and twisted, dropping the black girl on her back. Quick with her wits, the black girls back barely hit the ground before her other leg lifted and dropped down. Her heel drilled into the brunette's already sore guts. When the brunette did struggle back to her feet, the black girl was ready. A flying side kick flattened the Femazi's massive left tit against her chest and drove the air from the girl. She fell back limp and could not block the palm strike that drove the bones of her nose up into her brain. Death was swift and sure.
The redhead and the blond were trading punches and kicks. The long fingernails of the redhead had racked red furrows down the cheek of the blond. She had torn off the blonde’s blouse and her 38D breasts showed a bruise from the redhead's fist. The Femazi bitch was winding up for another blow to the staggered blond when the black girl pinned her arms behind her. The blond regained her balance and nailed the soldierette with a spinning back kick to the cunt. The redhead screamed and her eyes rolled up in her head but the resistance fighters were not through. Enraged, the blond tore the halter off the dazed redhead and pummeled her huge breasts with rights and lefts. All the while, the black girl held the redhead up for more punishment and egged on the blond. The blond responded, driving her knee up into the redhead's vagina, then a fist in the mouth that had the Femazi out on her feet. Finally the blond cocked her fist to throw a fatal finishing blow to the throat. It never landed, there was a load report and she stiffened and fell forward, her head landing between the redhead's big breasts. A Femazi patrol had surprised them and the blond slipped to the ground, dead, with a bullet in her back. The black girl tried to back away using the redhead as a shield. She tripped and fell, the redhead's weight coming down on top of her. In a flash the patrol had her captive.
The four girls in the patrol were Serena loyalists and knew at once that the black girl must be a subversive. They would hang her on the spot. With her hands tied behind her back, the black girl was hoisted up by the neck. Her toes could just touch the ground and she struggled in vain to keep the weight off her neck. While two Femazi revived the injured redhead, the other two watched the death struggle of the black girl. She was close to passing out when a male voice boomed out, "Drop your weapons and surrender!" "Cut that girl down!" The tables had turned again. A rebel force now out flanked and outnumbered the Femazi patrol. One of the Femazi, a stocky, dark haired girl; fired a wild shot and all hell broke loose. She fell, howling horribly, an arrow sticking out of the love mound outlined by her tight shorts. The girl next to her turned to run, took a half step and sank to the ground without a sound. A bullet had punched her side under her upraised arm and ripped lungs and heart. The squad leader, a blond dyke with short cropped hair and small hard tits, tried to take cover. Before she could, an arrow drilled her left eye and split her brain. Only two girls were left, the stunned and bruised redhead and a dark Latin girl. Then it was one as the Latin girl let out a grunt and grabbed her belly where it had been ravaged by a hot chunk of lead. She was on her knees with her mouth open in a silent scream when a second bullet tore off the top of her head. The redhead had escaped the volleys because she had been laying flat on her back. Still dazed, she began to stir as the rebels advanced and checked for signs of life. It was too late to save the black girl. The only ones still breathing were the stocky bitch who started the fight and the semi nude redhead. Even with swollen lips and bruised belly and tits, she was a foxy bitch, arousing lust in the men. They decided to take her captive, find a quite place and have a gang bang. The brunette would be left behind. She wasn't much to look at and with the arrow in her snatch, not very fuckable. After taking all the weapons, the rebels left the girl laying in a pool of her own gore, ignoring her pleas for help.
Marcel has been pursuing Serena, who escaped from the fracas at the gate and was attempting to get to her headquarters along with her remaining six personal guards. She lost another guard when the stacked bitch turned to fire at the pursuing man. He ducked into a doorway as the bitch fired then popped out and drilled an arrow between her tits before she could react and she falls back, arms and legs splayed out. Another arrow drives deep into the round ass cheek of a tall almond eyed slut. She trips and stumbles but doesn't fall until an second arrow nails her slowed form in the lower back. Marcel ignores the downed Femazi and continues his chase. Seriously wounded, the almond eyed fox struggles to her feet using her rifle for support. She staggers around a corner and finds herself looking at the big rump of a Centauress. The mare looks back, spots the exotic beauty in black and lashes out with her rear legs. Hundreds of pounds of well toned muscle drive the mares legs with incredible force. The hard hooves nail the girl in the chest, tearing her halter open and crushing her small hard tits into her ribs. Bones break and puncture her lungs as the impact knocks her backward to fall in the street. She coughs up big gouts of blood and dies not far from where Marcel first downed her.
Sprinting around a corner, a heavy black girl found herself facing a dark skinned rebel. Her rifle came up the same time his bow drew back. Even as she squeezed off a shot, a sharp pain ripped her right leg. The man had shot first but his aim was poor and the arrow had driven through her upper leg. Her return fire hit the man in the guts and he folded up in the street. She limped to a stoop and sat down. Her wound was not serious but she had to remove the arrow. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she snapped the point off and pulled the shaft back through her leg. She needed to bandage the wound to stop the bleeding but all she had was her halter top. She pulled the garment over her head and two immense boobs flopped free. After tying the halter tightly around her leg, she began to reload her rifle. The powder charge was pouring down the barrel when the arrow struck. The Femazi bitch had forgotten about the rebel and though mortally wounded, he had struggled to his knees and managed one more shot before dying. This one had been on target, striking the sitting girl in the large dark circle of her right areola. Her gun clattered on the paving bricks as she fell over to the side. The arrow had driven in deep and only the feathers protruded from the massive mammary. The lung shot girl tried to rise but only got to one knee before collapsing back with blood pouring from her mouth. Her legs made one feeble effort to crawl then quivered to a stop as she died.
A big black Centauress had a Femazi cornered, the young tart was a small petite blond of about five foot four and 110 lbs. If not for the rifle in her hands, she would look like a high school cheerleader. The big mare ordered the Femazi girl to drop her weapon and surrender but the girl panicked and fired of a wild shot that grazed the mares side. The retaliatory arrow hit the girl in her lower side, driving thru her body. She fell back, crying in panic, "Oh God it hurts, don't let me die. Help me!". The Centauress knew the girl was out of the fight but she wasn't and couldn't take the time now to help her. She couldn't bring herself to finishing off the wounded tart so she just left her and continued on her way as the girls cries rang in her ears.
A rebel is pursuing a lone Femazi who has fired her weapon and when she stops to reload, he catches up and swings a sword at her. The woman tries to turn and run but the sword slashes into her back and cuts deep into her bare flesh. Falling forward, the chesty brunette grabs at the side of a building as her long but useless legs collapse. Her long fingernails scrape and break against the bricks in a futile effort to support her body and she slumps down to the ground, blood streaming from the deep slash in her back. The rebel stands behind her and grabs her dark brown tresses and pulls her head back to slit her throat. She looks pleadingly at him through tear stained big brown eyes for a quick death. Not knowing why, he releases her hair and then drives his sword into her upper back till the point rips through her heart and out the inside of her left breast.
The victorious male ran down the street and turned the corner to find himself confronting another Femazi bitch. The tall auburn haired girl was unarmed but she did not retreat from the swordsman, instead she assumed a low on guard fighting stance. As the man, intent on adding a second kill to his score, charged the girl; she quickly spun 180 degrees away from his weapon while her rear foot shot out past his head then hooked back in. The heel of her foot caught the guy behind the ear, dazing him. The girl continued her rotation with her other leg arcing across in a crescent and her boot hitting the sword near the pommel. The weapon flew from his fingers and clattered down well out of his reach. Still reeling from the kick, the rebel lunged at the girl and threw a hard punch at her face. She stepped in to block the blow, her left arm crossing in front of her body to deflect his punch while her right hand delivered a palm strike to his nose. Without giving him time to react, she hit him again, this time a hard right punch to his guts. Then she shifted her stance slightly sideways and drove a hard palm strike to his groin. Grabbing his genitals in her right hand and his shirt in her left, she tore up on his balls while throwing the gagging man on his back. The heel of her left foot driven into his mouth took him out of the fight for good.
Something no one had planned for occurred when an errant missile slammed into the door of the mutants cage blowing it from the hinges. The six hulking brutes poured out into the city streets, their demented minds bent on rape. The first one didn't get far, as he turned the corner, stroking his cock hard, intent on finding a victim, a Femazi guard put a slug in his guts. Even with the lead in his belly he had the strength to fall on the small woman and rip open her shorts. She was pinned helplessly under his bulk as the piercing penis spread her twat. His rough hands mauled her small breasts after ripping off the black top. As his body shuddered and died the dangling balls spewed forth their lethal seed and his teeth clamped down on her tit biting off her right nipple. The raped girl writhed in agony under the dead hulk until another Femazi happening upon the scene puts a bullet in the brain of the suffering soldierette.
The mutant brutes don't care if their victims are dead or alive. A dead Harpy lays sprawled over a fence and a mutant drives his cock into her upturned bloody ass. Her dead tits hang limp and sway as the brute pumps his hips on her soft ass cheeks. Two rebels drive arrows into his back dropping him dead over his unfeeling victim. Two mutants have spotted the big inviting asses of the Centauresses. As the first one charges the wiggling butt of a mare, she sees him out of the corner of her eye. Her big rump muscles tense and her rear legs fly back. The mutant flies backward in a heap, his face smashed in by the hard hooves. The next one is a little smarter, he has climbed up to a low roof and as the mare passes he leaps out and lands on her ass. She bucks but cannot shake him. His hands have sunk into the flesh of her flanks and his legs wrap hers as the thick cock forces open her asshole. The violated mare screams and cries as her rectum is ripped open and filled with pounding cock. A rebel, having spent his last arrow in the guts of a big blond Femazi, has no weapon to dislodge the mutant as he views the rape. The appearance of a bewildered bitch gives him his chance. He grabs the rifle from her grip and slams the butt into her pretty mouth. She is spiting teeth as he shoots the mutant in the head. The beasts dead hands release their grip and he falls off his soft mount but the damage has been done. The corrosive cum is already eating thru the bowels of the Centauress as the rebel tries to help. He has recognized Myra, the female he made love to when she stayed at their base. Blood is already seeping from her ruined ass as she lays on her side to await a long and painful death. Thru pain clouded eyes she remembers the man kneeling beside her and she begs him to end her suffering. He is not sure of the fastest way to kill a Centauress so she takes his knife and places the point between her front legs and wraps his hands on the handle. Then she puts her arms around him, gives him a long soft kiss and closes her big green eyes. With a jerk he drives the ten inch blade up into her heart and her suffering ends.
The rebels having dismounted, are going from building to building squashing pockets of resistance while the Centauresses cover the streets and shoot any black clad figure that appears. Suddenly showing herself on a rooftop, a spry witch drills a rebel between the eyes but before she can retreat, a Centauress arrow roars into her underbelly. Dropping the gun and grabbing her wound, the doomed girl swan dives off the building and is smashed on the pavement.
A Centauress beauty, long golden tail high in the air, takes a bullet between her hips that rips up her pussy and lodges in her guts. She wails out her agony and falls to the side with a wound that will kill her only after she endures prolonged terrible suffering.
Lust runs high in the rebels, and Femazi, alive and dead are being raped if the opportunity presents it. For many of the warrior women it is the first and last time they experience a hot cock between their warm legs. They are stripping the dead Femazi of their guns and ammo as they go. In the house to house fighting, the long reload time for the percussion rifles was putting the saucy sluts at a deadly disadvantage. The rebels devised a simple tactic to defeat the holed up tarts. One man would charge into a room diving and rolling and draw the fire of any cunts, then before the out flanked bitches could reload, two more men would burst in and shoot them. The technique was working well. Many busty Femazi tarts died with lead from captured Femazi guns in their chests.
In one house, a tall, wide hipped brunette had taken a wild shot at a rolling rebel and was defenseless when a second man appeared and drove his captured rifle into her pouting belly. He had no ammo for the gun so he had tied a knife to the barrel. She staggered and went to her knees. The rebel calmly shoved the knife deeper, gave it a twist and ripped it out. Grabbing her head, he shoved the dying slut down on his cock, blowing his wad into her mouth as she died.
Across the street, a large, big busted blond beauty lurks in a dim room. Rita is six feet tall and two hundred pounds of full figured girl. There is an evil sneer distorting the beauty on her face when she hears a noise behind her and spins around to fire at a rebel. The loud reports of large caliber guns fill the room but the busty bitch is the one to yelp in pain. Her shot had gone wide but as her enormous bust line crossed his sights, the man triggered his gun. Rita was staggered back from the impact. Long slim fingers of a wavering hands grab her black halter where a half inch diameter hunk of hot murderous lead holed her perfect right breast just aside of the nipple. A moment later the man who had distracted her brought his weapon to bear. That bullet slammed into the underside of the wounded tit. Shot twice in the lungs, she slumps down on her ass with her long smooth legs spread wide open and the golden hair of her pussy peeking out of the crotch of her tight shorts. The evil sneer is gone, replaced by shocked agony, as the black cloud of death begins to overtake the doomed tart. The two rebels look at the girl then at each other and silently nod. She has no power to fight off the leering men as they strip off her halter and shorts. Her tits are enormous mountains of soft white flesh topped with reddish brown nipples. In the junction of her legs grows a dense patch of silky smooth yet curly blond hair guarding entrance to a deep hot cunt. One man buries his head in her muff spreading her cunt lips with his tongue as her bladder relaxes. He drinks deep of the warm yellow liquid seeping from the dying snatch, then climbs up her body and fucks her while deep throat kissing her warm, soft mouth with his piss covered tongue. His buddy, meanwhile, has made her the meat of a fuck sandwich. He comes in from behind, using her ample breasts as handles and driving his hard schlong between her soft ample butt cheeks and up into her hot tight ass. Rita's mind, though dazed, responded to her mortal predicament in a strange way. She began to feel perverted pleasure building in her loins, a tingling in her twat. Rita orgasmed and passed out just as the men shot her again. This time with jism bullets into her most private holes. The men dressed, reloaded their guns and walked out, leaving the naked, bleeding girl. They assumed she was dead or soon would be.
Down the road, the rape and slaughter continue. Creeping in behind two Femazi who are kneeling by a window looking for targets in the street, rebels grab the surprised women. Jerking back on the women's heads, the men plunge their knives into the smooth female backs slicing the halter straps. As the bitches fall forward over the window ledge their breasts burst free of the black fabric and hang in view like an advertisement for a whore house. The plump inviting asses of the dying women, inches from the hard cocks of the aroused killers, wiggle provocatively as the women convulse in death throws. A few slashes with the knives and their asses are bare. As the Femazi women's lives slip away, the last thing they feel is the pain of their virgin assholes stretching open to take male cock. The women are dead by the time the hot male seed fills their rectums. The corpses will suffer more humiliation as the battle rages. More than once , their swaying jugs will jerk and bounce from bullets ripping tissue. Sometimes they are taken for live targets, other times just for perverted practice shots.
The young rebel Artos, twenty five years of age and solidly built, cautiously entered a building. He hoped it would be empty. The thrill of battle was wearing off. He could not get the pictures out of his mind. First the pitiful wails of the wounded ambush survivors as they pleaded in vain for mercy and today, the dead child soldier. She had been very young, fifteen or sixteen at most, and the innocence of her face didn't warrant the ugly shaft that protruded from her firm breast. He had made the mistake of staring at her crumpled body as he pried her unfired rifle from a death grasp. It didn't matter that someone else had killed the girl. He had killed other Femazi that day and the finality of his actions were now clear.
A noise alerted him to danger just in time and he spun to the sound in time to see a busty black Femazi leaping down at him from a stair landing. She held a long sharp knife in her hand. His body responded with pure instinct and the rifle came up and fired.
"Bastarrrrrggggh!" The girl's curse changed to a gurgle as the heavy slug slammed into the deep valley between her ample tits. The graceful leap stopped midair and the bitch dropped straight down like a dropped rock. She was dead in seconds but Artos didn't have time to worry about her because at the moment another Femazi had jumped him from the other side. He managed to grab her knife arm and flipped her over his shoulder. The girl hit the floor hard on her back and dropped the knife. Artos grabbed the knife and was raising it over the downed girl's chest. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw another Femazi in the room. This one had a gun and was trying to aim in his direction. He had only one chance, flipping the knife over in his hand, he side-arm flung it at the gun girl.
"Eeeeeeiiiiiiioww!" A shrill female scream announced he had found his target. He shifted his attention from the girl he held to the gun girl. What he saw was a tall slim blond woman sinking to her knees with four inches of cold steel buried in her guts just under her belly button. Her eyes rolled up and she fell over to the side, blood starting to seep from her lips. He turned back to the last girl. With no weapons left, he climbed over the girl and wrapped his powerful hands around her slender throat. The girl gazed up at him with panic in her soft brown eyes. Artos didn't squeeze. "Had enough", he asked the foxy brunette? She weakly nodded her surrender and he got off, turned her over, tied her hands behind her back and then checked the other two girls. The black was dead but the blond, though weak, was alive. Hoping that nothing vital had been struck, he placed his left hand on her firm flat belly and pulled out the knife. The unconscious blond quivered and moaned but did not wake. He needed to quench the blood flow so he pulled off her shorts and wadded them up into a pad. He cut free her halter and used to stretchy material to bind the pad in place. It seemed to work, her bleeding stopped and she lay almost peacefully, clad only in a small pair of shear panties.
Artos could tell by the sounds outside that the battle was winding down and what was left was moving away from his position. His fight and the fight of the brunette was over. He decided, gazing at the curving profile of his captive, that it was time to start reconciliation. In other words, he was horny as hell. He walked over to the brunette and lifted her to her feet. She was about six inches shorter than he was, with full firm breasts tapering into a tiny waist and smooth flowing hips and thighs. The girl stared at him, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity in her eyes. She shivered even though it was quite warm. He spoke to her as he untied her bonds.
"You are my prisoner and I'm not going to hurt you, but I am going to fuck the hell out of you." "After that you can go, no questions asked." "Just tell me your first name."
The girl was nervous as she whispered in a shaky voice, "I am called Lea, the other girls are my friends Sophie and Briggette", nodding first to the dusky corpse then to the still blond.
"I'm really sorry about your friends but war is war and you would have killed me if you could". "I think Briggette may survive her wound but only time will tell".
Lea responded, "I saw you trying to help her, we were told all you males were vicious brutes who liked killing women."
"You've been fed a lot of lies by your corrupt leaders, all we want is our freedom and a chance to live as equals". "Rather than killing you I would much prefer doing this". With that Artos took Lea in his arms, bent her backward and planted a long passionate kiss on her soft wet lips. She resisted for a few seconds then her arms encircled his chest and she returned his passion with her own. Her body crushed against him and she could feel his long rigid male shaft denting her belly. As their kiss broke, Lea seductively wiggled back and swayed provocatively as she lifted her halter over her head. Her perfect tits sprang free and quivered in the warm air, nipples already erect and waiting to be sucked. Then, still swaying to some unheard music, she hooked her thumbs in her pants and tugged them down over her tanned legs. Lea spread her legs slightly and thrust her pelvis forward, inviting Artos to gaze at her lush womanhood. She slithered up to him and slowly removed his shirt, then her long nails traced paths of pleasure over his hard muscled chest and back. Lea found the knotted cord that held up his pants and with deft fingers undid the knot. Showing her flexibility, she lifted one leg high and hooked her toes on his pants to pull them off. Out leapt eight inches of thick male meat, Lea's first close up look at a penis. Somehow she seemed to know what to do as Artos moaned, "Baby I'm ready to explode, relieve the pressure!"
Lea sank to her knees and gingerly kissed him cock and balls. Soon she was flicking her tongue over the lust reddened split tip of his wang, tasting the oozing fluid. Her taste buds agreeable with the sensation, she grabbed his hard ass and engulfed as much of the throbbing dick as her throat would allow. Up and down her head bobbed while her teeth scraped his sensitive skin. The vacuum of her sucking tried to draw the cum from his balls and quickly succeeded. With a low moan, Artos released a geyser of salty semen into her waiting mouth. The lustful girl gulped frantically trying to drain every drop. The feeling of male syrup trickling down her throat shot her off into a full blown orgasm. Lea's leg muscles coiled and she sprang up, wrapping her arms around Artos' chest and her lower limbs around his hips. She mashed her mouth to him and drilled in with her tongue. Artos could taste his own semen in her sweet mouth as her voluptuous ass wiggled over his stiff joint. She squirmed till her hot pussy lips felt the wet cockhead and then she lowered her hips.
"Mmmmmmmmmaaahhhh!", mewed from Lea's red lips as her tight, hot pussy engulfed the full length of hard throbbing cock. Artos held on to her firm smooth buttocks while his mouth tasted the sweetness of her young breasts. The position was strenuous for both lovers so Artos backed up and sat down on a chair so that Lea's feet could touch the floor. This allowed her to ride him like posting on a horse. His hands and mouth explored all reachable parts of her lush body and soon she was nearing orgasm.
"Lordddd, this is soooo good,,,,,if I had known soonerrrr,,,,Ooooohhhhhhh Yyyeeesssss!" Lea's cunt clamped down on Artos' cock like a vice as she burst into orgasm. She bucked and writhed, clawing at his back like a tigress in heat. It took her a couple of minutes to come back down and all the while Artos rode with her, playfully biting her turgid nipples. They both sat motionless for a few seconds then Lea stood, popping off of the glistening prick. She lay down on the floor, held out her arms and spread her slender legs, saying, "Come on down, you big stud, we aren't done let". Artos didn't need to be coaxed, Lea was the best lay of his life and he could feel another build up of pressure in his balls. He dropped to the floor, stopping to bury his face in the girl's hot, wet muff. Probing her twat, his tongue tasting the flavors of her orgasmic juices. She moaned again and forced his face deeper into her love cavern to where he had trouble breathing. Then he mounted her, drilling deep for lusts release in the tunnel of womanhood. Her hips rose in rhythm to his thrusts as her pubic bone slammed into his. She wrapped her legs around his back, lifting her ass clear of the floor. Finally, with one mighty plunge, they both came together. The dark recesses of her cunt were hosed with a stream of virile sperm. The exhausted lovers, still locked together penis to pussy and arm to arm; rolled on their side and fell into a light slumber. While they dozed, two things happened. The battle ended and swimming sperm cells found a pair of fertile eggs in Lea's womb.
Elsewhere, Vulvna and Marcel have ordered their troops to minimize civilian casualties so females in street clothes were not to be shot unless they seemed threatening. The Centauresses abided by the order but a lot of the rebels were more trigger happy. The gun in the hands of a tall willowy auburn haired fox seemed pretty threatening to the rebel who confronted her. Her short white skirt and shear blouse tied under her small but pert breasts was definitely civilian attire but he gave her no time to surrender. She wasn't about to anyway and the gun began to point at him. His reaction was quicker as his commandeered rifle barks and the young tart was knocked back on her firm butt with blood pouring from the hole in the top of her skirt. She cried out in pain and pleaded with the man she had just tried to kill to help her. He was about to help her to her feet and into a house where she would be safe until after the battle when she pulled a knife. His foot booted the knife from her hand and he reached for his own blade, then places his knife in the knot of her blouse and splits the fabric exposing her tits. Putting the point of his blade below the nipple of her firm left breast he says, "Help this you treacherous bitch", and shoves the blade into her heart. The tall girl yelped once more and fell dead into his arms.
An enraged whore naked except for the tattered remains of a white bra, charges a rebel while holding a kitchen knife. He side steps, grabs the cunts wrist and twists her arm as she continues past and she is gut fucked by her own knife. Other civilians who did not resist were also raped and killed by the blood maddened rebels. Many unarmed women died with rebel steel in their tits and jism dripping from their violated cunts.
Serena has lost all but two of her guard by the time she reaches her headquarters. Three were caught in a cross fire of bullets and arrows. A tall busty blond beauty grunted and spit blood as she caught a slug in her belly button followed by an arrow under her right arm that knocked her legs out from under her and dropped her on her grimacing face. She was alive when two blood crazed rebels found her writhing body, stripped her nude, raped and sodomized her, then drove a sharpened pole up her plump pink ass till it came out her mouth. Another smaller blond took two arrows in her groin and one between her shoulders that flipped her on her back and drove the arrow out between her taut boobs killing her quickly. The third slut, a black haired, sloe eyed fox, took a slug in her soft inner thigh and as she fell, two lead balls drilled her right breast, she would last only a few minutes as the blood filled her lungs and suffocated her.
Now from the original dozen elite just Irma and Eva remain. Marcel has the three cornered and pinned down and he is content to wait for help before rushing their position.
The wounded Clitia has evaded Centauress and rebel by skulking in back alleys until she makes a wrong turn and runs into the last two mutants as they fuck the dead hulks of two Femazi. She knows she cannot fly and her wound has slowed her feet. As she tries to run she is tackled by one of the brutes. Her big tits bounce of the pavement as she hits the ground face first. The other mutant sits in front of the stunned Harpy and impales her mouth on his blood covered cock gagging her as he rams it deep into her throat, oblivious to the deep gouges her claws are ripping into his body. The tackler gets to his knees and pounces on her wiggling plump ass, splitting her rosebud wide with his engorged wang. Both of these mutants have laid waste to several females since the breakout, one having raped two Femazi and one Centauress, the other smashing into a rooming house and leaving four dead civilian sluts in his wake. It takes a long time for them to build to a climax and the wounded Harpy can do nothing but take their cock as the mouth and ass pounding continue. Finally it ends, with a last massive drive the two cocks spurt forth the poison and relax. There is no relaxing for the battered Clitia as she tries to rise but the pain in her ass is to great and her legs do not obey. The acid in her throat has burned her vocal cords and she can just mew like a cat as she flops around in her death throws. Just then a squad of Femazi fleeing the battle turn into the alley and blast the resting mutants. One of them puts her gun to the head of Clitia and blows off the side of her face, putting her out of her misery. Before they can reload they find the way out of the alley blocked by rebels and turning to leave the way they came they come face to face with several Centauresses. Practicality winning out over valor the six Femazi drop their guns and knives and raise their hands in surrender. All over the city the Femazi are giving up in small groups as they are overwhelmed. The hardliners fight on and continue to be slaughtered.
Through all the carnage, Molly has watched her troops being senselessly slaughtered because of the power mad Serena. She decides to kill the bitch and end the battle. She arms herself and waits for Serena at the headquarters. Her plan is rash and flawed. Serena and her remaining guard enter the building, joining up with the hardliners barricaded there. Molly waits to long to attack and the firm tit of a busty hardliner bitch takes the bullet meant for Serena. As the mortally wounded girl drops, the guards turn on Molly. She will not get a second shot, four rifles boom and slam hot lead into Molly's chest. She is thrown back by the impact and slips down a wall, dead.
Marcel has gathered enough men and mares for a final assault on Serena, now holed up in her headquarters with Eva and Irma and a small group of hardliners. As the allies forces slowly advance on the building the remaining Femazi open fire from the windows dropping a mare and two men, but they have given away their positions to the masses rifles and bows of the attackers. A fusillade of lead and steel tipped wood rains down on the hardliner bitches and several blood covered bodies fall from shattered windows. There is minimal resistance as they storm into the building. Two remaining Femazi are blasted to oblivion when they raise their rifles. Searching from room to room they finally break down the door to Serena's bedroom. Eva and Irma stand in front of the bed with rifles ready while Serena, jacket ripped open and large tits jiggling, cowers on the bed. "Shoot them" she screams. The two guards look into the dozens of faces that point guns and bows at them. Marcel calmly speaks, "Drop the guns, it's over, you've lost but you two don't have to die for her". Eva and Irma begin to lower their rifles when Serena yells out, "Cowards!", pulls out a hidden pistol and shoots Eva in the back. "Nooooo!" wails her bunkmate and lover Irma as the blond sinks to the floor. The gunshot acts as a signal to the massed troops and they open fire. Irma is wracked by three of the heavy slugs in her proud chest that blow her out of the line of fire. Serena, trapped on the bed, takes the brunt with her breasts erupting in small red geysers as slug after slug rips into her body. Arrows rip thru the red leather pants into her cunt and thighs. It lasts but a few seconds and she lies still, her bed soaked with her warm blood. The witch is dead, the Femazi broken, the Harpies vanquished.
A low moan comes from Eva, the bullet has missed her vital organs and she lives. She crawls to her downed lover and cradles her head as Irma gasps her last breath. Marcel, moved by the pitiful scene, decides to use the headquarters as a hospital for the wounded and Eva will be the first patient. The losses suffered by the Femazi are staggering, three hundred dead and almost a hundred wounded, almost ninety dead Harpies and seven more wounded. The Centauresses have thirty dead and twenty injured while the males lost fifty dead and thirty five injured. The death of the last mutants was a small blessing in a otherwise costly battle.
Chapter #10- Forgive and Move Ahead
Hector and Cloe were left in charge of the occupation and medical forces. The able bodied Femazi were disarmed and made to clean up the headquarters and set up beds. They sent out wagons to retrieve the wounded. Three Harpies were found alive outside the city walls along with the two Centauresses hit in the charge of the gate. Wagon after wagon hauled the wounded, victors and vanquished, to the makeshift hospital were some would die but most would be saved including Eva, who after her recovery moves to the Harpy kingdom and takes a birdwoman lover, and a young petite Femazi found with an arrow thru her side. Her small body has lost a lot of blood from a nicked liver and her wound must be cauterized with a hot iron. She is given something to bite on and the acrid smoke rises from her wound as the iron seals the veins. A large ugly scar will mar her perfect body forever.
Many civilian sluts have been injured, a near naked bitch is brought in with a knife in her guts but she does not survive. Another of the women detained in the bedroom is admitted, she caught a stray slug that passed thru her inner thigh and nicked her clit.
Amazingly, Freda still clings to life, the bowmen shooting at Serena had not had time to get full drawback on the bowstrings and one arrow hit a rib and stopped short of ripping the lung while the second was slowed by the hard mass of her large tit and did not rip completely thru the lung. She will have two large scars on her breast to remind her of her brush with death. By a strange quirk of fate she is cared for and will eventually will fall in love with one of the men that shot her and bear him two sons. He was cleaning wounds when a litter carried in the big redhead in the red miniskirt and he remembers her startled look as his shaft sunk into her stunning chest. Volunteering to assist, he gently cuts off her punctured halter, getting his first look at her pink tits, and bathes the deep wounds in her right breast, then he binds her magnificent mammaries in clean bandages and gives her water. The next day she has rested and is able to speak. Freda thanks the man for helping her and he says it was the least he could do since he had shot her. Her reply puzzles him. "No you didn't, Serena shot me", she says as she grips his hand. She has lost a lot of blood and it is some time before she is able to resume her life. Her new friend stays with her as much as possible during her recovery. He feels much guilt over almost ending her life and falls madly in love with the beautiful woman.
Several Femazi who were wounded in the cunt, survive but their child bearing days were over. This includes the stocky girl who helped string up the black resistance fighter. They become nannies and servants to more fortunate mothers. The tall redhead survived her beating and gang rape, nine months later giving birth to twin sons. One lovely young Harpy was unblemished except for a severe wound to her right wing joint and would not be able to fly again. During her recovery, several males became infatuated with the gorgeous female and had torrid love affairs with her. Seeing how easy it was to control men with her body, the Harpy decided to stay in the human city and work as a call girl, figuring human males will pay good money to experience a birdwoman fuck. She would eventually become rich running a whorehouse staffed by Harpies and Centauresses.
Two things roused the dozing Artos and Lea, the moaning of Briggette as she regained consciousness and the cries of the messengers out in the street announcing the death of Serena and the end of hostilities. The two quickly untangled their sweaty naked bodies and dressed. Lea went to comfort her friend while Artos went out in the street seeking news. When he returned moments later, Briggette was awake. Lea was telling her of the events since her wounding and the wounded girl stared at Artos with a quizzical expression on her face. Artos didn't notice for he had things to do. He had learned of the hospital and since it wasn't far away he would carry the wounded girl rather than have her be
bounced around in a wagon. First he had to place the corpse of Sophie out near the street for collection. Her body was still warm and sexy as he laid her limp form on the curb. Then, being as gentle as possible, he lifted the wounded blond and made his way to the hospital with Lea following behind.
Once order was restored, the men, rebels no more, would rule in the cities. Word of Serena's defeat and demise reached other Femazi cities and they submitted to the new order rather than be destroyed. Marcel and Vulvna leading, the Centauresses returned to their lands where Aura and Zina were set free. They would become the new rulers of the Harpies and pledged an offer of freedom to all enslaved men in their lands and to tell their people the pleasures of mating with the human's. They vowed that the Harpies would become faithful allies to Marcel and Vulvna. Marcel stayed with the Centauresses, becoming lover and confidant to Vulvna. Centaur's became equal partners in the equine lands and were allowed to sit in on government although the Queen would always have the last word. Aura would visit Vulvna several times a year to discuss matters of state and spend long evenings of passion with the Queen and Marcel. Both females would eventually bear him children. Aura giving birth to one male human and one female Harpy, Vulvna delivering one male Centaur. Zina would also take a man for a mate and give birth to two female human's. Hector and Cloe never had children.
Artos went back to his farm but after several months some instinct told him to return to the Femazi city and find Lea. He had dreamt of her soft warm body most every night. It took a little looking but eventually he found her. She was living with Briggette who survived her wound with only one complication. The knife had injured her uterus and she could never have children. Lea was already beginning to show with the twins and Artos invited both women to move to his farm. He told Lea he had fallen in love with her and he also felt responsible for Brigitte’s handicap. All three lived a long and happy life together. In the human cities the females had to give up artificial insemination and take their fucking the real way. There weren't a lot of protests and soon the population was recovering from the war losses. With the evil paramilitary female influences shattered forever, the three species found they could live together peacefully and productively.