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Welcome to Undertow.

First and foremost, this is an adult oriented site geared towards the discussion of sexual fetishes and pornographic content. This discussion is to take place without judgement as long as the rules below are being followed. If you don't like it, you should leave now because that's not changing anytime soon. 

If you're completely new here, familiarize yourself with the rules as the moderating staff will not take ignorance as an excuse for breaking them. If you've been with us awhile, read them again as there may be unexpected changes from one of the now defunct communities.

I realize this thing is kind of long, but I do expect everyone here to be familiar with the rules. Most of them are common across most forums, but need to be stated explicitly because rules can't be implied. This thread will be left open, so please feel free to ask questions or offer feedback. If there are any major changes to the rules then we'll try to notify everyone.


Be kind to thy fellow perv

I know some days it's not easy, but try to follow the golden rule. If at any point you feel upset or annoyed, take a step back and reassess the situation. And don't eat greasy food.

Child pornography (let's get that elephant out of the room)

We're hosted off-shore, but it's still illegal in a lot of places outside the western world and posting content or links depicting real, underaged people will not be allowed. While I hate to have this one thing that goes against the purpose of having a community where you can openly discuss sexuality openly, it brings down an incredible amount of heat from governments and local authorities that we're not equipped to handle.

Let me be clear: I will not judge anyone for being aroused by underaged subjects in media and artwork. However, we do have an obligation to make sure this community is not used as a vehicle for people to profit from child abuse and exploitation. This is a distinction I expect everyone here to recognize.

Illustrated work is still allowed (most commonly referred to as lolicon/shotacon), however please continue reading the rules below. This content must be clearly labeled and for the sake of members living in different countries, wrapped in spoiler tags.

At least I'm not into that

There is no moral high ground here. As long as your kinks stay in the realm of your erotic fantasies, as far as I'm concerned, all things are equal. You're free to disagree and if you want to have a discussion with me about that, I'm open to it, but you'll have to keep any hate-speech style rhetoric to yourself.

Effort is appreciated

Many threads involve the exchange or ideas and opinions, and don't require much commitment of time by anyone involved. But some posts do involve significant input, research, troubleshooting or creative work. When this happens, please be mindful of the effort that your fellow forum members have invested. If they've asked for feedback or bug reports then you should try to provide it. If you find a post useful then click the "Like" button. Keep your content-creators happy and they're more likely to continue contributing.

If all you want to say is thanks or acknowledge you read something and that's all you have to say, just use the "Like" button. Helps keep things clean and lets the poster know you like what they got.

A tidy perv is a good perv

You've probably been around your fair share of the internet. It helps when things are where they belong. Do your part in keeping this forum organized neatly and tag threads/posts appropriately, especially when dealing with content that has a reputation of making people feel queasy or uncomfortable (guro, shota/lolicon etc.). Also keep in mind that some users live in countries where such content is illegal to view. Be courteous and wrap such things in spoiler tags with clear warnings.

Madame is outraged!

There's no shitty hive-mind or band of Social Justice Warriors to promote outrage culture here. There will be things that you'll find offensive because that's the nature of the site. We don't want you to be hit in the face with things you don't want to see, but if you voluntarily click a thread titled "A shapely mound of rotting dicks" and end up barfing in your mouth a little, don't try to shift the blame. Again, be courteous and ask for it to be labeled appropriately if you felt blindsided.

There's a major difference between:

"Hey could you _________?" and "Dude, seriously? Fuckin' _________?"

If you can't figure out which approach you should be using, you really don't belong here. If a user posts nothing but things you don't want to see or read, simply block them. If their posting behavior suggests they're being intentionally negligent or inconsiderate, report their post and let the staff deal with it.

No trolling

Waste of time for all involved, I mean unless you have so little going on that it fills you with some sense of achievement. If someone rubs you the wrong way and you feel there's nothing of value you can get from their opinion or insight, block them. If you really feel the need to go get into with someone, do it in private so no one else is subjected to your little dick measuring contest. Report public flame wars between members, even if you're not involved.

Avatars and Signatures

This is an adult oriented site, but as there isn't an option to hide these and making a comprehensive list of what's okay and what's not for just these two things would be an ever-changing nightmare. Keep signatures to a reasonable size (maximum of six standard size single spaced lines).

Avatars and signatures can contain softcore imagery and suggestive themes (revealing clothing, bare breasts and ass are fine), but can not show genitalia or depict hardcore/fetish themes. This includes fetishes that don't necessarily involve sex, such as guro or lolicon.

If you're linking off-site in your signature, review the rule below: I DESERVE FREE MONEY

I DESERVE FREE MONEY (Posting links off-site? Read this)

If you link to an external commercial landing page, crowdfunding campaign, or a personal ad-driven site anywhere on this forum, you are required to link back to Undertow on the same page somewhere above-the-fold. Consider it payment for your advertising space. Repeatedly ignoring or attempting to circumvent this rule will result in a ban.

The use of affiliate links, content lockers, ad-redirectors (, bitly etc.) and file hosts requiring paid membership are also forbidden. Members are highly encouraged to report posts containing these links.


- Links to pages requesting voluntary donations. Mandatory donations are not donations.

- Download pages on external file hosts.

- Offering an easy-to-find, free demo version of your game.


No copyrighted/pirated content is to be hosted on our system.

Please don't upload random images you can easily find on Google images or image hosting sites directly to our forum. The forum attachments system is for members to upload creative work and exclusive content made for Undertow.

As the forum imported content dating back over a decade, there is some content uploaded in the past that does not follow this rule. This rule is regarding uploads going forward since Undertow started. Posters still around are not expected to retroactively go back and move/delete these uploads.

Browser security

The staff takes absolutely no responsibility for the safety of links and downloads found on this site. Antivirus and malware protection are solely your responsibility. There are numerous software packages that are freely available to handle this.

It simply isn't possible for us to proactively vet every single link and upload on the site. If content that could potentially infect your machine is found, it should be reported so that staff can remove it.



Using our storage system to host pirated content is strictly forbidden and an immediately bannable offense. The staff will not be moderating links to downloads hosted externally from the site. These are not our responsibility.

Take down / removal requests

We will only remove content by request from this forum if it meets the following criteria:

- It contains personally identifiable information and was posted without the consent of those it pertains to.

- It is pirated, copyrighted, or intellectual property hosted on our file system.

Our staff will NOT remove links for DMCA purposes. File a DMCA request against the party hosting the physical data you wish to be removed. We will only remove links that are dead.


If you want to trade any paid/pirated content in private, that's on you. You do it out of my sight and the sight of any staff members. Understand the difference between profile posts and private conversations. If you're getting the impression that it's okay to spam random users with trade requests through conversations or start a thread listing off things you want to trade, you're wrong.

If you receive unsolicited requests to trade content, report the message so we can deal with the person responsible.


If you want to buy/sell relevant content or services here (art commissions, games, or mods of your own creation) you are free to do so, however the staff will have no hand in the process and bear no responsibility on any goods, services or currency exchanged.

If a user appears to have no reputation on the forums, do your own research of them and follow the usual best practices for online transactions. If you feel you were scammed, file a report with the payment processor. Be wary of anyone requesting payments be made as gift or donation and not as a commercial transaction. You'll receive absolutely no help from companies like PayPal if you do this.

That said, if you feel you've been cheated and were unable to reach a resolution with the other party, you are free to post your experience or feedback regarding another member here publicly as long as you remain objective. If the staff sees a track record of questionable behavior from someone, we will remove the member from the site.

Defamation / Libel

In the interest of avoiding having lawyers and agents of politicians snooping around here, let's avoid mentioning public figures and celebrities by name. For SDT modders in particular since specific requests are common, only refer to celebrities by stage or character name rather than their real one.

Example: Black Widow instead of Scarlett Johansson

I know you were really looking forward to that request of Madeleine Albright being fulfilled, but try to contain your disappointment.

Subject to change

These rules, like all rules, will never cover every single situation that could potentially come up and cause issues. In such cases where the rules are vague, open to interpretation or contradictory to standing rules, the staff will deal with them on a case-by-case basis and evaluate our current rules to see additions or changes are necessary. We will announce major changes in rules should they come up, but it's also your job to be informed what the rules are regardless.

TL;DR this shit is subject to change without notice. Check in on this post periodically.


Are you 18 or older?

This website requires you to be 18 years of age or older. Please verify your age to view the content, or click Exit to leave.