Star Wars: The Old Republic (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
SWTOR's release date hasn't been announced yet, but from what I've seen it looks good for both gameplay and ryona. KOTOR and especially Jedi Academy had good ryona because of stuns and force powers so I'm definitely looking forward to this game. How bout you folks? I know that when the game arrives I'm so gonna make a female jedi or smuggler and let her get beaten by the sith, sand people and all other baddies :) Game is probably going to have a lot of growd control moves because of force powers the jedi/sith classes have. And from what I know also other classes have gc moves as well, and game is probably going to have some kind stun effects too. Costumes also look quite nice: there are almost skin tight pants and bodysuits for your character (I know I'm gonna wear one of those). Also female characters look pretty, and because this is a Bioware game, I'm quite sure you can customise your character to look sexy/hot.

Here are some concept art and screenshots of female characters from the game:

Female jedi vs sith
Female jedi getting force choked
Female jedi wearing skin tight costume
Female jedi concepts
Female smuggler concept art
Female smuggler concept art 2
Female smuggler wearing skin tight outfit
Female smuggler wearing armor
Female smuggler wearing tight pants/sexy armor
Female bounty hunter from trailer
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Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
That's a good looking set of images there. I wasn't thinking too much about the ryona opportunities in this game, but now that you bring it up it could be alright. I think I'm more interested in being a bad guy (is that an option?) and slaughtering any foolish rebels that get in my way. I am really happy that Bioware is tackling this project, not just because they're probably going to nail it but they're also the guys responsible for the classic Bastila torture scene in Knights of the Old Republic. Maybe the best Star Wars ryona moment since Jabba licked Leia.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
How is KotOR 1/2, anyway? Both in general, and in terms of ryona-- I keep considering checking those games out.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 18, 2010
KotOR 1/2 are great games that I'd recommend playing regardless of ryona content. They might feel a little dated now but probably still worth a play thru. I dont think theres anything special to remember as far as ryona goes. Typical "female gets hit female falls down" turn based combat. Which is probably all we can expect from TOR too. MMO's =/= ryona content :(


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 15, 2009
i liked kotor 1 a lot. kotor 2 could have been good except that it was very rushed, the ending is not even complete and there are a lot of bugs. for ryona there is not a whole lot, though it was kind of fun to run around in my palace dancer costume and get cut down by sith soldiers with lightsabers.

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