Eastwood said:
I'm pretty sure It could be easily done
Sometimes I forget how much fact people back up their statements with.
No worries, can't be worse than the guy who said an iPad port would be easy.
Their is already a mod for something like this created by "download".
Huh, it was easy.
Here's the code for sweating from her neck -> torso -> legs:
var sw = eDOM.getDefinition("obj.Sweat") as Class;
for (var sww:int = 0; sww<12; sww++)
new sw(main.her.head,new Point(21,-65),new Point(150,100),[main.her.torso.back,main.her.torso.midLayer,main.her.torso.leg]);
I know, it's horrible code but it works.
Each sweat object is apparently a single drop, so this is generating 12 droplets.
Sweat parameters:
First object should be where the sweat begins and the array is where it will continue to sweat after it leaves the previous object.
The first point is the local offset of where the sweat begins and the second acts as a multiplier for that offset.
Because the position is slightly randomized, having a larger multiplier will increase the range where sweat can form.