And another one, because I've been in a mood, haha!
Battered. It was the only word I could come up with for my state of being right now. My ribs hurt, my mind is swimming, and my eyes just can't seem to focus! The shouts and reverberations of the other women continuing to fight is all that's grounding me to the ring. One too many blows to the head, I guess! Shakily, I move though. Standing still just made you a target in a match like this, and targets didn't last long when they got to my stage of wear and tear...
I see Gemma in the corner. She's hung up on the ropes, and I know she's as bad off as I am... maybe I can get my second wind from her. A quick toss out and I'm sure I'll feel better! I just need to... move...
My legs carry me groggily, but before I reach her I feel a pair of hands clamp down on me. The gasp that escapes me doesn't even sound like my own, but it is, and the laugh that follows is Eva's.
"Pack your bags yet?"
She's behind me. One of her hands closes around my already warmed up pussy from behind, and even in my daze I can feel the blush in my cheeks as her fingers grind through my leotard to get a better grip on my body. I'm already wet, and I bet she can feel it. But if she'd wanted me to answer her question, she doesn't make it easy! Almost immediately I feel my feet leave the mat, my hair pulling back from me as air rushes past my face!
The hand so untenderly gripping between my thighs gives her most of the leverage she needs to get me moving, and momentum does the rest. I briefly feel a second hand on my side, guiding me towards the edge of the ring. I manage a weak, defiant cry of surprise, but it probably only amuses her all the more as she finishes me off in more ways than one. The spasming gush of into my leotard becomes my whole world in that brief second, a final humiliation for an already humiliating situation!
I'm hurled over the top rope, landing on the matting outside with a loud croak as the air rushes from my lungs. My body bounces, then splays out, my unfocused eyes staring up at the ceiling overhead.
"Later, loser!" She waves me off and turns her back to the ropes, eyes returning to the match still waiting to crown its champion...