Slay the Spire Dark Carnal Horror Mod (GURO WARNING!) (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Warning: Flay the Spire contains depictions of EXTREME violence and gore (Guro) and should probably not be viewed by anyone.

THE HEART pulses many maiden's blood. The abductees' mutilated corpses are fleshy decorations, grim reminders of the atrocities they suffered in THE HEART's name. Whoever goes to save them soon realizes that avenging their deaths is all one can hope for. Many heroes themselves fall victim to The Spire's bloodlust…

TL;DR: Flay the Spire brings the gory horror of Diablo 1 to Slay the Spire by changing some cosmetic aspects into an extremely NSFW dark fantasy horror setting. Download the mod / preview pictures at your own risk.

Flay The Spire is inspired by the aesthetics of the original Diablo from 1996, a game that did not yet censor itself in its artistic depictions of carnal horror. Naked impaled corpses were abundant in this game, and it was mostly the low 640x480 resolution of the 90s that let a mainstream game get away with it.
The fascination with this unapologetic depiction of gore never really left me. You see the horror of Diablo's level design and can't help but ask yourself: "what atrocities have happened here?" This mod aims to reproduce those feelings in a modern game - a game that already has potential for a very dark backstory.

As such, its contents are not for the faint of heart (pun intended).

After popularizing and then quitting Hearthstone modding years ago (though the pirated thread seems to be still thriving), I recently felt like giving an all time favorite of mine a makeover: Slay the Spire. This mod is focused on the most extreme aspect of my Hearthstone mods: Guro, of the depiction of fictional gore, and it's not holding back.

Important Disclaimer: The contents of this mod are entirely fictional;
Real violence against women (or anyone, for that matter) is a despicable act that is despised by the author of this mod and should not be condoned by anyone. It is also why I'm interested in said content; because it is fictional, it can break ultimate taboos (which is a kink of mine and many others) without actually hurting a soul.

If you think graphic fictional violence might offend you and still download this mod, that's on you. If you feel bad for liking the content of this mod, know that you're not hurting any real person. However, if you attack people who like it, you are attacking a real person. Don't be the asshole.

How to install:

The mod comes in 2 Variants: Flay the Spire, which includes both cards and background art, and Flay the Spire Light, which excludes the modified card art. Same as with my Hearthstone mod, I'm depending on 3rd party software for texture modding, in this case from the Steam Workshop.

0. If you're still playing unmodded Slay the Spire, you first need to install "ModTheSpire" and "BaseMod" from the Steam workshop, found here (Steam Workshop::ModTheSpire) and here (Steam Workshop::BaseMod), respectively. Also, a Guide on how to install mods with a non Steam version of the game can be found on Reddit here: /r/slaythespire/comments/gj5kel/howto_add_mods_to_gog_version/ (for some reason it wouldn't let me post a direct link here)

1. Install the "Texture Replacer" Mod from the Steam Workshop. It can be found here (Steam Workshop::Texture Replacer)

2. Unzip your preferred version of the Texture Pack Flay the Spire (found below) with all sub-folders into (Your Steam Location)\steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire\texPacks\. FlayTheSpire or FlayTheSpireLight should be the folder within \texpacks, with the other \beyondscene etc. as its subfolders.

3. Start Slay the Spire with the above mods enabled.

4. In the main menu of the game, select "Mods", then select "Texture Replacer" and hit "Config" below. Put a checkmark at "FlayTheSpire" or "FlayTheSpireLight".

5. Restart the game once (this is only necessary the first time you select the mod to avoid glitches and does not need to be repeated on consecutive game starts)

6. Play the game and be offended.

Featured artists:
Backgrounds: Feather
Cards: emikochan, ndofline, tsepesi, underrock



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Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2024
I cannot seem to get texture replacer to work. I've got everything installed correctly (as far as I am aware, anyway), and I can get the mod menu to come up. It has texture replacer on it, so I know that's installed, but if I hit play, the game crashes on frame 1. If I uncheck texture replacer, the game boots up just fine. Have I missed something obvious?


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Not an expert, for me it just worked... are you running both ModTheSpire and BaseMod? Maybe installing the StS-Library (Steam Workshop::StSLib) might help, but I'm not sure. Otherwise just uninstalling an reinstalling game and mods usually does wonders to things. Keep me posted if you figure it out!


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2024
I've already got those installed, but I can try uninstalling and reinstalling once I get home from work. I'll keep you updated.


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2024
Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't work, but I did manage to figure out the issue. Turns out, Texture Replacer and Mod the Spire ++ don't play nicely with each other. Just use regular Mod the Spire and it works fine apparently.


Potential Patron
May 14, 2020
thank you for this mod it is so hard to find NSFW mods for this game I would love if they were more.


Potential Patron
Jun 3, 2024
thank you for this mod it is so hard to find NSFW mods for this game I would love if they were more.

Fortunately, there has been a deluge of Chinese-made hentai mods on the actual Steam workshop lately.

@OP - good work with the mod, thanks for your effort. Always welcome new Slay the Spire content, especially any content that isn't mainstream. Even though this isn't my exact fetish, I still lol'd at the shop screen edit.


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Hey there, not expecting many answers here, but I'm gonna ask anyway: I'm in the finishing touches of an update to this that includes NSFW Events fitting the atmosphere, as well as a new main menu screen. I'm pretty sure however that the menu screen will only work flawlessly on 16x9 displays AND for people who have reached Act 3 of the game (The Main menu graphics "pan up" the Spire as you ascend, but I have found no way to "go down" again, so it's impossible for me to test.)
Let me know it you would be negatively affected by that.


Potential Patron
Aug 1, 2024
Hey there, not expecting many answers here, but I'm gonna ask anyway: I'm in the finishing touches of an update to this that includes NSFW Events fitting the atmosphere, as well as a new main menu screen. I'm pretty sure however that the menu screen will only work flawlessly on 16x9 displays AND for people who have reached Act 3 of the game (The Main menu graphics "pan up" the Spire as you ascend, but I have found no way to "go down" again, so it's impossible for me to test.)
Let me know it you would be negatively affected by that.
Can't wait for the update! Thanks for this modpack, been playing with it on for the past few runs.


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
I ran into some frustrating trouble trying to actually pack this as a standalone mod, which halted development for a while. I'll get back to it soon and probably release it sometime next week. Possibly as a mix of textures for the Replacer mod and its own mod file for the events. We'll see.


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2024
Are there any plans to make the Ironclad female and give them a unique death sprite? Also some more special art for the cards would be nice, especially since the Defect does not really have any as far as I see.

Great mod regardless. Cannot think of any mods like this at the moment.


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
No plans for female Defect or Ironclad, modding the characters with animations and all is way too hard for my minimal modding skills. There are great feminization mods out there by anaertailin, though.


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Hey there, I won't have time to package the mod this week as promised. But since it is 99% percent done and I won't have time for a while to package it in a nice bundle, I'll release the "raw" version, which would be content-identical with a packaged version. Install is slightly more annoying this way, but not by much. REPLACES the old file in the /texpacks folder (see first post).
the events.json file goes into the folder: (Your Steam Location)\steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire\localization\eng\
You'll probably have to create that folder first. Mod only works in english version, if someone feels like translating, let me know.
Also let me know if you encounter any problems with this new version, especially when it comes to events or the resolution of the new main menu.

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20.1 KB · Views: 138


Potential Patron
Aug 1, 2024
Hey there, I won't have time to package the mod this week as promised. But since it is 99% percent done and I won't have time for a while to package it in a nice bundle, I'll release the "raw" version, which would be content-identical with a packaged version. Install is slightly more annoying this way, but not by much. REPLACES the old file in the /texpacks folder (see first post).
the events.json file goes into the folder: (Your Steam Location)\steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire\localization\eng\
You'll probably have to create that folder first. Mod only works in english version, if someone feels like translating, let me know.
Also let me know if you encounter any problems with this new version, especially when it comes to events or the resolution of the new main menu.
Testing now, will let you know if anything pops up!

Thanks for all the work you put in, brother

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