
chokercollarresistance V4

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added public access and communication availability to other mods.
(requested for choker snapping mod )
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chockercollarresistV3 by sby

added setting to have stretching on swallow
bugfix, hopefully should make those buttons appear for folks that don't use some of my other mods
chockercollarresistV2 by sby
added ability to 'stretch' collars with in game option

there is now a tautness slider, where it goes from loose fitting -> tight fitting.
adjust this occording to how well the collar fits against her neck. tighter collars will scale outward more and have a sooner resitive profile.
for all of the vanilla collars, leaving this at halfway should look fine.

there is a rigidity slider that goes from stretchy -> rigid
adjust this occording to how stiff the collar would be made. a lace band would be very stretchy, vs a leather collar would be more rigid. more rigid collars take longer to stretch through

if stretching is enabled, you are able to push past the resistance collar area and stretch the collar by either holding down the mouse press, or over time the collar resistivity will lower as the penis is held against it. the more rigid the collar, the longer the press will need to be held and the longer it takes to lower resistivity.

bugfix, adjusted popup menu to be added to top of menu upon loading due to moreclothing usually adding stuff near the menu.

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