- Joined
- Sep 3, 2023
After a cosmic being - a god named Allfather floating in empty cosmos created a world in his head, he filled it with love and beauty.
Following millennia of meditation, exploration and joyous friendships, evil and hardship began finding way into his imagination, destroying what he was creating no matter how much he tried to find sanctuary from it.
Unable to bear witness to cruelty, wastelands and monsters his own thoughts were giving birth to, he ripped his own heart apart. From these pieces two new being were given form: Alra - A goddess of women, beauty, water, cold dark and a god of men - Fehtl, patron of war, fire, steel, and honor.
These two confused beings at first tried to coexist on the remains of their predecessor, but not long after they too began clashing against one another.
Each drop of their blood was creating their own beings - Fehtlari and Alranai who eventually, through the nose of the Allfather found a way into the original god's dreamworld, appearing as 4 meeter tall demons and angels. A child born from Alranai and man would create a 3 meeter tall elven race. A child born from Fehtlari and a woman created a 3 meter tall orcish race.
These outworldly beings began spreading their respective god's dogmas, separating the world's society into two mutually hating constantly waring camps - males and females.
Thus, being a male in a female society is to be a slave or a corpse (sometimes walking), while being a female in a male one is to be a fully covered servant to your man or be burned in many constantly burning pyres found in mans settlements.
You take the part of being an esteemed knight of one of Mankind's many fire strongholds, who has loyally slain many disarmingly dressed necromantic witches, light armored she-elven bandits or savagely naked she-orcish raiders for covering ones beautiful private parts is forbidden in Alra's society. Your exploits have earned the attention of the high clergy who invited you into their closed circle, only for you to witness the depravity and debauchery the previously thought noble priests were unknown for.
After seeing that in reality you served drunken maniacs who only fulfil their most base desires and practice ritualistic sacrifices something broke in you making you slay the members of the high clergy that couldn't escape your hand and mercifully free the last surviving she-elf that was about to be slaughtered.
Will you find a new life and peace among the Womankind of this world if it will accept you or will you fall upon many obstacles your new path will present you with, many within your own mind?
Currently it is a mix of Third/First person RPG, with a groundwork laid out for RTS, Life simulation for needs fulfilment and Survival. There is a little bit of platforming adventure element as well which along with other four pillars I intend to heavily focus on in the development of this game and the next ones.
You need to lead captives to escape your former brothers by going down the elevator, a gate to which is opened by a pressure plate on one of the chain suspended platforms. There is no dying or consequences for losing rather stupid ai companions as of yet. Hopefully next version.
I am planning to continue focusing on RPG, RTS, LifeSim, Survival, Adventure elements of the game while creating a large open world which will allow your RTS base to migrate where you want to go since your main "buildings" are going to be the forementioned 4 meeter tall angels.
Stationary base/housing is also in plans so if you will be able to settle down somewhere for a long perspective and have your female soldiers have walls and other needs at your temporary place of living, because they will have many needs of their own. Among needs of yourself and your followers there will be food/water/fun/energy and bladder.
For RTS I plan to allow player to chose between focus on leading forces of one race, like humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, or goblins, or to mix them in your army to have best of each race partake in their roles, e.g - Elven females as archers, orcish ones as warriors, human maidens as farmers, goblin chicks as miners, dwarven lasses as builders. (But if you wish you will still be able to have elven farmers or miners etc)
Relationships and sex will naturally be a part of the game in the future with heavy emphasis on several flushed out companions who will play a role of stronger heroes of your female army that will be best suited for dungeon exploration or quick hit and run attacks upon your enemies due to being able to adorn equipment akin to yourself, yet I wouldn't leave out possibility to bed and romance regular soldiers/workers, as I don't plan to just have them miraculously appear out of a barracks build but rather be found through quests, exploration or hiring.
Equipment and clothing wise, you'd be able to scavange many items from your battlefields or others places, some enchanted, but while you will be able to wear them in full set and be a sort of tank for your forces, your warriors, rangers or workers no matter the race wont be able to be equipped with anything covering their breasts or pelvis based upon their faith.
For dungeons I hope to bring classic old school adventure elements into the game so expect jumping, climbing and crawling on fours alongside your beloved companions who you can bring all together or chose strongest of their class from. Be careful not to let them die, for even if prolonged drinking of Fehtlari blood filled you with most rare holy fire paladin like abilities to heal and resurrect, thus making you invaluable to Womankind as an ally, there will be ways to lose your allies with no bringing back. (think lava or other severe types of deaths to traps or monsters)
Yet I wouldn't leave out simpler more straightforward corridor dungeons just for the variety and ease of gameplay.
My belief is that dungeons are supposed to reset once in many days for repeated runs but long enough for you to consider moving to a different place for the time being or settle down and camp it.
(current) TAGS:
Big Breasts
(current nude models dont have textures or normal hair, will focus having it fixed this month)
0.0.1 PRE-ALPHA - August 2023
A 1/4th of a tutorial dungeon (skippable in the future) with basic groundwork for RPG/RTS/LifeSim/Survival/Adventure laid out.
Work started on music and models. (though for some reason couldn't move models texture or decent hair into this version so had to severely downgrade it this time and learn how to do it next update)
There are bugs that were not present in the editor - starter text appears again later, first follower cannot leave elevator, and I had a case of pressure plate not opening the escape gate once.
I released it in such bare-bones state because my head could not bear with working on something without feedback or spotlight for it for so long in fear could turn into endless development hell in my mancave of solitude.
(8 months dev learning out of which 3 months on this game in particular)
I anticipate second update in the end of September will focus on improving this part of the dungeon while laying out the second of four parts of it as well as work on mechanics/models and additional music.)
Youtube video discussing this month's (August) release is coming soon in a day or two.

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