Anonymous said:
ModGuy said:
Anonymous said:
I really wish we could have a fix on that, or if the loader would load pngs over stuff and let you remove them with the reset button.
A SWF mod would be a more realistic solution than coding an import algo that won't get used for anything else.
I disagree actually, in this specific case, if it had the option, yes swf would make more sense. But I have a folder of 100 accessories that need to be made into swf imports, compared to writing 1 algo to just load them. Not that I can or am I going to, but I would much rather write 1 script than repeat doing the same thing over 100 times.
Well you are missing the versatility of SWFs.
Given that an algo existed, it would need to manually jam bitmaps on to specific layers which could break between versions.
You wouldn't be able to move the import after loading, this would be pretty simple with a SWF mod.
There's also the whole scaling issue, zooming in would render such an import blurry.
And a whole bunch of other reasons.
It could be possible to write a mod, which loads the sections of the image on to said layers and then registers them for removal.