Some dangerous Japanese words for you.. (1 Viewer)


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 7, 2012
I found that there are so many do not like male/male love affair or gyaku(male) ryona.
So I will introduce some Japanese words must be avoid.

Some are not so danger.

words in Japanese characterreading in Japanesemeaning of the wordsnote or
similar words
ミルクmilkSemenホットミルク 練乳
薔薇族bara zokuname of Japanese gay magasine
antonym of "YURI"
薔薇 バラ アドン
ノンケnonkenon gay men/Japanese gay slungノン気
男子校danshi-kouboys' high school 男子高
(boy's senior high school)
×kakerumultiplication. male pos. × female pos.
reverse order changes meaning.
ベーコンレタスBacon Lettuce"BL" used in some other spotベーコンレタスバーガー
リバーシブルReversible"Seme(male position)" / "Uke(female position)"
both OK characters
リバシ リバ
逆リョナGyaku ryonaReverse ryona/Male in tragic situation男リョナ
fu/huCorrupt(*) from "fujyosi" male/male love腐向け
イナズマイレブンInazuma 11a boy succor comic/animeイナイレ
島国shima guniisland nation/from hetaria島 島国同盟
ヘタリアHetariaanime/comics with so many male relationsヘタ APH
朝菊Asa kiku/GikuHetaria's male(Asa=EN,Kiku=JP) cuple英日(England and Japan)
ホモhomoHomosexuality/gayモーホ モーホー
ガチホモ ガチムチ
ショタshotaPretty Boy/Shotaro in Iron 28ショタコン
フタナリfutanaricute Androgynyフタ 両性具有
本田菊Honda Kikucute boy in Hetaria(as Japan)菊(ass hole)
アーサー・カークランドArthur Kirklandcute boy in Hetaria(as England)英国
ヤオイYaoimale/male love story/comicやおい YAOI
801 ヤサイ
male body change into female body女化 女性化
BLBee-EluBoys Love/boy and boy loveBL ボーイズラブ
タイバニTai-BaniTiger and Bunny(animation)some are not danger
T&B たいばに 兎虎
イナゴInagonon genres male/male loveイナゴ(腐)
女性向けJyosei mukefor female(about 80% of JP girls are fujyosi)
メンズラブmenzu rabuMen's love
xx受けxx Ukexx is do as female in M/M lovexx 攻め(as male)
カップリングCouplingCoupling of M/M loveCP カップる
なまものnamamonoM/M love with real charactersナマモノ RPS(Real People Slash)
総受けSou-ukeMale character who can be lover of all others総攻め
テニプリteni-puriMale tennis comicテニスの王子様
うた腐リUta PriSinging Prince/animationうたうプリンス
女装jyosouwear female dress/drag
男の娘Otokono-koPretty boy looks like girlオトコの娘 おとこのこ
鏡音レンKagamine Renmale(boy) Vocaloid レン
銀魂Gin-tamaComic/animationsome are not danger
万事屋 真選組
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Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2010
Thanks! You know, though, a good idea might also be to give some words for themes people here might like. For instance, I'm pretty sure 吸血 means "bloodsucker" or "vampire" for something some folks here might be interested in. Are there any others?


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 7, 2012
Thanks! You know, though, a good idea might also be to give some words for themes people here might like. For instance, I'm pretty sure 吸血 means "bloodsucker" or "vampire" for something some folks here might be interested in. Are there any others?

There are some OTAKU dictionary on the net, but these are not enough number of words.
Some wiki area for ryona words will be waited.
And I want to know which words are wanted by members.

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