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Blakun Mk. III
See below. Time for some baddies too...
Blakun was once a human sorcerer, perhaps two centuries ago, who chose the path of lichdom to gain immortality and power, and then learned the arts to craft a nearly-indestructible metal suit to become an Iron Lich.

Born on an unknown world, he would become a sorcerer-king, and eventually would hire or enslave metallurgists and artisans to craft the iron suit that would house what remained of his body, which would both protect him in the centuries ahead and enhance his powers.

Upon completion of the project and his full transformation to an Iron Lich by encasing himself permanently in the metal suit, Blakun killed everyone that assisted him, destroying any knowledge of how the suit was built, and potential weaknesses, entombing them all in a Living Wall.

This vile act earned him the gaze of the Dark Powers; enigmatic, god-like entities that ruled over the Demiplane of Dread...'Ravenloft'.

Mistlead by a fog bank, he would wander Dementlieu, Falknovia amd other domains, gaining enough power to rival the Dark Lords ruling them; his end goal to either destroy a Dark Lord and take his place, or emerge his own Domain by sheer power.

A brave and inventive band of ad hoc adventurers led by Connor Holden-Foxgrove and including the Mistlead slave girl Kiri eventually defeated Blakun, but were unable to locate and destroy his phylactery.

Blakun was canny enough to have prepared a 'Mk. II' suit as a backup, and challenged major powers in the Core and escaped Ravenloft, but the effort nearly destroyed his second suit and almost ended him. Finally, in planes including Sigil, Baator and Mechanus, he crafted his most powerful creation; the Blakun Mk. III suit, and set to regaining his former power his escape had cost him.

Now, for reasons unknown, he has come to other worlds, including a planet called Earth...
quite a terrifying backstory and disturbing in a body horror type way. So does he have any desire for pants or is this a more serious villain?

No real relation, other than the fact that Kiri was involved in this online campaign. In the Forgotten Realms' Dalelands region, she was Mistlead into Dementlieu, and left with only a pair of rubber pants. Even her sword Goldfire was gone, and while she later recovered it, in the interim she found (was found by) an intelligent Vorpal Blade that she named Mimir, in the Nordic lore of her original barbarian tribe. Far more intelligent and willful than Kiri, it dominated her to do its wishes.

Cut and bleeding as she pushed her way through thorny bramble in a rainy forest in deep twilight, toward the lights of the village of Genduvi (custom made for the campaign).

Arriving at the Sniffling Sow Inn & Tavern, she met up with others, who would become an ad hoc character of mostly misfits that would take on many adventures, culminating in a showdown with Blakun, before being able to sneak out of Ravenloft, via a little-known transitive plane.

Blakun was pretty classic as a villain, and basically what you'd expect from a lich of any type. Power, domination, destruction, etc.

Kiri would have plenty of encounters along the way, also within the loose party, that would seek to exploit her.

A vampire that had an erotic relation with her. Felt her voice was too pleasant, not too shrill even when she screamed, which saved her from having him cut her vocal cords.

Aisha, a Japanese-ish sorceress whose first reaction with Kiri was to take her up to her room in the inn, tie her wrists and stand her in the tub, and doing Psycho-ish splatters of blood in it, lashing her with a barbed cat o' nine tails, Kiri smitten enough with the skill of her torture that they mutually agreed to Kiri being her slave.
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Exploited Kiri and companions...foes
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