The Disastrous Return of Flex Girl (1 Viewer)


Club Regular
Aug 24, 2019
This is a commissioned story


Ben couldn't believe the situation he was in.

It wasn't long ago that he was just an average teenager living with his mom. He loved his mother, and always felt a bit sad for her, knowing that a lack of money was stressing her out. He worked hard at his job and offered to help out financially, but she wasn't having any of it. Then, he stumbled upon a bit of his mother's past, which shocked him at first, but he realized that it might be just the thing they needed.

Ben's mom, Julia, used to star in superheroine peril films. Ben was shocked when he found her old outfit, along with pictures and videos of her posing and being dominated on camera.

Worse yet, he found that he liked it.

Ben suggested she put on the suit again and get back to making peril content. He knew there would be a good market for it, and he believed his mother was attractive enough to get attention. Maybe some of her fans from back in the day were still around somewhere and would love to see her again after all this time. After some hesitation, Julia actually agreed.

Ben offered to play the villain in a new video, but Julia rejected it right away. She didn't want her son on camera in these videos, nor did she want her son to be the one dominating her. It was just too weird. It was bad enough that she allowed him to be the cameraman, but somebody needed to do it. Julia decided to go online and hire someone. She needed someone menacing and much bigger than her. Ben was hesitant to hire some guy they didn't know, but Julia had a good feeling about him after talking with him. His name was Roger, and apparently he actually knew of her and her peril videos from back then. He was so eager to be the one in her return video that he offered to do it at a fraction of cost than what they were initially offering. Julia couldn't turn that down!

This happened just one week ago, and now they found themselves in a rented out room with concrete floors and boxes in the corner to be used for basic props. She would be thrown into them at some point, according to the script Julia wrote. She'd never actually written a script by herself before. She's helped out in the past, but most of her old video ideas were written and paid for by fans. She found it fun, and maybe if this went well, she would open up commissions again.

Everything depended on how well today went.

"You nervous?" Ben asked his mother. She was standing by the door, waiting for Roger to arrive. She was wearing the white leotard from her superheroine outfit, but the rest of it was in her bag. She wore gray sweatpants and a pair of sandals on her otherwise bare feet. She was much quieter than usual.

"Kinda, it's been so long," Julia said to her son. She was normally a confident woman, Ben never saw her so nervous before.

"It's OK, mom. You'll do great. Once we get started, it'll be like you never stopped. Probably."

Julia gave her son a warm smile. "I still can't believe I let you talk me into this. I let this part of me go such a long time ago. And I can't imagine what'll go through your head when you see someone throwing your mom around in a skimpy outfit. Gosh, am I a bad mom?"

"Of course not," Ben said honestly. He blushed a bit when he realized he actually was looking forward to seeing his mom being thrown around in her superheroine outfit. "I'll be fine. We need the money, it's OK. Don't worry about me."

Julia sighed, then rested her hand on Ben's shoulder. "How did you get to be such an awesome son?"

Before Ben could come up with a response, Roger finally arrived. He opened the door, and both Ben and Julia's eyes grew wide when they saw how large he really was in person. He wore a black tank top, which left his bulging arm muscles bare, black gym shorts, and black sneakers.

"Julia!" Roger said as he extended his arms wide. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!" Roger went in for a hug, and Julia obliged. She practically disappeared in his massive arms. The hug went on for a few seconds too long, then he finally let go.

"Nice to meet you Roger," Julia said as she dropped her bag to the floor and opened it up. It was time to get into character. Ben got an idea. "Hey uh, mom..."

"Don't call me mom while we're working. Julia is fine."

Ben was quiet.

"Or Flex Girl, if that's easier."

"Sure thing, uh, Flex Girl. Hey... do you mind if I film you getting into the outfit? It might be good bonus material."

"Sure thing, boss," Julia said sheepishly. Ben pointed his handheld camera at his mother and hit record. He watched as she kicked off her sandals. She gave out a small squeaky noise from her mouth as her soft feet touched the cold hard ground. She then slowly peeled off her sweatpants. Ben made sure to follow her hands as they pushed down the top of her pants. They had already promised each other not to talk about the awkwardness of the whole situation while filming. In this moment, Julia was a professional actress, and Ben was her cameraman.

Ben couldn't help but notice how shapely and nice her legs were. She took good care of her skin, and it showed. Roger was watching closely, as well.

The gray sweatpants fell to the ground, and Julia stepped out of them. She slipped into her ankle boots and slowly zipped them up. Ben made sure to get a closeup of her feet, then panned the camera up her legs and into her face. Her amber colored eyes looked into the camera lens seductively, then she gave a cute smile as she threw her rolled up cape into the air, then caught it. She rolled it out in dramatic fashion and quickly tied it around her neck. Julia then put her hands on her wide hips, raised her head, and put on a heroic facial expression.

Julia's superheroine persona was named Flex Girl. Her outfit consisted of a white leotard with stylized FG letters across her chest, a small black cape that went halfway down her back, and black open toed ankle boots with heels. The sleeves of the leotard went down her arm and ended in a ringlet around one of her fingers, and her legs were left bare. Her light brown hair was tied into a messy ponytail. Though the outfit was extremely tight on her, since she's gained some curves over the years, she still managed to squeeze into it. Since it was so tight, very little of her body was left to the imagination. Her large breasts looked like they were about to burst through the uniform, and her thick ass and thighs practically oozed out of it.

Julia gave Ben the nod to let him know he could stop filming for a second.

"How do I look?" Julia asked her son, her hands still on her hips.

Ben was covered in a cold sweat. "Uh-uh-amazing!" he stammered.

"I think you're fucking hot!" Roger blurted out. Ben felt a flash of anger at Roger's disrespect of his mother, but he cooled when he saw her respond positively to it.

"You really think so?" Julia said as she gave herself a quick spin. Her cape flew out then slowly fell back down, resting against the small of her back.

"Of course! You're fucking Flex Girl! I still can't believe it! Thank you so much for letting me be in this!"

"No, thank you for being in this!" Julia said. "It'll make it easier to do this with someone who's a fan already. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do this again, but your enthusiasm is infectious."

Julia's lighthearted banter suddenly turned serious. "Now, you've read the script, right? Do you have any questions before we start?"

Ben was impressed by her professionalism. She was using the tone in her voice she usually only used for her students at her dance classes.

"Yes ma'am, and I've been practicing the moves all week long."

"Great, well, if you're ready to get started, then so am I."

Roger's face was beaming. "I'm more than ready, Flex Girl." He gave her a wink.

Julia gave him a quick smile, then she looked at Ben.

"Alright," Ben said. "Roger, take your place by the boxes, mo- uh, Flex Girl, get behind the door here. Let's get started!"

Julia was proud of her son for taking charge of the shoot. and Ben was proud of his mom as well. He knew how nervous and unsure of this whole thing she was, but she wasn't letting Roger see it. She gave Ben a small smile as she left the room, and Ben gave her a thumbs up of encouragement. The door closed gently behind her, and a few seconds of silence passed.

Then, with Ben's camera pointed at the door, he shouted, "action!"


The door slowly creaked open. Flex Girl's head slowly peeked around the corner. "Finally," she muttered quietly, then she came into the room fully. She confidently put her hands on her hips, and said, "I finally found you after all these years, Paine!"

Ben panned the camera across the room, and focused it on Roger, who was playing the part of Paine. He was looking through one of the boxes in the corner, not for any real reason, mostly just so he had something to do, but he turned around, and gave Julia a dark smile.

"Flex Girl. We meet at last." Paine cracked his knuckles and his neck, then put up his fists. The camera panned back to Flex Girl, who started stretching her arms. She hooked her hands together behind her back and stretched them out as far as she could while arching her back. Ben made sure to get a nice closeup of her stretching body. She then took one of her legs and stretched them to the point where it touched her head.

Wow, Ben thought to himself. She really is super flexible! He almost forgot he was responsible for recording in that moment, and zoomed into her crotch, then slowly panned upward and ended with a closeup of her toes sticking out of her boot. She grabbed her other leg and repeated the same maneuver. Finally, both of her feet were back on the ground, and her fists were raised as well.

"I'll think you'll find," Paine said, "that I'm much stronger than anyone you've gone up against before!"

Flex Girl rolled her eyes. "That's what they all say!" She delivered a few quick kicks to Paine's side. He reacted accordingly and grunted with each hit. She then delivered a high kick to right under his chin, though in reality her foot was several inches away from him, and he threw his head back and staggered backwards.

"Not bad, Flex Girl, but can you take the punishment as well as you can deal it out?"

Paine threw a wild fist into the air, which Flex Girl ducked under easily, and retaliated with a few punches to his midsection. After a few punches, Paine caught one of her hands. Flex Girl looked shocked, then her wide eyed expression turned into a wince as Paine squeezed her hand. She moaned and slowly sank down to her knees. Her other hand latched onto his and tried to pry it off, but Paine was too strong for her.

"Not so tough now, are you Flex Girl?"

Flex Girl glared at Paine. "This match is far from over!"

Paine laughed, then kneed Flex Girl in the face. She fell to the ground on her side. She curled up into a ball and rubbed her hand, all while letting out little moans of pain.

Ben knew this was all part of the script, but he still wasn't prepared for seeing it in action. Hearing his mother's moans filled his head, and it took everything he had to stay focused and keep recording. He had seen many superheroine peril films, mostly in preparation for this, but seeing it in person was a completely different experience. Especially when the heroine in peril was your own mother.

Ben made sure to get a nice shot of her ass while she was on the ground. After a good minute of filming her body on the ground, his mom slowly made her way back to her feet. She shook her hand, readjusted her ponytail, and put up her fists again.

"It's going to take a lot more than that to take me down!" Flex Girl said confidently.

"That's alright," Paine responded. "I have a lot more than that to give you!"

The two exchanged punches, each one just barely missing. Paine was slowly backing Flex Girl up until her back hit the wall. She looked behind her and gasped as if she didn't realize the wall was back there, but of course that was also part of the script. Paine grabbed Flex Girl by her throat and started punching her stomach. Flex Girl hopped up in the air with each hit, and gave out more moans and a few gags.

Suddenly, Paine reared back his fist and slammed it hard into Flex Girl's stomach. For real.

Julia let out a deep guttural grunt, then fell hard onto her knees and rolled over on her side, coughing and gagging. It took everything Ben had to not drop the camera and check on his mother. Roger was supposed to let her go, and she was supposed to slowly slide down the wall and cough a few times. Yet her fall was very real, and so was that punch. But Julia was adamant about not breaking character or stopping filming for any reason. She told Ben that sometimes you improvise, sometimes you get hit for real, and you never break and ruin the shot.

Ben trusted his mother's judgment, so he kept filming. To his surprise, he actually caught a brief smile flash across her face. He saw her rub her stomach, and let out another moan, but this one was different. This one felt more... primal.

Oh my god, Ben thought. She likes this. She likes this a lot! Then he came to another realization. So do I.

Paine grabbed Flex Girl by her ponytail and yanked her up to her knees. He put both hands on either side of her head, then gave her a headbutt. She fell backwards on her back, with her knees still bent so that her boots were resting against her ass. Paine then rested his foot across Flex Girl's neck and started choking her.

Any other person may freak out at seeing this kind of brutality done to one's mother, but Ben was just relieved to see they were back following the script. Roger was a big man, Ben was afraid that too much improvisation may prove too dangerous for his mom. Then again, she was the professional here, even if it was a long time ago. If his mom didn't tell him to stop filming, then he would just keep on filming.

Paine kept the pressure up on Flex Girl's throat. The superheroine writhed on the floor, her hips gyrating and her hands gripping Paine's leg tightly. Ben got a good closeup of her bare legs squirming around, which were starting to get dusty from being on the ground.

"I could crush your windpipe right now if I wanted to, Flex Girl, but where's the fun in that? I wanna make you suffer first before I end you!"

Paine took his foot off of Flex Girl's neck, and told her to get up. She rolled onto her side and finally straightened out her legs. She rubbed her throat and coughed, then looked at Paine with anger in her eyes. She got back up to her feet, brushed off her uniform and her legs, though it didn't do any good, and put up her fists again.

Flex Girl took a swing at Paine with a grunt, but he blocked it. She took another swing, and he blocked that one too. Each swing she took she got angrier, and each time it was blocked, she got more frustrated.

"How are you able to withstand my attacks?" Flex Girl asked incredulously.

She kicked him in the side, but again, he blocked it. She kicked him in the other side, and again, he blocked it, all while making it look easy. Finally, Flex Girl tried to kick him hard, and he caught her leg. She flailed her arms around a bit to keep her balance as she was only standing on one foot now.

Paine rested his hand near her ankle, and slowly made his way up her leg. He paused for a few seconds when he got to her knee, then he kept going up to her thigh and gave it a nice squeeze.

"Ugh, get your hands off of me, pervert!" Flex Girl shouted.

"If you say so," Paine said with a grin, then he elbowed Flex Girl in the knee several times. She grunted with pain after each strike. After a few more hits, he raised her leg up farther so he could get in closer to her, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her up into the air. He held her there for several seconds, then chokeslammed her into the ground.

Roger was supposed to slam her into the boxes to soften the blow, but he threw her right into the concrete ground instead. Julia looked surprised at first, but then quickly got back into character. Again, she didn't seem to be too troubled by his going off script. Ben even sensed her excitement.

Flex Girl rolled over onto her stomach, coughing and gagging from the chokeslam. She started crawling away across the dirty floor towards the door. Ben got a nice shot of her ass up in the air as she slowly made her way across the ground. Ben backed up and made room for Paine to perform his next move.

Ben was really looking forward to this part.

Paine stomped down on Flex Girl's back and she flatted out on the ground. Ben made sure to catch his mom's ass jiggling at she hit the ground. Then he quickly moved the camera down to her feet. Right on cue, Paine knelt down and grabbed one of her ankles and brought her boot close to his face. He sniffed the open part where her toes peeked through. Flex Girl was dazed and moaned, and gently massaged her back to try to alleviate some of her back pain. She wasn't even aware of Paine and his toying with her foot.

Paine found the zipper on Flex Girl's boot and slowly zipped it down. With one hand, he pulled off the boot and tossed it across the floor. He gave her foot a big sniff and rubbed it for a few seconds, before letting it fall to the ground.

Ben wanted so bad to know what his mom's feet smelled like that close.

Paine grabbed her other boot and did the same thing, unzipping it and tossing it across the floor, and sniffing her foot, though this time he decided to do a bit of improvising again. He gave the sole of Flex Girl's foot a lick.

Ben held his breath. He waited for his mom to yell "cut," though he hoped she didn't. She couldn't imagine what her foot tasted like. He felt a strange mix of emotions towards Roger. Anger, disbelief, envy...

Paine gave her foot a few more licks, then he sucked on her toes for a few seconds before letting her foot fall. Julia continued staying in character, so Ben kept on filming. Roger was supposed to run his hand up Julia's leg and give her ass a slap, but he continued improvising. Instead, he rested his tongue against the back of Flex Girl's knee, then slowly ran it up the length of the back of her thigh. Then he gave her a wet kiss on her ass cheek, then gave it a slap. He grabbed Flex Girl by the ponytail and got in close, their cheeks touching. Ben got a closeup of their faces. Flex Girl looked worried, like she realized she was outmatched.

"You're a weak, worthless piece of meat, Flex Girl. You're my toy, and I'm going play with you until you break."

He slammed Flex Girl's head against the ground and knocked her out for a few seconds. Ben panned the camera up and down his mother's body, who of course was only playing unconscious. Hopefully. He started at the back of her head showing her messy ponytail, then made his way down, pausing for a few seconds at her ass, and another few seconds when he got to her feet. Then he made his way back up to the back of her head. It took everything in him not to reach out and touch her. Maybe someday he could convince her to let him be a villain in one of their films. He could touch her anywhere he wanted to then...

What the hell am I thinking? That's my mom! What would she do if she knew I had these thoughts?

She gave out a moan and rolled herself over on her back, then rubbed her forehead.

"Face it, Flex Girl, you've been beaten! Admit defeat, and I'll make your demise quick and painless!"

"Ugh," Flex Girl grunted out as she rolled over again and got up on her hands and knees. She whipped her head back, throwing her ponytail that was dangling in her face behind her. "I'll never submit to you!" she said defiantly.

Paine let out a loud villainous laugh. "I was hoping you'd say that!"

Paine casually walked over to Flex Girl and brought his foot up, slamming it into her stomach. Flex Girl lifted up off the ground several inches then she fell in a heap. Paine straightened her out, then stomped down on her stomach. Her arms and legs shot up in the air, then fell back down on the cold, dusty floor. Her white leotard was covered in splotches of brown and gray, as were her legs. Her legs were beginning to shine as the dust mixed with her sweat. It wasn't exactly warm in the room, so Ben wondered where the sweat was coming from.

He went cold when he realized how much his mom was getting into being beaten. He had noticed a few moans before, but she was practically begging him with her eyes to stomp on her again. Paine stomped down on her stomach hard, over and over again, each time Flex Girl's limbs shot up into the air and fell back down. Finally, Paine gave her a hard kick to the side and she rolled across the dirty floor.

"We can end this now, Flex Girl, just submit to me!"

"Ugh... COUGH... NEVER!"

Ben knew her coughing was real. He was really hurting her, but his mom was still going. He wondered if she would tell him to stop filming for any reason? How far would she go? How far was Roger planning on taking things? Ben was a little worried, but excited at the same time. His mind was such a mess right now.

Paine yanked her up to her knees by her ponytail and slapped her hard across the face. The sound of the slap echoed through the room, letting Ben know that the slap was very real. Flex Girl let out a loud moan. Ben could see her try to stay in character, but she couldn't help but smile a little bit. Paine backhanded her across her face, and she let out another loud moan. Paine then put his giant hand over Flex Girl's face, completely covering it. He brought her up to her feet and slammed the back of her head against the nearest wall. He lifted her up several inches off the ground, and now she was dangling in the air by her face. Paine slammed his fist into her stomach a few times, and each time Flex Girl let out a loud moan of not just pain, but a hint of pleasure. Finally, Paine punched her one last time, and she went limp. Her arms fell to her sides, slapping against her bare, dirty, sweaty thighs. Paine held her there for a few seconds longer, then let her crash to the ground in a heap.

Holy shit mom, are you alright? Of course he only thought this to himself. He wouldn't dare speak and ruin the shot. Her going limp from being lifted up was in the script, but he wasn't so sure she was actually still conscious or not. He felt a huge wave of relief as she let out another moan from the ground.

Not letting Flex Girl get any time to recover, Paine kicked her a few times on the ground. He then grabbed onto her leotard and lifted her up, then tossed her across the room. Ben heard it tear when he lifted her up.

Oh no, Ben thought. Your outfit! Ben thought that maybe a wardrobe malfunction would be enough to stop filming, but to his surprise, when she stood up and saw part of her sleeve had torn, she shrugged as if to say "oh well" then ripped the rest of it off and tossed it to the ground.

Flex Girl loud out a yell, then charged at Paine. Paine simply clotheslined her and she fell flat on her back. Flex Girl let out a gag when Paine's arm slammed into her throat, and she was rolling around and coughing on the ground. Ben got more shots of her body, and made sure to get a closeup of her dirty feet, with the pink of her soles peeking through the black dust and dirt from the ground.

Paine grabbed her by the leotard again and tossed her across the room again. He did this several more times to show just how much stronger he was than her. Flex Girl's leotard was stretched out and torn in several more places, including one spot that gave everyone a nice view of the bottom of her breast.

Ben was probably just as sweaty as his mother was right now.

Flex Girl got up to her feet and was covered in dirt. She held one of her arms as if it was hurt. For all Ben knew, it really was. She did a good job looking pathetic and weak. She limped towards Paine and threw a wild punch that came nowhere close to hitting him.

"Haha! Nice try Flex Girl, but it's no use!"

He continued taunting her as she missed more punches and kicks.

"After all this time of searching for me, you find me and you can't even hit me!"

Flex Girl threw a weak punch and almost fell over from being exhausted.

"This is embarrassing. Just admit defeat, Flex Girl, and I'll end it."

"Ugh! Nyuh! Gyuh!" Flex Girl kept swinging, never giving up despite her obvious defeat. Strands of her ponytail had come loose and were now plastered onto her sweaty face.

"If you're going to be that way, then let's see just how flexible you really are!"

Paine backhanded Flex Girl across her face and spun her around. He then grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders in an argentine backbreaker. Flex Girl flailed her arms and legs around as Paine spun her around a few times, allowing Ben to get a view of her body from every angle. Paine then started bending her backwards over his shoulders. Flex Girl started screaming as her back bent farther and farther.

Ben knew his mother was flexible, but he'd never seen her bend this far before. If they weren't careful, her spine was going to break for real.

Flex Girl screamed out as the back of her dirty feet touched the back of her head.

"I'm impressed, Flex Girl! Anybody else's back would have snapped by now!"

Flex Girl may have been able to avoid a broken back, but she was still screaming out in pain. Her screams were deep and primal.

She was loving this.

Paine stopped bending her, lifted her high up above his head, then slammed her hard against his knee. Ben heard a loud pop when she landed, and hoped that was just the sound your bones make when they get adjusted at the chiropractor, and not the sound your spine makes when it gets broken in half.

Flex Girl let out a long moan as she went limp across Paine's knee. Ben panned the camera across her bent body, starting at her dirty feet, making his way across her sweaty legs, then he got to her crotch and noticed it was damp.

Jesus, was all Ben could think. My mom's getting wet. Jesus Christ.

Ben kept filming her across her stretched and torn leotard with holes everywhere, including under one of her large breasts, just being short of a nip slip. He kept going up, showing her neck, then finally a closeup of her face. Her eyes were closed tightly, her mouth was open, and she was breathing heavily. Her face was covered in sweat and dirt.

Ben backed up and got a full shot of Paine flexing his muscles with Flex Girl draped over his knee. He then picked her up and lifted her high above his head. He let her body lay limply across his hands, as if he was showing her off like a trophy. He then tossed her into the nearby boxes, and she crashed loudly into the pile. The pile of boxes crumbled, and the only part of Flex Girl that was visible was from her ass down to her dirt covered soles.

"I told you I could have made this easy, Flex Girl, but you're too arrogant! I could have just snapped your neck and been done with it, but no. You wouldn't admit defeat. This is all your fault. Now get back here, I'm not done with you yet!"

Paine grabbed onto Flex Girl's dirty foot and dragged her across the floor. He bent down and picked her up, putting her into a reverse bearhug. He trapped her arms so her only free limbs were her legs. At first, her head hung down limply, but once Paine started squeezing, she came too and started moaning again. Paine squeezed her hard and swung her side to side. Flex Girl let out intense moans and grunts, and Ben felt like they didn't even sound like moans of pain anymore. They were all moans of pleasure. His mom was getting the shit kicked out of her and she was getting off on it.

Ben could barely keep the camera in his hands.

There was no bearhug in the script anywhere, so Ben had no idea where this was going to go. Julia was having the time of her life as she was being swung around and squeezed. Her crotch darkened even more, and Ben made sure to get it on film. He couldn't even imagine the conversations he and his mom were going to have after this.

Paine gave Flex Girl one quick jerk, and she went limp again. He then slammed her wet crotch down on his knee. She screamed out, then rolled off his knee onto the ground. She rubbed her crotch and writhed around on the floor, moaning intensely now.

Ben couldn't believe his eyes. He thought she was rubbing herself from the pain, but it was clear to him that she was rubbing herself for a different reason. She was getting herself off.

"Come here, you pathetic bitch," Paine said. "It's time to finish you off for good now!"

Paine sat her up and got behind her, wrapping his legs around her and prying her legs apart with his feet. He wrapped her cape around her neck and started pulling on it. Her thick ass rubbed up against his crotch as he choked her and she writhed around. One of her hands was uselessly pawing at the cape, while the other was still over her crotch. She was rubbing it furiously now and her hips were bucking. Her face was beat red, strands of hair still stuck to her warm, sweaty face. Her eyes rolled back into her head and both of her arms went limp as her hips bucked violently. She let out a long exhale of breath, then her head hung limply down.

Ben's had a huge bulge in his crotch. Oh god, he thought. I just saw my mom cum. Holy shit! Holy fucking shit! And I got it all on film!

Paine let go of the cape and yanked up on her ponytail, allowing her face to be seen again for the camera. Flex Girl's eyes were crossed and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth. A string of drool dripped down from her tongue and landed on her torn up leotard. He let her head go, and it hung down again. He no longer spread her legs apart with his feet, either.

"I beat you Flex Girl. You never had a chance against me. But I wanna make sure you never bother me again!"

Paine grabbed onto her cape and started pulling again. Ben was curious where this was going, since Paine was just supposed to let her fall to the ground after being choked out with her cape. He saw him yank up really hard. Julia's eyes shot open wide. Her legs started kicking against the ground.

Wow, my mom is such a good actress.

Drool was dripping out of her mouth. She was gagging loudly. Her legs were kicking furiously.

Where is this going?

Julia's arms were swinging furiously behind her as she tried to hit the man strangling her.

Is she OK?

Then Ben saw it, and his heart sank. His mother looked at him with her wide, teary eyes. He saw genuine fear.

She wasn't acting.

"Hey," Ben said firmly.

"Shut up, kid," Roger spat out. "Don't ruin the shot!"

"That's enough!" Ben shouted.

Julia's eyes started rolling back in her head. Her face was purple.


"I said that's enough!"

Ben dropped the camera and shoulder charged Roger. Julia's arms went limp just as Roger fell over, being surprised by Ben's charge.

"Ow, fuck you, kid!"

Roger got up to his feet quickly and punched Ben as hard as he could in his stomach. Ben flew across the room and landed in the pile of boxes. He gagged violently and coughed up blood. He tried to move, but it hurt too much to straighten himself out. Something inside of him was obviously wrong. Roger must have ruptured something.

"Ughhhhh... ffffuckkkk.... COUGH!"

Ben looked on helplessly at his mom lying still on the ground. He watched Roger closely as he walked over to his mom's bag and pulled out her sandals. He was confused as he put them on her feet.

"What are you... ugh... doing?" Ben spat out weakly.

"What do you think, kid? I'm finishing off Flex Girl."

Roger dug around in Julia's bag, and he gave out a short laugh as he found what he hoped he would find.

A rope.

"Every good superheroine film star never leaves home without some rope!"

He threw the rope over one of the wooden beams in the room and started tying the end of it into a noose.

Ben tried as hard as he could to move, but it was too painful.

"Mom," he tried shouting, but his voice was too weak.

"Mom! Wake up! Please wake up! Oh fuck, wake up!"

Ben felt a flash of hope as he heard her moan and saw her roll over, but he lost it all when Roger yanked her up to her feet.

Julia was dazed, only half conscious. Roger held her up with one arm around her, and he placed the noose around her neck with the other.

"Unghhh... wha... what?"

Roger tightened the noose right as Julia fully regained consciousness.

"What the fuck is this?!"

She shuffled around and noticed her sandals were back on her feet. Roger grabbed onto the rope and pulled it so that it was just tight enough to keep Julia from going anywhere.

"Roger?! What are you doing?!"

"Quiet, Flex Girl," he shouted as he punched her in the stomach. She would have doubled over if the noose wasn't holding her upright. The noose tightened around her neck and she gagged a few times.

Both Julia and Ben were now completely at this madman's mercy. He knelt down and picked up the camera Ben had dropped and resumed filming.

"I was heartbroken when you announced your retirement. I begged your manager to let me be the villain in your last video. I wanted to be the one to kill you off. It would have been awesome!"

Julia listened to Roger and glared at him. Clearly he was insane.

"But no! You just left! No goodbye video! No final climactic battle! You just... stopped!"

"Roger," Julia said, trying to reason with him. "I had a family. A son. I couldn't keep doing that. I couldn't stomach doing another video. The only reason I came back is because my son convinced me to do it." Julia tried to appeal to him. "I was glad to have someone like you in my video! We could make so many more of these! You play a great villain!"

Of course she would have him arrested as soon as she got out of this.

"Shut up, bitch! What if you just decided to leave again? I can't have that! No! I always wanted to kill you off in a video, and now I get to do it for real!"

Roger pulled on the rope so that Julia was forced up on her tippi-toes. Ben tried to scream out, but nothing came.

Julia's eyes went wide as she thought she was about to be hanged, but he stopped just short. She kept her eyes locked on her son, who was keeping his gaze locked on her.

"But just killing you off without giving you a chance to escape would make me a terrible super villain! So we're going to play a little game."

Roger brushed his hand gently across Julia's face. She kept her gaze on her son.

"If you'll notice, you're wearing your sandals again. I'm going to pull up on this rope, and if you can last sixty seconds in the noose, I'll let you both go. However, if you lose one sandal, I'll add fifteen seconds to the clock. If you lose the second sandal..."

Roger paused for dramatic effect, and gave a huge grin, proud of his villainous idea.

"I'll tie this rope off, and your son and I will watch you die."

Ben's eyes filled with tears, but Julia remained composed. She finally broke her gaze from her son and looked at Roger.

"Fine, let's do this."

"Now that's what I like to hear, Flex Girl!" He wrapped the rope around his hand a few times to make sure he wouldn't drop it.

"Are you ready, Flex Girl?"

Julia closed her eyes. All she could think about at this moment was her son. "Ready."

"Don't forget to keep those sandals on your feet! Here we go!"

Roger yanked up on the rope, and Ben saw his mom being lifted up by her neck by a noose right in front of him. Her hands went for the noose, and she tried lifting herself up to get some air.

"Very good, Flex Girl. I hope you have enough upper body strength to last! Fifty seconds."

The noose was still putting pressure on her throat, making it impossible to take in a full breath.

"You're doing great. Forty seconds."

Julia's arms were shaking quite a bit and felt like they were on fire. She put most of her work outs into her legs, now she was regretting not focusing more on pull ups.

"Thirty seconds, halfway there!"

Julia's arms were almost useless at this point. Her face was turning red, and she started choking against the noose. Her body started jerking side to side involuntarily.

"Ooooh, now it get's interesting. Twenty five."

"Gckk.. GGCKKK!"

Her one leg kicked involuntarily, and her sandal hung from her big toe.

"Don't let your son down! Twenty seconds!"

Her sandal clattered to the ground, right as Roger finished his sentence.

"Oooh, exciting! Back up to thirty five seconds!"

Ben could barely see through his tears. His mother was struggling hard. He wasn't sure she was going to make it.

Her legs slapped together as her body started jerking violently.


One of her arms went limp, but her other was still resting against the rope. Her face was purple. it was clear she wasn't getting any air at all anymore.

"Twenty Five."

Her sandal was still on her foot, but her body was moving a lot more than it was even just a few seconds ago.


Julia's other arm went limp, and her neck was being stretched from the full weight of her body now.


Her eyes were rolling back into her head.


Her stomach was contracting as her body tried to force itself to breathe. Her fingers spasmed against her dirty, sweaty legs.


Her second sandal fell down her foot and was stuck on her big toe, just like her other one was.


No, mom, please. You can do it! You can last just a few more seconds!


She's going to make it!


Her second sandal clattered to the ground.

The sound of the sandal hitting the ground felt as loud as a gun shot to Ben. He stared in disbelief at the sandal, then drew his gaze back up to his hanging mother, who was twitching violently in the noose.

"Sorry, Flex Girl. You lose."

Roger tied the rope off on the nearby door handle.

Ben had enough. It didn't matter how much it hurt. He had to save his mother. He started army crawling across the ground towards the rope.

"Oh, what's this? The side kick is coming to save the day? Come on then. If you can reach the rope, I'll let you untie it, if you can! Try to save her!"

Ben was using all of his strength and clenching his teeth tightly, suffering through the intense pain he felt inside of him. His eyes were closed shut. He could still hear his mother gagging and struggling for her life.

I'm coming, mom. I'm going to save you. Don't worry! I can do it!

After what felt like an eternity, Roger finally spoke.

"Kid, you're too late. She's dead."

Ben's eyes shot open, and he saw that Roger wasn't lying. He saw his mother's body hanging limply from the noose, her neck stretched, her arms limp, her body swaying back and forth. Her face was purple and her eyes were completely white. He looked to see how far he got, and he was barely past the pile of boxes he was just laying in.

He didn't even make it halfway. He never had a chance.

Roger gave Julia's body a spin, then he panned the camera up and down her limp body. Her body was facing away from him, so he started at the bottom, getting a closeup of her dirty feet, dangling in the air. He made his way up her dirty legs, and paused when he got to her ass, just like Ben did earlier. He gave her thick ass a squeeze, then spun her body around so he was zoomed into her crotch. As if on cue, she started pissing herself. The piss trickled down her leg and dripped off the end of her big toe.

"OOooh, look at that! The bitch is pissing herself! What a worthless whore she was!"

Ben's fists were clenched tightly. He couldn't take it. He started sobbing.

Roger continued panning upward, making sure to pause on the hole in her leotard revealing half her breast. Then he zoomed into her face, making sure to get every angle of her empty expression.

"Well, that's it," Roger said. "Flex Girl has finally been defeated. This time for good. And Paine was the one who brought her down! Don't ever forget that!"

Roger started ripping off the remains of Julia's leotard with his free hand. It came off in a few pieces, leaving Julia hanging completely nude.

Ben had to close his eyes. He couldn't watch anymore. He lay there on the ground sobbing to himself, listening to the sounds of Roger doing who knows what to his mother's body for the next ten minutes. Finally, he left the room. Julia's body lowered to the ground when he opened the door, then shot back up when he slammed it behind him. Ben was left alone with his naked, dead mother's body, dangling from a noose.

This is all my fault, he kept repeating in his head. This is all my fault. This is all my fault!


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