To update your mods from $INIT Folder. Here is one method (there are other).
This one is optimized to "save" space on your HDD (minimal files).
1/ Put the updated swf in the $INIT Folder and remove the older one
(ie: moremoodsv4_2.swf is removed and moremoodsv5.swf takes it place)
2/ Write the name of the updated swf in the "Mods.txt" of the $INIT folder, and delete the name of the older one
(ie: moremoodsv5.swf instead of moremoodsv4_2.swf)
3/ Put the updated setting in the Settings folder and remove the older one
(ie: moremoodsv4_2settings.txt is removed and moremoodsv5setting.txt takes it place)
Regarding Moreclothing and Animtools there are extra steps.
Put the moreclothingmods folder (the one that hold all the clothing) in the $INIT folder
Put the animtools_position folder (the one that hold all the positions) in the Settings folder
Now regarding your "Mirror flipped" trouble, Did you try to switch on/off the Mirror button in the option tab?