There are some high quality H-games out there now. For people who are actually into paying for these things, I feel like listing off what I can recommend to the fellow players. These are for the English-version of the games.
All games are worth the money, and are values on a scale from 3 to 5:
5 Stars: Excellent games at low prices.
4 Stars: Excellent games at average prices, or Above-average games at low prices.
3 Stars: Worth the money: Average game at low price, or excellent games at passable prices.
Within a list, I've ordered the games roughly in terms of my preference (taking into account the price).
5 Stars: *****
* $15 Aselia the Eternal (Non-H): Aselia the Eternal
* $20 Re;Lord 1 ~The witch of Herfort and stuffed animals~ :Re;Lord 1 ~The witch of Herfort and stuffed animals~
* $10 Millia Chronicles (part of a 3-game package: ryonage Canned Goods) Ryonage Canned Goods [D-Gate] | DLsite
4 Stars: ****
* $15 Princess Waltz: Princess Waltz
* $15 Echidna Wars Dx ECHIDNA WARS DX [D-Gate] | DLsite
* $45 Evenicle - Evenicle (download)
* $40 Senran Kagura Estival Versus (Non-H): SENRAN KAGURA ESTIVAL VERSUS on Steam
* $35 Beat Blades Haruka - Beat Blades Haruka (download)
* $20 Lightning Warrior Raidy II Lightning Warrior Raidy II: Temple of Desire
3 Stars: ***
* $40 Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest: Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest
* $20 The Spirit Master of Retarnia -Conqueror of the Labyrinth: - The Spirit Master of Retarnia -Conqueror of the Labyrinth- (download)
* $40 Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash (Non-H): SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash on Steam
* Slave's sword: Slave’s Sword Game Page – Kagura Games
* Re;Lord 2 ~The witch of Cologne and black cat~: Sekai Project July Updates! – | Sekai Project
* Beat Angel Escalayer R:
* Only Raidy 2 makes the list. I've played Raidy1 and Raidy3, but I don't believe they deserve a spot on the list. Good art and all, but the gameplay gets very repetitive, very quickly.
* Senran Kagura PBS and Estival Versus are the only games I've played, and thus are the only Senran Kagura games I list here.