The Black Rose - A zako story (1 Viewer)


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
This is a story about Viktor, an agent of the Sentinels, an enigmatic organization dedicated to protect the world from hidden threats that lurk in the shadow. His mission brings him into conflict with the Black Rose, a cabal of young and voluptuous women who employ their beauty as a weapon, luring their victims into deadly traps. The Sentinels mandates that all members of the Black Rose must be neutralized with extreme prejudice.

Disclaimer: All character portraits used in my story are AI generated.

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Chapter 1


Sophia sat at her desk, her fingers absently tapping against the surface as she had a quiet conversation with her younger sister through the secure line.

“How's it going over there, Sis?” Luna’s voice crackled through the encrypted channel. “Are you still stuck at the office?”

“The same old grind”, Sophia shrugged. “You know how it is.”

“At least you don’t have to take part in field ops like I am,” Luna chuckled softly. “These missions are draining. Can't wait for a break.”

They exchanged updates about their lives, mundane details that contrasted sharply with the dangerous game they were playing. Sophia listened intently as the younger girl cheerfully told her stories about her latest assignment.

“I wish we could meet up more often,” Sophia sighed. “It feels like forever since we last saw each other.”

“Yeah, I know,” replied her sister. “I'll come see you as soon as I get a chance.”

Suddenly, the distant sound of an approaching elevator caught Sophia's attention. “Hold on, Luna,” Sophia's senses snapped back to alertness. “I've got to go. Looks like I've got a visitor coming up.”

“Stay safe, Sis,” Luna said with understanding.

“I will,” Sophia replied. “Love you.”

The connection ended with a quiet click, leaving Sophia to collect herself before the arrival of the visitor. She adjusted her posture behind the reception desk, a welcoming smile effortlessly gracing her features as the elevator doors slid open with a soft chime.

At the first glance, she might look like a normal receptionist in a normal office one could find anywhere in this city. But this was nothing but a façade. The truth was, this place was a local hub providing support to the operatives of the Black Rose in the area. Sophia functioned as a sentry, steering away anyone who accidentally set foot on this floor with a professional manner, and if there was anything suspicious or out of place, raising an alarm discreetly to alert the other operatives working inside.

“Good afternoon, Sir. How can I help you?” She greeted the man who stepped out of the elevator. He was tall and imposing, his gaze piercing and unreadable.

Sophia held her breath for a heartbeat. There was something unnerving about this man’s presence. But before she could figure out what exactly was wrong, the man reached inside his coat and pulled out a metallic object that she knew too well. After all, she had something very similar concealed under her desk, ready to be used should an attack occur.

However, she never had the chance to reach her hidden weapon. A sharp crack shattered the air and pain ripped through her chest. Her smile faltered, eyes widening in shock as her body jerked with the impact. As she collapsed to the floor, darkness crept into her vision, a final gasp escaping her lips.


Viktor looked down at the dead whore lying on the ground. Her body was still twitching, blood blossoming across her large breasts, staining the scanty outfit she wore. Her beautiful face, adorned with the seemingly innocent smile just a moment ago, had twisted into a mask of utter shock and horror. While he felt satisfaction with the result, he knew that now wasn’t the moment to dwell on it. There were still works to be done.

He had neutralized the sentry, quickly and silently, to prevent her from raising the alarm. Now, what he needed to do was to ensure that every single whore infesting this place would share the same fate.

Viktor move swiftly through the office, the façade of a legitimate business masking the sinister operations of the Black Rose. He pressed forward, his senses sharpened and his mind focusing on the objective. He meticulously scanned every door and corridor, his trusty pistol held firmly in his grip.

The first door opened, revealing a small dimly lit office space. Inside, a curvaceous figure hunched over a desk, unaware of her imminent demise. He moved closer without making a sound and with a single shot at the back of the head, he gave the whore her well deserved death.

Moving methodically, Viktor continued through the complex. The silence of the office was broken only by the occasional click of his pistol as well as the thud of voluptuous bodies hitting the ground.

With all targets neutralized and no corner left unchecked, ideally, his next step should be accessing their computers and gathering intelligence. However, Viktor doubted that he could afford the time for that.

“Viktor, you need to move.” The urgent voice of his handler crackled through his earpiece, confirming what he predicted. “Combatants are en route to your location. Get out immediately!”

“They are fast,” he snorted. More Black Rose whores to kill was always great, but it was also important to not overstay one’s welcome. After considering the options, he told her, “Roger that!”

As he was about to slip out of the office, Viktor casted one last glance at the carcass of the blonde receptionist, and noticed her panties were soaking wet.

“You are truly a whore, aren’t you?” Viktor chuckled as he pulled down her underwear, revealing the smooth contours below. What a pity. If he had had more time, he would have made good use of that watery hole.

“Oh well, you can't always have everything you want.” Viktor shrugged as he made way to the emergency exit, leaving behind the facility littered with beautiful corpses.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 2

Iris.png Clover.png

Iris watched in silence as the cleanup team gathered the bodies, her eyes scanning the surroundings. The office was strangely pristine. Desks and chairs stood undisturbed, computer screens and documents untouched. Were it not for the scattered corpses littering the floor, no one would ever suspect a brutal attack had just happened in this place. The attacker must have executed their plan with swift and deadly efficiency, leaving no room for struggle or resistance.

The cleanup team worked diligently, their movements quick and precise as they gathered the dead operatives into body bags. Iris watched attentively as each bag was sealed, each tag a marker of a life lost in service to the Black Rose.

“Iris!” Her partner called out. “I’ve got the video recording of what happened during the attack.”

“Let’s review it,” Iris nodded, turning towards Clover. Much like her own alias, ‘Clover’ was also the name of a flower. These were the codenames given to them when they joined the Garden, the elite task force of the Black Rose.

They moved swiftly to a discreet corner in the office. Clover accessed the footage on a secure device, her fingers navigating the controls with practiced ease. The screen came to life, displaying scenes of the recent carnage. What happened was exactly like what Iris had assumed. The assailant moved with calculated precision and lethal efficiency. Resistance was futile. Escape was impossible. The entire sequence unfolded and concluded in mere minutes.

“He was good,” Clover scratched her head.

“Might be one of those pesky Sentinels,” Iris commented.

“Those guys again?” The redhead frowned. “They should have realized that they would never win already.”

“They never stop until we kill to the last one of them,” Iris replied. “The Garden was established for this exact reason.”

“Well, at least this one is easy,” Clover mused. “For someone who was so proficient at his job, he’s foolish enough to show his face.”

“Did he?” Iris chuckled. “That damn beard covers half of his face. Remove it, and he will be unrecognizable. And I’m not sure it is a real beard in the first place.”

“You are right,” Clover nodded, disappointed.

“Well, we do know his height though. Someone that tall won’t be hard to spot.”

In the midst of their discussion, they were interrupted by the sound of raised voices. They returned to the entrance, where they found a girl in combatant suit engaging in a heated argument with a member of the cleanup crew. This was unusual; the combatants should have withdrawn once the cleanup team arrived.


“What is going on?” Clover demanded.

On the verge of tears, the girl turned to them and pleaded. “My sister works here. I have to see her. Where can I find her?”

Iris quickly registered the situation. It appeared that the girl belonged to a different unit, but somehow she had learned of the attack and rushed here, unauthorized. It was a series of protocol breaches, but Iris chose to overlook it for now. “What is your sister’s name?”

“S-Sophia... Sophia Braun.”

If the sister in question did indeed work there, her fate was likely sealed. Iris glanced at the cleanup crew member, who quickly pulled out the records and scanned the list of names. After a few seconds, she looked up, meeting the girl’s eyes, “I’m sorry, but your sister didn’t make it.”

The girl stood frozen at her place, her face a mask of disbelief and anguish. “T-this can’t be happening.” She muttered, her gaze shifting between Iris and the crew member. “Where is she? I need to see her.”

“Unfortunately,” the crew member shook her head. “Her body has already been taken away for disposal.”

The girl staggered back, horrified. “Disposal? Sophia, my sister? No, it’s impossible...” Her hands trembled, tears welling up in her eyes. “Please, I’m begging you. Let me see her. Please...”

“I can’t,” the crew member looked at the girl awkwardly. “You know the protocol for handling situations like this.”

Iris, Clover, and the crew member exchanged hesitant looks. Iris gestured to them that she would handle the situation. She moved towards the girl, gently placing her hand on her shoulder. “What is your name?”


“Luna, I know it’s tough,” Iris said with a soothing tone. “I will see if I can do something about it. Why don’t you call it a day and come home to rest?”

The girl’s exhausted eyes, brimming with tears, met her gaze. “I... I guess you’re right,” she nodded, murmuring. “I just... I can’t believe she’s gone. I just gave her a call this afternoon...”

Iris noted another breach of protocol, but she kept the thought to herself. “I know,” she replied softly. “It’s a lot to take in. But you’re strong. Let’s go home, alright?”

Luna nodded again. “Thank you,” she whispered as she turned to leave.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3


Viktor leisurely made his way towards the safehouse, its modest appearance blending seamlessly with the suburban landscape. To any casual onlooker, it looked like just another residence in the quiet neighborhood. Only those who were privy to the hidden workings of the Sentinels would grasp its true nature—a sanctuary for the agents of justice.

He opened the door and moved through the corridors with the ease of familiarity, eventually arriving in a room where the atmosphere abruptly shifted. The interior layout bore little resemblance to the house’s outward façade. Surveillance equipment lined the walls, monitors displaying live feeds from key locations across the neighborhood. Any potential intruder would be spotted long before they approached the premises.

As he moved towards the heart of the room, a flickering blue light caught his attention, materializing into the figure of Seraph, his handler, rendered as a holographic projection.

“Good job today, Viktor,” the AI’s voice resonated through the room. “The Black Rose has been dealt a significant blow.”

Viktor nodded, acknowledging the AI’s words. His gaze rested on her projected form. Despite their long acquaintance, he still found himself awed by her appearance. She presented herself as a stunningly attractive and shapely woman, and completely naked on top of that. He couldn’t fathom what her creators had been thinking when they designed her like this, but he wasn’t about to complain. It was a pity she wasn’t real; if she were, he would fuck her on the spot.

“You’re thinking something inappropriate, aren’t you?” Seraph inquired. “Nope,” Viktor shrugged, telling the blatant lie.

Settling onto the sofa, Viktor noticed that his handler was still present. “Is there something else?”

“Yes,” Seraph nodded. “I apologize for bringing this up right after your last mission, but there is another matter that requires your immediate attention.”

“Must be urgent then,” Viktor snorted.

“One of our agents has defected to the Black Rose.” Seraph broke the news.


“A team of three agents encountered a group of Black Rose combatants and a skirmish ensured,” Seraph continued grimly. “Then suddenly, without warning, one agent switched side, plunging our team into disarray. This betrayal cost us one agent’s life, with another suffering severe injuries. The traitor was also wounded, but he was successfully extracted by the Black Rose.”

“Have you figured out why he defected?”

“It’s not definitive,” Seraph responded. “However, based on the video footage from the field, it appears the defector has been seduced by one of the Black Rose operatives.”

It was perplexing. Seduction had always been the Black Rose’s most potent weapon, prompting the Sentinels to implement numerous measures to mitigate its impact. The agents were required to undergo rigorous programs that dehumanize the Black Rose operatives, including the strict directive to neutralize all members with extreme prejudice. Those whores were seen as nothing but meat, and the agents were encouraged to rape them, both before and after their well deserved execution.

“How long has he been part of our organization?”

“Agent Thomas Kent. Years in service: Four years and seven months.”

It became even more bewildering. Viktor could have understood if it had been a rookie who succumbed to the allure in their initial encounter with those succubi. But why would someone with such a lengthy service record defect?

“I have forwarded to your terminal the pictures of the defector and the Black Rose operative who seduced him,” Seraph said. “The woman’s image is from the field footage, so the quality isn’t the best.”

Viktor picked up his terminal, bypassing the man’s photo to focus on the woman’s. The image wasn’t perfect, but he could still make out her facial details and physique. She looked to be in her late thirties, with a curvaceous body—striking for her age, but nothing extraordinary within the ranks of the Black Rose. Someone like Thomas should have raped and killed dozens of whores like this one before.

“So, have you found him?” Viktor asked.

“Yes, it appears he had been taken to a hospital associated with the Black Rose,” Seraph replied. “Your mission is to infiltrate the hospital to eliminate the traitor before he can disclose anything sensitive information.”

“I see,” Viktor nodded, calculating his next move.

“I should also remind you, Viktor, that while the hospital is affiliated with the Black Rose and has many undercover operatives among its staff, most of its occupants are innocent.”

“So, no storming in with guns blazing?”


“You know me too well, Seraph,” Viktor chuckled. “Have I ever killed an unrelated bystander?”

“I know, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Fine, I’ll take care of it,” Viktor concluded. “Send me all available information on the guy.”


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 4

Camellia.png Lorelei.png

Camellia stood in the hospital room, bathed in the illuminating glow of the fluorescent lights overhead. The defected agent of the Sentinels lay on the bed, sleeping, his breathing softly and uninterrupted. His presence marked a significant triumph—an great achievement in the ongoing war in the shadow. Especially after the recent obliteration of a local Black Rose hub, this victory promised to bolster morale substantially. And if Camellia played her cards right, it could also elevate her standing within the organization.

“So, you’re proposing that we wait until he’s back on his feet?”

“Yes,” replied Lorelei, the operative who had secured the agent’s allegiance, now standing beside her. “A complete recovery may be ambitious, but we should at least wait until his condition stabilizes.”

“And how long will that take?”

“Perhaps a week. Two, at the most.”

Camellia frowned. She wanted the interrogation to begin immediately to extract vital intelligence. The higher-ups were also pressuring her to uncover the perpetrator behind last week’s raid. Despite this urgency, Lorelei and the defected agent were her primary assets, and pushing them too hard might jeopardize their cooperation.

“Very well,” Camellia conceded. “Monitor his condition closely. The moment he is stable enough, I want him immediately prepared for interrogation.”

As Camellia prepared to leave the room, Camellia paused to glance back at Lorelei, whose eyes were filled with concern as she watched over the man.

“He switched side because he fell in love with you, didn’t he?”

“Yes,” Lorelei nodded. “He was under my control the whole time.”

“And you? Don’t tell me you fell for him too.”

“Of course not,” the woman denied. “Everything I did, I did for the Black Rose.”

Camellia was no fool. She knew a liar when she saw one. Nonetheless, her primary concern was achieving her goal. The fate of the lovebirds afterward was of no consequence.

After returning to the room in the hospital she had commandeered, Camellia checked her terminal. There were numerous missed calls and messages, but none from the person she anticipated. What is that woman thinking? Camellia mused, deciding to make the call herself.


“Camellia,” the image of a white-haired woman appeared on her terminal screen. “What’s up?”

“I don’t know if you’ve been informed yet,” Camellia smirked. “But I have secured a defected agent of the Sentinels.”

“I’ve heard,” the woman nodded. “Good for you.”

“You knew, yet you didn’t think to call me?” Camellia frowned.

“Why?” The woman looked puzzled. “Sorry, I’ve been occupied with my current task. I should have congratulated you earlier.”

“That’s not the issue. You’re tasked with finding the culprit behind last week’s attack and you haven’t found any lead yet. Am I correct?”

“You’re right,” the woman acknowledged. “As I mentioned, I’m fully occupied at the moment.”

So why haven’t you prostrated yourself before me, begging for my assistance? Camellia thought. “The higher-ups must be pressuring you for results. And the agent in my custody might have the vital information you need. If you ask nicely, I might provide it for you.”

“They did, but I don’t care,” the woman replied nonchalantly. “And honestly, I think the guy you have is useless.”


“Someone who defects so easily must be some low-ranked who doesn’t know anything important.”

This woman, Iris, was insufferable. She was perpetually aloof and never took anything seriously. Even now, despite her lack of accomplishments compared to Camellia’s recent success, she continued to display that kind of attitude.

“This is going nowhere,” Camellia said, frustrated. Continuing this conversation would drive her mad. “I’m hanging up now.”

Just as Camellia was about to disconnect, Iris said. “Wait.”

“What? Changed your mind?”

“The guy may be useless,” Iris mused. “But the Sentinels are vindictive. I heard they lost an agent over this defection. They won’t forget and they won’t forgive.”

“You think they’d send someone here to kill him? Why do you think I haven’t considered it?” Camellia sneered. “Let them come. My fortress is impregnable.”

“Then that’s good. But be careful, okay?”

Iris’s admonition only irritated Camellia even further. Who did she think she was, talking to her with such condescension?

“That bitch is fucking annoying.” She vented to her assistant Alisa, who had silently accompanied her the entire time.

“Yes,” Alisa smiled reassuringly. “But don’t let her get to you. A bad mood would mar your beautiful face. Now, let me help you to relax...” The assistant gently pushed her onto a chair, then knelt down before her crotch.

“W-wait, Alisa. Now is not the time... Ah...” A wet tongue touch Camellia’s clitoris, silencing her objection.

“Should I stop?"

“N-no. Continue.” Camellia leaned back, closing her eyes as sensation surged up through her body.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 5


Luna sat silently in her room, immersed in memories of her beloved sister. Holding a photograph that captured a moment from their happier days, she traced her fingers over the frame, cherishing the warmth of Sophia’s smile forever frozen in that snapshot.

She couldn’t shake the memory of that phone call, the last time she heard her sister’s voice. They had exchanged casual updates and shared a few laughs, oblivious to the fact that it would be their final conversation. She even told Sophia that she would visit her once she had free time. Now she had plenty of time, but she could no longer fulfil that promise.

Luna’s terminal chimed softly, breaking the silence of her solitude. Glancing at the screen, she saw Emily’s name flashing. It was a voice-only call, indicating that her friend was likely on a mission.

“Hey, Emily,” Luna murmured.

“Luna,” Emily’s voice carried a comforting tone. “How are you doing?”

“I’m hanging in there,” Luna sighed quietly. “It... It’s tough.”

“I know,” Emily said softly. “I’m here for you, Luna. Whenever you need to talk.”

Luna nodded silently, grateful for her friend’s support. After a brief pause, she decided to change the topic.

“How is everyone? Are you on a mission now?”

“Wait a sec,” replied Emily. “I’ve got something for you.”

In just a few seconds, a picture popped up on Luna’s screen. She clicked to open it and saw Emily dressed in a cute nurse costume.

“Why the nurse outfit?” Luna laughed.

“It’s not just me, the whole team’s in on it,” Emily giggled. “We’re in the middle of a... Oops, sorry, can’t tell you more. I’ll fill you in once it is over.”

“Got it,” Luna said with understanding. Probably even sending her this picture was already a breach of protocol, but Emily did it anyway in order to cheer her up. “I wish I could be with you all.”

“Nah, take your break,” Emily told her. “Rest up and come back when you’re fully charged.”


“Well, I have to go,” Emily said. “See you later.”

“Alright,” Luna acknowledged. “Stay safe.”


“I’m here for you, Luna. Whenever you need to talk.” The whore was talking to someone over her terminal, completely oblivious to the danger lurking nearby.

For the past week, Viktor had been meticulously scouting this hospital, blending in as a visitor while observing the routines of the staff. The Black Rose operatives who had integrated themselves into the hospital environment were a challenge to identify, but newcomers like this piece of meat stood out like sore thumbs.

He had been following her discreetly, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Fortunately, she had wandered into a quiet corridor by the restroom, absorbed in her conversation. Viktor remained concealed in the shadows, waiting for the phone call to finish as he didn’t want to alert the person on the other end.

“See you later.” The fake nurse ended the call, marking the beginning of her demise.

Viktor closed in the unsuspecting whore. He pulled out his garroting wire, sensing its lethal weight in his hand. In one swift motion, he looped the wire around her neck and tightened it with controlled force. The fake nurse’s entire body stiffened with a jolt of panic, her legs twitching involuntarily, searching for stable footing in the sudden struggle. Her hands instinctively reached up, clawing at the wire in a desperate attempt to free herself from Victor’s relentless grip.

Within moments, the struggle ceased. Viktor hauled the dead whore into the nearby restroom, the door closing softly behind them. Once inside, he shoved her limp body into a vacant stall. After a deep breath, he scanned the surroundings once more to ensure they were still undisturbed.

Viktor locked the stall door, and started stripping her. He had been watching these sluts flaunting their voluptuous bodies for a week, but he had to refrain from making a move to maintain his cover. He had endured this restraint for far too long. Now, it was time to vent his pent-up frustration.

The whore had firm round breasts with impeccably erect nipples pointing straight out. He wondered whether they were always like this, or she got turned on while being strangled. He leaned down and sucked her right tit, his fingers shoved into her pussy. Even though she was obviously dead, her slutty body still reacted to the stimulation, squirting her body juice. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, so he began to prod her dripping pussy. He cummed several times, filling up the hole and spreading all over her body with his seeds.

Once done, he promptly exited the restroom, leaving the semen-covered carcass behind. As he walked through the hospital corridor, Viktor heard his handler’s voice in his earpiece, tinged with disapproval. “Are you sure about this?”

“I am,” he responded.

“Your mission is to find and neutralize the defector, not kill random guards. Now they know you’re here; they’ll be on high alert.”

“That’s the plan, I want them to know that I’ve arrived.” Viktor smirked. “Anyway, have you told the Boss about my proposal?”

“Yes,” Seraph replied. “You have his approval.”

“Excellent,” Viktor grinned with satisfaction. “The first phase is complete. Now, we proceed to the second phase of the operation.”

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