Vanilla Modified Hana Midorikawa Hair

Vanilla Modified Hana Midorikawa Hair 4.0

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Added a dynamic hair version of the V2 hair. Blonde, Brunette, and RGBHair adjustable versions are available, currently no Headwear RGB adjustable version.

No dynamic version of V1 for now.
Updated the first version of the Hana Midorikawa for the HairRGB mod to use the additional RGB sliders provided to control the hair's outline and highlight color, like the second version already does.
Added a version of the standard hair with a portion of it tucked behind the ear and it's RGB Adjustable versions.
Added 3 RGB versions of the hair.
  • Headwear RGB, uses the RGB sliders for headwear
  • Collar RGB, uses the RGB sliders for collars
  • HairRGB, requires the hairRGB mod by @sby

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